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TRANS-, over change; transport, carry over; transpose, change place. a. Trans, is three times used as tra, and once as tres; as, traduce, tradition, traject, trespass.

ULTRA-, beyond; ultraist, one who is beyond; ultramarine, beyond the-




cardiac, pertaining to the heart.

-AC, pertaining to;

-ACEOUS, having;
-ACY, being, office;

herbaceous, having herbs.

-AGE, pertaining to;

accuracy, being accurate; magistracy, office of aporterage pertaining to a porter.

-AL, pertaining to; personal, pertaining to the person.

—AN, -IAN, pertaining to, one who; sylvan, pertaining to the woods;
Christian, pertaining to Christ, one who believes in Christ.

-ANCE, ANCY, state of being; constancy, state of being constant.
-ANT, one who, -ing; servant, one who serves; pleasant, pleasing.
-AR, pertaining to, having, one who; solar, pertaining to the sun; mus-
cular, having muscles; scholar, one who has studied.

—ARD, one who; laggard, one who waits.

-ARY, one who, pertaining to; adversary, one who is adverse; military, pertaining to militia.

-ATE, having, who; fortunate, having fortune; primate, who is first. -ATE, to make, give, take, put; alienate, to make an alien; animate,

give life; appropriate, take to one's self; dislocate, put out of place. -BLE, may be, worthy; curable, may be cured; respectable, worthy of-CLE, little, small; canticle, a little song; icicle, a small stick of ice. —EE, one who, to whom; guarantee, one who guarantees; donee, to whom anything is given.

-EER, one who; muleteer, one who drives mules.

-ENCE, -ENCY, condition, -ing; cadence, falling; innocency, condition of innocence.

—ENT, one that, -ing; student, one that studies; confident, being sure.
-ESCENCE, -ESCENT, growing; convalescence, convalescent, growing well.
-FY, to make; clarify, to make clear; deify, to make a god.
—IC, -ICAL, like, pertaining to; angelic, like an angel; astronomical,
pertaining to the stars.

-ICE, one who, being, thing, place; novice, one who is new; justice, be ing just; notice, thing that makes known; office, place of business. -ICS, science, art of; mathematics, science of quantity; calisthenics, art of exercise.

-ID, being, -ing; torpid, being dull; vivid, living.



-ILE, belonging to, may be; juvenile, belonging to youth; fragile, may

be broken.

-INE, belonging to, like; marine, belonging to the sea; infantine, like an infant.

-ION, act of, state of being, -ing; conflagration, act of burning; perfection, state of being perfect; election, choosing.

-ISE, -IZE, make, give; idealize, make ideas; systematize, give system. -ISH, to make; publish, to make public. (See same in Saxon.) -ISM, state of being, idiom, doctrine; heroism, state of being a hero; anglicism, English idiom; Judaism, doctrine of the Jews. -IST, one who: theorist, one who forms theories; artist, one who practises an art.

-ITE, one who; favorite, one who is favored.

—ITY, ―TY, state of being; humidity, state of being moist; novelty, state of being new.

—IVE, one who, capable of, -ing; fugitive, one who flies; curative, capable of curing; passive, receiving.

-MENT, state of being, act of, thing that; confinement, state of being confined; encouragement, act of encouraging; statement, thing that is stated.

-MONY, state of being, what; sanctimony, state of being sacred; testimony, what is testified.

-ND, to be; minuend, to be lessened; multiplicand, to be multiplied. -OR, one who; testator, one who makes a will; creator, one who creates. -ORY, place where, that which, who, pertaining to, -ing; armory, place

where arms are kept; memory, that which remembers; directory, those who direct; consolatory, pertaining to consolation; prohibitory, prohibiting.

-OSE, full of; verbose, full of words; jocose, full of jokes. -ous, full of, belonging to, consisting of, -ing; humorous, full of humor; igneous, belonging to fire; timorous, fearing.

-RY, being, art of, place where; bravery, being brave; surgery, art of a surgeon; fishery, place where fishes are caught.

-tude, -ude, state of being; solitude, state of being solitary. -ULE, little; globule, a little globe; granule, a little grain. -URE, the thing, state of being, act of; picture, thing painted; pleasure, state of being pleased; seizure, the act of seizing.

-Y, state of being, -ing; modesty, state of being modest; sympathy, sympathizing.


IN the following list of Latin words, the root only, or the part preceding the hyphen, is translated; as, in ago, ag means act, and o means I.

Roots not translated will suggest their own meanings; as, act-um, an act; angul-us, an angle.

These Roots are to be used in the same manner as the Saxon Roots.

[blocks in formation]
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A-, AN-, without, not; atheist, without God; anomaly, not like.
AMBI-, AMPHI-, double; amphibious, double lived.

ANA-, back again; analysis, tracing back again.

ANT-, ANTE-, opposite; antarctic, opposite the north; antipathy.
APп-, APO-, from; aphorism, separate from; apostle, one sent from.
Cat-, cata-, from side to side, down; catechise, make sounds from

side to side; cataract, water falling down.

DI-, DIA-, through, between; diameter, measure through.


EN-, EM-, in, among; emphasis, in a stress of voice; endemic, among the EPI-, upon; epidemic, upon the people.

HYPER-, over, beyond; hypercritical, over critical.

HYPO-, under; hypothesis, placed under.

META-, beyond; metaphysics, beyond nature.

Para-, par-, beside, like; parallel, beside another; parody, like an ode. PERI-, about, around; perihelion, about the sun; perimeter, measure SY-, SYN-, together; synthesis, syntax, putting together.

Special Rules for SYN.

a. Syn, before s, drops n; as, system for synstem.


b. The n in Syn, before 7 and m, is changed into the same;

as, in synlable, syllable; symmetry, symmetry.

c. The n in Syn, before b and p, is changed into m; as, in symbol, symbol; synphony, symphony.


THESE Roots are to be used in the same manner as the

[blocks in formation]

The foregoing lists embrace all the Prefixes and Suffixes, while only the principal definition of each is given, from which it will be easy to infer the variations in meaning, thus, syn chronos would mean together-time, that is, same time.

The roots given are mostly those that occur in the schoolbooks; thus, subtrahend, nd, to be; trah, taken; sub, away. Let each new term be carefully analyzed when its use is learned.

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