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The Teacher's Journal


Admitted as Second-class Matter at the Postomice at Marion, Indiana, under the Ast of Congress of March 3. 1879.

ONE DOLLAR is the subscription price for one year. Single Copies mailed for ten cents.
REMITTANCES should be made by draft on New York, express money order or postal
money order payable to The Teacher's Journal Company.
ADVERTISING RATES made known on application.
CONTRIBUTIONS on educational topics are welcomed.

Practical questions of real educa

tional value carefully answered. Puzzles receive no attention. CHANGES IN ADDRESS should be ordered one month in advance. If The Journal does not reach you by the 15th of the month inform us. Address all communications to the TEACHER'S JOURNAL COMPANY, MARION, INDIANA

Vol. 16


No. 3



A lifeless teacher makes a dead good teacher are gumption and com

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If you expect to do a great year's No matter what the condition of work, plan for it. Things of much your school, it is your duty to make it importance do not come as the result better. of accident.

The leading characteristics of a

The true teacher is not a follower

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