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KINDNESS 18 THE REAL LAW OF LIFE; dred fold its cost, for it may have KIND WORDS ARE LIKE JEWELS the link that connects earth with rescued for. all future the manhood in the heart, never to be forgotten, heaven; the true philosopher's stone, of a man. Good and worthy con- but to cheer by their memory a long wherewith we purchase contentment, duct may meet with an unworthy or and sad life. While cruel words are peace and love. Would you live in ungrateful return; but the absence like darts in the bosom, leaving scars the remembrance of others after of gratitude on the part of the that will be borne to the grave by shall have passed away? Write receiver cannot destroy the self-ap- their victim. Speak kindly at all your name on the tablets of their probation which recompenses the times; it encourages the downcast, hearts by acts of kindness, love and giver. Could they but know the cheers the sorrowing, and awakens mercy. We should not let ease or inward peace that requites the the erring to an earnest resolve to indulgence contract our affection giver for a kindly act, even though do better, and gives them strength and wrap us up in a selfish enjoy. coldly received by the one to be to keep them. Always leave home ment; but we should accustom ourbenefited, they would nesitate to let selves to think of the distress of the kindly feelings have free expresothers, and how to best relieve them. sion. Kindness is the very principal of love, an emanation of the heart, it encourages us all in our intercourse

with our fellowmen.


Some of them will fall upon good ground and return a hundred fold; they will bear fruits of happiness in KINDNESS DOES NOT CONSIST IN GIFTS, the bosom from whence they spring. but in generosity of spirit. Men The noblest revenge we can take may give their money and withhold upon our enemies is to do them a their kindness; but the kindness of kindness. To return malice for maltrue sympathy is without beneficent ice and injury for injury will afford results. How easy it is to diffuse but temporary gratification, and our pleasure around him, and how truly enemies will only be the more bitter But to take the first opis one fond heart a fountain of glad- against us. ness, making everything in its vicin portunity of showing how superior ity to freshen into smiles. In the we are to them by doing them a intercourse of social life it 18 by lit- kindness, or by rendering them a tle acts of watchful kindness recur- service, is the nobler way; the sting ring daily and hourly-it is by words, of reproach will enter deeply into by gestures, by looks that affection their souls, while unto us our triumph is won. He who neglects these will be rendered complete. A more trifles, yet boasts that when a great glorious victory cannot be gained. sacrifice is called for he shall be It speaks words of comfort to the ready to make it, will rarely be despondent, urged on by a benevo loved. The likelihood is he will not make it, and if he does, it will be much rather for his own sake than for his neighbor's.

lent heart it loves to cheer, console
and invigorate the man of sorrow.


with kind words; for they may be the last. Kind words! What are they? They are a healing balm to the wounded heart. When the soul is overwhelmed with sorrow, and when hope's brightest prospects are withered, they are a fertile spot in

life's desert. When the heart is

burdened with the ills of life how

soon a few kind words will diminish that burden! They are more valuable to the friendless and afflicted and by them more highly prized than the most costly gems that ever decked a

monarch's brow. Kind words to the

angry, for a "soft answer turneth away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger."


For they have endured enough of life's ills; they will sink past scenes into the soft, peaceful lap of forgetfulness. Kind words to children; for they will cause a smile so full of joy and gratitude that it will lighten their faces like a sunbeam. Kind words for all! for they will cost nothing but what they will bountifully repay. For they are like a spring of



They never blister the tongue or
lips, and no mental trouble ever
a hillside-
arises from them. Words of kind- spreading beauty around, nourishing
the beautiful flowers of friendship
and love, causing them to grow and
expand their foliage, imparting their
fragrance to all around till trans-
planted to a heavenly clime, where
they will bloom in perpetual vigor
and unfading beauty forever.-Old

They drive away sadness and cheer
up the soul beyond all common ap-ness fitly spoken are both precious
preciation. They are centers of and beautiful; they are worth much
influence over others which may ac- and cost but little. Kind words are
complish much good. When such like the breath of the dew upon the
kindnesses are administered in time tender plant, falling gently upon the
of need they are like "apples of gold drooping heart, refreshing its with-
in pictures of silver," and will long ered tendrils and soothing its woes.
be remembered. A word of kind- And when the heart is sad and, like
ness in a desperate strait is as wel- a broken harp, the chords of pleas- A hopeless or disappointed love
come as the smile of an angel, and a ure cease to vibrate, how acceptable is a better thing than a hampering
helpful hand-grasp is worth a hun- then are kind words from others. marriage. Percy Grey-Errant.

Gems from James Russell Lowell.


Truth needs no champions: in the infinite deep

Of everlasting Soul her strength abides, From Nature's heart her mighty pulses

leap, Through Nature's veins her strength, undying, tides.

-Elegy on Dr. Channing.


In a small chamber, friendless and unseen, Toiled o'er his types one poor, unlearned

young man;

that from morning to night floods the markets, offices and streets of our great cities. Tired, nervous, irritable, possibly a little disheartened, he starts for his home. If it is winter when he enters there is a bit of bright fire, that makes a bad temper seem like a sin in the contrast; a noise of children, that is not dissonant; and an evident care for his comfort, telling, plainer than any words, how constantly he has been in the mind of the house-mother, while breasting the stress and strife of the

The place was dark, unfurnitured, and day; while a low, sweet voice, that

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Children are God's apostles, day by day Sent forth to preach of love, and hope, and peace.

-On the Death of a Friend's Child,

O brain exact, that in thy scales
Canst weigh the sun and never err,
For once thy patient science fails,

Our problem still defies thy art-
Thou never canst complete for her
The distance and diameter

Of any simple human heart.

-Studies for Two Heads. PRICE.

Earth gets its price for what earth gives us; The beggar is taxed for a corner to die in; The priest has his fee who covers and shrives us,

We bargain for the graves we live in; At the devil's booth are all things sold,

Each ounce of dross costs its ounce of gold;

For a cap and bell our lives we pay, Bubbles we buy with a whole soul's tasking;

"Tis Heaven alone that is given away, 'Tis only God may be had for the asking.

-Studies for Two Heads.


Here is a man who has been in the town all day, in the full tide of care,

excellent thing in woman, greets him with words that ripple over the fevered spirit like cool water. And the man who can nurse a bad temper after that deserves to smart for it. There is no place on the earth into which a man can go with such perfect assurance that he will feel the shadow of healing, as into such a home as that. It is the very gate of Heaven. Robert Collyer.

Wives of Famous Composers.

Mendelssohn had many a passing attachment before he fell in love with Cecile Jeanrenaud, a young lady of great beauty, ten years younger than himself, and daughter of a clergyman of the French Reformed Church. In order to test the sincerity of his passion,he left Frankfort for a month, and stayed at Scheveningen, near to the Hague; but his devotion stood the trial of absence, and soon after his return to Frankfort he proposed, was accepted, and found in his wife a sweet companion for whom his devotion never wavered. Haydn, on the contrary, had a regular Xantippe for his wife. When a boy, and in great distress, he gladly accepted the hospitality of a compassionate barber in Vienna, named Keller, to whose two daughters he undertook to give musical lessons. He fell in love with the younger, but she took the veil, and thereupon the father, anxious to keep him in the family, persuaded him to

a straw

marry the elder, Maria Ann, who was three years his senior. By doing so he laid the foundation of a domestic misery which makes it almost a wonder that he was able to devote himself to musical composi tion at all. She was heartless, unsociable, quarrelsome, extravagant, bigoted-a regular scold, who was as well fitted to make a man's life thoroughly miserable as any woman well could be. Her husband said of her that "she didn't care whether he was an artist or a shoemaker." The innate genius of a man must be firmly rooted to survive such conditions as these. Weber's wife was Caroline Brandt, a talented soubrette, said to have been a good deal spoiled by the public, though she left the stage on her marriage. She brought much happiness to Weber, who was a model husband, and felt that his greatest pleasure in life was to provide for his wife and children to the utmost of his power. Mozart was first deeply enamored of Aloysia, second daughter of Fridolin Weber, a prompter and copyist of Mannheim; but her own attachment for him did not survive his absence for a few months, and she scarcely seemed to remember him on his return.

Four years afterwards, he married Weber's third daughter, Constanze; but though she had some excellent qualities she proved to be a thoroughly bad manager, and scarcely the ideal wife for a man so careless about money matters as Mozart was. They began housekeeping on next to nothing, and in six months were in serious difficulties, whilst later on the wife suffered from almost constant illness. Mozart was greatly devoted to her, his playful tenderness being shown towards her in a thousand quaint ways. Later on, in his closing days, so much saddened by want and melancholy, she, though ill herself, was a veritable "ministering angel" to him, and was "half maddened" with grief at the death of a devoted husband for whose the

dead body she had not even means to buy a coffin.-From Cassell's Saturday Journal.

The Creed of the Poor,

WITHIN yourselves deliverance must like manner, we hear of the reconcil.

be sought.

Each man his prison makes.

-Sir Edwin Arnold.

GOD made all things for Himself; and it is impossible He should make them for any other end than His own glory.-Sir T. Browne.

BOTH erudition and agriculture

The sense of justice is very strongly developed in the English character, and the sense of justice combined with the want of knowledge that sorrow and suffering is not the monopoly of the poor, but that there is an element of tragedy in the lives even of the most apparently prosperous, serves to intensify their conviction that the obvious hard. ought to be encouraged by govern ships of their lot, so infinitely out of ment; wit and manufactures will come of themselves.-Talleyrand. proportion to others, must be more than compensated for in the eternity THE desire of knowledge is natto come. Such a faith requires no ural to everyone, but what advantage religious profession, and perhaps its simplicity is one of its greatest be not seasoned with virtue and reis it to be knowing if that knowledge recommendations. The Heaven they ligion?-Thomas a' Kempis. believe in will be theirs, if in patience, honesty, and sobriety, they live their life on earth.

The poor neither care for nor understand the dogma of the Christian religion. To them it represents mere verbiage. The rock on which they build their faith is the teaching of Christ denuded of all doctrinal mysteries, and the pure, lofty unselfishness of His character appeals to their weary, sorrowful souls.

"To love God and do your duty to your neighbor" is the daily practice and desire of the poor. Their love is shown in their intense belief in His goodness and mercy, and their duty to their neighbor in the daily and hourly acts of kindness, helpfulness, and charity to one another. National Review.

Religion and Creed.

If true happiness consists in knowledge, and if perfect knowledge can only be acquired after death, felicity appears to be reserved for death, or after death.-Tasso.

TIME is like a rapid river and a rushing torrent of all that comes and passes. A thing is no sooner well come than it is past, and then another is borne after it, and this too will be carried away.-Aurelius.

A HINDU candidate for Christian baptism was asked what evidence he had to offer of his conversion. "Formerly," he said, "I was proud and delighted in evil, but since I heard the words of Jesus I delight in these things no more."

REPENTANCE is a purifying power, and every tear is of a cleansing virtue, but these penitential clouds must be kept dropping; one shower will not suffice; for repentance is not one single act, but a cause.-Dr. Louth.

iation of religion and morality. The answer is the same: they are one and indivisible. Whatever tends to elevate the virtue, the purity, the generosity of mankind, is high religion;

whatever debases the heart or hardens the conscience, under whatever pretext, is low religion.-A. Stanley. By others' faults wise men correct their own.


When our vices leave us we flatter ourselves that we leave them.

It is as great a point of wisdom to ledge. hide ignorance as to discover know

No man hath a thorough taste of prosperity to whom adversity never happened.

Truth is born with us, and we must do violence to Nature to shake off our veracity.

Complaisance renders a superior amiable, an equal agreeable, and an inferior acceptable.

There cannot be a greater treachery than first to raise a confidence, and then deceive it.

Excess of ceremony shows want of breeding. That civility is best which excludes all superfluous formality.

Pitch upon that course of life which is the most excellent, and habit will render it the most delightful.

Ingratitude is a crime so shameful that the man was never yet found who would acknowledge himself guilty of it.

As to be perfectly just is an attribute of the divine nature, to be so to the utmost of our abilities is to the glory of men.

Whittier has been requested to contribute to a symposium on "What it is to be a Jew." He thus writes: “I don't know what it is to be a Jew, but I know what it is to be a Christian, who has no quarrel with others about their creed, and can THEOLOGY and Science are one and love, respect, and honor a Jew who indivisible. Whatever enlarges our honestly believes in the faith of his ideas of Nature, enlarges our ideas Philanthropy has an intoxication fathers, and who obeys the two of God. Whatever is bad theology about it, like wine or gambling.great commandments, 'Love to God is also bad science: whatever is bad Knox-Little-The Child of Stafferand love to man.'" science is also bad theology. . . In ton.

No man was ever cast down with the injuries of fortune unless he has before suffered himself to be deceived by her favors.

Opening of the University Year. than gold, yea, than much fine gold. How to Build a Happy Home. S. Sweeter also than honey and the honey-comb.

(CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1.) Senior Bible class, relieving Profes. sor Spalding, who is prevented by

sickness in his home from continu

ing his admirable work in the Sun day school this year. The highly appreciated work of Professor Demmon, is discontinued also this year on account of his poor health. Altogether our student classes begin the year with the most promising outlook for many years, if not for the school's entire history thus far.

Our Benevolent Contributions.

A deep and sure foundation must L. Moreover by them is thy ser be laid-The Fear of God. vant warned.

Then we must have four walls

S. And in keeping of them there Honesty, Industry, Frugality, Conis great reward.

L. Who can understand his errors? S. Cleanse thou me from secret faults.

L. Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have domain over me.

S. Then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great trangression.

4. Announcements and report of secretary.


We need two windows-Faith and Hope.

The window of Faith is filled with a peculiar kind of glass that transforms all disagreeable things outside

into beauty.

The window of Hope gives wide views, as far as Heaven itself, and lets in a wonderful amount of Light. Next we want a door-Active Usefulness.

And a water-proof roof-The
Blessing of God.

For the furniture we want:
An easy chair-Good Temper.
A foot-stool-Humility.
A hospitable table-Unselfishness.
A soft carpet-Mutual Forbear-


All. Let the words of my mouth There are certain very touching and the meditation of my heart be incidents connected with our regular acceptable in Thy sight, () Lord, subscription for benevolence. A my strength and my Redeemer. woman alone in the world, support- 3. The Lord's Prayer. Repeated ing herself by taking in washing, in concert with use of the word debts gives a day's earnings to help the instead of trespasses. struggling churches and missionaries on the frontier. Another, supporting herself and her mother by sewing, gives a dollar toward the aged ministers' home. An aged husband and wife in feeble health and poverty, earning their scanty living withness recently, from which, however, most painful toil, each make an he seems to be recovering. The offering for mission work in our welfare of this noble servant of God A musical instrument to beguile is a matter of deep and loving interstate. Is there any one who cannot give, if these can? est to the church and the wider field weary hours-The Voice of Holy which he has so long and faithfully Song.

5. Singing.

REV. DR. S. HASKELL, the beloved former pastor, has had a severe ill

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A soft elastic bed for a rest-A Thankful Spirit.

Then we want a glowing fire— Love to One Another.

And a brilliant lamp-Unruffled Cheerfulness.

A library on the shelf containing:
1. A History of the World.
2. A Book of Law.

3. A General Directory.

4. A Medical Guide.

5. Music and Melodies of our Lord. The whole bound in one volume

November 14. Social to the Students' The Word of God.

Christian Association.

Lastly, we need a small chamber

November 28. Thanksgiving Social, in the wall for private use-The
residence of Mrs. Ellis.
Chamber of Praise.

L. The statutes of the Lord are Social in January. Date to be asright, rejoicing the heart.

S. The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.

L. The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever.

S. The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.

L. More are they to be desired

February 21. Social.
April 21. Musical Evening.
May 23. Description of a Southern
Trip. Mrs. Stevens.

Patronize our advertisers, they are all reliable business firms.

When you have finished the house ask God to come and live with you.

He will take up no room, and yet fill the house with the sweet fragrance of His presence, which is Peace.-Christian Leader.

Fully three-fourths of the work of the police is to look after the dramshops and their products.



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