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First Baptist Church,

Of Ann Arbor, Mich.



No. 29 East Ann Street.


Ghurch Notes.

Dr. Haskell, the beloved pastor of this church for many years, spent a few hours in Ann Arbor, on the 22nd


Many friends made an impromptu call upon Mr. and Mrs. Wm. GoodC. Jacobus, A. Tucker, V. M. Spalding, J. Mont- year, in their new home recently,


gomery, P. Snauble, J. B Cady.


The Deacons, Wm. Goodyear, H. B. Dodsley, Robt. Hunter.


Wm. Goodyear, 18 S. Main street. Assistant Treasurer. John Dowdigan.


W. H. Dorrance, Jr., 42 S. Ingalls street.


Superintendent, J Montgomery; Assistant Super

spending a most enjoyable evening. A similar surprise was had on the occasion of the birthday of Mrs. Mary Davidson at her home on Elizabeth street.

Mr. Elbert E. Chandler was elected President of our Baptist Young Peo

intendent, H. N. Chute; Secretary and Treas- ple's Union for the remainder of the

urer, Verner Snauble.

The Last Month of the Year.

Ourchurch year closes with the 31st of March. It is the month of straightening out accounts for the old year and preparing for the new one. Next month's paper will give the results of the year's work and a report of the annual business meeting. Our treasurer, Mr. Wm. Goodyear, is now collecting his accounts preparatory to closing up the books for the year. He hopes to reach the end of the year with the treasury free from debt if all pledges are paid in.

The Church List.

As we shall publish the church membership list immediately after the annual meeting it is desirable to get it into as perfect condition as possible. The list is being pruned of names long lost to knowledge, and it is desirable that all who contemplate uniting with the church by letter, obtain their letters and present them as soon as possible, that their names may be enrolled upon the church list.

year, at the recent meeting of the society.

The King's Sons have elected Mr. L. H. Tuttle leader, and are holding meetings each Sunday afternoon at 3:30, at their homes.

The Junior Baptist Union under the leadership of Miss Lou La Tourette, is a most promising organization of boys and girls.

The Foreign and Home Mission


The offerings toward the Centennial Million for Foreign Missions, may still be handed to the treasurer of benevolence, Mr. Paul Snauble, if any of them have not as yet been paid. The offerings for Home Missions were not as large as usual this year, perhaps owing to the large increase in the Foreign Mission offering for the Centennial year. It is to be hoped that any who have not been represented in this offering, who desires to be, will promptly hand their offering to Mr. Snauble or deposit it in the basket, properly designated at any regular collection.

NO. 2.

Annual Meeting of the Ladies' Society.

The Ladies' Society of the church holds its annual meeting at the church Thursday, March 9th. Tea will be served in the lecture-room at 6 o'clock A large attendance is desired.

How God Keeps Us.

God keeps us by enabling us to keep ourselves. "Through the Holy Spirit that dwelleth in us.' So his protection is no mere outward wall of defense around us, nor any change of circumstances which may avert danger, but it is the putting within us of a divine life-principle which shall mould our thoughts, regulate our desires, re-enforce our weakness, and be within us a power that shall preserve us from all evil. God fights for us, not in the sense of fighting instead, of us, but in the sense of fighting by our sides when we fight. A faith. which says, "God will take care of me," and does not take care of itself, is no faith, but either hypocricy or self-deceived presumption. Faith will intensify effort, instead of leading to shirk it: and the more we trust him. the more we should ourselves work, We keep curselves wh n God keeps us; God keeps us when we keep ourselves. Both things are true, and therefore our fitting temper is the double one of self-distrusting confidence and of earnest diligence.Alexander Maclaren.

Dr. Francis E. Clark was born in Aylmer, Que., Sept. 12, 1851. His parents, however, were both New Englanders, and at the time of his birth were temporarily living in Canada.


dainty mosses, lichens gray, Pressed each to each in tender fold, nd peacefully thus day by day, Returning to their mould;

rown leaves that with aerial grace

Slip from your branch like birds awing,
ach leaving in th' appointed place
Its bud of future spring;-

fwe, God's conscious creatures, knew
But half your faith in our decay,
Te should not tremble as we do
When summoned clay to clay.
ut with an equal patience sweet
We should put off this mortal gear,
a whatsoe'er new form is meet
Content to reappear.

nowing each germ of life He gives
Must have in Him its source and rise,
eing that of His being lives


May chance, but never dies.

dead leaves, dropping soft and slow Ye mosses green, and lichens fair, 'o to your graves as I will go, For God is also there.

-Dinah Muloch Craik.

✔hat the Strong Owe to the Weak. Y THE REV. THEODORE L. CUYLER,

D. D.

Why does the Creator make some eople strong-whether in body or rain or purse? Is it that they may bow their weaker neighbors out of he road, or trample them down? Is that they may enrich themselves at he expense of others, and when they ave filled their greedy net die unnored and unlamented? This seems be the wretched policy of some tocrats in the business world; and rily they have their reward. "Fools ere made," says Ruskin, "not to be od upon, or starved, or taken adantage of, but that wise people ight take care of them." Parents e made strong in order to be the pporters and guides of their chilren. And just what a loving father to his little ones, that same thing nght every true Christian to be wards every one that is in any way ependent on him either for daily ead or for the bread of eternal


"We then, that are strong ought to ar the infirmities of the weak, and ot to please ourselves." So spoke he grandest man who has ever trodon our globe since the Divine foot eps left it from Olivet. It was the me man who said: "I am debtor oth to the Greeks and to the barrians; both to the wise and to the

unwise." It was not a charity which the great-souled Apostle was bestowing on those perishing heathen; he was paying a debt which he owed to them when he brought Jesus Christ and the great salvation to their knowledge. Suppose that some man should proclaim Paul's grand principle of unselfishness on 'change or in the stock market in these days, how the keen operators would stare at him as a crank who did not understand the first principles of business! Yet Paul was only teaching the very core and marrow of Christianity. He was only imitating that Blessed Master who girded the towel about his loins and washed the feet of his followers, saying unto them, "I am among you as he that serveth"-"whosoever will be chief among you let him be your servant." This whole principle of unselfish sympathy for the weak, the needy, the dependent and the perishing is summed up in that terse and tender injunction, "Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." That law is love. Jesus Christ himself is love; he bore our sins in his own body on the tree.

This beautiful "law of Christ" was the germinal principle from which sprang the early Christian Church. Those unselfish men and women who went forth from that "upper room" in Jerusalem, went in the strength of Jesus Christ to pity, to pray for, to teach and to save those whom they could reach. The only genuine successor of the Apostles are the loadlifters. All efforts of the strong to bear the infirmities of the weak-all labors for the instruction of the ignorant, the visitation of the sick, the reformation of the drunkard and the harlot, the comforting of the friendless and the bereaved-yes, the whole magnificent enterprise of foreign missions are all the precious product of this core-idea of Christ's Gospel, "bear one another's burdens!" ye

One great need of the times is for rich people to understand their

duties; otherwise wealth may be a snare and a curse. Another need is for strong churches to discharge their obligations, (that is the word) to the weak and the struggling. After preaching in a certain church in New York I shook hands with over one hundred millions of money in ten minutes after the service! That might mean one hundred missionaries supported and endless other blessings scattered abroad. The greatest need of all is more personal consecration on the part of every one of us to self-denying service for our crucified Master. "Inasmuch as ye do it to the least and weakest, ye do it unto Me!" That is our Master's watchword and call to duty. Power means debt-a debt we owe to the poor, the feeble, the guilty, and the perishing. God help us all to pay the debt!-Christian Intelligencer.

"No Continuing City."

The family gatherings that have been so large and so delightful a feature of the holidays have doubtless brought home anew to many a parental heart the truth uttered by the apostle, "Here we have no continuing city." Life is change; life is action; life is a constant putting off of old conditions and putting on of new. To remain stationary is impossible. As soon as growth ceases death sets in. We are obliged to go on from strength to strength, although often that strength is of the spirit alone, since it is inevitable that the outward man perish.

But after all, this endless change, this unending genesis should be a source of comfort and consolation, instead of sorrow, to our hearts. It is inevitable; it is in the nature of things; and if we consider aright we would not have it otherwise. The children who went out from under our roof with bridal joy and benedictions are back at our fireside, but not alone.

they entertain

A little angel unaware,

With face as round as is the moon;
A royal guest with flaxen hair,
Who, throned upon his lofty chair,
Drums on the table with his spoon,
Then drops it careless on the floor,
To grasp at things unseen before.

In the little stranger we see our own children again. Inexpressibly dear to our hearts and inexpressibly interesting to our observing eyes are these little third editions of ourselves, but they impress us as nothing else can with the truth that we. their progenitors, are soon to pass off this stage of action and that the work, the burden, the affairs of life are soon to pass on to the generations that shall follow us. Would we have it otherwise? Would we have these sweet babes, these tender beautiful little souls remain babes and children? No. Such a possibility would come to us as a keen and bitter sorrow. They must grow; they must change. They, and we, have here "no continuing city."

The great, the abiding consolation in all this change must be found in feeling ourselves a part of this everchanging life, even as these new lives, and all life, are a part of the Divine life and plan. Death is but a birth into new life. That birth we are nearing. This thought of the union of all life with the life of God in view of the dissolution of the earthly tabernacle has been beautifully expressed by Matthew Arnold, who asks in his poem entitled "The Wish," that no strange doctors either of the body or of the soul may be allowed around his bed of death. He says: "Bring none of these! but let me be, While all around in silence lies, Moved to the window near to see

Once more before my dying eyes,
Bathed in the sacred dews of morn

The wide aerial landscape spread;-
The world which was ere I was born,
The world which lasts when I am dead.
There let me gaze, till I become

in soul with what I gaze on wed; To feel the universe my home;

To have before my mind instead
Of the sick room, the mortal strife
The turmoil for a little breath,
The pure, eternal course of life,

Not human combatings with death.
Thus feeling, gazing let me grow
Composed, refreshed, ennobled, clear;
Then willing let my spirit go
To work or wait elsewhere than here.
-The Interior.

A Critic on Kissing.

Kissing is a good thing, but we have entirely too much of it here in America, at least in public. It is a sacred rite that should not be performed before a mixed audience. If a man were parting from his wife, mother or sister for weeks or months, he might be excused for kissing them on the depot platform or in the cars, but I should prefer to attend to that ceremony before leaving the house. The sights and sounds on every depot platform are enough to give a sensitive person a severe attack of nausea. I have no objection to women's kissing each other on the street if they enjoy the diversion. It is always understood that they do not mean it. It is a mere formality and keeps them in practice. I once attended a church festival where there was a kissing booth. A bevy of pretty girls sold their osculatory favors for twenty-five cents each "for the good of the cause." It reminded me of those gross scenes which history informs us were once enacted in the temples of Bacchus. A woman cannot be too chary of her kisses to the opposite sex. How a man professing to be a gentleman can wed a woman whom he knows has been mouthed and mumbled by others, is beyond my comprehension. Indiscriminate kissing is about as reprehensible a vice as a woman can possibly be guilty of.-St. Louis Globe


Self Culture.

Here is a man who thinks of nothing but how he shall bring his nature to its highest perfection. He has perhaps thought chiefly of the gratification of appetite, and now he has risen above appetite and thinks of taste, and looks to higher and more refined and intellectual and aesthetic forms of gratification and culture, but there is the poison of selfishness in it yet. A man may have striven long for no other purpose than to save his soul, and then found that, that saved soul

was tainted with selfishness. And the other hand it would be a dreadf doctrine that a man must sacrifi everything for others. It is a doctri that a man would never tell his chi

dren, that the duty of self-sacrifi
required them to give up everythin

to save some one else. We may
called upon to sacrifice many thing
to give up comforts and pleasure
and even life itself, at the call of du
but God never requires a man to gi
up his own best self.
All that we al
really intended to live for characte
goodness of soul, our real life—we a
never called upon to surrender. To sa
that we are ever obliged to sacrific
these essentials would be to involv
God in a contradiction. To think thi
our absolute self was ever to be sacr
ficed on any occasion would be a te
rible paradox. That which alone ha
permanent and enduring value an
makes life work living is never to b
given up.


Now these contrasting duties neve really conflict with each other. Whe they seem to, the proper course not to attempt to compromise b tween them to make one balance th other. It would be absurd to attemp to be selfish one day and self sacr ficing the next. The human should present the spectacle of a grea power of advance all along the who line of the one ministering to th other. The more truly a man sacrifice himself the more truly he shall develo himself. The more truly he develop himself the more truly he shall sacr fice himself. Every great thing h. its advantages. Freedom brings i disturbances, but shall we escap them by making men less free? N by making them more free. TI remedy for the errors and disturbanc of liberty is not restricted by libert but increasing liberty. And man sha not escape the dangers of self-cultu but by a deeper and truer self-cultur And the dangers of self-sacrifice al to be remedied by a deeper and wis self-sacrifice. There may be incons tencies of our ways, but the great i onsistency is his.

Be not afraid of self-culture, but of histaken and incomplete self-culture. The text binds both self-culture and elf-sacrifice together in these great words: For their sakes I sanctify hyself. Be your best self for the good If your fellow-men. Jesus has gone he whole round of creation. He has ingled with men and wrought wondbus works among them, preached to hem as never man spake, and seen and elt all the revealed glory of God in his orks. He has led this life that never an led, not that He might stand as a olendid wonder among men, but that might save the world to God. The oblest souls have always felt a per'etual reaction. Neither struggles to omplete themselves nor struggles to ive the world can satisfy them alone; ach needs the other to make it satising. One finds the good of all manind a motive for doing his best. Go prth to serve the world, and you will now you must be a better man to rve it fully.-Phillips Brooks.

Unnecessary Friction.

Not long since, in a newspaper pargraph devoted to the "Chronic Grum

er," he is quoted as asking such

estions as this, "Why does the man ho wants to go to the top floor of a ilding persist in standing in the or of the elevator?" That question

continually arising in various rms in the mind of any person who avels democratically, shoulder to oulder with the crowd. The back atforms and doorways of cars are ople, compelling one to crowd and ish to enter the car. People stand the street corners and compel ose who wish to use the cross-walk step into the street, irrespective of e condition of the gutter. At a ncert, in assemblies where the audice chooses its own seats, each newmer seats himself as near the aisle possible, and then compels the er arrivals to crowd past him, or e he steps into the aisle, quadrupthe confusion by this act. Hold

ers of the middle seats between two aisles in a theatre will come in after the rise of the curtain, apparently without a scruple. And nothing is more common at that center of confusion and discomfort-the Brooklyn Bridge-than to have men push and elbow their way through the crowd to get seats, and when the car passes the Brooklyn tower these same protectors of individual rights push and elbow their way through toward the doors, getting ready to leave as soon as the car stops.

Nothing is gained, not even time,

risy or self-deceived presumption Faith will intensify effort, instead of leading to shirk it; and the more we

trust him, the more we should ourselves work. We keep ourselves when God keeps us; God keeps us when we keep ourselves. Both things are true, and therefore our fitting temper is the double one of self-distrusting confidence and of earnest diligence. Alexander Maclaren.

for frequently the blocking of a pas- The Temptation in Temptations. sageway detains those who crowd as well as those who are crowded. What can be gained by losing a part of a programme through a discourteous entrance which compels others to also lose part of their enjoyment, is beyond ordinary minds to discover.

It is the constant self-assertion and disregard of others that increases the friction and causes such a tremendous wear and tear of the vital forces. Certainly this is true, that life is a much more desirable privilege where there is the exercise of mutual consideration. Knowing this, why do we so constantly fail to exercise it? —Christian Union.

How God Keeps us.

God keeps us by enabling us to keep ourselves. "Through the Holy Spirit that dwelleth in us," so his protection is no mere outward wall of defense around us, nor any change of circumstances which may avert danger, but it is the putting within us of a divine life-principles which shall mould our thoughts, regulate our desires, re-enforce our weakness, and be within us a power that shall preserve us from all evil. God fights for us, not in the sense of fighting instead of us, but in the sense of fighting by our sides when we fight. A faith which says: "God will take care of me," and does not take care of itself, is no faith, but either hypoc

We depend a good deal, in our liferulings, upon the names by which we call things. If we do not class a temptation among our temptations, we are very apt to be entangled in its folds before we know it. Indeed, it is a part of the Tempter's art to prevent our seeing the temptation in temptations. We are often restrained from wrong doing by the fact that we feel ourselves being tempted. We shun deceit, lying, theft, and a score of well-recognized sins, because we realize in them the power of the Tempter. But these temptations that more nearly affect our outward conduct among our fellows are in no wise so subtile and so dangerous as those which are more essentially personal and spiritual. The temptations to doubt, distrust, and reject God steal over us before we are aware that we are in the Tempter's hands. We are tempted to think of God's mercy as unfairness or injustice, of his love as wrath, and to set ourselves up as judges of what God has or has not a right to do. Every occasion of suffering, loss, sorrow, ought to be regarded as the peculiar opportunity of the Tempter. But such temptations are correspondingly to be regarded as divine opportunities given to us to witness for Christ.-S. S. Times.

A Loving Heart.

The woman with a loving heart is sure to look upon the bright side of life, and by her example induce others to do so. She sees a good reason for all the unwelcome events which others call bad luck. She believes in silver linings, and likes to point them out to others. A week of rain or fog, an avalanche of unexpected guests, a dishonest servant, an unbecoming bonnet, or any other of the thousand minor inflections of every-day life, have no power to disturb the deep calm of her soul. The love light is still in her eyes, whether the days be dark or bright. It is she who conquers the grim old uncle and the dyspeptic aunt. The crossest baby reaches out its arms to her, and is comforted. Old people and strangers always ask the way of her in the

crowded street. She has a good word to say for the man or woman who is under the world's ban of reproach. Gossip pains her, and she never voluntarily listens to it. Her gentle heart helps to see the reason for every poor sinner's mis-step, and condones every fault. She might not serve with acceptance on the judge's bench, but she is a very agreeable person to know. If you seek to find the happy and fortunate woman in your circle, they will generally be those who were born with loving hearts or, if not so endowed by nature, they have cultivated, by help of grace, this choice possession, and to have a double claim to its rewards. Perhaps the dominant charm of Dickens' novels lies in the secret of his ability to portray with skill the workings of an affectionate heart. The Cheeryble brothers send out warm sunny rays of

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11 West Washington St.

loving kindness on every reader of Nicholas Nickleby. Little Dorrit, God bless her memory, with her sweet unselfish devotion to her complacent father and thoughtless brothers and sisters and witless Maggie, wins the Dear old sympathy of every one. Pegotty, red-armed, a genuine lover. honest Ham and his father; poo little Em'ly, Agnes, and Dora (the juxtaposition does not harm them) the pinched face and willing hands of the Marchioness; Ruth Pinch and her brother-and hosts of other faces shine out with genial warmth from the novelist's pages and become tender household memories. Wherever such hearts are found, in poetry on fiction, in the pages of the novelist on in the busy streets, their power is recognized as unique, beneficient and enduring,-Harper's Bazar.

New and Second-Hand Goods Bought and Sold

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