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Tax island of Martinique claims the distinction of being the birth-place of Josephing, who was born the 24th day of June, 1763. Her father, M. de Tascher was a man of influence and moderate wealth, possess ing a large plantation and an ample retinue of slaves He was a man of ambition and unyielding sternness and to this, in a great measure, was owing the misfortunes which embittered Josephine's early life and threw her into the whirl of events that bore her on s greatness and suffering.

Her childhood was spent in lively sports and as ments, attended by young negresses who were permi ted to indulge her every whim, and socadorned to abe instantly the most childish requiremeti tik be us limited indulgence, her naturally NET

Fortunately, Madam de Taseber was wise s see this, and brought Josephine more within ber-o:

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