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Our Church List.

bership are accordingly urged to

Church Covenant. For the first time in the six provide themselves with the ordinHaving been led, as we believe, months of the present pastorate ary envelopes in use, and to make by the spirit of God to receive the death has come to our church mem- their payments weekly, as far as pos- Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour, bership. Mrs. Mary Johnson died siable. With the beginning of the and on the profession of our faith, at her home on North Fifth street, new church year next spring, it is having been baptized in the name early on the morning of Thanks- expected that additional facilities of the Father and of the Son and will be provided for this plan of the presence of God, angels and of the Holy Ghost, we do now, in giving day. Dec. 8, 1888, Mrs. giving, but it may begin now. A. D. Wright died at her home, New comers and those tempor- joyfully enter into covenant with this assembly, most solemnly and

No. 20 South Thayer street. Her arily in attendance upon onr death was sudden, but the summons services, as are many students, and one another, as one body in Christ. found her ready. all who are in the habit of contribut-of the Holy Spirt, to walk together We engage, therefore, by the aid Mrs. Delia Goodyear was receiving to the church with some reg-in Christian love, to strive for the ularity, are invited to inform the advancement of this church in ed by letter from the 12th Street chairman of the subscription comChurch, Detroit, and Mr. Claramon mittee, Dr. Green, of the amount knowledge, holiness and comfort, Pray, from the Baptist Church of they expect to be able to contribute, ituality, to sustain its worship, to promote its prosperity and spir Brooklyn, Conn., during Novem- and to have a seat assigned to them, ordinances, discipline and doctrines, as all regular contributors have to contribute cheerfully and regu Two candidates were received for of our pews. equal privilege in the assignment larly to the support of the ministry, This will have the baptism, but owing to illness in her two-fold effect of giving you more lief of the poor and the spread of the expenses of the church, the refamily, Mrs. Arthur Sweet's bap- of the home feeling with us, and of the gospel through all nations. tism was postponed. Miss Fanny enabling the church officers to reckCurtis was baptized Sunday even- on more accurately the probable ing, Nov. 25.


income of the church.

Young People's Society.

(Topics for January and February, 1889. Sunday

Evenings at 6:30.)

General Subject: "What is
promised to the Christian?"

Jan. 6-"Grace for living."
Titus 2: 12; Luke 1: 74, 75; 2
Cor. 12: 9. Leader, J. E. Talley.

Miss Grace Groves was dismissed by letter, Dec. 5, to the Memorial Baptist Church, Chicago, and Miss Franc Crosby, Dec. 12, to the Baptist Church of Bacone, Indian Ter. By keeping the church list as published last month, and the file of subsequent members with the Jan. 13-" Grace for Service." record of additions, diminutions Titus 2: 11-14; Col. 1: 10-11; and changes, our membership will John 15: 16. Leader, C. E. Green. be able to keep themselves informed Jan. 20-"Rest in labor." as to each other. Please notify the 6: 16; pastor of any changes coming 14: 3. under your notice. Jan.

System in Giving.

Our trustees have decided to

urge upon all the membership the weekly plan of giving for the support of the church. Hitherto the subscriptions were payable less frequently; but experience has proved

in a vast number of cases, and under circumstances the most varied, that the plan of weekly giving toward church expenses is by far the best in its results. One can give a larger


Matt. 11: 28, 30; Heb. Leader, R. B. Armstrong. 27-"Strength in weakIsa. 41: 10; 2 Cor. 12: 9, 10; Dent. 33: 2. Leader, A. H. Hopkins.


Feb. 3-"Wisdom in ignorance."
Dan. 2; 20, 22; Prov. 2: 3-6;
Jas. 1: 5-7. Leader, T. C. Sever-

Feb. 10-"Safety in peril." Ps.
2 Tim. 3: 10, 11. Leader, Ernest
91:2-4; Ps. 91: 5-7; Isa., 43: 2;


Feb. 17-" Light
John 12: 46; John
3:19; 2 Cor. 4: 4.

in darkness."
8: 12; John
Leader, M. S.

We also engage to maintain family and secret devotion, to relig iously educate our children, to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances, to walk circumspectly in the world, to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements, and exemplary in our deportment, and avoid all tattling, back-biting and excessive anger, fo abstain from the sale and use of intoxicating drinks as a beverage, and to be zealous to advance the kingdom of our Saviour.

We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love; to remember each other in prayer; to aid each other in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and courtesy in speech; to be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation and mindful of the rules of our Saviour to secure it without delay.

We moreover engage when we remove from this place we will, as other church, where we can carry soon as possible, unite with some out the spirit of this covenant and the principle's of God's word.

WE Commend our advertisers as honorable and fair. It is by their Feb. 24" Guidance in perplex-liberality that this publication is aggregate amount in the course of ity." Ps. 25: 19; Isa. 58: 11; possible, and we ask our readers to Luke 1: 79; John 16:13. Leader, help make every advertisement a good investment.

the year and feel it less when it is giv-
en in weekly payments. Our mem-A. K. Dodsley.


No. 7 Ann Street, north side of Court House, a complete line All kinds of Hair Work done in the latest Fashions. Call and give her a trial order and be convinced that IT IS THE PLACE to get your MILLINERY and HAIR GOODS in the city. Remember the place, No. 7 Ann St., north of Court House. MRS. E. A. HOYT.

AT MRS. E. A. HOYT'S NEW MILLINERY STORE, ne of Fall Millinery and Hair Goods at Bottom Prices.

JAMES E. HARKINS, Ann Arbor Savings Bank, D. F. SCHAIRER,


Hardware, Stoves. Tin and Sheet Iron Ware.

Work of all kinds Promptly Attended to.



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Steam, Hot Water, Ventilation, Plumbing

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Dealers in all kinds of Plumbers' and Steam Supplies.


Flavoring Extracts a specialty


Ann Arbor Democrat, THE TWO SAMS,














Stone Lime, Water Lime, Cement JAMES R. BACH,

Calcined Plaster, Plastering Hair, Brick,

and all kinds of Wood and Coal.


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Fresh and Salt Meats,

Sausages of all kinds,

Tallow, Lard, Etc. TELEPHONE 50.


Ann Arbor Steam Planing Mill.


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for Joiners. Bracket, Scroll and Fancy Sawing.
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Human Hair Goods.



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Orders for Trains, Parties, Weddings, Funerals,
etc., Promptly Attended to.

1 East Liberty Street. Telephone No. 108.





ANN ARBOR, MICH. 24 E. Huron St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

[blocks in formation]


Baby in Heaven.

Thou wilt never be tired, my darling;
The burdens we must bear-
Our weary hands can scarce uphold
The crosses we must wear-
Oft make us stoop anear the earth,
Until perforce we weep,
And pray our Father for the night
When "He giveth His loved ones sleep."
But tender arms did bear thee up,

As ever thou hadst desired,

And the rest of Heaven is thine to day-
Thou wilt never, never be tired.

Thou wilt never stray, my darling;
We stumble and ofttimes fall,

In the straight and narrow way that He
Hath pointed out to all.

And we wander for ease in the paths of sin,
And our feet grow tired and sore;
Ere we find again the road that leads
Straight up to our Father's door.
But ah! where the streets are paved with

No by-paths lead away

From the jeweled walls and the pearly


Thou wilt never, never stray.

Thou wilt never grow old, my darling;

Of the fountain of youth we dream; But while we are seeking our eyes are dimmed

By the graves that rise between;
And one by one the flowers fall

That gladden the path we tread,
Till only the withered boughs remain,
And leaves that are sear and dead.
The day is past, and there cometh on,
A night that is dark and cold:
But the cycles of Heaven will come and
And thou'lt never, never grow old.


Thou wilt never die, my darling;
Thou hadst not learned to fear
The dark, dark vale at the end of the day,
That waiteth us pilgrims here;
Thou knewest naught of the waters cold,
The dangers and dread alarms:
Thou didst not walk thro' the valley and

He beareth them safe from the love of earth
For "He taketh the lambs in his arms;"

To the love of their home on high;
The love that is light and life for aye-
Thou never, never wilt die.

To Make a Happy Home.

speak in a gentle tone of voice. battle of life she was not afraid for Learn to say kind, pleasant things them. Trusting in God and in their whenever opportunity offers. Study mother, they were not fighting sinthe character of each, and sympa-gle-handed; they were sustained thize with all in their troubles, by faith and love. The ties that however small. Do not neglect bound mother and sons together little things if they can effect the were kept tenderly alive by long comfort of others in the smallest and frequent letters when distance degree. Avoid moods and pets and separated them-letters in which fits of sulkiness. Learn to deny the same confidential relations were yourself, and perfect others. Be- kept up.

Filial Confidence.

ware of meddlers and tale-bearers. To the mother how delightful
Never charge a bad motive if a were these intimate associations
good one is conceivable.
with her sons, and to the sons of
what inestimable value were they
as a safeguard from temptations of
A mother who was earnestly de- all sorts. No friends or acquaint-
sirous of obtaining and retaining ances could they cherish that she,
the confidence of her sons from too, could not accept. Thus they
boyhood to manhood was accus- were lifted into a plane and held
tomed to use the following method: there above an infinite number of
After they had retired to rest for festering and petty seductions, and
the night she would go to their habituated to a moral atmosphere
several beds, and, lying down beside of purity and honesty with them-
one or other of them, talk over selves.
with them the happenings of the
day, and then say: "Now, you
make a little prayer, and then I
will." When this was done the
good-night kiss followed, and the
lads were left to slumber.

From infancy they had been in the habit of saying the morning and evening prayers at her knees, and as they grew older it was not differently, the same practice, especdifficult to continue, somewhat ially with her sympathy, companionship and guidance.

All their little secrets in this


integrity sacred; observe good manners; endure trials patiently; be prompt in all things; make good acquaintances; shun the company of the idle; dare to do right, fear to do wrong; watch carefully over your temper; never be afraid of being laughed at; fight life's battle manfully, bravely; use your leisure

rather than principle.-The Central moments for study; sacrifice money Presbyterian.

If you desire to know the characevening hour they were ready ter of an individual do not study it Learn to govern yourselves and to confide to her, sure of her readi- alone on dress occasions. Observe be gentle and patient. Guard your ness to enter into all their experi- the little details of home life. If tongues, especially in seasons of ill-ences, and to help them in the there is patience, consideration, inhealth, irritation and trouble, and solution of their difficulties; sure, dustry and cheerfulness there, you soften them by a sense of your own also, that the confidence so ingenu- have found a good specimen; one short-comings and errors. Remem- ously given would not be betrayed, that will not disappoint when special ber that, valuable as is the gift of but locked in her heart alone. service is asked, and the undertakspeech, silence is often more valu- She knew all their love affairs, ing of responsibility is required. Never retort a sharp or their friendships, their hopes, am- in these unconscious ways, and the Humanity often poses for a picture angry word. It is the second word bitions and aspirations, and so when portrait taken is very correct. — that makes a quarrel. Learn to they left her to go out into the Christian Herald.



various ways. Dr. Van Meter was Union as to the Missionary Society, a very peculiar man, who had never and many of its words touched with One hundred years ago the world had a superior and very few equals inimitable delicacy and skill the was rated at 731,000,000, of whom in working up enthusiasm, interest- sore questions and disturbed hearts 174,000,000 were Christians; now ing an audience, making a favor in that body, but it was none the the population has doubled and the able impression of the work he had less a powerful appeal for earnestChristians trebled. One hundred in hand. He was unfortunate in ness in every kind of aggressive years ago the church was asleep on his statements of financial condi- work. Long will it be ere the sermission work, and the governments tions. Many withheld from him mon is forgotten by those who and nations opposed missions; now, their confidence, and a very large were privileged to hear it. Mr. with little exception, all welcome number thoroughly believed in Garrett took for his text, "I will them. One hundred years ago him. It must be agreed on all build My Church, and the gates of English-speaking people had not hands that his statements were un- hell shall not prevail against it." one mission society; now they usually liable to be misunderstood have 150 reported. One hundred if they were actually correct. Our years ago educated men could not be estimate of him and his work uninduced to become missionaries, the derwent various changes at different work was too forbidding; now we times. The Christian Advocate have 7,000 missionaries, nearly one- has had occasion to speak concernthird of whom are women; also ing his enterprises, and now that he 35,000 native agents, 3,000 of whom is dead recognizes clearly his emiare ordained ministers. One hun-nent ability and industry, but canyears ago there were not 300 not speak with equal confidence Bible converts among the heathen; concerning his accuracy and prunow there are 3,000,000. One hun-dence. At no time, however, have dred years ago it was thought vain we sat in judgment upon his moto hope for conversion


from tives.

Mohammedanism; now, in many parts, as in Lahore, India, most of the leading Christian pastors are converted Mohammedans. Within

the past two years more than 2,000 young men have gone from the United States and Canada, and are laboring with success.--The Christian at Work.

The Independent sets going once more this important testimony to the value of Foreign Missions from Mr. Darwin, who, Agnostic as he was, has stated this case fairly. "Mr. Darwin, the scientist, once made this answer to some critics of foreign missionaries: They forget,

or will not remember, that human. atrous priesthood; a system of sacrifice and the power of an idolprofligacy unparalleled in any other part of the world; infanticide, a consequence of that system; bloody The Rev. Charles Garrett, the wars, where the conquerors spared famous total abstinence Wesleyan neither women nor children-that minister, founder of Missions and all these things have been abolished, ex-President, has been preaching at and that dishonesty, intemperance, the Baptist Missionary Union anni- and licentiousness have been greatly versary. The Christian World has reduced by the introduction of an editorial on his sermon worth Christianity. In a voyager to forget reading: these things is a base ingratitude; for should he chance to be at the point of shipwreck on

some un

In the afternoon there was another The death of the Rev. Dr. Wil- equally crowded gathering to hear liam C. Van Meter, in the 68th the Rev. Charles Garrett's missiona- known coast, he will most devoutly year of his age, is announced at ry sermon. We do not exaggerate pray that the lesson of the missionRome, Italy, where he was engaged when we say that Mr. Garrett is one ary may have extended thus far."" in the work with which his name of the greatest living preachers. has been connected for a long time. Rarely have we seen an audience so If a man is under the control of Dr. Van Meter came into note first swayed and inspired as was this. principles whose moral truthfulness in connection with the work of the His sermon was full of pathos and and practical value he has proved in Howard Mission in New York, which rich humor, bristling with sharp his own personal experience, there was established about 40 years ago. flashes of delicate, gentle irony and is no occasion to fear that he will be He superintended it for 25 years. sparkling with gems of thought-moved from his foundation by every He then went to Italy and started often homely, but never vulgar; whirlwind of error. a mission school for children. Pre- truly evangelical, but in the broadvious to the entry of Victor Em- est sense catholic and pre-eminently manuel into Rome he was frequent- persuasive throughout.

Silence is one great art of conversation.--Hazlitt.

The less men think the more they

ly molested and interfered with in dressed quite as much to the Baptist talk.-Montesquieu.


Temperance Reform Movement.


cating beverage has existed for not ceeding year (1826) began that more than half that period. active effort at temperance reform On the continent of Europe, in- which has produced such striking deed, wine and beer still continue effects in this country and has made the favorite intoxicants, except in its influence felt so far through Inebriety is a vice of civilization. the most northerly regions, though foreign lands. Only a few native instances of it spirituous liquors are now gaining We have here given in brief the are known among savage and bar- ground in Germany and France story of the growth of the habit of barous tribes. This, however, is with an alarming rapidity. Spirit- inebriety from a remote period until due to savage ignorance, not to drinking gained its first strong de- its culmination in the early years of aboriginal virtue, for the untutored velopment in the British Islands, the present century. The story of soul of uncivilized man has every- and intoxication reached its climax prohibitive efforts may be given where received the rum-bottle of in England in the early part of the with equal brevity. In the far past the whites as a gift from the gods, eigtheenth century. This was the many such efforts were made by and graduated into intoxication era of the "gin-drinking mania," rulers and priests, but of popular with an abnormal rapidity that has that frantic outbreak of intoxication measures of temperance reform we done much to clear the land for the which for a time threatened to have few instances. Several emprogress of civilization." sweep half of England into the perors of China made strenuous drunkard's grave, and was checked attempts to do away with drunkenonly by the adoption of stringent ness, one going so far as to order license regulations. that all vines should be uprooted in the kingdom, a radical measure which seems to have been effective for a considerable period.

In the annals of civilized man intoxication fills a prominent space. We are told of its existence in the very ancient records of China, Intoxication in America has had while the Vedas of India, the the same history of gradual develAvestas of Persia, and the Biblical opment. In the early days of the narrative yield evidence of its gen- colonies the religious fervor of In India and Persia the priesteral existence at a very early date many of them, and the police regu- hood made similar efforts, but apin the era of civilization. As soon, lations of others, strongly opposed parently with no great effect until indeed, as it was found that fruit- intemperance, and throughout the the rise of the Buddhistic sect of juices would ferment and yield a seventeenth century sobriety was India, in whose declaration of prinliquid capable of producing intoxi- the general rule. During the eigh- ciples was a vigorous total-abstincation, the long revel of mankind teenth century appetite gradually ence plank. The later extension began, and it has been continued to broke down the wholesome regula- of Buddhism throughout eastern the present time with a steadily in- tions of the early colonists, and the and northern Asia proved very `efcreasing vehemence. dominion of the bottle grew apace, fective as a temperance reform We may trace through the ages aided greatly by the wars of that movement in that ancient land, and the gradual development of in- century. New England, the home placed a barrier against the growth ebriety. Beginning with the pure of Puritanism, became the centre of the drinking habit which yet fermented juice of the grape, in- of the importation and manufacture retains much strength. A work of toxicants of greater potency in time of rum, and distributed this death- similar efficacy was performed by came into use, the fiery "rice dealing beverage far and wide Mohammed when he prohibited wine" of India and China, the throughout the world, as if to nega- wine drinking in the Koran. In drugged wines of Palestine, Greece tive the wholesome effects of its most of the remainder of Asia and and Rome-until effects emulating older example. in a considerable part of Africa those of distilled spirits were pro- Within the first quarter of the Mohammedanism now prevails, and duced. Yet the drunkenness of nineteenth century the drinking wherever it is the ruling faith inthe ancient world was due to fer- habit grew in a frightful ratio, and temperance has never become prevmented liquors only. It is not by the year 1825 the United States alent. known when the art of distillation as a nation of drunkards had reached Nowhere else have such effective was first discovered, but it has a climax equivalent to that attained efforts to repress intoxication been been practiced in Europe for some by England a century before, but made, though spasmodic prohibitive six centuries only, and the general never surpassed, if equaled, else- measures were adopted from time use of ardent spirits as an intoxi- where in the world. In the suc- to time in the regions of Greece

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