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AT MRS. E. A. HOYT'S NEW MILLINERY STORE, N. of Millinery and Hair Goods at Bottom Prices.

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Work of all kinds Promptly Attended to.


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Flavoring Extracts a specialty


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Homely Counsel.

It isn't worth while to fret, dear,

To walk as behind a hearse,
No matter how vexing things may be,
They easily might be worse;
And the time you spend complaining
And groaning about the load
Would better be given to going on,
And pressing along the road.

I've trodden the hill myself, dear-
"Tis the tripping tongue can preach,

"Go thy way for this time," "Go had gone that far she could see a
thy way for all time."
little farther on, and in just a min-
Years ago an advertisement was ute or two she would see the school.
placarded on the city walls of a With a good deal of trepidation
pleasure expedition with the al- she started off and reached the
luring assurance, "Only one night school in safety.
at sea." Years and years have
passed, and that vessel is yet at sea.
Many a sinner has said, "Only one
more month or two and I will re-

But though silence is sometimes golden, pent," and the month or two has


As oft, there is grace in speechAnd I see, from my higher level,

'Tis less the path than the pace

That wearies the back and dims the eye,
And writes the lines on the face

There are vexing cares enough, dear,
And to spare, when all is told;
And love must mourn its losses,

And the cheek's soft bloom grow old;
But the spell of the craven spirit
Turns blessing into curse,
While the bold heart meets the trouble
That easily might be worse.

So smile at each disaster

That will presently pass away,
And believe a bright to-morrow
Will follow the dark to day.
There's nothing gained by fretting;
Gather your strength anew,
And step by step go onward, dear,
Let the skies be gray or blue.

proved as long as eternity!


As I hurried on I could not help thinking how good an illustration that was of our life here. Just a few steps at a time can we see, and yet when we take 'these steps we can see others ahead of us. Cut this net of the adversary Father says, "Be of good courage," with the Sword of the Spirit, which but how often do we stand still, is the word of God! Give open refusing to believe Him because we ear to its "Now is the accepted cannot see the end from the betime; now, now is the day of sal- ginning. vation! Seek ye the Lord while he may be found; call ye upon him while he is near-or ever the silver cord be loosed Ol' the golden bowl broken. Before the awful

Attend Your Prayer Meeting.

One of the very important means for the cultivation of the graces of the spirit is the prayer meeting. It word go out Joined to idols, let ought to mean a great deal, and should be a help in the religious him alone. Let him alone, ye life. No service is more frequently ministering angels. Let him alone, ye prayers of God's people. Let enjoined than prayer, and to none is there attached brighter promises, Let him alone, all gracious, soul- for which reasons it should be resaving influences, forevermoregarded with much interest, and The Rev. W. P. Breed, D. D., in "The Presbyterian.”

him alone, thou word of God. -Margaret E. Sangster.

The Retiarius.

"I Can't See."

(Taken from the Diary of a Friend.)

Yesterday morning


should be cheerfully used by all. Come to the prayer meeting, that you may grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The gentlemen and ladies and the howling mob of old Rome, as they gazed from the galleries of the amphitheatre into the arena to The Latest in Dictionaries. see men kill each other for their amusement, often saw the RetiaWorcester's new academic dicrius approach his adversary, holdtionary has many of the more coming a net in one hand and a three- foggy, so foggy that the curbstone mon new words included. "Dude" pronged, sharp-pointed fork in the was hardly discernible from the is credited to the Portuguese_doudo, other. The net he tried to throw house, and nothing beyond that a fool, a dolt; and its meaning in over his adversary, and then, when could be seen. On my way to English is given as "a fop, a dandy." he had him entangled he stabbed school I always leave Gladys at the One meaning of "boom" (U. S.) him to death with his trident. kindergarten. I was late that is "an enthusiastic, popular moveSatan is the chief of Retiarii. morning, and when we came to the ment." "Boodle" is missing, He carries with him a fine, invisi- corner of the block on which was which is unaccountable. Worcesble net with which he entangles her school I said, "Now, dearie, ter says "nee-ther," not "nyehis victim. That net is Procrasti- won't you go alone the rest of the ther," and shows that other lexiconation. With this he catches the way, sister is so late?" "But, graphers support him in this by ten sinner, and then with his weapon Ruthie," she said, "I don't know to four. he slays him. In countless in- the way; I can't see." I showed stances the cunning, half-pious her how she could see the steps of "Not yet" becomes "Not at all," the second house beyond where we "To-morrow" becomes "Never," stood, and told her that when she

Kind words cost no more than

harsh ones; the former soothe, while the latter wound, the feelings of those addressed.

The Painlessness of Death.

complain at this season of the year,

We have a New York Sun: The act of dying, it is now ascer- and which is ordinarily ascribed to Chinese population of nearly ten tained, is absolutely free from suf- the change of season. The system thousand in this city, but it is a fering; is really unconscious, insen- is filled with impurities, as a result rare sight to see any Chinaman apsibility always preceding it. Any of deficient oxygenation of the plying for help at any of the pubanguish that may attend mortal ill-blood, and so the body becomes in lic charitable institutions of the ness ceases before the close, as thou-a high degree susceptible to all city. Our Chinese residents are sands who have recovered, after causes of vital disturbance. The always ready to assist each other in hope had been surrendered, have reception of a few fever germs is all the emergencies of life. Most borne witness. Sudden and violent all-sufficient to bring on a violent illness, by setting fire to the feverdeath, shocking to the senses, may not be, probably is not, painful to feeding material with which the the victim. Drowning, hanging, tissues are filled as the result of the deficient air cleansing. freezing, shooting, falling from a Ventilation of living rooms is of hight, poisoning of many kinds, beget stupor or numbness of the great importance at all times, but nerves, which is incompatible with the supply of an ample amount of sensation. Persons who have met fresh air to sleeping rooms is doubly with such accidents, and survived important during the hours of them, testify to this. Records to sleep.

the effect are numberless.-Junius H. Browne, October Forum.

Pure Air at Night.

A Habit of Mirthfulness.

of them belong to societies of mutual assistance on the Chinese plan. When one of them is penniless he out of work he finds others ready can borrow money. When one is to aid him in procuring it. When one is ill, nurses furnish the needed service, and if he dies, the expenses of his burial are always easily obhave become well off through the tained. Several hundred of them business of their washhouses. There are no loafers among them, and all of them are noted for their industrious lives.

It is a solemn fact that the drollest things in the world are said by people who do not dream of being The season of the year is ap droll, while another equally mournThe mystery of the so-called proaching in which doors and winful fact is that nobody is so dull as Japan magical mirrors, so far as dows are usually closed, and the the man who makes it his special the cause of their reflecting objects matter of pure air becomes one of business to be funny. We all have that are on the back side of the serious importance. During the an ideal of the half-saint, halfmirror is concerned, appears to day, the air of living rooms is pret- martyr look which is proper to peo-have yielded to a little painstaking ty certain to be changed more or ple who are in affliction. Never investigation. They are thin metal less by the frequent opening of owning it, perhaps hardly express-hand mirrors, with raised figures outside doors. During the night, ing it, we are inclined, judging on the back of them, and are cast however, not infrequently all out-superficially, to expect an aspect of of an alloy of about eighty parts side openings are tightly closed, and the occupants of sleeping rooms fortune or friends. Yet it has been copper and twenty of tin, making a very hard yet elastic metal. In might almost as well place them- well said: "We cannot measure the selves for eight or ten sleeping depth of suffering by the readiness grinding the mirrors they are prehours of the night in an air-tight with which the mourner sinks into sumably laid on a flat plate, and


woe in one who has been bereft of

the pallor and silence consistent
You must remem-
with his case.

the grinding pressure and the thick parts, opposite the raised figures, In the morning, persons who thus are ground more rapidly; the deprive themselves of life-giving ber the strength of the back as well oxygen, the great necessity of life, as the weight of the burdens; the pressure removed, the plate springs awake unrefreshed and dispirited face that has the habit of smiles will back, and the mirror is concave on and languid, pale and weak with still smile through its tears." Thank the face where the figures are. headache, giddiness, no appetite, God, if this habit of smiles be The light reflected from this mirand many other symptoms of the yours! And be glad with the boys ror will show the figures which are foul air poisoning to which the sys- and girls, though they sometimes on the back, not from any magical laugh a little too londly, a trifle too power, but because of the concave tem has been subjected. This acreadily. In many a dark day the surface produced over the figures readily. In many a dark day capacity for mirthfulness may prove

counts for a very large part of the colds and other forms of physical wretchedness of which a good many

a benediction.-Christian Intelli--the result of accident rather than
of design.


The Saloon Spider.

A spider sat in his basement den,

Weaving his snares for the souls of men.

"Father's Old Shoes."


Benny C

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was sitting in the name is Barleycorn, a spirited chap who can throw the best prize

room with his mother and little sis

"I will not work with my hands," quoth he, ter. By looking at his sad and fighter living.-Norristown Her

"An easier pathway must open for me."
He spread his tables of greenest baize,
And many a cunning trap he lays.
The marble balls are smooth and white,
The den is blazing with floods of light.
Behind the bar the spider stands.
There is not a wise man in the land
But loses his wit and becomes a fool
If he yields himself to the spider's rule;
There's not a man so strong and brave

But the spider will dig him a shameful

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thoughtful face one would have
taken him to be ten years of age,
yet he was but six. No wonder!


The First Step.


tomers complained, and the land


For four years this almost baby had saloon in England has a step to
Every one entering a certain
been used to seeing a drunken descend to get to the bar. Many
father go in and out of their little falls took place at this step.
cottage. He scarcely remembered
anything from him but abuse and lord put up a sign, "Mind the first
cruelty, especially toward his kind
and loving mother. But now he
was dead! The green sod had lain
on his grave a week or more, but
the terrible effects of his conduct
were not buried with him. The
poor children would start with a
shudder at every uncertain step on
the walk outside, and at every hesi-
tating hand upon the latch. On
the day mentioned above Benny's
mother was getting dinner.

"Will my little son go to the woodshed and get mother a few sticks to finish boiling the tea kettle?"

"I don't like to go into the woodshed, mamma," said Benny, look ing down.

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Why, my son?”

"Because there is a pair of father's old shoes on the beam out there, and I don't like to see them."

"Why, Benny, do you mind the old shoes any more than you do father's coat and hat up stairs?"

Young man, listen! Mind the first step to evil; the first glass; the first lie; the first bad language; the first look at an impure woman!

You want a good time? So you're going to have a look at what's popularly called "life." My boy, you never made a bigger mistake in your life. There is no bloom of life in the charnel houses of "fast life," but there is death! death!!

May God have mercy on the young man who advises you ever to enter a place where your mother's name would be jeered at. Your companion wants you to go with him, just to have one look, does he? Don't go, in God's name I ask you, but mind the first step!


Revenge is a naked sword-
It hath neither hilt nor guard;
Wouldst thou wield this brand of the
Lord ?

Is thy grasp, then, firm and hard ?
But the closer thy clutch of the blade,

When Adam planted the vine Satan came and watered it with the blood of a peacock. When it put forth leaves he watered it with the blood of a monkey. When the grapes appeared he watered it with the blood of a lion. When the grapes were ripe he watered it with the blood of a pig. The vine drank the blood of these four animals, and took their different characters. Thus, with the first glasses of wine the blood of the drinker always becomes more animated, his Oh! the dreadful after-influence vivacity is greater, his color more of a drunken father to innocent brilliant; in this state he has the children!-Mrs. M. A. Kidder in brilliancy of the peacock. The The Banner. fumes of the liquor begin to mount to his head, he is gay, he gambols like a monkey. Drunkenness seizes him; he is as furious as a lion. It is at its height; like the fourth animal he falls, he wallows, John has been knocked out and one should never remember it.will not fight again; but we Charron.

and sinks into a swinish sleep.

"Because," said Benny, the tears filling his blue eyes, "they look as if they wanted to kick me."

The English pugilist who came over here to fight John L. Sullivan may be disappointed in finding that

The deadlier blow thou wouldst deal,
Deeper wound in thy hand is made-
It is thy blood reddens the steel.
And when thou hast dealt the blow-
When the blade from thy hand has

Instead of the heart of the foe,

Thou mayst find it sheathed in thine


-Charles H. Webb, in "The Century.”

He who receives a good turn should never forget it; he who does


What Ned Learned.

Ned was a bright little fellow, always asking questions and keeping his eyes open whenever in the city, or visiting his dear old grandma in the country.

he wanted to walk with me down to the brook.

"Well, my little man, he is eating worms,' he is eating worms," said Ned; "they might his dinner now; don't you see how sting you." he puts his head way down in the flower? He has what is called a ligula, which is the Latin for a long tongue, with which he draws up the honey into his body and so eats his dinner."

"How funny that is, Uncle Charlie," said Ned.

"Now," I said, "I will to catch him for you, but


"No, my boy, it is impossible for this caterpillar to sting you, but it will push out from its head a pair of yellow horns, also sending forth a disagreeable odor; and thus it frightens other insects away from



fly lays an egg on the parsley and "Now," I said, "the lady butterOn last Fourth of July we were carrot tops, and about the first of all at grandma's to enjoy her chicken try July, from the shell of the egg out pot-pie and dumplings, and after you pops a tiny worm, about the tenth Ned had tired of his fire-crackers must be very still, like a good of an inch long. It starts to eat young and tender leaves of the So, while Ned watched me with parsley or carrot, and each day his big blue eyes, I went quietly grows larger, until at last it reaches up to the butterfly, and, with my the size of this one I have here. thumb and first finger, I picked After it has grown to this size, him off the flower. I thought Ned which takes about two weeks, it would go wild with delight. eats for a day or two longer, and finally crawls to a fence or a tree, and attaches itself to it by a loop of silk of its own weaving. The loop is in the form of the letter U, with the two ends fastened to the fence or tree, while in the other portion the caterpillar rests as if in a cradle, and also fastens that portion of the body which we call the anal portion, but which for the present you and I will call the tail. Well, after it has done this, the caterpillar's skin splits and comes off, and we see him in a different form, called the chrysalis, or pupa.

Before going, we went into the garden to get some cherries from grandma's "best tree," as she called it. I went up the ladder and left Ned to hold the basket for me at the foot of the tree, as he was a little bit too young to venture up himself. Just as I had picked a nice ripe bunch of cherries, Ned, who had been on the lookout for who had been on the lookout for pretty things, as usual, called :

"Oh, Uncle Charlie, see there! what a pretty butterfly!" and sure enough there was one on a thistle


Ned wanted to catch it at once, but I told him he had better wait until I came down from the tree

and I would try to catch it for him. and tell him all about the beautiful

little fairy.

He clapped his hands with glee at the thought of knowing more about the little creature.

"Now tell me more about him, won't you, Uncle Charlie? But why do you call it him?" he asked.

"Because," I said, "do you see all these bright yellow spots in a row on both of his black wings? Well, all the gentleman butterflies have more beautiful coats than the ladies. The lady butterflies of this species look almost the same as the gentlemen, but haven't as many of the bright buttons or yellow spots on their wings."

"What do you call him and where does he come from?" asked Ned.

"Now in this form it seems to be dead, and remains fastened to "Now," said I, "his big name the fence or tree all through the is Papilio Asterias, or swallow- long, cold winter, until spring, tail butterfly, which we had better when, as soon as the warm sun call him until we know him better, begins to shine, and the parsley to and then you can address him by grow again, the skin or house that his big name. You want to know has sheltered it all this long time, where he comes from? Well, he opens its doors, or splits, and out first came from a very small egg, comes one of those beautiful but"Now," I said, "we must be which soon became a caterpillar; terfly creatures." quiet and wait for a minute or two then the caterpillar seemed to go until he begins to taste the honey to sleep for a while, and now which is contained in the thistle we find him in this beautiful blossom. It will be so good he won't want to leave it, and we may be able to take him off in our fin

"Oh! but he'll bite you, Uncle

"No, he can not bite, my boy,

for he has no teeth."



"I should like to see all this so
wonder in his eyes.
much," said Ned, with a look of

"Well, if you would rather learn
more of this beautiful little ani-
mal' than go to the brook, I will
try to teach you," said I.

"I want to know all about him."
"Very well, then, come

66 No teeth?" said Ned. Why, me."

how does he eat his dinner?"

"Oh, don't touch those


"Isn't that lovely, Uncle Charlie? I shall always remember all about it, and will never let any boys or girls I know of hurt one of those little fairies. But you will tell me more about some other kinds I have seen, won't you ?"

"Yes, Neddy, some other afternoon; but it is tea time now, and nearly the hour for little boys to go to bed."

When we got back to the house Ned told his grandma all about it, and almost word for for word.ugly Judge's Young Folks.

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