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The Sharing of the Earth. "Take the world," cried the God from

his heaven

To men- "I proclaim you its heirs ;
To divide it amongst you 'tis given,

You have only to settle the shares."
Each takes for himself as it pleases,
Old and young have alike their desire ;
The harvest the Husbandman seizes,
Through the wood and the chase sweeps
the Squire.

mained in his custody for several stock on the first drop of 2 per

His salary having been increased, Reports on the street were conhe managed to save $100, and this tradictory, some people saying that he put up with a stock broker as a the bank had met with frightful 10 per cent. margin on a purchase losses; others that the tales of misof $1,000 worth of stock in the fortune were much exaggerated, Central Bank, a new concern which and that a concern not yet four commenced business early in 1884, years old (it being now November, enjoying a good measure of popu- 1887), could not have lost the sums Cries the Monarch, the thoroughfares block-larity and paying a reasonable divi-stated, the personnel of the board dend from the outset. In a couple being considered. of months George sold his stock at an advance and netted 3 per cent. on the face of his stock, or 30 on his invested margin.

The Merchant his warehouse is locking-
The Abbot is choosing his wine-


"Every toll for the passage is mine!"

All too late, when the sharing was over,
Comes the Poet-he came from afar-
Nothing left can the Laggard discover,
Not an inch but its owners there are.

Naturally George inclined to the more hopeful reports, and set himto think how he might self bridge over the difficulty. No plan Central shortly fell off a little, suggested itself until suddenly he Thus to Jove went his voice in complain and George, acting on the advice of heard a voice say close to his ear:

"Woe is me, is there nothing remaining, For the son who best loves thee alone!"


As he fell at the Thunderer's throne.

In the land of the dreams if abiding," Quoth the God-"Canst thou murmur at ME?

a friend, a clerk in the broker's" Borrow it from your box." office, bought a fresh lot of $3,000 So sudden was the temptation worth, supplementing his profits and so vivid his imagination that Where wert thou, when the earth was by some more money which he had he started from his place and turned saved, and some which he had been to see his adviser, but of course he able to earn by outside work in was alone in his box. evening hours.


"I was," said the poet, "BY THEE !"

Mine eye by Thy glory was captur'dMine ear by Thy music of bliss, Pardon him whom Thy world so raptur'd

As to lose him his portion in this!"


The stock then advanced slightly and George felt correspondingly Alas," said the God-"Earth is given happy, but on ugly rumors it fell

Field, forest and market, and all!— What say you to quarters in Heaven? We'll admit you whenever you call!" -Translated from Schiller.

A Young Canadian Banker.


The tempter had made himself heard, however, and all afternoon George's brain was in a state of unwonted excitement.

10 per cent. in a day, and a call for An hour after the usual time more margin was made by the passed before he could balance his cash, and then, work done, he set out to see what news might be had


George had no more money to put up, but he was particularly about Central. The items of inforanxious to save what was already at mation gleaned that evening were Handsome George Bisindic, a stake, as he was endeavoring to ac- more hopeful, and after a restless well disposed boy of 17, arrived in cumulate enough to pay off a mort- three hours after tea George decidToronto in June, 1884, and com-gage of some $600 or $700 on his ed that in the morning he would menced work in one of the banks father's home, as his father was "borrow" just $500 from his tel having headquarters in that rapidly much worried on account of the ler's box and deposit it with the growing city on blue Ontario's near approach of its maturity and shores. Being anxious to succeed his inability to meet the engageand to help his parents, who were ment. not in very good circumstances, he The broker said on George's apworked faithfully and hard, and was pealing to him to nurse him shortly sent to a country branch, where in a few months he was appointed teller. Handling the cash well, he was in a year brought back to the city office and given the post of junior receiving teller.

Here large sums passed through his hands, and in some weeks re

through: "I am assured by those
who ought to know that the bank
will get through all right and will
be in a better position than ever,
but I will not advise you; and as I
take no risks, I will, unless a fresh
margin of 10 per cent. is in my
hands by noon to-morrow, sell your

broker, feeling sure that by the closing hour of the exchange next day the stock would be up again, his own margin saved, and the $500 back again in the bank's possession.

At 11:30 next morning a note arrived from the broker, saying:

DEAR SIR: I must have $500 margin per bearer, or I will sell at noon session of board."

George put out his hand to take a package of fives from his box to wrap up and send by the broker's clerk, when he turned white as a

sheet and almost staggered, for he though a shrewd business man, had seemed to hear his mother's voice a kind heart, and had himself a repeating the words of the old family of boys, thanked George for church catechism in "My duty to his confidence, pointed out to him ward my neighbor," which she had the folly of speculating on margins so often and so patiently taught in the exchange, and having drawn from him the story of his father's mortgage, promised to arrange matters so that there would be no tronble for the old gentleman.


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"To keep my hands from picking and stealing." **Not to covet nor desire other men's goods."

** "To be true and just in all my dealings."

By an effort he controlled himself, breathed a prayer and a thanksgiving to God who had not suffered him to be tempted beyond that he was able, and wrote a note to the broker:

DEAR SIR: Cannot furnish any more margin. Sell if necessary."

The World's Food.





I Used to Kill Birds.

used to kill birds in my boyhood,
hunted them up in the mountains,

Bluebirds and robins and wrens;

I hunted them down in the glens.

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never thought it was sinful
I did it only for fun-
And I had rare sport in the forest

With the poor little birds and my gun.
But one clear day in the Springtime
I spied a brown bird in a tree,
Merrily swinging and chirping,
As happy as bird could be,
And raising my gun in a twinkling,
I fired, and my aim was too true;

For a moment the little thing fluttere

Then off to the bushes it flew.
I followed it quickly and softly,

And there to my sorrow I found,
Right close to its nest full of young ones,
The little bird dead on the ground!
Poor birdies! for food they were calling;
But now they could never be fed,
For the kind mother bird that had loved


Was lying there bleeding and dead.

picked up the bird in my anguish,

In nearly every decade there are periods of scarcity and plenty in food products or the first necessaries of life. Speculation has been rife that by the opening up of new territories of virgin soil by railway communication, wheat The stock was sold, and a debit would reach a minimum of 50 note for $13 sent in to George, cents per bushel. But we find, which amount he paid at once. That when all factors are considered, afternoon the Central Bank cashier that wheat remains through a asked the other banks for assist-decade at about the same standard. The opening up of new fertile areas At the afternoon session of the on the one hand opens up greater exchange the stock was offered at a production, but on the contrary That decline of fifty per cent., and two equally as large tracts of soil are days later it couldn't be given away going below profitable production-M. -carrying as it did double liability, by the land being exhausted of its the bank having suspended, never


to resume.

That could never more feed its dear young
I stroked the wee motherly thing


Nor dart through the air on swift wingAnd I made a firm vow in that moment, When my heart with such sorrow was stirred,

never again in my lifetime

Would I shoot a poor innocent bird.

C. Edwards, in Our Dumb Animals.

"Brown, what did you clear by fertility by continual cropping. that speculation?" "My pockets," Then, again, as civilization ad- said Brown. About an hour after George had vances, wheat becomes more gen- The sovereigns that exert the written to his broker the inspector erally used as a food product. In greatest sway in this world are counted his cash and found it all dia, now a rival in wheat with the neither white nor black, but yellow. right. His book being neatly kept rest of the world, formerly kept and his conduct generally approved of, the inspector told him that he would recommend him for the post of senior receiving teller, with an increase of $200 in salary.

her people on rice, fruits, and mil- A man never finds out how very
let bread-exporting all her wheat. little he knows until he tries to un-
Now the Hindoo is taking to white dress the baby some night when its
bread, or using wheat.
Russia, mother is absent.

another strong competitor in wheat When a clergyman remarked that That evening the general mana- production, is consuming more. there would be a nave in the new ger of the bank in his own home In days gone by the Russian peas-church, an old lady whispered that was visited by young Bisindic, who ant ate black (rye) bread. Now begged the favor of a private inter-wheat forms his staple. The China- she "knew the party to whom he and eats white bread. Thus, whilst man and Jap has changed his diet referred." the area of wheat is expanded by Stranger-"You don't look very Met with some the opening of new lands, there is happy, friend? "No, sir, I have just a corresponding amount of land heavy loss?" being reduced below profitable pro- retired from business to enjoy life." duction, and also that wheat as an article of diet is, the world over, more generally used. The present al-indications are for firm markets.

view, and laid the whole matter before his chief, saying that he could not accept the proposed promotion before telling him of his narrow escape from breach of trust and (as events had proved) its immediate discovery and bitter results.

The general manager, who,

The light of friendship is like the light of phosphorus,-seen plainest when all around is dark.-Crowell.




last year, I never failed to save a verted men has a right to assume little. Next to the book of that he can not move them to reProverbs which abounds with prac-pentance. Such men are in all our tical counsels in regard to prudent congregations. They are perhaps defines the word economy and wise provision for waiting for the whole-souled invitaeconomy as "Managing with fru- the future, Benjamin Franklin's tion of a pastor who cares for their gality,' guarding against loss or writings are most full of condensed souls. We do not make light of waste, prudent in expenditure." wisdom, concerning this matter. the task. It is the severest given That seems to be an art which Many of the proverbs of 'Poor to men on earth. But it can be many people in this country are Richard' are the proverbs of Solo- done by any pastor who will do it slow to learn. As a people we are mon, in substance, hammered out with all his might. The Lord has wasteful and extravagant to almost in different shape. If you would furnished us with perfect weapons a criminal extent; where there is be rich,' he says, think of saving for the attack upon sleeping conone miser among us there are five as well as of getting.' The Indies sciences, for penetrating the habitspendthrifts. The average Ameri- have. not made Spain rich because ual indifference of men, for moving can makes money enough to live her outgoes are greater than her in them to action. Many a pastor has comfortably. I heard a French comes. What maintains one vice been astonished by the effects of his pastor say to the ministers of In- would bring up two children. I plain sermons on the perils of sin, dianapolis last winter: "You see that competent English author- by his efforts to convince men of Americans can make money faster, ity estimates that the drink bill of their personal danger. The Book but we French can keep it better the working classes of England abounds with truth adapted to the and make it go further." The amounts to 36 million pounds an- revival sermon, and human life rewaste of an average American nually, exactly what those same preaches the lessons of the Book. household would go far towards people pay for house rent. For example, the empty lamp is in supporting a family in Germany, Not many weeks ago the Visit-all our homes, and the shut door is France or Italy. The road to com- ing Committee of the Sewing behind us all. This divine lesson petence with most of us is not that School of the Church in which in gospel opportunity is taught by of a greater income, but of a lesser we are gathered visited a home the memory and conscience of outgo. There is a false economy in Indianapolis of abject poverty. every sinner. Our task is to hold. which is miserliness, and miserliness They found a large family in two up the light until it streams into is meanness boiled down. But rooms, a few broken pieces of fur- men's souls. there is also a wasteful improvi- niture-no beds, no comforts. Why not try this year as we dence which is wicked, it is a re- From that hovel went out each day have never tried before? We are sult of a silly vanity or foolish to beg on the streets from three to passing away; our congregations five children. Yet the family sup- are passing away. Death and judgpride or unregulated appetite. Dr. ported two guns and five dogs.ment are at the door. The church Howard Crosby gives it as the The suggestion some one makes is a ment are at the door. The church result of his observation that the wise one. The strongest plank needs revival life and fire. The leading causes which militate that can be put into an anti-pov- land needs gospel peace and rest. against accumulation of property erty society's platform is to keep God has called us to the work of expenses a little inside assets. You saving perishing souls. by families are two. "display may recall Mr. Micawber's advice and dissipation, the women being to Copperfield: is no lack and his grace knows no "Annual income responsible for the former and the 20 pounds, annual expenditure 19 limit except our refusal of its sweet men for the latter." Mr. Wm. pounds 6 pence-result, happiness! invitation. Let the cry go forth: Annual income 20 pounds, annual A REVIVAL IN EVERY CHURCH. expenditure 20 pounds Os and 6d -result, misery!" Everything depends on which side of the page A dreary place would be this earth, the odd sixpence belonged.

The Children.

With Him

E. Dodge, the merchant prince,
who began as a poor boy, gave this
advice in a lecture: "All young
men should aim to save something
each year, even at the expense of
a limited wardrobe and many little
A Revival in Every Church.
things which they think necessities. There ought to be this year a re-
From the first year when I entered vival in every church in the land. And man to stoic coldness turn,
a store with a salary of $50, to my No pastor who preaches to uncon-

Were there no little people in it;
The song of life would lose its mirth
Were there no children to begin it.
The sterner souls would grow more stern,
Unfeeling natures more inhuman,

And woman would be less than woman.
- Whittier.

Step By Step.


Heaven is not reached by a single bound;
But we build the ladder by which we rise
From the lowly earth to the vaulted

in what lines of ministry he would to maintain all the time a high have us serve. When he shuts one state of bodily health.

door it is because he has another To grow kindly as age comes standing open for our feet. When on is to grow in likeness to and a he breaks our lives to pieces it is fit preparation for companionship And we mount to its summit round by because they will do more for his with angels in the mansions where glory and the world's good broken all is love; but to grow cross, and and shattered than whole.-Pres- peevish, and complaining, by reabyterian.


I count these things to be grandly true,
That a noble deed is a step toward God,
Lifting the soul from the common sod
To a purer air and a broader view.

We rise by the things that are under our

By what we have mastered in greed and gain,

Beautiful Old Age.
"What a lovely old man he was;
so simple and modest." Such is a

son of the irritating influences which a diseased and suffering body exercise over the heart,. making it a leafless tree, sapless and dry, when it should have boughs bending almost to the earth with the delicious

By the pride deposed and the passion traveler's testimony of a sage in fruits of a loving nature-how wide

And the vanquished ill we hourly meet.

We hope we resolve, we aspire, we trust,
When the morning calls to life and light;

But our hearts grow weary, and ere the

Our lives are trailing in the sordid dust.

We must borrow the wings to find the way

We may hope, and resolve, and aspire, and pray,

But our feet must rise or we fall again,

Only in dreams is the ladder thrown

From the weary earth to the sapphire


But the dreams depart and the visions


And the sleeper wakes on his pillow of


Heaven is not reached at a single bound; But we build the ladder by which we rise

From the lowly earth to the vaulted skies, And we mount to its summit round by


whose 66

of formation now.


One Thing at a Time.
Life is too short to be frittered

his ninetieth year-a man the contrast old age with religion greatness has not destroyed his no- Let Cornaro and Voltaire be the and health and old age with neither. bleness of heart, but nobleness of representative men, and let every heart has rendered still greater." man determine within the hour The author of "Cosmos" stands which portrait he will sit to, in Wings for the angels, but feet for the men! out among a million of men in his what mold he shall be cast, forgetintelligence, in his age, in his strik-ting not that that mold is in process ing physiognomy, the blue, bright eye, the "massive forehead, deep, broad, overhanging;" and the heart, too, stands out in even higher away. You can't have too many relief than all the others; and the irons in the fire without great risk "What a of burning some. stranger apostrophizes, You can't exlovely old man pect to be equally efficient in a Religion makes a man lovely in his large number of undertakings. age; true and deep science makes a However much a man may be anxman lovely in age; and so does a ious to spread wider and wider the real great great heart; but the im- bounds of his influence for good, he perfections of our nature altogether will be surprised, when he takes his fail to do it, too often when there measure, to find how poorly equipGod even seems to break them is not sound bodily health underly-ped he is after all for a great varisometimes, that they may become ing the whole. It is good health ety of enterprises. His condition truly useful. At least he can use which molds the features in smiles, is summed up in the homely adage, broken lives in his service just as which warms up the affections and "He is Jack of all trades but Maswell as the whole; indeed, it often mellows the heart with human sym- things, but, at the end, he finds that He wants to do great appears as if men can never do pathies. On the other hand, illness life has been spent in attempting much for God until they are "bro- corrugates the brow, freezes up the much, but accomplishing little. ken vessels." He chooses the weak fountains of lovingness, and de- There are no results to show for the things of this world, that no flesh spondency and fretfulness reign labor. The man meant all right, but he failed because life-time is too may glory. supreme, unless counteracted by short to do everything. Therefore We ought, therefore, never to be high Christian principles. it is not the part of wisdom for a afraid of God's providences when With so much deficiency on bod-man not to be lukewarm in any unthey seem to break up our lives and ily health, when gray hairs come dertaking, but full of zeal and encrush our hopes, and even to turn upon us, who shall not say that next ergy, and so to adapt himself to such us away from our chosen paths of to securing a Bible piety, it should limited circumstances that his influusefulness and service. God knows be the aim of all who are truly wise what he wants to do with us, how to do what is possible by study, by he can best use us, and where and observation, and steady self-denial,

Broken Lives.

ter of none."

will not be entirely wasted by tryence can be felt? Then his life ing to do too much and actually doing nothing.


(Continued from page 1.) Gleason, Ellen, Indiana.

Goble, Mrs. Harriet, 59 E. North st.
Goble, Grace, 59 E. North st.
Goble, Perry, 59 E. North st.
Goodrich, Mrs. L., 11 S. State st.
Goodrich, Miss Marion, 11 S. State st.
Goodrich, Miss Georgie, 11 S. State st.
Gray, Geraldine. 74 Thompson.
Groves, Mrs. L. D., 15 Elizabeth st.
Groves, Mabel, 15 Elizabeth st.
Groves, Grace, 15 Elizabeth st.
Green, G. W., M. D., 23 Monroe st.
Green, Mrs. Nancy E., 23 Monroe st.
Green, Walter, 23 Monroe st.
Green, Blanche, 23 Monroe st.
*Green, Charles E. Unity Block.
*Green, Mrs. C. E., Unity Block.
Grennan, Mrs. Mary, 13 Pontiac st.
Greathouse, C. H., Louisville, Ky.
Groh, G. H., 6 Summit st.
Groh, Mrs. Elizabeth, 6 Summit st.
Hanford, Wm., Saline Road.
Hanford, Mrs. Emma, Saline Road.
Haskell, Rev. S., D. D., Detroit.
Haskell, Henry, Kalamazoo.
Haskell, Mrs. Mary, Kalamazoo.
*Helle, Dora, Hamilton Block.
Helle, Minnie, Hamilton Block.
Hess, Mrs. Laura, 74 E Washington.
Hess, Maud, 74 E. Washington.
Hess, Frank, 74 E, Washington.
Hicks, Mrs. Mary, 37 S. Twelfth st.
Hicks, Annie, 37 S. Twelfth st.
Hills, Olive, Iowa.

*Hurd, Minnie, 17 S. Thayer st.
Hurd, Nettie, 27 S. Thayer st.
Hurd, Nellie, 17 S. Thayer st.
Hurd, Hebron, Orleans, Mich.
Hurd, Mrs. Jane, Orleans, Mich.
Hobson, Mrs. Eliza, 16 N. First st.
Hobson, Lillie M., 16 N. First st.
Hooker, Miss Cora J., Chicago, Ill.
Hollister, O. L., Wisconsin.
Holmes, Mrs. Sarah.

Hopkins, A. H., 11 S. State st.
Inglis, Eva Belle, Washington Ter.
Inglis, David W., Washington Ter.
Jacobus, George, 6 Observatory st.
Jacobus, Mrs. Elizabeth, 6 Observatory st.
Jacobus, Mrs. Parmelia, 3 Summit st.
Jacobus, Carrie, 3 Summit st.
Jenkins, Mrs. Sarah, Lansing.
Jenks, Stillman,, Lansing.

Jennings, Mrs. Hattie C.,48 S. Fourth st.
Johnson, Mrs. Mary, 33 N. Fifth st.
Johnson, Mrs. J. P., 14 Packard st.
Johnson, Margaret, 62 Second st.

Kelley, O. A., 6 E. Huron st.
Kelley, Mrs. R., Farwell, Mich.
Kerr, Mrs. Abbie, 4 E. Jefferson st.
King, Daisy M, 36 Wall st.
Knowlton, Mrs. Mary A.,79 E. Huron st.
Kusterer, Mrs. Christine, Brown st.
Kyau, Myatt, Rangoon, Burmah.
Ladd, Cora L., 85 E. Washington.
Larned, Alice K., 43 S. Division st.
Leonard, Mrs. A. C., Jackson, Mich.
Lemon, Mrs. J. C., High st.
Lemon, Lilabel, High st.
Lemon, Clem. C., High st.
Lilly, George W.

Lutz, Mrs. Mary, 71 W. Huron st.
Mains, Mrs. Emily, 38 S. Twelfth st.
Mains, Elmer, 38 S. Twelfth st.
Mains, Eva, 38 S. Twelfth st.

Manz, Mrs. Mary Jacobus, Toledo, O.

Martyn, Mrs. Mary, 5 N. State st.
Midgley, Jessie G., 30 Traver st.
Miley, Grace G., Saline road.
McCollum, Esther, 84 E. Huron.
Moore, Mrs Carrie T., Lodi.
Morgan, B. B., 10 S. State.
Morgan, Mrs. Lucinda, 10 S. State.
Morgan, Miss Emma, 10 S. State.
Morrow, Mrs. Olive J., Tavoy, Burmah.
Moore, Mrs. Kate T, Unity Block.
Moore, Dolly M., Unity Block.
*Moore, Myrtle, Unity Block.

Noble, Lawrence, 104 S. State st.
Noble, Mrs. Jane, 10 S. State st.
Norton, Mrs. Eliz. T., 42 S. Fourth st.
Nowland, Mrs. Lucy, 69 E. Huron st.
Olney, Mrs. Sarah H., 16 N. State st.
Olney, Edw. B., Cheyenne, W. T.
Pack, Morris, 12 N. First st.
Pack, Mrs. Catherine, 12 N. First st.
Pack, John, Spring st.
Pack, Mrs. Mary, Spring st.
Paisley, A. J., W. Huron st.
Paisley, Mrs. A. J., W. Huron st.
Parker, Mrs. Phoebe, Salem, Mich.
Pattengill, Mrs. Abigail, 37 E. Catherine.
Pattengill, Prof. A. H., 37 E. Catherine.
Pattengill, Prof. J. G., Cornwell Pl.
Payne, Mrs. Adelaide, Fenton.
Phelps, Saidie S., Water works.
Plympton, Mrs. C., 11 S. State st.
Polhemus, Mrs. Sarah, 31 Fountain st.
Polhemus, Edith A., 31 Fountain st.
Polhemus, Ada J., 31 Fountain st.
Pratt, Mrs. Delia.
Pusey, Mrs. Rosa.

Reese, Mrs. M. G., 5 N. State st. Remick, Mrs. Catherine, 43 E. Catherine st.

Remington Henry H., 32 N. State.
Rogers Hattie A., 14 Hill st.
Rose, Mrs. Eliza, 14 W. Ann.
Ross John, 6 E. Jefferson.
Ross, Mrs. Emma, 6 E Jefferson.
Ross, Mrs. Caroline, 98 N. Main.
Ross, Edward, 98 N. Main.
Ross, Caroline, 98 N. Main.
Rowe, George, 16 Maynard st.
Royce, Mrs. Rhoda, 25 E. Ann st.

Sage, James R., 45 Spring st.
Sage, Mrs. Elizabeth, 45 Spring st.
Sage, Orville, 3d Ward School.
Sage, Mrs. C. E, 3d Ward School.
Salyer, Wm., 49 E. Ann st.
Salyer, Mrs. Jennie, 49 E. Ann st.
Salyer, Hattie, 49 E. Ann st.
Salyer, Helen J., 49 E. Ann st.
Salyer, A. J., Seattle, W. T.
Salyer, W. H.. 49 E. Ann.
Salyer, Judson, Northfield township.
Scott, Mrs. Emma L., 16 N. Thayer.
Shaffer, Lillie M., W. Huron.
Shannon, Mrs. Martha, 14 High st.
Shannon, Annie E., 14 High st.
Slatford, Julia, Ann Arbor Town.
Smith, Aura, Missouri.
Smith, D. K., Wisconsin.
Snauble, Paul, 46 S. Division st.
Snauble, Mrs. Mary, 46 S. Division st.
Snauble, Verner, 46 S. Division st.
Sollis, Mrs. M. F., 31 N. University ave.
Spoor, Nellie, Battle Creek.

Spalding, Mrs. A., 41 S. Ingalls st.
Spalding, Miss Harriet, 41 S. Ingalls st.
Spalding, Prof. V. M., 50 Thompson st.
Stark, C. M., N. Main st.

Stark, Mrs. E. S., N. Main st.
Stark, Ina, N. Main st.

Stoll, Geo. J., 12 Hill st.

Storms, Mrs. Margaret, 44 Broadway.
Storms, Flora, 44 Broadway.

Storms, Susan, 44 Broadway.

Storms, Genevieve, 44 Broadway.

Storms, Sadie, 10 Bowery st.

Swarthout, Mrs. Ada, 20 S. Ingalls st.
Sweet, Arthur J., 8 Felch st.
Strickler, Mrs. E., 17 Elizabeth st.
Strickler, Christina, 17 Elizabeth st.
Strickler, Abram F., 17 Elizabeth st.
Talley, J. E., 14 Monroe st.
Tichenor, W. E., 11 E. University ave.
Tenbrook, Rev. A., Detroit.
Tenney, Mrs. Martha A., 32 S. Ingalls.
Tenney, Miss Martha, 32 S. Ingalls.
Tenney, Emil B., St. Louis, Mo.
Tompkins, Mrs. Miranda, 38 Thompson.
Tompkins, Miss Ella, 38 Thompson.
Vining, J. C.

Vinton, Andrew W., River Road.
Vinton, Mrs. Mary A., River Road.
Walker, J. O., Dakota.

Walter, Gustav, 41 W. Jefferson.
Walter, Mrs. Augusta, 41 W. Jefferson.
Walter, Emil, 41 W. Jefferson.
Walter, Augusta, 41 W. Jefferson.
Walter, Emma, 41 W. Jefferson.
Walter, Louise, 41 W. Jefferson.
Walter, Mrs. Selma, Andrews, Ind.
Warner, Mrs. Hannah, New Mexico.
Warren, Chas. K., Whitmore Lake road.
Warren, Mrs. Mary, Whitmore Lake rd.
Waterman, Mrs. Ella R., Ypsilanti.
Weeks, Geo. W., 96 Broadway.
Weeks, Mrs. Lucy S., 96 Broadway.
Westfall, Maggie W., Toledo.
Wilkinson, Dr. Thos., Bronson.
Wilkinson, Miss C. R., Lower Town.
Wilcox, Mrs. Minerva C., Bancroft.
Wheeler, Mrs. N. J., 3d Ward School.
Wright, Mrs. A. D., 20 S. Thayer st.
Wright, Miss Ella, 20 S Thayer st.
Wright, Miss Carrie, 20 S. Thayer st.
Wright, Miss Hannah, 20 S. Thayer st.
Wright, Mrs. L. R, Battle Creek.
Wright, Miss Sarah, 29 E. Ann st.
Wright, Mrs. Lois J., 3 Washtenaw st.
Zellers, Mrs. Ninette, 40 S. Fourth st.

*The names marked with an asterisk (*) in the list were added since the October issue of this paper. Subsequent additions will be given in each issue of this paper.

A MEETING is held each Monday evening at the church for Bible study and inquiry work, led by the pastor.

There are in business three things necessary knowledge, temper and time. Feltham.

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Many delight more in giving of presents than in paying their debts. -Sir F. Sidney.

The certain way to be cheated is to fancy one's self more cunning than others.-Charron.

I would desire for a friend the son who never resisted the tears of

Steele, Mrs. Louise P., Springfield, Mass. his mother.-Lacretelle.

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