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Family Talk.

attend to their most trivial wants. are early risers in these days. Do It is not to be wondered at that the you ever see a girl with a broom in A false sentiment in regard to better class of servants resent this her hands unless she be a servant? household services has crept in of treatment and put themselves be- Do you ever see a young lady raking the grass plat or tending the late years. Fostered by silly pride yond the reach of it. flower beds? These occupations are and self-indulgence, it has obtained avoided for the very reason that they might be seen. Girls have a notion that it is not lady-like to be use

not of their volition, but through long sufferance.

Girls don't interest themselves in

a hold on the minds of the present the little things pertaining to home
life. If the house is kept clean, the
generation of young girls with a
meals well served and their clothes
grasp of incredible tenacity. Ser-
vant girls are the root of this evil-
kept in repair, it does not matter
much whether it is done by mother
or the "girl." Work of all descrip-
tion is considered a hardship to be
avoided whenever possible. It is
not genteel to work, but it is more
so to make a machine of mother,
who allows you to do so from a mis-
taken kindness, or to put extra bur-
dens on the servant who is paid to
wear out her existence in the four
walls of your kitchen?

ful; so they are careful to conceal the fact when they assist in any of the housework, as though it was something to be ashamed of.

Sweeping, gardening, dusting and bed making are among the humble duties that make up the routine of home work. They are not calculated to stimulate the intellect or make brilliant minds, but they are prime. factors in making home happiness,

Twenty-five years ago, when an excellent servant was obtainable for wages that the housemaid of to-day would scorn, young ladies were not ashamed to perform the simple offices of home. It is not necessary to recall the various household accomplishments which these young ladies possessed. Every woman who cares to look back to that time will reIf every girl had to spend at least for they teach order, neatness and member that the girls of those days one day of each week in the kitchen, consideration for others, without were just as much admired and as from morning until night, there which no woman can be a true lady. assistance which will promote the eagerly sought after as they are now, would be a radical change in the The girl who refrains from lending albeit, they were able to cook a good habits of most girls. A great many comfort of others, on the score of it dinner and make their own gownsmothers excuse their daughters from being beneath her, as a lady, bas a two things which the girl of the word—and a nature so innately vulperiod is incapable of doing, as a performing the duties of housekeeprule. To-day we have an inferior ing on the plea that their studies are very poor idea of the meaning of the gar that no amount of fashionable class of servants, who demand more so laborious that the time out of wages, and a race of young women school must be given to recreation. veneering can hide the warping of a over-educated, in a broad sense of And what kind of recreation? selfish mind. If girls only knew how the word, in branches that can hardly Visiting, "going down town," read- much more attractive they could of the cares of this work-a-day world be as conducive to the happiness of ing stories and entertaining compa- make themselves by assuming some this reluctance to be thought a Girls are full everyday life as the despised details worker would vanish. of domestic machinery. of kindly impulses, which a word or two at the right time will bring out. The besetting sin of the women of the nineteenth century is misdirected affairs outside the home, and a love energy, too much solicitation for of luxury which threatens to efface the sturdy honesty which grasps every duty and raises it to virtue rity of purpose. purpose. Our girls have all through the force of its own integnoble qualities which youth can be expected to possess.


make up
the list of amusements
which are so necessary to the health
of the modern girl.

Whence comes this idea that service rendered for the benefit of A prominent physician in a lechome comfort is degrading? That it exists is too evident a fact. There ture recently declared to the ladies for lack of is a great hue and cry raised be- of Detroit that they were ruining constitutions cause girls prefer to work in factor- their The substance of his reies at starvation wages rather than brooms. in private families. The servant marks was to the effect that healthal-ful girl does not adopt this policy, al- ful exercise was needed more by though it is a mistaken one, without girls and women now than at any Families in the most time in the history of medicine. moderate circumstances, with daugh- Walk along any of the residence ters who might be of the greatest streets at a moderately early hour in assistance in the household, employ a servant girl and make of her the the morning, 7.30 is a good time, veriest drudge. So far from lending you will see a few girlish faces at a helping hand to the tired-out girl the windows and a few more on the in the kitchen, they oblige her to porches. Not many, for few girls

some cause.

When false ideas have given place to the practice of those little things that go so far toward making home the happy place, which influences so many dester, girls, though your hands may tinies, the world will be all the betnot be so white, and-sweeping will be an every day occurrence.




Glass number one only in fun.
Glass number two-other boys do.
Glass number three, it won't hurt me:
Glass number four, only one more.
Glass number five before a drive.
Glass number six, brain in a mix.
Glass number seven, stars up in heaven:
Glass number eight, stars in his pate.
Glass number nine, whisky-not wine.
Glass number ten: drinking again?

Glass number twenty; not yet a plenty?

Drinking with boys, drowning his joys;
Drinking with men just now and then.
Wasting his life, killing his wife,
Losing respect, manhood all wrecked,
Losing his friends-thus it all ends.
Glass number one, taken in fun,
Ruined his life, brought on strife,
Blighted his youth, sullied his truth,
In a few years brought many tears,
Gave only pain, stole all his gain,
Made him at last friendless, outcast.
Light-hearted boy, somebody's joy,
Do not begin early in sin;
Grow up a man brave as you can:
Taste not in fun glass number one.

Two Scenes.

A gentleman took his son to a drunken row in a tavern, where the inmates were fighting and swearing, and said he :

"Do you know what has caused all this?"

"No, sir."

And he shrank with a shudder as cuts the wood that feeds the fire that he refused the cup. Old Nick built.

Next they called at the miserable A Temperance Meeting-This is hovel of a drunkard, where was one of the blows that we quietly squalid poverty, and the drunken deal to fashion the sledge with its father beating his wife, and, with face of steel that batters the stone oaths, knocking down his children. that grinds the axe that cuts the "What has caused this?" said the wood that feeds the fire that Old father. Nick built.

The son was silent. When told it was rum, he declared he would never touch a drop in his life. But suppose that lad should be invited to a wedding feast, where, with fruit and cake, the wine-cup is passed amid scenes of cheerfulness and


Temperance Pledge-This is the smith that works with a will to give force to the blows we quietly deal to fashion the sledge with its face of steel that batters the stone that grinds the axe that cuts the wood that feeds the fire that Old

Nick built.

ety, where all friends are respect-
able, beloved and kind to each Eternal Vigilance-This is the
other, and he should be asked to spirit so gentle and still that nerves
drink, would he refuse? Or, sup- the smith to work with a will to give
pose him walking out with his father force to the blows we quietly deal to
on New Year's day to call upon fashion the sledge with its face of
his young lady friends to enjoy the steel that batters the stone that
festivity of the ushering in of the grinds the axe that cuts the wood
new year. With other things, wine that feeds the fire that Old Nick
is handed to him by a smiling girl. built.
His noble-hearted father, whom he
loves, presses the wine-glass to his
lips, and compliments the young la-
dies upon the excellence of its qual-
ity; what wonder if the son follow
his example?-Emblem Annual.

The Fire Old Nick Built.

We find in an exchange the fol

His father, pointing to the decan-lowing capital imitation of the style of "The house that Jack built," and ters sparkling with rum, said: "That's the cause; will you take a we wish it might become as great a household favorite : drink?"

The boy started back with horror, and exclaimed, "No!"

Then he took his child to the cage of a man with delirium tremens. The boy gazed upon him affrightened as the drunkard raved and tore, and thinking the demons were after him, cried, "Leave me alone! leave

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Intemperance-This is the fire that
Old Nick built.

Moderate Drinking-This is the
fuel that feeds the fire that Old Nick

Rum selling-This is the axe that cut the wood, that feeds the fire that Old Nick built.

Love of Money-This is the stone that grinds the axe that chops the

me alone! I see 'em ; they're com-
"Do you know the cause of this, wood that feeds the fire that Old
my boy?"

Nick built.

"No, sir." Public Opinion-This is the sledge "This is caused by drink; will with its face of steel that batters you have some? " the stone that grinds the axe that

Why Johnny Liked the Minis


[blocks in formation]

"Do you like to be prayed for?" Why, yes, of course I do." "The minister prayed to-day that all the boys might be Christ's boys. Did you like that?"

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Yes, and I prayed as hard as I could that I might be. When we hear people praying for us it makes us think it is about time to be praying for ourselves. If children don't I guess they all like to have the like to say much about good things, minister remember them. I always watch and see if they pray for young folks; if they don't I think they won't have much in the sermon either. well as I should if I thought there Then, of course, I don't listen as was something for me."-Selected.

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My Mother's Prayer.
What led my infant steps to God,
To study well his holy word,
To shun the evil, choose the good?
My mother's prayer.

What led me from temptation's snare
To cast upon the Lord my care,
That I the joys of heaven might share?
My mother's prayer.

What led me to the sinners friend
And on the Saviour to depend,
That I might love him to the end?
My mother's prayer.

What led me first from evil thought
To look to Christ who pardon bought,
And through his blood I pardon sought?
My mother's prayer.

Ezra compiled the two books of the Chronicles. He is also author of the book bearing his name,

Nehemiah wrote Nehemiah.

The author of the book of Esther is unknown.

Elihu was most probably the pen

which you have hitherto been taught
to think dangerous? Has it tended
to make you dissatisfied and impa-
tient under the control of others, and
disposed you to relax in self govern-
ment, without which both the laws
of God and man tell us there can be
no virtue and consequently no hap-man of the book of Job. Moses
piness? Has it attempted to abate
your admiration and reverence for
what is great and good, and to di-
minish in you the love of your coun-
try and your fellow creatures? Has Psalms. Asaph penned a few of
it addressed itself to your pride, them.
your vanity, your selfishness, or any
of your evil propensities? Has it
defiled the imagination with what is
loathsome, and shocked the heart
with what is monstrous? Has it

may have written the first two chapters and the last. Some think Job wrote it himself.

David wrote most of the book of

Solomon wrote Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and the Songs of Solomon. Isaiah is the author of the prophecy of Isaiah.

Jeremiah wrote the book bearing

What stayed my youthful mind when disturbed the sense of right and his name, and the Lamentations of


And angry passions sometimes strong,
Put in my mouth some heavenly song?
My mother's prayer.

What was it when in after day
When worldly cares led me astray,
Taught me on Christ my cares to lay?
My mother's prayer.

What was it when old age drew nigh
That helps me when to heaven I sigh?
Oh Saviour! help me now, I cry,
My mother's prayer.

What is it now on Jordan's brink,
That helps me while from death I shrink?
In tones of love, I hear, I think,
My mother's prayer.

Choice of Books.


wrong which the Creator has im-
planted in the human soul? If so, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea,Joel, Amos,
if you have felt that such were the Obadiah, probably Jonah, Micah,
effects that it was intended to pro- Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Hag-
duce, throw the book in the fire, gai, Zechariah, wrote the books of
whatever name it may bear on the prophecies bearing their respective
title page! Throw it in the fire,
young man, though it should have
been the gift of a friend; young
lady, away with the whole set,
though it should be the prominent
furniture in the rosewood bookcase."

Who Wrote the Bible?

Moses wrote Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.

Joshua, Phinehas or Eleazar wrote the book of Joshua, but it is not certain which of them.

Young readers, you whose hearts are open, whose understandings are not yet hardened, and whose feelings are neither exhausted nor enSamuel is the penman of the books crusted with the world, take from of Judges and Ruth. He also wrote me a better rule than any professors the first acts of David, and probably or criticism will teach you. Would Nathan and Gad wrote his last acts; you know whether the tendency of and the whole was formed into two a book is good or evil, examine in books which were named after Samwhat state of mind you lay it down. uel, as the most eminent person, Has it induced you to suspect that called the first and second books of what you have been accustomed to Samuel. think unlawful, may, after all, be Jeremiah most probably compiled innocent, and that may be harshness the two books of the Kings.


Matthew, Mark, Luke and John wrote the Gospels named after them. Luke wrote the Acts of the Apos


Paul is the author of the Epistles to the Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus, Philemon, and Hebrews.

James, the son of Alpheus, who of the Apostles, wrote the Epistle of was cousin german to Christ, and one


his name.
Peter wrote the Epistle bearing

Epistles of John.
The Apostle John wrote the three

James, called also Lebbeus, whose
Jude, the Apostle, the brother of
surname was Thaddeus, a near rela-
tive to our Lord, wrote the Epistle

of Jude.

St. John, the Divine, wrote Revelations.


66 Jimmy Jones' Sister."


which it lay like a broken lily, and and girl here about your own age, over which rippled the lovely hair but they have gone away to a better which a soft brush had drawn out to home now, and I am very sad and burnished gold. The purple-pansy lonely without them; and the house eyes wandered curiously about the that was full of the sound of their room, a glad, satisfied expression in pattering feet and sweet voices, is so them which deepened every moment. still now that my heart aches. Silken curtains hung about the bed, Would you be willing to come and and lay in lustrous folds on the rich stay with me always, and be my carpet; beautiful pictures adorned precious Pearl ?"

vase, with delicate half blown roses

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pouring out the fragrance of their
full golden hearts. Jimmy Jones'
sister" drew a long breath, and
smiled contentedly.

"I knew we'd find it somewheres,"

she whispered. A fair white hand
pushed aside the curtains and a
lovely face smiled down on the little

without his little sister."

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The lady rose and left the room. "I am going to send some one else to talk with you, Pearl," she said, as she closed the door.

A small, wistful face, with the old, worn look upon it which is the birthright of Poverty's children; purple-pansy eyes, looking out from the walls, and marble statuary The purple-pansy eyes looked up beneath a mass of tangled sunbeams gleamed out whitely from the sorrowfully. "Oh, I'd like to come,' that under the ministry of loving shadowy corners. On the small she sobbed, "but I couldn't leave hands would twine in long golden table near the bed stood a costly Jimmy, ma'am; he'd be lonesome curls; shoeless feet, whose dainty outlines could not be concealed by the rags wrapped about them; this is what the doorway of an old house in Water street framed, one morning in the early spring time. "Jimmy Jones' sister" was the distinctive title by which she was called. Perhaps down the street. a little way you would have met a ragged little urchin crying "Daily Tribune!" with a bundle under his arm fresh and damp from the press. Dark, round face, in which a pair of bright black eyes were set; dancing tufts of dark hair protruding from a well-ventilated cap; a cheery, wideawake manner, which would attract you somehow in spite of the painful out-look which he presented-elbows out, knees out, toes out; this is Jimmy Jones, the brother of "Jimmy Jones' sister."

"What is it, little one? I heard
you speak." There was no answer,
but the beautiful eyes scanned
fully the lady's face.

There came a step outside, to which the child listened eagerly; "That's my Jimmy," she whispered to herself; but no, the door opened, and a little boy came in whom she had never seen, and looked at her. She gazed at him eagerly and asked, wist-"Won't you tell me your name?" Then he smiled, and the smile was Jimmy's very own. She clasped her little arms around his neck and cried, "Oh, Jimmy, have we got home now?" He nodded, half ashamed of the tears which were filling his eyes.

"Will you tell me your name, lit-
tle girl?" she asked gently.
"I'm Jimmy Jones' sister; that is
all, I guess ?"

"But what does Jimmy Jones
call you?"

"Just sissy. I used to have a mother a long time ago, and she'd tell me I was her jewel, and called me a pretty name. She said ladies wore my name sometimes 'bout their necks, an' in their hair."

"Was it Pearl ?"


A crowd on the street- -a little limp form, lying white and still in the policeman's arms, and a pitying "Oh, yes, that is it; but there is look in his bronzed face, as he looked something more-Pre-Pre-Precidown at his burden. A sweet faced ous Pearl. Oh, that's it; I'm so woman, elegantly clad, and holding by the hand a little child, bent over the lifeless form, and said tearfully, Poor little one! she saved my precious child, at the price of her own life, I fear," and asked eagerly, "Do you know where her home is ?"

"Home" he repeated scornfully, "The likes of that have a home! Mebbe a barrel, or a dry goods box, turned away from the wind, to sleep in nights, a few broken crusts to eat, an' as fur her cloes, you can see fur yourself her wardrobe aint very extensive," and the rough but kindhearted policeman smiled grimly.

"Then come with me," said the lady quietly, and she led the way to a large, elegant house near by.

A little face almost as white as the dainty lace-edged pillows on

There were tears in the soft eyes that look down at her.

"Poor little one! and you haven't any mother or any home; no one to care for you ?"

'Why," she answered in a surprised tone, "there's always Jimmy. He takes care of me."

The white hand, sparkling with jewels, was laid on the child's brow with a gentle caress. "Pearl," said the lady, "look in my eyes now, and listen to what I am going to say. You saved my baby's life the other day, when she ran across the street, and when the carriage passed over you I thought you were killed. But when I found it was only your arm broken, I wanted to bring you home and help you to get well. Two months ago there was a little boy

"You're Jimmy, and you aint Jimmy," she said, looking at him with delight.

"I was allers Jimmy Jones inside," he explained, "only them old ragged cloes made me look like somebody else I tell ye, sissy, I was gladder'n anything when I saw 'em burn up."

Burn up?" she questioned, wonderingly.

"Yes, all burnt up, an' yours, too. But, oh my! you oughter see the grand things you're going to have. Dresses that's got the reg'lar swish! swish! in 'em, and such shoes as you never did see; and, sissy, we're allers going to live here now, 'cause this is our home, and next week I'm goin to school. Ain't it all like one them pretty fairy stories she used to tell us?

The little white face among the pillows fairly shone with joy, and this was how "Jimmy Jones' sister" found a home.—Northwestern Christian Advocate.

Wee Fanny bit her tongue one day, and came in crying bitterly. "What is it?" asked her mother. "O, mamma," she said, "my teeth stepped on my tongue!"


Missionary Heroism.

olic Church.

THE little girl who prayed, “O Lord, bless the missionaries and help them convert the heathen, and bless the heathenaries and help them convert each other," must have possessed a pretty accurate idea of the way. the kingdom of God spreads in this world. It would pay some enterprising woman's board to keep its

tribes are startling, and some of their rulers already have appealed to Christian nations to check the flow of liquor towards their country. We have, perhaps, knowledge The British house of commons reenough; what we want is a spirit of cently has discussed the subject, and consecration that vitalizes the know- has passed a resolution looking to ledge and makes Christian wisdom wards the suppression of the liquor out of dead doctrines. We want a traffic in question. The United temper of heroism-that which at- States government has not respond- eye on her. tracts men often in the Roman Cath-ed favorably hitherto to the invitaIt is not the vast tion to form an international agreecathedrals, rising like poems in stone, ment on the subject. The pressure like great Te Deums of the rock to- of the temperance sentiment of the ward the sky; it is not the magnifi- land ought to be brought to bear cent music and the superb ceremonial upon it at once, so that our nation and the great hierarchy-they do shall enter promptly upon the work not touch the soul in the sensitive of correcting, so far as possible, the and thoughtful. But when one reads disgraceful evils which we helped to the story of the Jesuit missionaries burning at the stake in order that they might, if possible, teach, even from the stake, the Iroquois who put

them to death-when we read of their martyred missionaries anywhere our souls are touched with

a consciousness of the power which

the Roman Catholic Church wields over the hearts and minds of those who dwell in it and love it. It was

it was the heroism that flinched not

the immensity of the power which was in that living consecration.The Rev. Dr. R. S. Storrs.

for labor in our own land, but the THERE is not only a large field gates into foreign fields have been To say nothing of the civilized forunbarred and swung wide open. eign lands that need a pure gospel, heathen lands. China, Japan, Bura wonderful work is now ready in mah, the islands of the sea, and the dark continents of India and Africa, WHERE shall this work com- are all ripe and waiting for the Christian exercise is needed. Every awaken, stir us up! Why should mence? Down at the very bottom. gospel. O, dear God, what a work! child must have it. Every heart we have a church of idlers when must be set on fire. The head, the millions of darkened souls are waitarms, the fingers, the legs, the feet, ing and pleading for the true light? the eyes, the ears, and the tongue must be exercised. Christian labor DANIEL Webster, the great Amer


to my

must be defined for every member ican statesman and orator, bears the of the church; all must do some- following testimony to the good efthe heroism of the early martyrs thing. Some must oversee churches fects of teaching the Scriptures to that conquered the Roman Empire; and direct the work, some must children: "From the time that, at not the sermons of eloquent orators, nor the treatises of able disputants; preach at home, some take the home my mother's feet, or on my father's field, some to foreign fields, some knee, I first learned to lisp verses from the flame, that found songs in write, and give Christian literature, from the sacred writings, they have the dungeon and security in the fire. others teach in the Sunday school, been my daily study and vigilant The Roman mind could not interpret Bible class. Those who can not do thing in my style or thoughts to be lead and help in the prayer meeting, contemplation. If there be anythat except as something divine. The Roman heart could not but feel this, go and say Amen when the kind parents in instilling into my time comes. A good, hearty Amen mind an early love of the Scriptures. is not to be despised. Our sisters can have their little missionary societies, where they can knit, sew and make garments to raise money to send out men to preach the gospel. The Missionary Herald gives fig- Our boys and girls can save their ures which prove that during the pennies and throw in as contribufive years from June, 1882, to June, tions for the Lord. There is any 1887, there were exported to Africa amount of work to do, and it is from Boston 3,500,796 gallons of adapted to all of the Lord's workers spirituous liquors, chiefly rum, val: the Lord don't own any but workued at $1,166,824. This is a sad ers. He says, "Work in my vineThe authentic reports of yard," not come in to be fed and the demoralization and death which clothed, but to feed and clothe liquor is working among the native to work.

Africa and the Liquor Trade.


EIGHTY-FIVE years ago the honorable directors of the East India company placed on solemn record: "The sending of Christian missionaries into our eastern possessions is the maddest, most expensive, most unwarrantable project that was ever profew months since, Sir Rivers Thompposed by a lunatic enthusiast." A son, lieutenant-governor of Bengal, said: "In my judgment, Christian missionaries have done more real and lasting good to the people of bined." So great is the difference India than all other agencies combetween the fears of prejudice and

the facts of God's hand.

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