Woodrow Wilson: Essential Writings and Speeches of the Scholar-presidentNYU Press, 2006 - Всего страниц: 429 From the Ivy League to the oval office, Woodrow Wilson was the only professional scholar to become a U.S. president. A professor of history and political science, Wilson became the dynamic president of Princeton University in 1902 and was one of its most prolific scholars before entering active politics. Through his labors as student, scholar, and statesman, he left a legacy of elegant writings on everything from educational reform to religion to history and politics. |
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... nature of liberal education , developed firm ideas about some of the worrisome changes emerging in American higher education , and wrote often as an advocate of his vision of learning . That vision prescribed not only preparation for ...
... nature and goals of higher education and drew admiring atten- tion and tempting invitations. Johns Hopkins asked him to accept a chair; the universities of Illinois and Virginia invited him to take the presidency. He was flattered by ...
... nature. It is indeed the diversity of his genius which first strikes us as we look back to the elder Pitt. In him consummate powers kept company with small weaknesses, strong wisdom stood side by side with weak folly, truth- fulness and ...
... nature thus outwardly shad- owed forth. They bowed to a will which itself bent to no obstacle; they feared, even while they sneered at, the personal purity which gave such a keen edge to his attacks upon corrupt opponents. Their hearts ...
... nature is a spirit of adventure, enterprise, conquest. What could be more impressive than a policy which, in winning India for the English Crown, built a great empire in the far East; in driving the French from America, made our great ...
1 | |
41 | |
60 | |
On Education and Scholarship | 106 |
The Historian | 147 |
The Political Scientist | 218 |
New Jersey Politics | 313 |
Road to the White House | 341 |
The New Freedom | 349 |
Appeal to Republicans | 356 |
President Wilson | 366 |
at Pueblo Colorado | 411 |
About the Editor | 429 |