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for the best, the Master calling How Can the Young People singing, their testimony, and by

Best Help the Pastor?


both my beloved husband, and afterthe encouraging thought, that as ward my little son, home to heaven, the older ones pass away, these are leaving me "alone, yet not alone." being trained to fill their places. What grieved me much was to witThe harmonious action of the It is as reasonable to expect fruit ness the Sabbath breaking. Why young people of the church and without buds and flowers as to look the thought should ever take hold their pastor is a subject of no little for a live, growing church without of the young men of to-day that in importance, and a thoughtful con- the hearty co-operation of its young going out West they put off or from sideration of their relations to each people.

them all the religion they ever pos- other cannot but be helpful to us What pastor, I wonder, has not sessed, the further they advance on all. The pastor, as head of the been troubled and pained by the the frontier, is a mystery to me; church and leader of the people, irreverence and inattention of perbut certain it is, they all do things has many duties and burdens pecu- sons both young and old. Is there they would never dream of doing if liar to his position, and needs the not a large field here for helpfulthey lived East. Ball playing, fish- help of every individual member ness by the young people? One flippant, irreverent person ing, excursions, boating and picnics of the church and those interested spoil the whole tone of a religious on the Sabbath were common occur in church work. service, and undo all the good that

In an


as a society of earnest workers, create, by our personal example, an atmosphere of respect and reverence that shall overcome the spirit of thoughtlessness and levity, so destructive of both good order the society shall be one we can all and religious improvement, so that be proud of, and the pastor can say, that all his young people are helpers in all that is good?

We can help the pastor by reporting to him the names of stransick; not only those of our own gers among us, and those who are people, but any one he could help. by introducing him to strangers who attend our church or society, and last, but not least, help by giving an occasional word of encouragement. His sermon has cost many an hour of time, thought and anxiety and if there is any thing in it that has helped you, given you a bering zeal, tell him of it, and give new thought, or aroused your slumhim the comfort of knowing some one has been helped.

rences, and many a farmer would The question for us is, what can may have been done. Cannot we, haul wood and hay, and even stack we as young people do? hay on a Sunday. Such open dese-swering this question I do not cration was sad to witness. The expect to say anything new; but three most prominent men in our hope to show some old truths in village would "harness up" and such new relations that we may be take their wives and families down better able to see their importance. to the James river for an outing, Firstly, then, we can greatly help purposely choosing that day, though the pastor by our regular attenthe two churches, Presbyterian and dance at the church services. One Methodist, had their regular pas- of the questions that troubles every tors, and services twice daily. These pastor is, How to fill the pews, men little knew how baneful was and how to interest people in their example, and how they were going to church. This the young laying up for themselves, by thus people can do much to answer. sinning against the light, "wrath They are the life and the hope of against the day of wrath." the church. They have youth and I do not think we put promi- spirit and enthusiasm. nently enough before our eyes in they are not burdened with busichurches and Sunday schools the ness or household cares. written Ten Commandments of clanish" fond of being Do they not sometimes rise and will go where other young peoup before our spiritual vision with ple lead them." startling truth and intensity? And So if we train ourselves to regusurely they only are blessed who lar attendance, heartily invite our A former pastor, on leaving Fkeep the Law, or endeavor to keep friends and associates to come with said to the new pastor: "If the Fit to the best of their knowledge. us, and give them a warm, hearty people like your preaching ever so How humble we feel in the realiza- welcome while there, then the Now if this is true of the older well, they will never tell you." tion of these words, "To him that question, "How can the pews be ple (and I fear it is), let old things knoweth to do good and doeth it filled?" will be answered, and the pass away, and the young people not, to him it is sin." pastor cannot fail to be strength-begin in a new era, whose spirit ened and encouraged. shall be earnest, harmonious, symAnother place where the young membering to "Bear one another's pathetic, and helpful; always reare needed is the prayer meeting. burdens, and so fulfil the law of They help by their presence, their Christ.


E. D.

It is reported that a ton of ropes made from the hair of the women in Japan is used in building the $300,000 Buddhist temple in Kioto.

As a rule

They are

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The Child.

"To Daniel Webster, of the

children will ever affirm that it done, and whom have I been so A New England friend sends us will. Take a child that is full of rude to?" a lecture, recently delivered in Bos- life and mischief, daring to the ton, on the subject of training verge of ruin, thoughtless as the Senate of the United States." "What a blunder! I thought it children, and we always read with wind and a little stubborn in the interest all that comes under our bargain. Kisses will not always do was that fellow Webster who made eye upon a matter of so much im- the work with such a child. Its a dictionary and nearly ruined the portance. Much is written upon memory is largely at fault, as it is English language." child-training, and we presume that the fault of every child. It rushes

EXPLANATION is made of the

That the right difference between what are known as white frosts and black

We believe with this lecturer that

Then the great Chancellor quickit would not be far out of the way headlong into mischief and danger ly hunted up the American Senato say that those who never had the without thought. That memory tor, and having other tastes in comtraining of a child are just as free must have a tonic. There must be mon besides law and politics, they to write about it as those who have. something emphatic in connection made a royal night of it. It is a subject of varied ramifica- with the act forbidden that will tions. It is one about which no always be associated with the comprehensive rules can be laid thought of repeating it. down, for children differ and cir- emphasis is to be given with the frosts as follows: The information cumstances differ. The proper lash we do not say. In fact we do is timely and will interest many training of a child is not within the not believe in striking a child, scope of possibility with many parunder any circumstances, hard people who have not given any ents. It is an intricate work. It enough to do the slightest harm. Particular attention to the matter: -Dew is deposited on calm, clear requires excellent judgment, great patience, clear discrimination, a a great strong man who welts the nights, but is not deposited in soft flesh of a child ought to bel cloudy or windy weather. When superior executive ability, firmness, kindness, a very fine sense of jus- sent to the penitentiary. Indeed the temperature is below 32 degrees we would tie him to a whipping tion of dew, the dew is frozen and on a night favorable to the forma tice and a large degree of courage. In view of that, it is a matter of post. But notwithstanding there tion of dew, the dew is frozen and white or hoar frost is produced. little wonder that there is so much is often need of a treatment which When the temperature falls to the mismanagement of children. Men seems to the child anything but the same point on a night not favorable and women possessed of such ad- promptings of love. mirably balanced endowments as general rule that we can lay down to the formation of dew, the moistare mentioned, are few and far be- for the training of the child is this:ure within the plant may be frozen without any deposit of frost appeartween; and it is just as much a Be absolutely just wherever the ing on the outside. This is what is natural gift to manage a child prorule may lead. Western Rural. known as black frost. The formaperly as it is to be a poet, and he is WHEN Mr. Webster visited Eng- tion of black frost does not require said to be born and not made. land, after he had attained fame a temperature lower than that reAnd then a parent that can success- enough to precede him, an English quired for the formation of hoar fully train one child will fail with gentleman took him one day to see frost, although the state of the another, and so, do the best we can, Lord Brougham. That eminent atmosphere makes the cold more the whole matter of child-training Briton received our Daniel with severly felt. is one of great uncertainty where such coolness that he was glad to fathers and mothers are taken as a get away and back to his rooms. class and children are taken as a The friend who had taken him at class.

The only

Ir thou lean upon the promises of God themselves, and not upon

once returned to Lord Brougham Jesus Christ in them, all will come

in haste and anger.

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carry so

It is oftener the case that the * Whence is it to nothing* that so many souls bring a promise course to pursue is uncertain than "My lord, how could you beto the throne of grace, and it is that it is plain. There are have with such unseemly rudeness times when punishment must be and discourtesy to so great a lawlittle away from it? They lean inflicted. It is the sheerest folly to yer and statesman? It was insult- "pon the promises without leaning say that love and patience willing to him, and has filled me with on Christ in the promise.- Yeate. always do the work, and no one mortification."

with a wide experience in handling

Look for something to love and Why, what on earth have I you will see less to hate.


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Recent Religious Interest. ing meeting was an occasion for of divine appointment, as well as A number of 15 minute meet- bringing special cases before the the ordinances themselves. 5. The right of each member of ings have been held at the close of meeting for prayer, and the Friday the Sunday evening service with evening meeting was devoted to the church to a voice in its governAn especially ment and discipline. valuable results. The first, held prayer for students. gratifying incident of the month's 6. Each church, while holding December 23, resulted in the conversion of a young man and a young religious interest has been the vol- fellowship with other churches, lady, both of whom were visiting their relatives in Ann Arbor dur junior class (literary department), conscience and the total independing the hot days. The young man, of the university, who expects ence of church and state. whose parents reside here, was

ntary profession of conversion on solely responsible to Christ.
the part of a manly student of the

baptized the following Sunday promptly to follow Christ in bap

evening. The young lady, a sister

7. The freedom of the individual

Let each Baptist commit these tism. This case, with a similar points to memory, or keep them at of one of our deacons, was obliged one in. September, afford positive hand, for the enlightenment of those proof that spiritual influences are at who have wrong conceptions of our position.

to leave Ann Arbor during the week following her conversion but went with the promise of making

immediate confession of Christ in the place to which she went.

In each of the following meetings there were special cases of religious interest. During the week of prayer, union meetings were held each afternoon as follows:

and Confession."

work in the university.

toward God's work in Ann Arbor
Friend, what is your attitude
this winter? Are you right your-
self? Are you trying to get any
one else right?

What Baptists Believe.

It is surprising to find intelligent

Program of H. M. Meeting. (Saturday, Jan. 19th, 1889.)

Call to Order and Prayer. Responsive Scripture ReadingPsalm 87-Verses 1-7 to be especially dwelt upon.


Missionary Promises.

Romanism; its rise and growth,

Monday, at the Congregational people whose only idea of the disChurch. Subject, "Thanksgiving tinctive belief of Baptists is that by Mrs. Carman. Some differences between Rowe believe only those who have Methodist been immersed are Christians or manism and Protestanism, by Mrs. The Holy will be saved. They persist in Chapin.

Tuesday, at the Church. Subject,


Wednesday, at



holding this idea of Baptists, in

Recuperative measures of Ro

by Mrs. Stevens.

Church. Subject, "The Church spite of the fact that no regular manism, and the Order of Jesuits, Baptist church in the world teaches or believes thus.

and the Home."

Thursday, at the Presbyterian Church. Subject, "Reforms." Friday, at Hobart Hall (Episcopalian). Subject, "Missions." Saturday, at the Baptist Church. A Children's meeting.

A meeting was held by our own church each evening of the week of prayer, and each of these meetings were marked by special interest and the presence of those inquiring the way of life. The subjects of these meetings were arranged with specific reference to the present work of

Theology, which is probably the
We copy here from Dr. Strong's
most able exposition of Baptist views
of doctrine and practice a brief
statement summarizing the laws of
Christ in accordance with which
Baptist churches are constituted.

1. The sufficiency and sole au-
thority of Scripture as the rule
both of doctrine and polity.

Our Woman's Mission Circle.

At the Woman's Mission Circle on Dec. 15, an interesting article entitled, "Stanley and Emin Bey," was read. It referred hopefully to the long silence of the former, and described the exalted character and great usefulness of Emin Bey in Equatorial Africa.

A leaflet, "Mothers and Homes in Africa," was also read, awaken2. Credible evidence of regenera-ing the inquiry, "Lord, what wilt tion and conversion as prerequisite Thou have the favored Christian

the church. The Monday evening to church membership.
meeting was a young people's meet- 3. Immersion only, as answering
ing; the Tuesday evening meeting to Christ's command of baptism,
an occasion for renewed consecre- and to the symbolic meaning of the
tion; the Wednesday evening meet- ordinance.
ing was devoted to prayer for this
winter's work; the Thursday even-

4. The order of the ordinance, Baptism and the Lord's Supper, as

women of America do to Christianize and elevate the mothers and daughters of the dismal kraals of

the dark continent?"

Look for something to love and you will see less to hate.

Sunday in the Home.

did when they first joined the

No exact

new ways are too lax,-there are
any amount of perhapses, but they study the Beatitudes.
don't count for much beside the
undoubted fact that, in most homes,
Sunday is an unsatisfactory day for
both parents and children. Some
excellent words by Elizabeth M.
Rowland, in the Congregationalist,
bear on this subject:

rule will apply, but the broad prin
ciple can be held up that God's day
is the fitting time for the study of

God's Word."

Pure Motives.

The enjoyment of pure motive and of high impulses increases in a direct ratio as planning and work are from self. On the other hand, as self rises in thought or effort,

In many families, the problems church-which is another way of of the other six days in the week saying, 'We must be better Christsink into utter insignificance when ians ourselves." "The Sabbath seems to be the compared with that ever-recurring natural time for Bible study at and seldom-answered question, "What shall we do with the child- home. By this is not meant setren on Sunday?" Perhaps the old tling a dispute between two child-pleasure ceases, and work becomes ways of keeping holy the Sabbath ren, sending one upstairs to learn that of the drudge and not that of him who finds harmony in the day were too strict, perhaps the the first Psalm, and seating the whirl of machinery, melody in the other on a cricket by your side to vibrations after the stroke of the sledge upon the anvil, beauty in the spinning of the lathe, or grandeur in the powerful motion of the engine. The first man works either because Nature will not "It is behind the times to plead bring to his hand the necessaries of for the old-fashioned habit of 'com-life, or because God has given all mitting to memory?' In the the law that man must live by the Sunday Schools of thirty or forty the morning like a laggard, breaksweat of his brow. He arises in fasts upon the sour bread of duty, like a snail drags himself to his studies not to inwork, and crease to the extent of his skill the products of effort, but rather seeks to measure results by the prospect of immediate returns. His life is one long struggle with the world which he forces himself to think owes him something, while in fact it owes him nothing. He jostles each passer-by, and at last ends as he began-in dust. His memory is not fragrant, and the recollection of him soon passes away.

We teach the baby:

I must not work, I must not play,
Upon God's holy Sabbath day,

years ago we said our verses and that was all. Our lessons are more and then tell the growing child to interesting now-a-days, our classes go to church and study the Bible-better taught, but what do our the hardest kind of work-and for- scholars carry away? Again, not bid it to do such things as go to to know any of our standard hymns walk, or even to plant a few beans is to be deficient in religious eduin the backyard-not play, as the cation. Most children sing a little, child understands the word. No and since singing is the only ac complishment we take to heaven,' child wants to rest on Sunday. By we ought to encourage it more on the time he is through a late break- earth. fast he is rested to death, and "The children will study every wants to begin living again. Now Sunday more willingly if too much what shall the parent do?

"Take the little ones to church, so young and so constantly that the habit will be second nature. Suppose they are restless, there are

worse states.

is not required at a time. They
are restless and fond of variety,
and mustn't be expected to be so
much better students than their

It is not so in the life of a man whose efforts are put forth in a great degree for others. He is not thinking of himself or of present returns, but is casting his thought "As to amusements on Sunday, to days to come and for those perhaps allow some and ignore whose lives are blended with his Suppose they get others. We have Bible precedent own. It may be he works for tired; let them sleep-their fathers for this: And the times of this those bound to him by a common often do. As they get older, accept ignorance God winked at.' For parent, or for the wife of his heart, no excuse that would not keep little ones to play 'going to church' the mother of his children, or for them from a picnic or a Christinas with dolls and blocks dosen't offend those children, or indeed, for all at some of us. No father would ex- once. The more his effort and tree, and encourage them to be regpect a boy to water the horse or thought are devoted to these the ular at the evening service also. feed the chickens on Sunday in more capable he becomes of doing Don't delay buying the needed less than an hour. After all, before greater and better things, and of boots, and if the new dress isn't we put an unnatural repression on enjoying with a keener relish the done, put on an old one. To be mere youthful, animal spirits in benefits and pleasures of life. He children, let us remember that there sees the true, the beautiful and the sure, this would oblige the parents is a distinct promise that the 'streets good of his own life reflected in the themselves to go in all weathers of the city shall be full of boys lives of those who are the partakers whether the wardrobe pleased or and girls, playing,' in the Sabbath of his bounty and the sharers of his the minister interested, just as they fullness of the New Jerusalem." joys and rewards.

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