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VOL. 1.

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Paul Snauble, W. H. Dorrance, V. M. Spalding,

J. B. Cady, W. H. Freeman, C. M. Stark.

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Prof. W. W. Beman, No. 19 S. Fifth Street.



Prof. J. F. Eastwood; Assistant Clerk, W. H. Dorrance, Jr.


intendent, Dr. G. W. Lacea; Secretary and Trea

surer, Prof. H. N. Chute; Assistant Secretary H. Dorrance, Jr., John Dowdegan; Chorister, J. Senior Bible Class, Prof. V. M. Spalding, Teacher: Students' Class, Prof. W. W. Beman Teach

and Treasurer, Alvin H. Dodsley; Librarians, W. R. Sage; Organist, Miss Jennie Bird.


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The State Convention. We begin with this issue the The annual convention of the publication of a monthly paper de- Baptists of Michigan is appointed voted to the interests of the First to meet with our church next Baptist Church of Ann Arbor. Its month, beginning Wednesday evenexpense is provided for by its ad- ing, October 17, and continuing vertisements, which are carefully until Sunday evening, October 21. chosen and are recommended to our It will be preceded by a minister's conference beginning on Tuesday evening.


A paper of this kind affords the best opportunity of making those likely to be interested in the work

We are looking forward with great interest to the coming of Superintendent, C. M. Stark; Assistant Super- of our church acquainted with it. these representatives of the second Its officers and plan of organization largest denomination in the state, and work may be better understood and we have word of the interest from the directory which heads our with which Baptists throughout the first page than from a year of cas-state are looking toward the meetual attendance. Many of our own ing at Ann Arbor. Three times members, also, will be grateful for previously within the fifty-three Ladies' Missionary Society-Miss H. M. Spald- exact information on these points. years of the convention's history It is found that members of the has it met with our church; but the church of them, unac- last time was in 1863. The lapse are, many

er; Normal Class, Mrs. Dr. Stevens, Teacher.


Music Committee-Dr. G. W. Green, Prof. H. N. Chute, W. H. Freeman.

Ladies' Aid Society-Mrs. Prof. Beman, Prest.

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Advisory Committee on Membership and Disci- quainted with each other. Some of a quarter of a century with the

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who have long been connected with vast changes it has brought to our the church are unable to keep pace state and the transformation of Ann with the increase in membership, Arbor in appearance, give great inand find many of their newer fel- terest to the meeting. The proxlow members strange to them. For imity of Detroit will insure the atthe aid of all these we shall publish tendance of our representative men soon a complete list of the member- from that city, and the interest felt ship; and shall aim to give in each throughout the state in the seat of number a supplemental list of the the state university will insure the most recent additions. Thus the presence of prominent Baptists from all our churches. We feel confident that the meetings will be helpful in their influence, not only in our own but in all the churches and amongst those from the university who may attend them. Many of the meetings will be of general interest to the public.

by lot. A number of the best pews reserved for attainment of a mutual acquaintance among our members will be

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A BRIDE sneezed twice at the church ceremony the other day, and visit at their homes those wishing counsel upon the old nurse said it was good luck. religious matters, or those in trouble or affliction, Other people said it was because her not. His mornings are reserved for study; his dress was cut too tropically for the

or strangers, whether members of the church or

The meetings will all of them be held in the Baptist church, except the day meetings of the Women's

ing or to the meeting of appointments at his temperature of the edifice.-Boston Missionary Societies, for which the

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(Additional local on page 8.)

The Eternity of Character.

REV. A. C. george, d. d.

of fools shall destroy them." "Evil the long run, the criticism is correct. men and seducers," in the very Feudalism, depotism, slavery, agnature of things, wax worse and gressive wars, every species of

[ocr errors]

"He that is unjust, let him be unjust worse, deceiving and being de- wrong and outrage, disappear before the onward march of the Gospel.

still and he which is filthy, let him be




filthy still and he that is righteous, let Our characters constantly tend to The general principle of the divine him be righteous still and he that is fixedness. They harden by life's administration is expressed in these holy, let him be holy still."-REV. xxii, 11. processes. The current of our na- words: "He looketh upon men, "My Lord Cardinal," said Anne tures grows stronger with advancing and if any say, I have sinned of Austria, to Richelieu, who ex-years. It becomes, finally, difficult, and perverted that which was right, ercised for a long time a cruel and if not impossible, to change its and it profited me not, he will despotic power, "God does not pay course, except God's miraculous deliver his soul from going into the at the end of every week, but at the grace shall interpose. The Scrip- pit, and his life shall see the light." last he pays." This is an assertion tures teach us this same truth: The Word and Providence and of the doctrine that God governs "Can the Ethiopian change his skin Spirit of God are a trinity of mighty the world. He governs it in detail, or the leopard his spots? then may agencies to turn man back from that is, fully, comprehensively, abso-ye also do good that are accustomed destruction. The truth of God, lutely. No human act escapes him. to do evil." morever, acts as a transforming

No thought or desire or secret And yet this is a remedial dispen- leaven in society, and the end of purpose evades the glance of his sation. God interposes graciously Christ's reign is to set judgment in searching eye. It is a necessity of and constantly in behalf of men. A the earth. the moral government of God, that miraculous mercy overflows from But this text contemplates a every sin should be noticed in some the divine heart to sinners. There period when these remedial agencies way, either pardoned or punished. are gentle interpositions which come will cease; when probation will And though this is not a world of like the dew, or the sunshine, or the end; when retribution, unmixed retribution, and though injustice summer rain; and there are mighty with mercy, will begin. Then the and oppression often seem to prosper manifestations of God which shake Saviour will be no longer a Saviour. and triumph, yet in the end God us like tempests, or earthquakes, or His atoning sacrifice will be no pays. And what is more, and more volcanic eruptions. Our characters longer prevalent. His intercessions to the purpose of our text, he pays by these ministrations are trans- will close. He will no longer act as in kind. These Scriptures establish formed and revolutionized. Some- High Priest over the House of God. our point: "Say ye to the right- times the transformation is gradual He will leave the mediatorial throne, eous, that it shall be well with him; like the breaking of the morning, and offer no more prayers for sinful for they shall eat the fruit of their the advance of spring, or the melt- man. Then the Holy Spirit will doings. Woe unto the wicked! it ing of icebergs in tropic seas. cease its gracious offices, and conshall be ill with him; for the re- Sometimes it is sudden, as if men vince no more of sin, righteousness, ward of his hands shall be given had been lifted at once to a higher and judgment. Then the Providence him." "His own iniquity shall take plane of being, to move henceforth of God will no more mean, as always the wicked himself, and he shall be through a grander sphere. a grander sphere. An now, salvation. We shall then holden with the cords of his sins." earthquake in southern seas is said come to a fixed, unalterable, and "The backslider in heart shall be to have brought an island of diafilled with his own ways"-the most monds to the surface; so by the terrible malediction which could be convulsion of conversion the lessons pronounced on him-" and a good of childhood, the virtues excited by man shall be satisfied from himself " the decipline of years, the inner —that is, with the consciousness of graces of the Spirit, are brought to his own rectitude. view, and men marvel at the miraculous change.

eternal state. The unjust and filthy will remain unjust and filthy forever; the righteous and holy will remain righteous and holy forever. This will be the punishment-the reward; they will forever remain what they are.

It does not need the mist of darkness, the quenchless flame, the companionship of devils, to make a hell for a filthy and unjust soul. Like Milton's outcast archangel, such a soul might say, "Which way shall I fly? which way I fly is hell; myself

The Lord, moreover, says of such as have hated knowledge and de- We see the same law working in spised reproof, and would none of society. The supreme government his counsel, "Therefore shall they of the world is on the side of the eat of the fruit of their own way, right. The Duke of Weimar, said and be filled with their own devices; of the tyranny of the First Napofor the turning away of the simple leon in Germany, "It is unjust, and shall slay them, and the prosperity therefore it cannot last." And, in am hell.”

And, on the other hand, a soul holy," is the command of the High- liberty, "I have nothing to do with conformed to rectitude, and pos- est, "for I the Lord your God am time henceforth; only with eternsessed of holiness, has within itself holy." Thus he makes it possible ity." Soon this hour will strike for a constant heaven, whether or not for us to come into the same lofty every one of us, and nothing will it has inherited, as yet, the cloudless and glorious plane of being in interest us for a moment but eternity. land, the golden city, the robe, the which he himself dwells. This is "Where will you spend your palm, and the crown. the creature's highest privilege, duty, eternity?" was the title of an article Think of remaining unjust, im- and dignity. And full provision is which I somewhere read. It is a pure, hateful, envious, malicious, made in the Gospel for the attain- vastly important question. Put it covetous, deceitful, proud, false, im- ment of holiness, and for its reten- in this shape: "What will be my placable, murderous toward every tion as tion as a living and abiding ex- character in eternity?" The answer creature, and traitorous and rebel-perience of the soul. Think of the to this will determine every thing lious toward God, forever-is not unutterable bliss of being holy for- else in respect to your future. that hell? And to be just, pure, ever. Christ's great question is, "What good, meek, gentle, loving, joyful, "Pursue," says Bishop Foster, shall it profit a man if he gain the forever to have, in a word, a great "the upward destiny of a soul whole world and lose his own soul? and noble character, in which all brightening under the smile of God Or what shall a man give in exthe fruits of the Spirit have come forever; see its ever-increasing and change for his soul?" And who to perfection, and glow with im- unfolding beauty; hear the ravish- will venture on an answer? Soon it mortal richness and beauty-is not ing melody of its triumphant song. will be said to every one of us, "He A thousand ages are fled. Behold that is unjust, let him be unjust 1. We are taught by this subject, the augmented and ever-expanding still; and he which is filthy, let him first, the fearful power and ruin of glory, ascending, widening its circle, be filthy still; and he that is righttransgression. To-day, your prompt becoming more and more like God, eous, let him be righteous still; and decisive, strong "I will," and God's and losing itself ever in his ineffable he that is holy, let him be holy still." powerful grace, may enable you to radiance. Such is the destiny of a Beyond all changes of time comes turn from sinful indulgence and soul washed in the blood of Jesus. the changeless, eternal state. the pit of infamy, and to obtain Behold, on the other hand, a soul us pray to God to bring us all, at a holy character and an immortal darkening under the frown of last, to the heaven of the holy, life; but to-morrow your power of Jehovah. Ages fly away. Its dark- where we may greet those who have gone choice will be weaker, your vision of ness broods darker still; its sorrow moral excellence dimmer, your love gathers down in closer folds; it is a holy place, with a holy God, and of sinful indulgence greater, your lost. The lengthened periods of "shout and wonder at his grace to slavery to wicked habits stronger, eternity roll by, but they bring no all eternity."

that heaven?

before us,


and dwell in

till, at length, bound securely to redemption; deep, dark, dismal OUR own weaknesses should keep Satan's triumphal chariot wheels, gloom settles down around its sphere us from passing harsh judgment on you will be dragged irresistibly forever. Learn, by the contrast, the failures of others. If we could down to death and hell. Besides, the value of holiness. Its presence always put ourselves in the place of you know not at what moment the is life-its absence is eternal death. the erring, we would be more symparesistless decree of the Almighty Could you pursue the contrast thetic and less likely to be too severe will close your probation, and fix through eternity, could you have in judging them.


THE law of heredity is one of the most tremendous forces for uplifting or down-throwing the race. Moral reform and spiritual salvation will take it more into account in the future than in the past. The time to begin to save a generation is before it is born.-J. E. Jacklin, Flint,

your character and destiny forever. but a faint glimpse of the reality, 2. The grandest aspiration of the you would no longer rest, but fly in soul is for holiness, and this should trembling haste to Saviour's be our chief aim in life. Holiness is wounds for shelter and for life." wholeness-that is, complete moral O, bliss of the purified! O, manhood. Can any thing more de- mighty love of a Saviour! Are they sirable be conceived? Dr. T. L. Cuy-not worthy of immortal song? ler defines holiness as "the habit of 3. Finally, our great concern is agreeing with God in all things." with eternity. Wesley used to stir And all our troubles have come himself to activity and sacrifice with from our disagreeing with God. It is the battle-shout, "There is another THE grand essentials to human the highest wisdom to study to know world!" "Take this watch, my happiness are something to do, the divine mind, and to conform friend," said an English patriot, as something to hope for, and sometherewith in heart and life. he mounted the scaffold to die for thing to love.




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lands migrate; it seems a great out a vestige of an idea of what is
assemblage, a conglomerate of many due to a gentlewoman from a man.
and strongly contrasted civiliza- "Then pass on, and let us look at
tions. Nowhere has there ever been the woman as married-married,
a better field for the devil's double perhaps, for her money, or marrying
propaganda, and all about us are the some man for his money, without
signs of his activity. True, there love and without respect; married,
are checks which still restrain the but with no idea of living thereafter
evil; but each day some barrier under bonds; resolved to be more
gives way. To keep to the straight free and to enjoy life more; eager
and narrow path of settled principle for admiration, athirst for compli-
and living, and purity of heart, is ment and flattery, so that the hus-
harder now for our young people band early drops into a secondary
than it was a quarter of a century position, and some other man, who
ago, because a false sentiment, wide- does the madly devoted for the
ly influental, condones their exces- time, engrosses the larger share of
ses, and even approves of their mis- her thoughts. Follow out this sub-
ject till you come to the divorce suit
and the separation, and thence to
the next, and now adulterous mar-
riage, when those whom Christ and
the gospel forbid to marry, so long
as some one else liveth, snap their
fingers at the attempted restriction
and commence a second partnership
without fear and without remorse.

"It would be painful to inquire

Of friendships that which none had once what kind of life is developed under

seemed nearer;

But whilst I wept I found a newer friend,
And dearer.

And thus I learned old pleasures are

Only that something better may be given; Until at last we find this Earth exchanged

For Heaven.

-Ellen Thorneycroft Fowler.

the influences thus at work for the public ruin-to gauge with the line and plummet of God's Word and Law the demoralization of society. For some of this there may be excuse; for example, think how the lowest classes live-in tenements, "We see men freely moving in crowded together in such wise that high places whom no respectable decency is impossible; that children woman should permit to cross her DR. MORGAN DIx, a prominent can not be brought up like Chris- threshold; notorious immorality minister of the City of New York, tians; that young men and women condoned for the sake of great and, we believe, of the Episcopal can hardly, by any chance, be kept wealth; grave social scandals widechurch, in one of his sermons, se- honest, chaste and pure. But what ly known and openly canvassed, verely censured the habits of Amer-shall be said of the higher classes, though the principles are received ican Society Life. The following is for those whose sins are without with open hands and made welcome; a report of what he said as given in justification, and denote simply flirtations going on between perthe Philadelphia Press, and taken carelessness, irreligion and unbelief? sons, each of whom has plighted from the New York World. The Consider how young girls are train- troth to some one else, and others wrongs charged by the Doctor to ed in softness and luxury, with the languishing after the wives of other society are serious charges. And one idea of making a figure in soci- men, and married men running after for the existence of those wrongs ety and brilliant marriage; of mak- young girls and paying them attenprofessing Christians are, in a meas- ing the most of their physical ad- tion." ure, responsible. First, those wrongs, vantages and alluring the other sex in many cases, are committed by by the arts best adapted to that professing Christians. Secondly, purpose. See them on the drive, Christians, including many minis- through the troubled social sea; at ters, do not, by testimony and in- their lunch parties, with a dozen fluence, labor to oppose them as they should.

Egyptian Toilets.

Rouge and other coloring sub-
Egypt to enhance, as they thought,
were used by women of
their beauty; the eyes had often a
green line underneath them; the
lashes and eyebrows were pencilled
in black; and, as in modern Egypt,
the nails were always stained red

courses, and half as many kinds of wines; at the opera, immodestly atThe Doctor asked: "What is our tired; at the ball, giving the whole society? It has almost ceased to night to dissipation; at the summer have a national tone; the old Amer- haunts of fashion, without due overican life and ways are overlaid and sight or sense of responsibility, with a preparation from the henna hidden; this is the land to which treated with easy familiarity by plant. In our museums we can see enormous delegations from other careless men, and apparently with the little pots and vases formerly


Johnny's Complaint.

Our preacher says-an' course he's right—
It's very wrong to tell a fib,
She rocked me in my little crib),
(So mother's taught me ever since
That's why I can't just understand
Why in his sermons he will run

filled with these unguents and colors, senior partner, and the old gentleman and the pencils they used with them, called the clerk into the private office as well as various sorts of combs and said: "Mr. Jenkins, you have and hair pins; of the latter there is been very efficient, and we apprecia very pretty set in the museum at ate your services; but I hear that Boulak-single pronged wooden pins you have repeatedly asserted that if with jackal heads, stuck into a cush-you were to die the concern couldn't ion in the form of a turtle, which possibly survive it, and this has worwas evidently one of the favorite ried both myself and partner very dressing table ornaments belonging much; for you, like all men, are lia-Along like sixty when he's said, ble to die very unexpectedly. We to the deceased lady. All these little essentials of the have therefore concluded to experitoilet were placed in the tombs by ment while we are in health, and see the loving hands of friends and re- if the concern will survive your abYou will therefore consider lations for the use of that spiritual sence. body, which they believed required yourself dead for one year, and we all the adornment the lady had loved will make an effort to so consider for that length of time."— Globeyou upon earth. Democrat.

elaborate Notwithstanding the care lavished by the Egyptian lady on her personal adornment, she adopted a simplicity of dress suitable to the climate in which she lived. Except for the wig, the head was usually uncovered, with sometimes a

The Moral Law.


"But one word more and I have done.'

When first I heard him say those words

They made me glad, for I, you see,
Was tired, for half-hour sermons seem
Enough for little folks like me;
To find he'd only just begun,
But gracious! I was quite surprised
When pausing for a breath, he said,

But one word more and I have done."
I wonder what he'd think if I
Should say, when at his home I'd sup,
"Just one plum more and I have done,”
Then eat his wife's preserves all up?

he'd ask me what I meant,
I'd have to say I was in fun,
Just like he must be when he says,

Dr. Adam Clarke thus speaks of say that Christ's perScripture: sonal righteousness is imputed to 66 'But one word more and I have done." every true believer is not scriptural; The to say that he has fulfilled all rightcolored band tied round it. queens often wore the vulture head-eousness for us, or in our stead, if-Wade Whipple, in Richmond Dispatch. dress, but this was more as an official by this is meant the fulfillment of a covering. In all moral duties, is neither scriptural ornament than as common life also the women both of nor true; that he has died in our high and low degree, went barefoot, though they had sandals to wear when they were in full dress. These sandals were made of papyrus, or palm fibre, or of leather; they had straps to pass around the foot and between the toes, and in some a piece of the sole was turned up and has fulfilled none of these duties for bent over the toes to protect them; in later times some of the leather us, but he furnishes grace to every sandals had sides to them, which true believer to fulfill them to God's causes them very much to resemble glory, the edification of his neighbor, modern shoes.— The Woman's World and his own eternal profit. The salfor August.

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THEY were discussing art matters. "Have you ever been done in oil, stead is a great, glorious and scrip- Mr. Smith?" "Oh, yes," he retural truth; that there is no redemp-plied.-"Who was the artist ?" He ora--Puck. tion but through his blood is asserted wasn't an artist-he was a broker." beyond all contradiction in the oraARDENT lover-"Dearest, I love cles of God. But there are a multitude of duties which the moral law requires, which Christ never fulfilled you! Only promise that you will be in our stead, and never could. He my-" Small boy under the window

vation which we receive from God's
free mercy, through Christ, binds us
to live in a strict conformity to the
moral law; that law which prescribes
our manners, and the spirit by which
they should be regulated, and in
which they should be performed.

-"Game's called, fellers!" Excited lover, at window-" Say, bub, what's the score?"

A SOUTHERN California doctor, bitten by the real estate craze, is said to have put the following directions on a prescription:-"Take one-third down, and the remainder in one and two years, secured by a mortgage.”

ANGER Swallowed up by Pity."John, John, there's a burglar in WE are in hot haste to set the the house! I hear him at the cup"Yes. O, John, where are you world right and to order all affairs; board!"-"Where you put that pie?" the Lord hath the leisure of conscious power and unerring wisdom, going?"-"I'm going down to resand it will be well for us to learn to wait.-C. H. Spurgeon.

cue him."

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