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must have entered paradise with dim views of divine things, and with an unsymmetrical character. Surely he must have needed instruction and other correcting and moulding influences, to qualify him, not only for the highest happiness, but for the noblest service in the after life.

Rest is not quitting

The busy career,
Rest is the fitting

Of self to one's sphere.
"Tis the brook's motion,

Clear without strife-
Fleeting to ocean

After its life.

'Tis loving and serving
The highest and best.
'Tis onward, unswerving,
And this is true rest.

excellence and beauty. Is it nothing to contribute to the building up of such a community, to the building up of a world of holy and happy immortals, to the building up of HEAVEN? My friends, it was for that the heavens and the earth were made!

This is not all. When the saints leave this world they are not done The great majority of those The most perfect rest results from with it. They go into training for whom we cannot but regard as reThe earth, generate die in a state very far spontaneous, free, holy activity, un- a mighty and noble work among from moral perfection. Many clogged by physical disability and men, in ages to come. seem to have the mere germ of ho-weariness; and surely an immortal which is yet in its infancy, is reliness, that is to say, faith in Christ organism cannot be so clogged. In served for a grand destiny. It is to as an atoning Savior, but without this tabernacle we groan being bur- be redeemed from sin and glorified. remote-when Jesus our King will the Christian graces matured by dened; not in our house which is The time is coming-it may not be good works into habits of obedi- from heaven. Mr. Frederic Harrison, the Eng- return, to reign over the nations; ence. Now, while I do not believe that they will carry sin with them in lish positivist, has sneered at the when the signal is given paradise to the other world, they must enter it Christian conception of paradise. will be emptied of its blessed inhabon a low grade of moral culture. He represents it as made up of child-itants; for the Lord will come, and They must, unless an inconceivable ish notions concerning a world of all his saints with Him; and it is miracle is wrought upon them, rank external delights and selfish enjoy- expressly revealed that they shall immeasurably below the patriarchs ment; and he intimates that a reign over the earth with Him. In and prophets, the saints and apostles world in which nothing could be their spiritual, glorified bodies, of old. They will, I doubt not, done to relieve suffering and dimin- made like unto the angels, they have angelic guardians and teachers ish evil, would be a world in which shall be His ministers in governing there, and will "grow in grace and a noble, unselfish man would not the nations of the earth, who will in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus wish to live. All that is high all be righteous, walking in the Christ." Several years ago I read sounding and imposing; but are sin light of Jerusalem the Golden. a letter written more than half a and suffering necessary to the high- Then the true history of the earth century before by Dr. Styles, the est virtue? Are they the indispen- will open. Then, when it shall be venerable president of Yale Col-sable luxury of good men? If all clustered all over with holy and lege, not long before his death. It the good men in the world should, happy peoples, will it appear what was a joyous outpouring of a soul by their combined labors and sacri- kind of a world God had in view on the wing for paradise. Among fices, put an end to evil on earth, when he created our planet. In other striking and rapturous antici- would nothing be left worth living those millennial ages the saints now pations, was the assurance that he for? Would it then be wise for in paradise will render the service now preparing them. would see and converse with the them to commit suicide, and so put for which their gracious training is And, for aught we know, there apostles, especially with Paul, and an end to good as well as evil? "What then," you ask, "will be hear from his own lips an explanation of some passages in the epistle the service of the saints in para- will be work for the redeemed in to the Romans. Now, that does not dise? Will they spend their time other worlds. It may be that other strike me as fanciful or unwarrant in singing hymns and bowing be- worlds have been cursed by sin and able. What more reasonable than fore the central throne?" Well, I death; and it may be that you and to believe that the apostles are still think they will spend a part of I, in the ages to come, may be mesdischarging their function of feed- their time in worship; that is the sengers and missionaries of redeeming the flock of God? Saints, when representation of Scripture, and it ing love to the outlying planets of they depart, will join the great is rational; for the worship of the this or other systems. Of this I congregation of the redeemed; and First Fair and the First Good is the am sure: We shall never be idle; who will say that they will not highest act of the highest intelli- we shall be able to say, in all humilGROW by converse with the noblest, gence. But that will not be the ity, through all the ages, "Our most illuminated minds in the uni- only employment of paradise. Father worketh hitherto, and we What has just been said suggests a 5. It must be added, as the con4. It is but another form of the wondrous service which the blessed same thought when I remark that will render to each other. Think of summation of the bliss of paradise, the saints in paradise will be en- the souls from among men that that the saints therein reposing are gaged in active and fruitful service. could by any moral means be saved, with Christ. They see Him as He This is not inconsistent with what brought into one vast, countless is; they behold in Him the glory was said about their blissful repose. community, all building each other of God; they enter into His joy. up in knowledge, in love, in moral Rest is not inaction.



[The closing remarks of the discourse were omitted, on account of lack of space.]



There are three vitally important choices to be made by young men,

A truth once stated gains nothing by repetition. What a life and

what a lesson.

fortune and taken his first step toGENERAL GRANT said to Prince wards independence by living eco- Bismarck: "I regard General Shernomically and depositing his savings idan as not only one of the greatest in a savings bank. A few years' soldiers of our war, but one of the saving, with accumulated interest, greatest soldiers of the world, as a gives a man a financial footing that man who is fit for the highest comabout which a few plain hints may is a very important factor in suc-mand, and no better general than be pertinent and useful. The first cessfully fighting life's battle. Try Sheridan ever lived." one is his occupation. "He who it yourself by opening an account does not bring up his son for a with some Savings Bank, and you trade, brings up a boy for the will never regret it. devil" is an ancient Jewish proverb. In America too many of THE next census of the populaWithout friends, with nothing our native-born youths eschew a tion of the United States will be but his own courage and indomitmechanical trade as vulgar, and go the centennial census of 1890. The able will, he commenced at the scouring about for some easier" situ- first census was taken in 1790, and bottom and climbed the ladder to ation." If Benjamin Franklin, the at that time it was estimated that the top of fame's highest pinnacle, printer, and Roger Sherman, the the whole population numbered but never kicking the rounds from shoemaker, were alive now, they about four millions. In 1880 it under him as he ascended. would tell their young countrymen was over fifty millions, and the His example is a torch, a beacon what a foolish mistake many of census for 1890 will show a popu- light, a lesson to every boy and man, them were making. So would lation of between sixty-five and and while great success is given to Vice-President Wilson and Gover- seventy millions. At this rate of but few, yet such an example as nor Banks, who said he "graduated increase the population of this his is of most inestimable value as from an institution which had a country will turn its one hundred a guide to every one possessed of a factory-bell on the roof and a water- millions about the year 1900. No laudable ambition.-Gen. R. A. one need dread that event, however, Alger, Address to Army of the Cumberland, Chicago, Sept. 19th.

wheel at the bottom."

least inconvenience.

The Average of Human Life.

The Pyramids.

The old Egyptians were better builders than those of the present day. There are blocks of stone in

In selecting your occupation on the score of being crowded. endeavor first to find out what the There is enough land in this counCreator made you for. Consult try to accommodate twenty-five or your natural bent and talent. If thirty million workers, without the you have a talent for trade then you may venture into a countingroom or store. If you have a native skill in chemistry and are made for The average of human life is the pyramids which weigh three or a doctor, then study medicine. If about 33 years. One-quarter die four times as much as the obelisk your mathematical capacity fit you previous to the age of 7 years, one- in Central Park. There is one for it, you may be an engineer. No half before reaching 17. Of every stone, the weight of which is esti one ever fails in life who under- 1,000 persons, only 1 reaches 100 mated at 880 tons. There are stands his business, and few ever years of life; of every 100, only 6 stones thirty feet in length which succeed in life who do not under- reach the age of 65, and not more fit so closely together that a penstand it. Seek for a useful, prothan 1 in 500 lives to 80 years of knife may be run over the surface ductive calling, and steer clear of a age. The married are longer lived without discovering the break behave tween them. They are not laid career of "speculation " as you than the single. Women would a gambling den or a glass of more chances of life in their favor with mortar, either. We have no

gin.-The Headlight.

previous to being 50 years of age than men have, but fewer after"EVERY man has the secret of ward. The longest lives are found becoming rich who resolves to live in temperate climates, among counwithin his means; and independence try people.-Selected. is one of the most effectual safeguards of honesty." Many a young

machinery so perfect that it will make two surfaces thirty feet in length which will meet together in unison, as these stones in the pyra mids meet. It is supposed that they were rubbed backwards upon Three things to think about. each other until the surfaces were assimilated.-Selected.

man has laid the foundation of his Life, death and eternity.

Christian Sympathy.

It is well to cherish the sympathetic spirit as we move among the bereaved and disappointed of earth. Even though we may sometimes fail to receive one response to our sincere outgoings of heart from the objects of our sympathy, there is ample reward in that which we ourselves gain. Prayer is more real and effectual while the heart is kept tender in this way. Our own sorrows are more easily borne when we lose sight of ourselves in helping others; the great Burden Bearer seems nearer to us then, and the longing for a purer clime, where sorrow and pain are unknown, is deeper and richer. It is better to go to the house of mourning than of feasting. The unregenerate heart may wonder that it is so, but the

children of God declare it to be a

fact. We doubt if any one can come to fullness of experience in divine things who is unwilling to engage in ministry for others walking in shadows and in need of help.

The Solid Rock.

rope was long enough for the tall
miners, and the shortest of them
had learned to have faith to let go
without fear. They knew the firm
rock would receive and hold them.
Just so we may know that Christ
will hold us, if we let go every-
thing else and trust to him.-Ex.

66 Hobson's Choice."

Did you know that this familiar
"Hobson's Choice," pre-
serves the memory of a very good
and useful man?

Thomas Hobson was born in
1544; he was for sixty years a car-

rier between London and Cam

bridge, conveying to and from the
University letters and packages,
also passengers. In addition to his
express business, he had a livery
stable and let horses to the Univer-
sity students. He made it a rule
that all the horses should have, ac-
division of work and rest. They
cording to their ability, a proper
were taken out in regular order, as
they stood, beginning with the one

nearest the door. No choice was

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Sayings of Little People. ON a summer morning little Lillie was walking with her aunt and discovered a spider's web. She was allowed, and if any man refused to delighted and exclaimed: “Oh, see! take the animal assigned him he here is a hammock for bugs!" might go without any. That or A very little fellow has a very A gentleman once wished to ex-none. Hence the phrase, "Hob- lively tongue, and talks so much at amine a deep coal mine. Coming son's Choice." to the mouth of the shaft, he noticed a rope by which he supposed the miners descended. Taking hold, slowly he let himself down. When at last he came to the end of the rope, he found to his horror that he

had not reached the bottom of the mine; he realized that he had made

meals that, on a recent occasion, In the spring of 1630 the plague when there were to be guests at the broke out in England. The colleges table, his elder brother bribed him of Cambridge were closed, and with a nickel to be still. After ten among the precautions taken by the minutes of silence the little boy authorities to avoid infection, Hob- whispered anxiously to his brother, son was forbidden to go to London." Arthur, Arthur, mayn't I talk a He died in January, 1631, partly, cent's worth?"

it is said, from anxiety and fretting

TEACHER?"Tell me, Thomas,

a fatal mistake. He could not re- at his enforced leisure. Hobson JOSH BILLINGS says: "The best
ascend, and to let go his hold was was one of the wealthiest citizens medisin I kno for the rumatiz is to
to fall, perhaps hundreds of feet, of Cambridge, and did much for thank the Lord it ain't the gout."
to the rocks below. All around the benefit of the city, to which he
was darkness. He called wildly left several legacies. His death
for help, but there came no re- called forth many poems from how many voyages around the
sponse. At last, giving up to his members of the University, officers world did Captain Cook make?"
fate, he let go the rope and fell. and students, among them two by
He dropped about six inches, and the poet Milton, then a student at
stood safe and sound upon the Christ's College.-Pamela M'Ar- which of these voyages was he

Thomas: "Three."
Teacher: "Correct. And on

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The Baptist State Convention. State Convention Programme.

Ann Arbor, Oct. 17-21.

7:30-Annual Sermon by Rev. E. H. E. Jameson, D. D.

Collection for General Fund.

A Special Musical Feature. In addition to the musical preparation for the Convention to be made by our choir, there will be a special

Appointment of Committees on Nomina- musical feature in the presence on

tious and Arrangements. Report of the Board. THURSDAY.

8:30-Devotional Meeting in the Lecture Room, 9:00-Report of Committee on Nominations.

led by Rev. James Huntington.

Organization of Convention.

Report of Committee of Arrangements.
Report of Treasurer.
Miscellaneous Business.

of the

10:00-Rigterial Education, of Christian and Min Address by Rev. M. A. Willcox, D.D., Presi

by Prof. D. Putnam.

dent of Kalamazoo College. Address by Rev. J. Snashail.

minutes each.

Free Discussion, speakers limited to seven 11:30-Miscellaneous Business. 2:00 Miscellaneous Business.


By the time this issue is received 4:00-General Board Meeting.
our much anticipated Convention
will have met with us. THE ANN
ARROR BAPTIST Volunteers its wel-
come on behalf not only of all
Ann Arbor Baptists, but of all Ann
Arbor people. An interesting pro-
gramme, extending throughout sev-
eral days, is in prospect. The
women disprove a well-known
proverb by having the first word
and getting through with "their
say" almost before the Convention
proper has begun. The Women's
Missionary Societies hold their
meetings Tuesday afternoon and
Wednesday forenoon and after-
noon at the Presbyterian Church.
A public meeting is held by them
during Convention time, occupying
Thursday evening in the Baptist
Church. The State Pastor's Con-
ference holds its annual meeting
Tuesday evening and Wednesday
morning and afternoon. Wednes-
day evening the Convention proper
begins with the annual sermon by
the Rev. E. H. E. Jameson, D. D.,
of Lansing. The meetings continue
morning, afternoon and evening,
until Sunday evening, except that
Saturday afternoon is left free for
visiting the University.

2:30-Report of the Board of Foreign Missions,
by Rev. S. Haskell, D. D.
Addresses by

Free Discussion.
4:00-Miscellaneous Business.

7:30-Annual Public Meeting of the Woman's Bap
tist Foreign Mission Society of Michigan.

All of these meetings are public, and most of them will be found in

Reports and Addresses by

8:30-Annual Public Meeting of the Woman's Bap

tist Home Mission Society of Michigan." Free-will Offerings, Mrs. Wm. A. Moore. The Outlook, Mrs. S. A. Gibson.

Missionary Exercise by Boys, conducted by

Mrs. A. B. Stevens.


8:30-Devotional Meeting in the Lecture Room,

led by Rev. J. Gunderman. 9:00-Miscellaneous Business. 11:00-Recess for Board and Committee Meetings.

2:00 Miscellaneous Business. 2:30-Report of Board of Home Missions by Rev.

H. F. Cochrane, Secretary.

Our Great Republic and its need of the Gos-
pel, Rev. Albert E. Cook, Cheboygan.
What can we do for the Germans? Rev. R.
Otto, Detroit.
Home Mission Work and Our Foreign-Born

Population, Rev. Kerr B. Tupper, D. D.,

Grand Rapids.

The Present and the Future, Rev. Edward

Ellis, District Secretary. Free Discussion. 4:00-Report of Committee on Ministers' Aid Society by Rev. K. B. Tupper, D. D. Address by Rev. A. E. Mather, D. D. Free Discussion. 4:30-Miscellaneous Business.

5:00-Recess. 7:30-Report of Board of Publication Society and State Sunday School Work by E.A.Hough,

Addresses by Rev. Nelson, LL. D., followed

by ten-minute addresses by Revs. W. L.

Farnum and E. W. White.
Free Discussion.

led by Rev. A. F. Niles.

8:30-Devotional Meeting in the Lecture Room, 9:00-Miscellaneous Business. 10:00-Report of Board of State Missions by Rev.

J. Donnelly, D. D.

Addresses: 1. Our Judea," by Rev. W. L. 2. "Our Plan of Work," by Rev. C. E. Con



3. "Tidings from the Field," by Rev. John McLean and Rev. T. T. Howd. Free Discussion.

Miscellaneous Business.

teresting to all. A study of the programme, which will be found in different papers, will enable those who must choose between sessions to choose wisely. Our entertainment and other local committees are doing all in their power to provide for the comfort of our guests. A cloak-room, postoffice and teleAddresses by phone will be provided, the last9:30-Devotional Meeting in the Lecture Room, named through the thoughtful gen-10:30-Sermon in the Interest of Foreign Missions erosity of Mr. T. J. Keech of the Congregational Church. We are expecting a time of much enjoyment and of genuine profit.

11:30-Report of Bureau of Ministerial Supply. 12:00-Recess until evening to give opportunity 7:30-Report of Committee on Temperance.

for visiting the State University.

[blocks in formation]

Convention Sunday, Oct. 21, of Mrs. Julia Spencer Carman, Miss Nellie M. Carman and Master Davie Carman, from Ohio, who may be expected to sing at some of the meetings. The "Carman Family" have been called upon for very wide service in religious conventions during the years past, and members of the family occasionally find time still for a little of the work. The singing of Master Davie at one of our Sunday evening services during the summer will be remembered by many. It is expected that the family will remain and give an "Evening of Song" during the week following the Convention, probably on Friday evening, the 28th inst.

Our Sunday School. Our school presents every advantage for Bible study found in the best schools. There is a large and most admirable adult class taught by Professor Spalding, two classes for University students, taught by Professors Demmon and Beman, a class for high school students. taught by Prof. J. G. Pettengill, principal of the high school, and a large Normal class taught by Mrs. A. B. Stevens. Young ladies and girls, young men and boys, and the little ones of the primary department are all well provided for, and many have separate class rooms. We believe that there is a place for every member of our church and congregation in our Bible school.

WE have decided to publish the State Convention program in this issue, as it will be of such general


THE pastor is delivering a series of three sermons on "Our Church Covenant" during the month of October. The question of the nature and authority of a Baptist church covenant is a most interesting one.


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