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the best account of them. It discusses the flint examples originally obtained by Benjamin Harrison from the patches of early drift on the chalk plateau near Ightham in Britain. Besides the two subgroups of true Eoliths, he included a few, amounting at the time he wrote to 6% of the total finds--a proportion that must now have dwindled to a mere fraction-that are admitted on all hands. Of these, represented by his figures 38 and 39, and perhaps also 10 and 37, not a single example has been found in situ in the plateau gravel. The writer's opinion is that these, which are merely rude examples of Paleolithic forms, and which, if they are all in the same condition as those represented by Figs. 38 and 39 (which the writer has seen) are much fresher than the majority at least of the typical Eolithic forms, should be included with those other implements found on the plateau, of which Prestwich says: "It is true that some specimens found on the plateau are as well worked as any from the valleydrifts [Palæolithic] and how to account for their presence yet presents some difficulty, but that they are not of the same age, I feel nearly certain. Not only is their make different, but their condition, their freshness-if it may be so termed and their rarity constitute differences so great that, placed side by side, they would never be placed in the same category. That they should be found on the plateau is no more surprising than that unmistakable Neolithic implements are found on the same surface, in company with the plateau gravel [Eolithic] implements." It must be remembered that at the time he wrote there were no sections in the deposit, all the specimens being picked up on the surface. No implements of this third subgroup have been found in the sections which have since been specially made.



By the homestead on the farm Mambivlakte, there are three flat-topped quartzite hills, one to the north, the other two to the south, of the road. On the middle one, and probably on the others also, there is a covering of dark-coloured jasper, chert, and ironstone gravel, containing numerous glazed flake- Eoliths, mostly of brown and yellowish-brown jasper, like those from Leijfontein.


On the farm Kameelfontein there is gravelly débris like that at Leijfontein, containing worn, glazed jasper Eoliths and flakes with an Eolithic style and quality of trimming. Of these, however, the latter amount to more than one-half of the total implements, so that the general assemblage is in advance of that of Leijfontein.

Further, rude chipped discs and flat, more or less circular, pieces of stone, with an edge worked along part of the periphery, also occur. These last are worked in the same way as the typical Palæolithic implements, by alternately striking a chip first off one face and then off the other. They are evidently the initial stage in the evolution of that class of implement. Some of the specimens

collected are, in fact, primitive examples of the typical Palæolithic implements, and leave no doubt as to the origin of the latter class of implement.

Lying on the same surface, but in striking contrast to these worn and primitive Paleoliths, were some quite sharp and fresh-looking examples of very advanced form and finish. They are of chert and jasper, and comprise both almond-shaped and axe-head types.


At one place on the road from Schmidt's Drift to Campbell I noticed many of the characteristic large Palæolithic flakes, as well as some unfinished examples of the typical implements associated with boulders embedded in red, loamy sand.

PALEOLITHIC TYPES AND Advanced Group from the Lange Berg.

On the farm Zoutputs in the Lange Berg I came across numbers of unfinished Paleolithic implements of quartzite associated with the characteristic large flakes, among débris on the sides and at the foot of a hill. Together with them I found three rather interesting flake-tools of a very primitive kind, but probably contemporaneous with the other implements.

Between the farms Zoutputs and Spitzkop there is a rock-shelter in the upturned quartzite formation. At the foot of the cliff in which it is situated I found many jasper spalls, also flakes of chert, quartz, and quartzite, as well as some specially interesting flaketools and an incised fragment of ostrich eggshell.


The Orange River, on the north bank, opposite the village of Prieska, is bounded by a terrace of sub-angular jasper gravel. This gravel is cemented into a hard conglomerate by sand and lime. It is overlaid by sandstone, consisting of quartz grains, similarly bound together by calcareous matter. I saw many much-worn, characteristic Palæolithic flakes, as well as a typical implement; in situ, in the deposit, but was unable to extract them owing to its hardness. I, however, obtained one very nice, though worn, specimen, which had only just been freed by atmospheric disintegration of the matrix. There are many similar jasper Palæoliths, as well as some of quartzite, in the bed of the river, that are evidently derived from this deposit, and of which I brought away some examples.

The presence of the Taaibosch Spruit group among the overlying sand-dunes is indicated by fresh jasper spalls, and by the finding of a characteristically small jasper core, coloured chert flake, and grey chert scraper, as well as a hemispherical stone like that from the junction of the Riet and Modder Rivers, but with the hole barely started.


The above locality has been rendered classical by Rickard's account of his discovery of Paleolithic implements there. His paper, "Notes on Four Series of Paleolithic Implements from South Africa, ," is one of the few of any good that have been written on South African stone implements.

"The Implements from the Junction [of the Riet and Modder Rivers] were found in the bed of the river immediately below the point where the rivers become confluent, lying either on the bare, rock or in small hollows containing a little coarse gravel; I collected upwards of eighty specimens in a few hours, but had to abandon the majority of them on account of the difficulty and cost of transport."

He devotes two plates to them. Plate I. shews two typical tongue or almond-shaped implements. Plate II. shews a fine representative of the axe-head type, drawn to actual size.

I, also, obtained quite a number of both types there, but they were all very much water-worn, being practically reduced to pebbles. I have no doubt that they come from the gravelly stratum at the base of the alluvium ( = lower terrace of the Vaal). This was east of the bridge.

West of the bridge, and some little distance north of the river, I found a great quantity of quite fresh and sharp scrapers of grey aphanite, mixed with flakes and cores. They had been exposed to view by the removal of a thin covering of surface soil.

Nineteen examples are shewn in the accompanying illustration (Plate 4). I do not propose to say much about them. Although our knowledge of the Stone Age of South Africa has increased with an unprecedented rapidity during the last few years, the time is not yet ripe for generalisation. It is noteworthy that they present an entirely different assemblage to any that has hitherto been found in South Africa. It is important to note that in order to illustrate as many as possible of the forms met with, I have had to give undue representation to exceptions. Moreover, a number being almost as thick as they are broad, with the edge-trimming nearly, if not quite, vertical, are unsuitable for drawings. The three middle specimens of the second row illustrate the dominant form. Interesting are the extremely elongate kinds, and the variety trimmed at both ends.

These implements are unquestionably newer than the alluvium. Together with these were found three or four chert scrapers, a grooved cylindrical piece of sandstone, a hemispherical stone with at hole bored to a depth of about one and a half centimetres from the flat side, numerous ostrich eggshell fragments, a bead made of same, and the half of a glass bead.


The group of implements found at this farm is similar to the assemblage from the junction of the Riet and Modder Rivers, the * J. C. Rickard, Camb. Ant. Soc., V. (1880).

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very thick forms, however, being predominant. The implements, too, are made of the same materials, that is, with the exception of one jasper and five small chert specimens, of the peculiar grey aphanite. They are probably all scrapers, and present the same variability at both places. They occur under a thin covering of surface soil.

The accompanying illustration (Plate 5), if combined with that of the examples from the Junction, gives a very good idea of the general facies. The impossibility of accurately drawing the very thick forms has, however, prevented their receiving representation. As regards size, some are a good deal larger than those figured. They are not common, nor are the minute specimens shewn in the middle row of the illustration. I have one very neatly trimmed example (11,109) that measures only 12 x 9 millimetres.

The very long scrapers, and those trimmed at both ends, are well represented. There are also two or three examples of a peculiar wedge-shaped form (which also occurs at Riverton)-they are trimmed all round, the secondary chipping being nearly or quite vertical at the sides and convex end, but inclined at a comparatively low angle at the straight end.

While a large proportion are most exquisitely finished, a great many have been very roughly made. These last are interesting on account of the light they throw on the Eolithic question. Many, indeed, shew little or no improvement on their prototypes.

An ostrich eggshell bead and a piece of pottery were found,

together with the implements.


Riverton Island is famous for the outlines of animals and the curious symbols which are chipped on the polished rock surfaces. The great eland mentioned by Stow is still in existence, though sadly damaged.

On the south side of the river, both terraces and the alluvium overlying the lower one, are well developed. In the lower terrace I noticed several of the characteristic large flakes, and obtained one or two of the typical Palæolithic implements.

Above the alluvium is a thin covering of constantly shifting sand. In places where this had been blown away, I came across in great abundance a most interesting group of implements. Apart from hammer and grind-stones, a perforated ball, and grooved cylindrical pieces of sandstone, they may be divided into three series (1) Scrapers of grey and green aphanite, resembling in a general way those from the junction of the Riet and Modder Rivers, (2) minute scrapers like those recorded by me from the Taaibosch Spruit, (3) Pigmy chert implements of remarkably delicate workmanship, mostly of peculiar form and unknown use.

Thirty-nine of these last are shewn in the accompanying illustration (Plate 6). They are a Neolithic type that is already known from Europe (including Britain) and India, but of which only one example

--the crescent variety-has hitherto been recorded from South Africa. For reasons given in a previous paragraph, I do not propose at present to bring forward any conclusions based on them, preferring, in the present state of our knowledge, to allow them to speak for themselves.

In addition to the above, I obtained fragments of pottery and a number of ostrich eggshell beads, as well as spherical and cylindrical glass beads. These last, though much discoloured, through long exposure to the weather, probably have no connection with the implements, there being all sorts of other modern débris associated with them in places. At the present time there are a number of natives living in huts on part of the old site.


On the left bank of the Hart River, at the drift near its junction with the Vaal, numerous shafts have been sunk down to, and tunnels driven along, the diamond-bearing layer at the base of the upper terrace. The deposit consists of well-rounded boulders in a matrix of much rolled river gravel. I saw many of the large, characteristic Paleolithic flakes among the heaps of excavated stones. They were in the same water-worn condition as the rest of the constituents of the deposit. On one heap I also picked up two of the typical Paleolithic implements, but these are not so much worn and may possibly not belong to the deposit.

Just west of the mouth of the Hart River, I obtained a typical Paleolithic implement, and saw many of the large, characteristic flakes in situ, in the lower terrace, which here consists of a thin stratum of gravelly detritus lying at the foot of a cliff of tufaceous limestone, and overlaid partly by alluvium, and partly by a talus of the tufa.

On top of the cliff, and some little distance back from the river, I obtained a large number of minute scrapers, mostly of coloured chert, similar to those from Taaibosch Spruit, some very nice "pigmies," like those from Riverton, several ostrich eggshell beads, a circular stone with flat sides and edge, a cylindrical glass bead, and some pieces of pottery.


During my recent trek through Griqualand West, I crossed the Asbestos Hills twice, on the outward journey by Kranzfontein, and on the return by Griquatown. At both points I noticed many rockshelters, all of which were no doubt inhabited at one time or other. In all that I examined, quite fresh and sharp spalls of the local jasper were abundant, while a careful search brought to light a number of minute flake tools, fragments of pottery, and ostrich eggshell beads.

On the farm Kranzfontein the rockshelters occurred in the precipitous sides of a winding kloof. I examined two of them.

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