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[blocks in formation]


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[blocks in formation]


This Book is now used in Preparing for the Public Examinations.


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This Day, crown 8vo., with Frontispiece, 78. 6d., THE GEM OF THORNEY ISLAND; Or, The Historical Associations of Westminster Abbey. By the REV. J. RIDGWAY, M.A., Vice Principal of the North London Collegiate School. Just published, fcap. 8vo., 6.,

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London: BELL & DALDY, 186. Fleet Street, E.C.

Printed by GEORGE ANDREW STOTTISWOODE, of No. 10. Little New Street, in the Parish of St. Bride, in the City of London, at No. 5. New-street Square, in the said Parish, and published by GEORGE BELL, of No. 186. Fleet Street, in the Parish of St. Dunstan in the West, in the City of London, Publisher, at No. 16. Fleet Street, aforesaid.-April 20, 1860.



[blocks in formation]

Alicui on Becket's grace-cup, 143.

on Bishop Barnaby, 132.

All Angels and St. Michael's, feast of, 235.
"All to-broke," 490.

Allusion in Friar Brackley's sermon, 351.
Almanack (Poor Robin's), 470.

Alms-basins, ancient, inscription on, 44.
52. 171.

Alms-dishes, ancient inscribed, 87. 117.
135, 254.

Alpha on the origin of slang phrases, 185.
Alsop (Anthony), 215. 249.

Alythes on Belvoir Castle, 246.
America known to the ancients, 342.

Madoc's emigration to, 12. 56. 57. 58.
236. 282.

American aborigines, why called Indians?

254. 49!.

bittern, 352.

lady, memoirs of, 335.

reprints of old books, 209.

stamp act; Lord Chatham's speech
on, 12. 220.
Ames, new edition of Herbert's, 8.
by Herbert and Dibdin, 38.

Ancient alms-basins, 171.

Armour (Meyrick's), error in, 342,
inscribed alms-dish, 87. 117. 135.
motto, 93.

MS. account of Britain, 174.
tiles, 173.

Andrews (H.) on Burnet prize at Aber-

deen, 91.

André (Petit) on Welsh Ambassador, 283.
Anecdotes of books, 73.

Anecdote of the civil wars, 93.

of a peal of bells, 382.

Angels' visits, 102.

Anglo-Cambrian on history of landed and
commercial policy, and history of Ed-
ward 11. 59.

-on Madoc's expedition to America, 57.

Anglo-Saxon "Lay of the Phoenix," 203.

MS. of Orosius, 371.
word "unlaid," 430.

Anglo-Saxons, devices on standards of, 216.
Annotators, anonymous, identity of, 213.
Annus Trabeationis, 105, 252.
Anonymous Ravennas, date of, 124. 220.

Antholin's (St.), 180. 260.

Antiquarius on Queen Elizabeth's do-
mestic establishment, 41.
Antinephelegesita on Boduc, 252.

A or An before words beginning with a
Towel, 350. 407.
Apocrypha, 401.
Apposition, 384.

A. (P. R.) on yeoman, 440.

Arabic numerals and cipher, 230. 279. 358.
367.433. 435.

Archæology, mathematical, 132.
Archæus on "Under the rose," 214.

on Gray's Elegy, 389.

Architecture, glossary of terms, 189.
-, introduction to the study of Gothic,

Armada, poem on, 12. 18.

Armagh, etymology of, 158. 219. 264.

A. (R.), "My mind to me a kingdom is,"

on all to-broke, 490.
--on Dr. Strode's poem, 490.

on Wotton's poem to Lord Bacon, 489.
Arun on autograph mottoes of Richard,
Duke of Gloucester, and Harry, Duke of
Buckingham, 252.

on change of name, 337.

• on a curious monumental brass, 370.
on early statistics, Chart, Kent, 441.
on ecclesiastical year, 477.

on mercenary preacher, 489.
on "M. or N.," 476.

on Oliver Cromwell as a feoffee of
Parson's Charity, Ely, 465.

on St. Martin's Lane, 375.

on throwing old shoes at a wedding,

on trunck breeches, 489.

Asher (A.) on books by the yard, 166.

on genealogy of European sovereigns,

Ashgrove, Duke of, 92.

"As lazy as Ludlum's dog, as laid him
down to bark," 382. 475.
"As Morse caught the mare," 320.

"As throng as Throp's wife," 485.
Astle's MSS., 282.

"Atlas Novus," Slutter's, 156.

Aubrey (John), 71.

Auctorite de Dibil, 460.

Augustine on American bittern, 352.
on origin of calamity, 352.

Augustinian Eremites of York, library of,


Austen (H. Morland) on curious symbolical
custom, 363.

on the emancipation of the Jews, 401.
Authors and books (No. 1.), 42.

(No. 2.), 102.

(No. 3.), 151.

(No. 4.), 178.

Authors and books (No 5.), 259.

(No. 6.), 363.

Authors of old plays, 77. 120.

who have privately printed their own
works, 469.

Authorship of a couplet, 231.

Autograph mottoes of Henry, Duke of
Buckingham, and Richard, Duke of
Gloucester, 138. 252. 283, 459.

Ave Trici and Gheeze Ysenoudi, 215. 267.
Avon, derivation of, 285.

A. (W. P.), meaning of Cheshire round,

Aylmer (Bp.), letter to, from Lord Burgh-
ley, 12.

Aylmer's (Bishop) letter respecting poem
of the Armada, 18.

[blocks in formation]

on Sir Walter de Bitton, 157.

on Solomon Dayrolles, 476.

(A. E.) on derivation of news, 369.
(A.) on Martins, the printer, 218.

on superstitions in the North of Eng-
land, 294.

Twm Shawn Cattie, 455.

Bacon and Jeremy Taylor, notes on. 427.
Bacon's (Lord) metrical version of the
Psalms, 202. 235, 263.

Bacon, Roger, hints for new edition of, 393.
Badger, the, 381.

Bagnio in Long Acre, 196.

Bainbridge and Buckridge Streets, St.
Giles, 229.

Bald Head, defence of, 84.
Baldwin's Gardens, 410.

Ballad, Kentish, 247.

Ballads (Homeric) of Dr. Maginn, 470.

Ballad of Dick and the Devil, 172. 473.

of the wars in France, 445.

makers and legislators, 153.

Balliolensis on Stephens' Sermons, 334.
Balloons, 309.

Baptism, register of Cromwell's, 136.
Barclay's Satyricon, some account of, 27.
Bardolph and Poins, 385.

Barba Longa, 384.

Barker (W. G. M. J.) on Henry, Lord
Darnley, 123.

on Bishop Barnaby, 132.

Barnabas (St.), 136.

Barnaby (Bishop), 55. 132. 254.
Barnacles, 117. 169. 254. 340.

Barrister, a, on origin of the word chapel,

Barry (J. Milner), a note on Robert Her-
rick, the author of Hesperides, 291.

Complutensian Polyglot, 251.

M. D., on meaning of pallace, 233,

Barryana, 212.

Bartlett's Buildings, 115.

Bartholomew Legate, the martyr, 483.

Basse (William) and his poems, 200. 265.
295. 348.

Bawn, meaning of, 440.

Baxter (William), 285.

Bayley (W. D'Oly) on Barryana, 212.
Bayswater and its origin, 162.
B. (C.) on ancient motto, 104.

on Gray's Alcaic Ode, 382.
on Croinwell's estates, 421.
on shrew, 421.

on proverb, God tempers the wind, 325.

on horns, 419.

on Coleridge's Christabel and Byron's

Lara, 324.

on hockey, 457.

on Temple Stanyan, 460.

on "Nomade," 389.

on mistake in Gibbon, 390.

on the true tragedy of Richard III.,


on death bed superstition, 350.
on emerald, 340.

B. (C. W.) on anecdotes of the civil wars,

on shrew, 445.

Bear, Louse, and Religion, Fable of, 321.
Beauchamp (Stephen) on pilgrimages of
kings, &c. Blind man's buff - Muffin
-Hundred weight, 173.

Beaufoy's Ringer's True Guide, 157.
Beaumont, a poem attributed to, 146.
Beaver, 417.

Beaver hat, when first used in England,

100. 235, 266. 317. 338. 386.

Becket's grace-eup, 142.

Becket (Thomas à), mother of, 415. 490.
Bedford Coffee House, Covent Garden, 451.
Beeston (Sir William), journal of, 444.
Beetle mythology, 194.

Beggar's Opera, receipts of, 178.

Bek (Anthony), Bishop of Durham, 173.
Bell (John) of the Chancery Bar, 93.

Bell (Dr. W.) on ancient inscribed dishes,

Bell (Dr.) on the talisman of Charlemagne,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

B. (H.) on Pandoxare, 202.

B. (H. L.) on Ave Trici, 215.

B. (J. S.) on the reconciliation in 1554, 186.

Bible and key, divination by the, 413.
Bibliographic project, 9.

Bibliographical notes, 413.
Bibliographie Biographique, 42.
Bigotry, 204.

Bill of fare of 1626, 99.

Billingsgate, origin of name, 93. 164.
Bills of fare in 1683, 54.

Biographers of Lydgate and Coverdale, 379.
Birthplace of Andrew Borde, 88.

Birchington's (Stephen) MSS., compilation
of, 7.

Bis dat qui citò dat, 330.
Bishop that burneth, 87.

Bishop Barnaby, Why lady-bird so called,
28. 131.

[blocks in formation]

on etymology of Totnes, 470.
on finkle or finkel, 477.

on howkey or horkey, 457.
on a phonetic peculiarity, 463.
on Poor Robin's Almanack, 470.
queries concerning Chaucer, 303.
St. Winifreda, 475.

B. (J. S.) what are depinges, 277.
B. (L.) of Duncan Campbell, 186.
Black broth, Lacedæmonian, was it coffee?
124. 139. 155. 242. 300. 399.
Black doll at old store shops, 444.
Blaise (Bishop), 247. 325.
Blind man's buff, 173,

Blink (G.) on a passage in Macbeth, 484.
Blisters, charm for, used in Ireland, 349.
Blockade of Corfe Castle in 1644, 401.
Blood's (Colonel) house, 174.
Bloomfylde (Miles and William), writings
on alchemy, 60.

Bloomfylde (Miles) Ortus Vocabulorum,

Bloomsbury Market, 115.

B. (N.), notes upon "notes," No. 1., 19.
Bodenham, or Ling's Politeuphia, 29. 86.
Boduc, or Boduoc, on British coins, 235.


Body and soul, 390.

Bohn's edition of Milton's prose works, 483.
Boleyn's (Sir Edward) spectre, 468.
Bone-houses and catacombs, 171. 210. 221.
Bonner on the Seven Sacraments, 452.
Book of the Mousetrap, 154.
Book-plate, 212.

Books by the yard, 166.

Bookworm on Bodenham, or Ling's Poli-
teuphia, 29.

Boonen (portrait by), 386.

Borde (Andrew), birthplace of, 88.

Boke of Knowledge, 38.

Borromæi, Sermones Sancti Caroli, 27.
Borrowed thoughts, 482.

Boston de Bury, 186.

Botfield (Beriah) on the Treatise of Equi-
vocation, 357.

Bothwell and Mary Queen of Scots, mar-
riage contract of, 97.

Bourne (Vincent), epigram from the Latin
of, 253.

translation from, 152. 341.
Brass, curious monumental, 247.
Braybrooke, Lord, on pilgrimage of princes,
&c. &c., 203.

on "Where England's monarch," 458.
-on Lord Carrington, or Karinthon, 40.
on etymology of Haviour, 230.

on pokership or porkership, 185. 236.


on Vertue MSS., 372.

on letter attributed to Sir Robert Wal-
pole, 336.

on journeymen, 458.

on the word brozier, 485.

--on Killigrew family and Scole Inn sign,

on howkey or horkey, 263.
on Catherine Pegge, 200.
Breton (Nicholas), 409.

crossing of proverbs, 361.
Bride Lane, St. Bride's, 396.
Bristol riots, 352. 460.

Red Maids of, 219.

[blocks in formation]

B. (R. S.), As Morse caught the mare, 329.
B. (R. W.) on Christian captives, 441.
Brozier, the word, 485.

Bruce (John), epigram against Luther and
Erasmus, 51.

lines in the style of Suckling, 20.
on capture of Duke of Monmouth, 3.
on charm for the toothache, 397.

Bruce (Robert de), wife of, 187.

—, captivity of his queen in England, 290.
Buccaneers, Charles II., 410.

Buckingham motto, 138. 252. 283. 459.
Bug, origin of word, 237.
Bull (John), 336.

Bullfights, Spanish, 381.
Bulls called William, 440.
Bulstrode Park, camp in, 470.
Buns, 244.

Buriensis on the Duke of Marlborough, 415.

on the Song of the Bees, 415.

on seal of Killigrew, Master of the
Revels, 204.

on cook-eels, 412.

— on meaning of Savegard and Russells,

-on Sangred-Dowts of Holy Scripture,
Burnet (Bp), opinions respecting, 40. 181.

as an historian, 493.

and Mr. Macaulay, 250.

Burnet prize at Aberdeen, 91.

Burney (Dr.), musical works of, 135.
Burning the dead, 216. 308.

Burns (Robert), inedited lines by, 300.
Burton's Anatomy of (Religious) Melan-
choly, 305.

Burtt (Joseph) on ancient libraries, 21.

on royal household allowances, 86.
Buscapié, query as to the, 171. 206.

B. (W.) on the Complaynt of Scotland, 422.

B. (W. G.) on French leave, 246.

B. (W. J.) on genealogy of European sove-
reigns, 119.

By hook or by crock, 205. 237. 281. 405.
Byron's Childe Harold and Burton's Me-
lancholy, 163.

Lara, on a passage in, 262. 443.;
Byron and Tacitus, 390. 462.


C. on anecdote of the civil wars, 93.
-on blunder in Malone's Shakspeare,

on Cowley, or Coverley-Statistics of
Roman Catholic Church-Whelps-Dis-
covery of America, 107.

on definition of Grummelt, 358.

on devices of the standards of the An-

glo-Saxons, 284.

on Dog-Latin, 284.

on logographic printing, 198.

on Lord Chatham's speech on the

American stamp act, 220.


Love's last shift, 476.

on M. or N., 476.

on Malone's blunder, 461.

on May-day, 221.

meaning of pallace, 284.

on military execution, 476.

on political maxim, 93.

on Pope's translation of Horace, 230.

on Salt at Montem, 473.

on Sir William Hamilton, 270.

on slang phrases, 234.

on spurious letter of Sir R. Walpole,

on tablet of Napoleon, 461.

on Temple Stanyan, 460.

on travelling in England, 220.

on tureen, 307

on Vertue's MS., 372.

C. (A.) on black doll at old store shops,


on Worm of Lambton, 453.

on camp in Bulstrode Park, 470.

on derivation of holy, 470.

Caerphili Castle, 157. 237.
Cæsar's wife, 277. 389.

C. (A. G.), query as to references, 20.
Calamity, derivation of, 215, 268. 352.
Calver (Bernard), 203.

Cambridge, motto of university, 76.

Campbell (Duncan), query respecting, 186.
Camp in Bulstrode Park, 470.

Canidia, or the witches, MS. note in, 164.
Cannibal, origin of, 186.

Cantab, on coal brandy, 352.

on Hallam's Middle Ages, 51.

-, origin of swot, 352.

[blocks in formation]

Certificate of Nat. Lee, 149.

C. (G. A.), Dustpot - Frothlot, 320.
on Sir W. Godbold, 93.

on political maxims, 104.

- on legislators and ballad makers, 153.
CH. on buccaneers, 400.

on Charles II. and Lord R.'s daughter,

-on college salting and tucking of fresh-
men, 390.

on Eachard's tracts, 404.

on error in Hallam's History of Litera-
ture, 435.

inedited letter of the Duke of Mon.
mouth, 379.

on Locke's proposed Life of Ld. Shaftes-
bury, 401.

on Lord Shaftesbury and Dr. Which-
cot, 382.

on Ludlow's Memoirs, 384.

on the Musquito country; origin of the
name; early connection of the Musquito
Indians with the English, 425.

on MSS. of Locke, 401.

on Queen's Messengers, 445.
on Rawdon Papers, 400.

on Savile, Marquis of Halifax, 384.
on Sir William Coventry, 381.

on Wellington - Wyrwast - Cokam,

who was Lord Karinthon ? murdered
1665, 440.

on blockade of Corfe Castle in 1644,
Chancellors, Thynne's collection of, 60.
Change of name, 246.

Chapels, origin of the name, 333. 391. 417.
Charlemagne's talisman, 140. 187.
Charles I., portrait of, 137. 184.
anecdote of, 437.

his sword, 183. 372.

bust of, 43.

pictures of, in churches, 184.

Charles 11. and Lord R.'s daughter, 399.


Charms, old, 293.

Charm for toothache used in Ireland, 349.

Charm for wounds, 482.
Charms, 429.

Charms-the evil eye, 429.

Chart, Kent, early statistics of, 330.

Chatham (Lord), speech on the American
stamp act, 12. 220.

Chaucer, queries concerning, 303.

night charm. 229. 281.

Cheshire round, 383. 456.

Chest, Iland, 173.

Chiffinch, letters of Mrs, 124.

Childe Harold, parallel passages or plagi-
arisms in, 163. 299.

Chip in porridge, 382.

Christian captives, 441. 477.

Christian doctrine, fraternity of, 213. 281.
Christ Church, Canterbury, books lent
from, 21.

Christencat, meaning of, 109.

Christie (W. D.) on Skinner's Life of
Monk, 379.

Christmas Hymn, 201. 252.

Christ's Hospital, old songs once popular
there, 318. 421.

Chronicle, Morning, when first established,

Chrysopolis, 383.

Church History, queries in, 158.
Church livings, incumbents of, 91.
Churchyard customs, ancient, 441.

Cibber's Apology,characters of actors in,67.
Circulation of the blood, discovery of, 202.


Cirencester, Richard of, 93. 206.
Civil wars, anecdote of, 93. 338.

C. (J.) on M. or N., 415.
-on regimental badges, 415.
C. (J. T.) on Dayrolles, 476.

C. (J. W.) on passages from Pope, 245.
C. (L.), query respecting "horns," 383.
Clare Market, 196.

Clarendon (Lord), opinions of, by English
historians, 165.

Clergy, alleged ignorance of, 51.
Clericus, definition of, 149.

Clericus on inscriptions of ancient alms-
basins, 44.

on ordination pledges, 156.
Clerkenwell, eminent residents, 180.
Clive (Lord), Caraccioli's Life of, 108. 120.
Close translation, 422:

Clouds or shrouds in Shakspeare, 58.
C. (M.) on Trophee, 339.

C. (O.) on family of Steward or Stewart of
Bristol, 335.

Coach-bell, why earwigs so called, 383.
Coal brandy, 352. 456.
Cock Lane, 244.

Coffee, notes on, 25. 154.

Coffee-houses, the first in England, 314.

Coffee, the Lacedæmonian black broth, 124.
139. 155. 242. 300. 399.

Coffins, use of, 321.

Coheirs, Mowbray, 213.

Coins, British, Boduc or Boduoc on, 235.
Cold Harbour, query as to origin of, 60.
Cole (Robert) on Lady Arabella Stuart, 274.
extracts from old records, 317.

on Drayton and Young, 213.
Coleman's music house, 395.
Coleridge, Cottle's Life of, 55.

Christabel and Byron's Lara, 324.
on a passage in, 262.
Colinæus, 158.

Coil. Regall. Socius on Dr. Whichcot and
Lord Shaftesbury, 444.

College salting and tucking of freshmen,
261. 306.321. 390.

Colley Cibber's Apology, 29.

Collier (J. Payne) on Bishop Aylmer's let-
ter and poem of the Armada, 18.

on defence of a baldhead and sta-
tioner's registers, 85.

on English and American reprints of
old books, 210.

on Love, the king's fool, 121.
Nicholas Breton's crossing of proverbs,


[blocks in formation]

Compton Street, Soho, 228.

Conrad of Salisbury's Descriptio utriusque
Britanniæ, 319.

Consecration of Churches, Bishop Cosin's
form, 303.

Constantine the artist, 452.

Constitution Hill, why so called? 28.
Contradictions in Don Quixote, 73. 171.
Convention Parliament of 1660, MS. diary
of, 470.

Cook, (David), watchman of Westminster,
1716- Ode to, from V. Bourne, 152.
Cook-eels, 412.

Cooper (C. H.) on college salting, 306.
on l'andoxare, 284.

on Scala Cœli, 402.

on teneber Wednesday, 459.

on the Duke of Marlborough, 490.
on Sayers the caricaturist, 187.
on White Hart Inn, Scole, 245.
Cooper (W. Durrant) on bive and chute
lambs, 474.

-on Caraccioli's Life of Lord Clive, 120.
on decking churches with yew on
Easter Day, 294.

on early statistics, parish registers, 443.
on Elizabeth and Isabel, 488.

Folk-lore, 482.

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