Christian Watchfulness. BY WM. H. DAVIS. MATT. 24: 42 51. "And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch."-MARK 13: 37. "It may be in the evening, When the work of the day is done, And you have time to sit in the twilight Over the sea. . and he is the wise man who, in his fore Christ says, "Watch." For building, his business, and his jour- as a thief cometh in the night, unneying, allows a margin for this expectedly and sudden, so will he uncertain factor of providence. come. Therefore the Master makes wisSeven parables, in bud or in full dom a watchful preparation for blossom, gather about the word emergencies. This is the marrow watch, in the Master's teaching; of that parable of the builders while the thoughts of readiness and which closes the Sermon on the expectancy run like threads through mount. In the fair days of Gospel and Epistle, from Matthew the summer time and dry brookthe Revelation, until David, watch- beds, the wise man, with painstaking and waiting in the tower over ing labor, climbed the slope, unthe gate at Mahaniam, becomes the covered the rock, and laid the type of the Christian life in its foundations of his house against attitude to the present and the the possible rains of the coming future. And the words which the German commentator wrote over his study door in Hanover, " Always to be ready," become the motto of winter and the floods of the next spring; while the builder whom the gospel brands as a fool places his house on the sand of the dried up brook, because then the sky was Christian lives. sunny, and the location was conAnd this, because the unusual venient, and the storms were is forever happening. the other side of the year. And the lesson of the last par on It may be when the midnight Along the sand; And the black waves lying dumbly When the night is dying slowly It may be at the cock-crow, And In the sky, the sea looks calm and holy, Waiting for the dawn Which draweth nigh; In your home: In the chill before the dawning, The providences of storm, acciOf this supreme and solemn dent and disease; of prosperity able matches the first. The five hour "knoweth no man, no, not and loss, life and death,—all or any witless girls, against whom the door the angels of heaven," and no of them may come in a day. The of the feast was shut, made no pro-nathematical manipulation of the contingencies of life, therefore, vision for the unusual, and so, in prophecies, no Millerite interpretamust needs be reckoned on in all the unexpected delay of the bride- tions of Daniel or the Revelation, our estimates. The route of our groom's coming, their oil burned will ever reveal the year or the journeying was mapped out, the out, and at midnight, when the cry month or the day of his coming. trunks packed and the day of our of his approach was heard, their A coming which to us will be syndeparture fixed; but a child fell lamps were empty. "But the wise onymous with that final hour of sick, or the mail that morning took oil, in their vessels, with their judgment and glory, and one which brought a message of death, and lamps," and thus prepared for may be to-day, or to-morrow, or our plans were changed. Or, the emergency of the bride- years hence, and therefore the Masweary with long labor, and with groom's tarrying. "The ready ter said: "Take ye heed, watch wealth enough and well invested, ones" ( roo)" went in with and pray;; for ye know not when ἔτοιμοι) we plan to spend the afternoon of him to the marriage." the time is." life in ease and culture; but a The great message of the parpanic comes, the bank fails, and able then is, Be ready for the undebtors default, and unexpectedly we are pushed back again into the tread-mill of anxious toil. Or, we counted on the schedule time and But the Christ gives another reaa close connection, but the train son why men ought always to be was a half-hour late, and so we expectant and ready. "For in missed the boat and lost the holi- such an hour as ye think not the day. Thus, the unexpected may come in to help or hinder every plan, 66 usual; plan for the unexpected; Son of man cometh.” That he will come, we know; but when, we do not know. There But while these words point unmistakably to the final coming, the dies iræ of the medieval Church, yet they warn men to be on the tower and watchful for the coming of the Christ in providence and in life. For Christ is always coming. In every Macedonian appeal, in every wide-open door of opportunity, in every added gift and grace, he comes. where the throne of God is. Behold a stranger at the door, at That we may hear this knocking currents of purpose sweep heavenward and the graces of faith and hope and love are in the heart. As Israel Putnam left the plow in the furrow and mounted a fieldhorse when the bugle sounded for the rallying of Cambridge; as the In the ceaseless tread of that the night-watch, through the pray- homes or farms, no matter, if the great alien host from beyond the ers of a mother, the words of a sea, ignorant and poor and godless, friend, or the appeal of a sorrow. we catch the sound of His steps. In the calls for men and money to plant the church and the Christian school in Asia and Africa and on the frontiers of the West, we hear a voice out of the clear yonder Christ bids men to "watch." For minute-men of Middlesex left workthese personal comings are unher- shop and farm at Paul Revere s In these problems of the city alded and gentle; so whisper-like call to Lexington, so the master and the country, in the unlocked and tender that, self-absorbed and would have men work and watch doors of caste and language, in the busy, it were easy for our ears to marvelous facilities of communica- miss them and for our hearts to tion which bring the world into reject them. But on them hangs near neighborhood, and make it the destiny of that final coming, possible to send the great mission- when in clouds and glory the ary text around the globe six times Judge shall come to ask us why we in an hour, we behold the comings did not hear and see. of One who maketh the clouds his chariot; his ministers a flaming fire." So Christ is always coming and will come, and ouly as men are expectant and awake will they be ready for these imperial providences, these quiet visitations. Ah! the failure of Judæa has been the world's mistake in all the generations! The King has come To watch, then, is the duty of to His own, and His own received the hour; aye, every hour. But him not, for their eyes were dim of how? Not in the strained posture sight and their ears were dull of of formal devotion are we to keep hearing. And history has gathered vigil, not in perpetual psalm-singup the results of this blindness and ing or prayer-meeting attendance, indifference, in the weakness, the nor as those Thessalonians of the losses, and the judgments of the Church, and what has been will be, with increasing retribution. Therefore Christ said, "Wateh." early and late centuries, who, with- With their finger on the latch." Aye, weary with toil, let men sleep even, for the sleeping of the virgins in the parable was no sin, but let them sleep as those who carry the hour of their rising in their dreams. "So I am watching quietly " Every day. Whenever the sun shines brightly Surely it is the shining of His face,' For I know He is coming shortly To summon me, So may we watch and wait under the inspiration of a coming which, be it near or far off, will be, and that a coming of sorrow or of joy forever. If we were to write the supreme prayer of this century, crowned as no other with privilege, and reso- Against such watching Paul en- A beautiful feature of the order nant as no other with the foot-falls ters the protest of inspiration and of King's Daughter's is the "Prayer of his coming, it would be that our common-sense. For the smith's of Consecration" which each King's eyes may be open to see the King apron, the baker's cap, the laborer's Daughter offers every morning upon in his glory, as he has come and is blue jeans, and the housewife's rising: "Take me, Lord, and use coming in the year of our Lord, gown are all suitable material for me to-day as Thou wilt. Whatever 1889. And there is another com- ascension robes. And he watches work Thou hast for me to do, give ing for which we are to watch-the best for his Lord's coming who it into my hands. If there are those personal coming of Christ to every does the duty and the service Thou wouldst have me to help in man, with the message: "Son, give which lie next to him, with fidelity any way, send them to me. Take me thy heart." For as God came to men and love to God. Be that my time, and use it as Thou wilt. to the prophet in the mountains, duty with plows or day books, in Let me be a vessel close to Thy not by the earthquake, nor by the the office with its briefs, or in the hand and meet for Thy service, to fire, but in the still, small voice, so school-room with its classes, or busy be employed only for Thee, and for he comes to us in the thoughts of with railroads and mines, with ministry to others in His name.'' The Precious Name. Some years ago, a native residing in a distant part of India had a tract given to him, telling of Christ and His great love to sinners. The man was deeply interested in the story, and read it again and again, until he was intensely anxious to know more about Jesus. After of manner, but by her lack of beau- this purpose. Surely when the ty she can keep the loveliest tendencies of this evil practice are women friends and no jealousy considered in connection with the arises, while she is always a pleas- ruin, moral, physical and financial, ant companion. The woman who that such gambling, in ninety-nine is not a great beauty does not need cases out of every 100, sooner or to anticipate growing old with later entails upon the individual, that horror that must come to her and the long train of innocent perwho knows it means the loss of her sons who are dragged down to the thinking much about it, he deter- greatest attraction! I have always lowest depths of misery by such vimade a thanksgiving every night olations of law, no one can be surmined to go to the nearest station, that Providence arranged that I prised that the courts refuse to lend to try if he could learn something should be born south of Mason's their aid to the enforcement of more about this loving Saviour. and Dixon's line, but I now add to contracts so nefarious in their conAt the close of a long and weary my thanks the fact that nature did ception, "so odorous with crime," journey, he arrived at the place not make me beautiful. One can so fraught with evil both to indiwhere the missionary resided, and found him conducting public woronly feel this way after one has viduals and society. become-how old? The woman ship. He drew near to the group without beauty is going to try have made a rather startling discov that surrounded the preacher, who to do something else, for in the was giving out his text from I. Tim. i., 15: "This is a faithful heart of every woman figure, with saying, and worthy of all accepta- voice, there is a desire to be conout Roman lines and a calliope tion, that Christ Jesus came into sidered that she is not a failure in the world to save sinners." Dithe world by somebody, and if that rectly the missionary came to the Gambling in "Futures. " The British museum authorities ery lately and are in a rather awkward position. Some time ago they of the Emperor Hadrian at a very purchased a magnificent marble bust reasonable price. In natural pride they invited a number of distin a words "Christ Jesus" the Indian woman is worth a penny she pre-guished foreigners to view it, and cried out in an ecstacy of delight, fers that somebody to be a man. all conceded that it was a priceless "Ah! that's the name! ah! that's "Bab" in New York Star. treasure of antique art. Among the name!-the precious name!" the spectators, however, was The longing of his heart was satismember of the Greek diplomatic fied. He heard more about the Judge Turner, of the Troup service, who instantly declared that Saviour. He drank in the glad County (Ga.) court, has some very he had seen the same bust in the tidings of the Gospel, and received sensible ideas in regard to the Royal Museum at Athens. He nothe message of mercy, believed in "gambling" which is carried on tified his Government, and an inJesus, and was made exceedingly by members of boards of trade. In vestigation has followed, which rehappy. He soon returned again to a recent case involving what is veals that not only the bust in his own part of the country, to called a transaction in "cotton fu- question, but a large number of make known to his friends the tures" he decided that a court will the most valuable specimens, have treasure he had found, and tell of not hear a case founded upon an il- been stolen. Some high Greek the preciousness of that name legal contract, whether the illeg- officials are under suspicion, it which is 'ointment poured ality is pleaded by the defendant being evident that the thefts have forth." or not. Commenting upon the been carried on systematically for general subject of trusts, combines, a considerable time. corners and syndicates formed for A new fuel has been introduced Somebody asked me the other speculative purposes the judge said: in Iowa. It is made of corn-stalks day who were the happiest women, The courts cannot check these and grass soaked together and and I've been thinking it over ever evils by originating measures to pressed into a pulp in blocks somesince. The conclusion I have come suppress them; but will be found thing like bricks, in which form to is that she is the happiest woman always, as they always have been they are dried. The new fuel can who is not too handsome. I don't found, ready to exercise their ben- be produced for three dollars a ton, mean that she shall be disagreeable, eficent powers in rendering effica- and may become a substitute for and she must have a certain charm cious legislative enactments for coal in some sections. as The Happiest Woman. A Story of Gladstone. The following pretty incident of Gladstone is related in one of our exchanges: About forty years ago several haulers were employed in carrying pig iron from Brymbo to Queen's ferry. Among them was one William Griffiths, who is still alive. This man, when going down to Tinkerdale one day with his load of iron, was accosted by a stranger, who talked very freely with him. Among the questions, the stranger asked him how much per day he got for carrying the iron. "Six and six-pence," said the carter. "What weight have you on the cart?" "About a ton and a half." "And what do you pay gates?" "That was Mr. Gladstone," said the tradesman. "Mr. Gladstone!" exclaimed the hauler, "I dunno what 'e'll think o' me, then, for I never sir'd 'im nor nothin'. Sure I thought 'e was some farmer hor somethin'." Unsatisfactery. WISE AND OTHERWISE. JUST So-A boy's description of about as well as anything we have having a tooth pulled expresses it seen. "Just before it killed me the tooth came out." DIVERGENCE OF VIEWS-" Who A professor in an Eastern college is your family physician, Freddy?” had in his botany class a young asked Mrs. Hendricks of the Brown Japanese, who was very much interested in the science. boy. "We ain't got none," said the One day the professor was lectur- boy. "Pa's a homoeopath, ma's an ing on the subject of germination, allopath, sister Jane is a Christian and the food matter of the plant, scientist, grandma and grand pa and told the class that if they mix- buys all the quack medicine going, ed flour and water, the water pour- Uncle James believes in massage, ed off would be white, while the and brother Bill is a horse doctor." sediment remaining was brown and glutinous, that the water tested THE FULL ALPHABET.-The senfor with iodine would turn blue, prov-tence "Frowzy quacks jump, vex, ing that it contained starch, and he and blight," consisting of only asked the Japanese student, Issa twenty-eight letters, is the shortest "How much does it cost to keep Tetsuka, to perform the experiment grammatical alphabetical compothe mare?" before the class at the next recita- sition yet known. It contains no tion. "Eighteen pence." "Thirteen shillings a week." Presently they reached the foot of the mill hill. "How are you going to get this up-hill?" asked the stranger. "Oh, I mun get my shuder and push hup 'ere." "I'll help you a bit," said the stranger, and he at once put his shoulder to the cart and pushed up the hill well. When they reached the top the hauler said: "You an' me 'as been as good has a chain 'orse." "Well, well," said the stranger, "I don't know how the poor horse's legs are, but mine ache very much indeed. I suppose yon can manage now?" "Yes, thank you," said the hauler; and, wishing each other good-day, they separated. As soon as the stranger was gone a tradesman asked Griffiths if he knew who had been kelping him. "No," said he, "I never saw 'im before." The day following, however, Issa came to the class-room with a very troubled expression on his face, and said that the experiment was not satisfactory. When the professor investigated the matter he was amused to find that the Japanese had misunderstood him, and in place of "some flour" had taken "some flower," viz.: a bunch of geraniums, squeezed them up in the water, and poured in iodine, then been very much disappointed because the water did not turn blue. repeated consonants or proper names, and in point of brevity I think that it cannot be surpassed. "John quickly extemporized five tow bags" has held possession of the field heretofore. Buffalo Bill and His Horse. Bill's Wild West show he lost his On the return voyage of Buffalo famous old horse Charlie just before entering New York harbor. The old horse came into the scout's possession twenty years ago. When he died he was wrapped in an American flag and was buried in the sea. Prof. Cragin, of Washburn ColThe scout, with his comlege, discovered at Bowns, Osborn Co., Kan., the petrified remains of pany around him, delivered a little a huge fossil. The animal when funeral oration, in the course of alive was a little over sixteen feet which he said: "You have never in length. The jaws measured failed me, Charlie, old fellow. I three feet eight inches, the neck have had many friends, but very between four and five feet long, few of whom I could say that. Men and the body nine feet in length tell me you had no soul, but if there and three or four feet in thickness. be a heaven, and scouts can enter, It has flippers quite similar to a I'll wait at the gate for you, old friend."-Chicago Times. seal. GENERAL MENTION. Next to Christmas. The most pleasant annual event is the advent of the new year, the institution of which as a day of feasting and rejoicing is the oldest on authentic record transmitted down to our times, and still observed. The feast was instituted by Numa and was dedicated to Janus, who presided over the New Year, January 1, 713 B. C. THE PRESENT OBSERVANCE Religious Life on the Frontier. How I missed Sabbath privileges, once was The following letter was written the first year of our sojourn, God by a Detroit lady who has been alone can know. Our meetings living in Dakota : were only held at intervals, some"I have thought a sketch of times monthly, and always with the frontier life in Dakota Territory clause, "weather permitting," for during a period of six years might we had to travel so far to attend be of interest to some of your read-them. Many a time have I enterers, with a narration of a few efforts tained ministers, sent out by the in the line of "Christian endeavor," Presbyterian Board, at my home. though necessarily very imperfect; who would put up at our house on yet we know even a cup of cold a long ride on horse back or by water, given for the Master's sake, buggy to a neighboring church carries along with it surely a or meeting 16 to 25 miles disblessing both to the giver and re- tant; and more than of New Year's Day has been traced cipient. one of our trusty ponies loaned by some to the Roman festival; the It is not so very long ago that for the man of God to journey latter probably exerted some in- anything concerning Dakota was on. When the navies were at fluence, but nothing could be more read with eager interest, but of work making the railroad track and natural than to celebrate the first late the rush of emigration has not laying the rails they lived in tents, day of the year, and in all coun- been so great, and the severity of like the Arabs, and often used to tries traces are found of the cus- the winters there being a wide come over to me to purchase milk, tom having been in vogue from the spread fact, the glory concerning which they oftener had "without earliest times. All over the world that country has departed to some it is a gala day, and people of extent. We located in a region in every nation celebrate it in accord- South Dakota very sparsely settled, ance with the manners and customs and 70 miles from the nearest railof each. Charles Lamb says: "No road. Nature reigned supreme in one ever regarded the first of January with indifference. It is that from which all date their time and count upon what is left. It is the nativity of our common Adam." TO BEGIN THE YEAR with a renewal and interchange of social courtesies is a pleasant usage, one well worthy to be honored. Charles Dickens in one of his charming sketches says: "We measure man's life by years, and it is a solemn knell that warns us we have passed another of the landmarks which stand between us and the grave. Disguise it as we may, the reflection will force it on our minds that when the next bell announces the arrival of the New Year we may be insensible alike of the timely warning we have so often neglected, and of all the warm feelings that glow within us now." money and without price," when I would embrace the opportunity to hand them some tracts or leaflets, and which were always very gladly received. So we tried to do what pristine lovliness. The vast extent of we could, in our limited sphere, to prairie and the awful feeling of preach the Gospel, and were "not solitude and isolation, amid a track- forgetful to entertain strangers." I less wilderness on all sides as far as had a gift of some hundreds of the eye could reach, is an experi- tracts sent out by one of my broth ence too deep for words, and must ers in England, and which he very be seen and felt to be appreciated. kindly supplemented by four volThe beautiful, long prairie grass umes of "Robinson's Sermons," used to meet over the backs of our "Farrer's Life of Christ," and swift little Indian ponies, as we" Barnes' Notes" on the New Testawould drive to meeting, often a dis- ment. This brother (always aboundtance of 6 or 8 miles, held at the ing in good works), seeing my lack different residences of the settlers, of spiritual food on the frontier, or in some commodious barn. I shall was anxious to supply the definever forget the stillness of the ciency, for which donation I never Sabbath morn, nor the very beauti- cease to thank him. ful mirage so often to be seen in The town was started there mainly that land. The purity of the air owing to my husband's efforts, who and the notes of the wild birds, the was one of the first settlers of the hum of nature and the vast carpet county, and brought out a colony. of green, adorned in spring with Though a member of a church in the lovliest of wild flowers of rich Detroit, I never took my letter perfume and endless variety, is in-"out West," which proved, in the deed a feast to the lover of nature. sequel to my chequered life, to be |