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unconsciously and that law is the Right. There are kings of men's before the Child-we feel that to law of their own nature. To under-making, and kings of God's making. adore is greater than to reason-stand the laws of our nature, and The secret of that command which that to love, and worship, and bemen obey involuntarily is submis- lieve, bring the soul nearer heaven consciously and reverently to obey sion of the ruler himself to law. than scientific analysis. The Child them, that is the mind of Christ, And this is the secret of the royalty is nearer God than we. the sublimest spirit of the Gospel. of the humanity of Christ. No prin- And this, too, is one of the deep 2. Next in this craving of the ciple through all His life is more sayings of Christ-"Except ye be Gentiles we meet with traces of striking, noue characterizes it so pe- converted and become as little chilthe yearning of the human soul culiarly, as His submission to anoth-dren, ye shall in no case enter into for light. The Magian system was er will. "I came not do Mine own the kingdom of heaven." called the system of light about will, but the will of Him that sent 3. Lastly-In that Epiphany we seven centuries before Christ. A Me." "The words which I speak, have to remark the Magian's joy. great reformer (Zoroaster) had apI speak not of myself." His com- They had seen the star in the east. peared, who either restored the sys- mands are not arbitrary. They are They followed it-it seemed to go tem to its purity, or created out of not laws given on authority only, out in dim obscurity. They went it a new system. He said that light they are the eternal laws of our about inquiring: asked Herod, who is eternal that the Lord of the humanity, to which he himself sub- could tell them nothing asked the universe is light; but because there mitted: obedience to which alone scribes, who only gave them a was an eternal light, there was also can make our being attain its end. vague direction. At last the star an eternal possibility of the absence This is the secret of His kingship shone out once more, clear before of light. Light and darkness, "He became obedient. . . where- them in their path. "When they therefore, were the eternal princi- fore God had also highly exalted saw the star, they rejoiced with ples of the universe-not equal Him." And this is the secret of exceeding great joy." principles, but one the negation of all influence and all command. Perhaps the hearts of some of us the other. He taught that the soul Obedience to a law above you sub-can interpret that. There are some of man needs light-a light eternal jugates minds to you who never who have seen the star that shone to itself, as well as in itself. As would have yielded to mere will. in earlier days go out; quench the eye can not see in darkness, "Rule thyself, thou rulest all." itself in black vapors or sour and is useless, so is there a capacity 2. Next, observe the adoration smoke. There are some who in the soul for light; but it is not of the Magians--very touching, have followed many a star that itself light; it needs the Everlast- and full of deep truth. The wisest turned out to be but an ignis fatuus ing light from outside itself. of the world bending before the one of those bright exhalations Such was the posture of these Child. Remember the history of which hover over marshes and Magians. You can not enter into Magianism. It began with awe, church-yards, and only lead to the their questions or sympathize with entering into this world beneath chambers of the dead, or the cold their wants unless you realize all this. the serene skies of the East; in damp pits of disappointment: and For that desire for light is one of wonder and worship. It passed oh, the blessing of "exceeding the most impassioned of our nobler into priesteraft and skepticism. It joy," after following in vain-after natures. That noble prayer of the ended in wonder and adoration as inquiring of the great men and ancient world (Evde ya Kar it had begun: only with a truer learning nothing-of the religious oleoσov), "Give light, and let us and nobler meaning. men and finding little-to see the

die:" can we not feel it? Light-- This is but a representation of star at last resting over "the place light. Oh, if the result were the human life. "Heaven lies around where the young Child lies "—after immediate realization of the old us in our infancy." The child groping the way alone, to see the fable, and the blasting of the daring looks on this world of God's as one, star stand still-to find that Relispirit in the moment of revelation not many--all beautiful-wonder-gion is a thing far simpler than we of its God, yet give us light. The ful-God's-the creation of a Fath- thought-that God is near us-that wish for light, the expectation of er's hand. The man dissects, breaks to kneel and adore is the noblest the manifestation of God, is the it into fragments-loses love and posture of the soul. For, whoever mystery which lies beneath the worship in speculation and reason will follow with fidelity his own the history of the whole ancient ing-becomes more manly, more star, God will guide him aright. independent, and less irradiated He spoke to the Magians by the II. The Epiphany itself. with a sense of the presence of the star; to the shepherds by the meloFirst, they found a King. There Lord of all; till at last, after many dy of the heavenly host; to Joseph is something very significant in the a devious wandering, if he be one by a dream; to Simeon by an infact of that king being discovered whom the Star of God is leading ward revelation. "Gold, and frankas a child. The royal child was blind by a way he knows not, he incense, and myrrh" these, and the answer to their desires. There begins to see all as one again, and ten times these, were poor and are two kinds of monarchy, rule or God in all. Back comes the child- cheap to give for that blessed cercommand. One is that of hereditary like spirit once more in the Chris- tainty that the star of God is on title; the other is that of Divine tianity of old age.


We kneel before us.


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Christmas in Many Lands.

How Different Nations Observe the

Happy Time.

Christmas customs and traditions! What pleasant associations cluster 'round the words! What memories of bygone pleasures, mellowed by time and delightful to look back upon in after years, they bring to the recollection! In every land where the king of festivals is observed, the records of the past, away back to the time when the mists of paganism first gave way to the dawning light of Christianity, teem with Christmas myth and legend.

also the custom of singing Christ- Woden and Frica were worshiped, mas carols in Episcopal churches.

but modified by Christianity till they are now emblematic of the charitable feelings of the day of gladness.



In the feudal times, when the old baronial halls gloried in vast fireplaces, the bringing in of the Yule In sunny Italy the most visible log, an entire trunk of a tree which characteristic is the excessive love was burned whole, was a great and devotion for the Virgin, which event and attended by peculiar shows itself in many quaint ways. The whole scope of the teaching of ceremonies and great rejoicing. the Catholic church tends to make Then feasting followed; the mighty the people realize the birth of Christ wassail bowl was introduced, and as an actual yearly occurrence. the solid pleasures of the table fol- This has led to the manifestation of lowed and were kept up with a zest the pifferari, the bagpipe players, and ability to put away vast quanti- who are all from the mountains of Calabria. The pifferari ties of provisions that would aston- themselves into three bands, which ish most of the present generation. march down the streets, stopping at The central dish was the boar's every shrine and pouring out wild In some of these can be traced head, flanked by other spoils of the music characterized rather by loudthe remnants of pagan observance, chase. At the present day the ness than melody. This is one of the sights of Rome at Christmas which became blended with the crowning ideas of Christmas pleas- time. It is the mission of the piffcustoms of the Christian age at a ures in England, as, indeed, every-erari to go through the city and time when paganism was succeeded where else throughout Christen- pray before all the shrines to the by the nebulous gloom that foretold dom, are still the grosser joys of Virgin to cheer her spirits while the dawn of the new dispensation, eating and drinking. The "roast undergoing the anguish of accouchand which, in some form or other, beef and plum pudding" of Old In Germany Christmas is observ have survived until the present day. England has a Yuletide smack about ed with peculiar heartiness. There The traditions and legends connect-it, and solid plenty is the character- Santa Claus has an abiding home, ed with Christmas have an interest istics of Christmas cheer at English and the Christmas tree, with its cheerful light, is found in every First comes the peculiarly their own, and it is worth tables. house where money can be raised to noting that the spirit of charity roast goose, which is the recognized procure it. Like the people of and good will, which is the leading Christmas dish among all classes, England, the Germans place eating characteristic of the happy time, peers and commoners alike, and and drinking among the foremost of pervades them all. Some of the then the plum pudding, which caus-pleasures at Chrismas tide. most interesting of these customs es young hearts to rejoice and bring we will endeavor to briefly describe. in a vista of future stomach-ache mas are peculiar in one important respect. They lag behind the other In England the custom of staying and physic to the small boys. Christian nations. Their Christmas up till midnight to hear the Christ- Throughout the land charity ex-eve falls on our 5th of January, as mas "waits," is still observed, al- pands her wings, and in all the large the Russians never surrendered the The Christmas though many good people if asked cities a general movement is heart- Julian calendar. the question would find it difficult ily made to let the poor have at least to give a reason for doing so. The one good dinner. tradition that Christ was born at In America the custom of hangmidnight originated the custom. ing up the stocking is as heartily observed as ever, and little boys and At one time bands of singers used girls in town and country for weeks Central America solemn observances In the Spanish-American cities of to go about from house to house before Christmas speculate on what take place in the churches on Christsinging Christmas carols. These Santa Claus will bring them. The mas eve. Among the customs is were the "waits," and by degrees North German custom of the Christ- the exhibition of miniature figures the quaintly beautiful carols which mas tree has been largely revived of of wax illustrating the nativity, and they sang degenerated into mere has become a regular observance representation is called nacimiento, late years, and in many households colored according to nature. This doggerel, and the custom for a time every year. Both the Christmas and every family of consequence fell into disuse. Latterly, however, tree and the Santa Claus custom are prepares one, which is set in the best it has been revived somewhat, as the relics of the days when Thor, room.--The Center.


The Russian observances atChrist

festivities are marked with quaint games in which parts are assigned for youths and maidens, and a strict code of etiquette is observed through them all.

The Old and New Year.

Low and solemn was his voice:


The Child and the Year. Said the Child to the youthful Year: "What hast thou in store for me,

O giver of beautiful gifts, what cheer, What joy dost thou bring with thee?" "My seasons four shall bring

Their treasures, the winter's snows,


As the midnight hour drew nigh," Thou shalt know when the book the Old Year stood before me. of the universe is opened." Weary and way worn he seemed, The midnight clock tolled, and I and in his hands was an hour glass, covered my face and mourned for whence the last sands were falling. his death, for he had once been my As I looked upon his wrinkled friend. I remembered with pain forehead memories both pleasant how often I had slighted his warnand mournful came over me. Iings, neglected the golden oppor- The autumn's store and the flowers of tunities of growth he had given And the summer's perfect rose. spoke earnestly to him: "Many blessings hast thou me, and cast away the precious "All these and more shall be thine, brought me, for which I gave thee hours he had been so generous Thyself must earn by a strife divine, thanks. New have they been with, and I buried my face and When I again lifted my every morning, and fresh every wept. evening. Thou hast indeed from head, lo! the New Year stood in my heart's garden uprooted some the place of the Old. hopes I planted there. With their Smiling, he greeted me with clustering buds they fell, and were good wishes and words of cheer. never quickened again." But I was afraid; for to me he "Praise God for what I gave was a stranger; and when I would and what I took away," he said, have returned his welcome my lips "and lay up treasures in heaven, trembled and were silent. that thy heart may be there also. What thou callest blighted hopes are ofttimes changed into the fruits of righteousness."

to my

Then he said:

"Fear not. I come from the great source of all good, whence come all good gifts."

Trembling, I asked: "New

Dear Child-but the last and best
If thou wouldst be truly blest.
"Wouldst know this last, best gift?
'Tis a conscience clear and bright,
A peace of mind which the soul can lift
To an infinite delight.

"Truth, patience, courage and love
If thou unto me canst bring,
will set thee all earth's ills above,


O Child, and crown thee a king!'
-Celia Thaxter in St. Nicholas.

The diary of an old maid is the record of a Miss spent life.-New Orleans Picayune.


The great lawyer Pettigrew, of South Carolina, one day entered the But I answered: "Thou hast Year, whither wilt thou lead me? court-room wearing a black coat also hidden from my sight the Art thou appointed to bring me and yellow nankeen trousers. loved and the loving. Clods are joy or sorrow, life or death?" judge, who was a stickler for etistrewn upon their faces; they reply Looking with glowing eyes into quette, sternly asked him whether call no more. To the homes the untrodden future, he replied: he did not know that the rules of they made fair they return not, "I know not. Neither doth the the court required its counselors to and the places that once knew angel nearest the throne know; them know them no more forever." Give me your hand and question only He who sitteth thereon. appear in "black coat and trouStill he said: "Give praise to not. Enough for thee, that I ac- Well, your honor," said PettiGod. Your lost are with Him. complish His will. I promise thee grew, innocently, "I submit that I They have preceded you. None nothing. Follow me and be con- am within the rule, for I have on a can drift beyond his love and care." tent. Take, with a prayer for wis- black coat and trousers." Then his voice grew faint, and he dom, this winged moment.


next may not be mine to give, yet



"But they're not black trousers," murmured, “My mission unto man if we walk onward together, forget insisted the judge.

"Black coat

is done. For me the stone is not that thou art a pilgrim for eter- and trousers means that both shall rolled away from the door of the nity. If I bring thee a cup of joy be black." sepulchre. I will enter in and slumber with all the years of the past forever."

Then," said Pettigrew, "I call

be thankful, and be pitiful to those who mourn; and let all men be unto thee as brethren. If the dregs your honor's attention to the fact of bitterness cleave unto thy lips be that the sheriff of this court is in And he straightened himself out not too eager to receive relief, lest contempt of its rules, for they reto die. As I knelt by his side I thou betray the weakness of thy quire him to attend upon its sesGod's perfect discipline sions in a cocked hat and sword, said, "Oh, dying year, dear, dying faith. giveth wisdom. Therefore count year, I see a scroll beneath thy those happy who endure. and while his hat seems to be cocked, his sword certainly is not."

mantle. What witness shall it bear of me when Time for me is done?"

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"The Church and the World.”

The church and the world walked far apart
On the changing shore of Time;
The world was singing a giddy song,
And the church a hymn sublime.

Come, give me your hand," said the merry world,

And walk with me this way;

But the good church hid her snowy hand,
And solemnly answered, "Nay,
I will not give you my hand at all,
And I will not walk with you;
Your way is the way of endless death,
And your words are all untrue."

Nay, walk with me but a little space,"
Said the world, with a kindly air,
"The road I walk is a pleasant one,
And the sun shines always there;
Your path is a rough and thorny road
While mine is flowery and smooth;
Your lot is sad with reproach and toil,
But in circles of joy I move;
My path, you see, is a broad one,
And my gate is open wide;

There is room enough for you and for me
To travel side by side."

Half shyly the church approached the world,

And gave him her hand of snow,

And the old world grasped it and walked along,

Saying, in accents low,

Your dress is too simple to suit my taste; I have gold and pearls to wear, Rich velvets and silks for your graceful form,

And diamonds to deck your hair."
The church looked down at her plain
white robes,

And then at the dazzling world,
And blushed as she saw his handsome lip
With a smile contemptuous curled.
"I will change my dress to a costlier one,"
Said the church, with a smile of grace,
And her pure white garments drifted away.
And the world gave in their place
Beautiful satins and fashionable silks
And roses and gems and pearls,
And over her forehead her bright hair fell
Crimped in a thousand curls,
"Your house is too plain," said the proud

old world,

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To the horrible gulf were hurled.
"Your preachers are all too old and plain,"
Said the gay world, with a sneer,
"They frighten my children with dread-
ful tales

Which I do not like them to hear;
They talk of judgment, fire and pain,
And the horrors of endless night;
They talk of a place that should not be
Mentioned to ears polite.

I'll send you some of a better stamp,
Brilliant and gay and fast,

Who will show you how people may live as they list,

And go to heaven at last.

The Father is merciful, great and good,
Loving and tender and kind;

Do you think he would take one child to heaven,

And leave the rest behind?

Go train your preachers up to the times;
Adopt the stylish way;

Entertainment is what they ask of you,
And nothing else will pay."
So she called for pleasing and gay divines,
Gifted and great and learned,
And the plain old men that preached the


Were out of the pulpit turned. Then Mammon came in, and supported the church,

Renting a prominent pew,

And preaching and singing and floral display

Proclaimed a period new.

And only the Master who knoweth all
Could tell the two apart.

Then the church sat down at her ease, and said,

"I am rich, and in goods increased; I have need of nothing, and naught to do But to laugh and dance and feast." And the sly world heard, and laughed in his sleeve,

And mockingly said aside,


The church has fallen - the beautiful
And her shame is her boast and pride.
When her witnessing power, alas, was lost,
And the perilous time came in,

The time of the end so often foretold,
Of form and pleasure and sin,
Then the angel drew near the mercy seat,
And whispered in sighs her name,
And the saints their anthems of rapture

And covered their heads with shame;
And a voice came down through the hush
of heaven,

From Him who sat on the throne,

"I know thy works, and what thou hast said,

And how thou hast not known

That thou art poor, and naked, and blind
With pride"-and ruin enthralled
The expectant bride of a heavenly groom,
Now the harlot of the world-
"Thou hast ceased to watch for that
blessed hope,

And has fallen from zeal and grace.
So now, alas, I must cast thee out,
And blot thy name from its place."

When any calamity has been suffered, the first thing to be remem

"You give too much to the poor," said bered is how much has been escaped.

the world,

"Far more than you ought to do,
Though the poor need shelter and food
and clothes,

Why need it trouble you?
And afar to the heathen in foreign lands
Your thoughts need never roam;
The Father of mercies will care for them,
Let charity begin at home.
Go take your money, and buy rich robes,

"I'll build you one like mine,
With kitchen for feasting, and parlor for And horses and carriages fine,

And furniture all so fine."

And pearls and jewels and dainty food. And the rarest and costliest wine;

So he built her a costly and beautiful My children they dote on all such things, home,

Splendid it was to behold;

Her sons and her daughters met frequently there,

Shining in purple and gold;

And fair and festival frolics untold
Were held in the place of prayer;
And maidens bewitching as sirens of old,
With worldly graces rare,
Invented the very cunningest tricks,
Untrammeled by gospel or laws,

To beguile and amuse and win from the world

Some help for the righteous cause.
The angel of mercy flew over the church,
And whispered, "I know thy sin;"
And the church looked back with a sigh,
And longed to gather them in.

But some were off at the midnight ball,
And some were off at the play,

And some were drinking in gay saloons, As she quietly went her way.

Then the sly world gallantly said to her,

And if you their love would win, You must do as they do, and walk in the ways

That they are walking in."

Then the church held tightly the strings

of her purse,

And gracefully lowered her head,
And simpered, "I have given too much


I'll do as you have said,"

If you live in the full sunshine of Christ, and have Him not merely playing upon the surface of your mind, but sunk deep down in it, transforming your whole being, then some men will, as they look at you, be filled with strange longings, and will say, "Come, let us walk in the light of the Lord.". Dr. A. Maclaren.

It is so easy to persuade ourselves that any selfish principle which we wish to believe is true; or that depraved appetite or passion which


So the poor man turned from her door in we wish to indulge is right; while


And she heard not the orphan's cry,
And she drew her beautiful robes aside
As the widow went weeping by.
Her mission treasuries beggarly plead,
And Jesus' commands are in vain,
While half of the millions for whom he

Had never heard his name.

the things that are seen and temporal have such a controlling force upon the desires and affections, that almost before we are aware of it, we are listening attentively and obediently to the counsels and per

And they of the church and they of the suasions of deceit from within or

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Thomas A. Edison.


Many years ago in the little country town of Milan, Ohio, was born Thomas A. Edison, the man. of whom America is now so proud.

His father was poor, as the parents of most famous men have been. His mother, who had been a teacher, did all she could to give her child a good education, for there were no schools near.

He worked hard and saved money one he made friends with a man to send to his mother. Whenever who had traveled all over the world, he had spare time he continued to and who told him earnestly that the study and experiment. He set up United States was the best place a paper called the Grand Trunk for any young man to rise to fame Herald, which was full of railroad and fortune, and begged him to news and made a great success. He stay in his own country. This Edipublished it in a baggage car, where son was wise enough to do. he made his experiments in chem- After having positions in many istry also. One day a bottle of other cities he finally made his way phosphorus upset, the car took fire, to New York, but here he was withand the enraged conductor, after out friends or money, and he tried putting it out, thrashed the enter- in vain to find work. One day he prising editor. Poor Edison, he was in the office of the Gold Rehad many discouragements, but he porting Telegraph Company when never said die! their instrument happened to be out of order, and no one, not even the inventor himself, could make it work.

Thomas must have been one of those bright boys who are a constant source of worry to their family, for he was always trying un- Nothing was too hard for him to heard-of and often dangerous ex- attempt. He wanted to learn telegperiments. While still in dresses, raphy, but he could not afford to he disappeared one day and was pay for the lessons. One day he found, after a long search, sitting saw a little girl playing on the track on a goose's nest trying to hatch at the Mt. Clemens station just as out the eggs! He had some food the train came rushing up. With close at hand, and was prepared to out a moment's thought of his own stay patiently for hours, and his danger, he sprang before the engine disappointment was great when his and seized the child just in time to mother insisted upon his going save it. The little runaway's father was a telegraph operator, and in However, she was very indulgent, gratitude to Edison he offered to and let her wonderful son almost teach him the mysteries of teleturn the house upside down with graphing. With such a bright, his experiments in chemistry and hard-working pupil it was an easy electricity. When not experiment- task, and at the end of five months ing, he would read such solid books Edison had a position. as "Gibbon's Decline and Fall of In the course of a few years he the Roman Empire," and "Hume's was getting along finely, but while History of England." He never experimenting one night in a tele

home to bed.

wasted time.

When he grew older, and had access to the Detroit Library, he undertook to read all the books it contained just as they stood on the shelves, but after going through a

number of dictionaries and scientific works, he decided that the best way after all was to read just what was most helpful and interesting to himself.

He began to earn his living as train-boy on the Grand Trunk Railroad, selling novels, peanuts and prize packages of candy.

graph office, he spilt a quantity of
suphuric acid which ran through
the floor and ruined the handsome
rooms beneath. His employer did
not thrash him as the conductor
had done, but he discharged him,

which was worse.

Edison began to make inventions now, but they brought him no money and little praise, and at last he resolved in despair to go to South America.

He missed the ship which he intended to take at New Orleans, and while he was waiting for the next

Edison offered to mend it. They laughed at him, but let him try, arguing that it was useless at present, so he certainly could not hurt it. He succeeded, and they immediately offered him a good position.

He was then twenty-three, and from that time he has been uniformly successful, although he has never ceased to work as hard as if his fame. and fortune depended upon each new invention. He is worth several millions now, has factories all over America and Europe, and a beautiful home at Llewellyn Park, Orange, New Jersey. Here he has laboratory fitted up with all that any inventor's heart could wish, which cost one hundred and eighty thousand dollars.


He has been the inventor or perfector of the carbon telephone, the tasimeter, which measures the heat even of the far-away stars: The the voice is magnified two hundred aërophone, by which the sound of and fifty times; the electric pen for multiplying copies of letters and drawings; the automatic telegraph ; the incandescent electric light.

His latest invention, the phonograph, he calls his baby. This he has almost brought to perfection, and there is one of these now on its way to America which contains speeches by Gladstone and Balfour, and a song by Patti, which it can be made to repeat in the very tones of those famous people, by a simple turn of the crank.

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