list add the name to the register, or evening prayer meeting but can with The pastor proposes to call upon meeting. each of these students for a few minutes at least before the year expires. His purpose will be facilitated if the students upon whom the pastor has not yet called, will place in the column prepared for the purpose the hours during which it will be con venient for them to receive the call. It is intended that a social gathering of the Baptist professors and teachers and the Baptist students shall be held soon, for the purpose of better acquaintance. It is also intended that a gathering similar to this shall be held hereafter earlier in the school year, or as soon as the register of Baptist students shall have been filled out each year. Our church assuredly has a duty toward the great body of young men and young women who come to Ann Arbor from the Baptist homes of the land. It desires to show itself the constant, cordial friend and helper of all these; and by reason of the wonderful growth of the University of late years, energetic and systematic methods will be required in future to accomplish this duty. DURING the present academic year, six students in the university and high school have been received by baptism. Ten others have united by letter, and of course, scores of students with their membership elsewhere, are intimately associated with the Ann Arbor church. The Ladies' Prayer Meeting. The sisters of the church have begun a prayer meeting among themselves, held each Friday afternoon. For the first month the meetings have been held at the pastor's home. The idea is an admirable one, for there are many interests which come close to the hearts of the mothers, and deserve their special consultation and prayer. Some of the sisters also paper. It is a regular meeting held for the study of the Scriptures and for training young christians in religious activity. It also affords an Topics Y. P. Meetings-March to opportunity for the pastor to have June. March 3.-Led by pastor. Leader, R. D. Young. 1 March 17-David and Jonathan. Sam. 1: 19-7. Leader, L. N. Wood. April 7-The Proof of Love. John April 21-The Duty that Lies April 28-Faith the Golden Ladder. Gen. 28: 10-22. Leader, Ar thur McNeil. personal conversation with inquirers or with young christians desiring counsel, in one of the class rooms separated only from the main room by glass doors. The pastor frequently, after opening the meeting, leaves it in charge of the Superintendent of the Sunday School and desiring personal conversation, while receives in the adjoining room those the main meeting continues. This Monday evening meeting has been continued for several months with bles the pastor to help the young much interest and profit, as it enachristians, who also are fitted to help themselves; and it provides a means of continuously bringing out those who are interested in their soul's welfare. [FOR THE ANN ARBOR BAPTIST.] (MATT. 28:19.) When Christ was on earth a commandment he gave, Sending forth His disciples the nation to save; Obeying the watchword, his witnesses went, May 5-True Greatness. Matt. 20: Proclaiming glad tidings and saying "re25-28. Leader, O. L. Miller. May 12 The Christian's Armor. Eph. 6: 13-18. Leader, Harold Remington. May 19-The Patience of Christ. 2 Thess. 3: 15, Isa. 53. Leader, E. S. Strout. May 26-The Obedience and Faith Always June 9-Bearing Other's Burdens. pent!" The people came gladly to hear the good June 16-Peace and No Peace. June 23-What Christ Expects of The Bible Band and Inquiry The Monday evening meeting has find it very difficult to attend the not previously been noticed in our and the Jews. J. THE pastor and several delegates attended a S. S. Convention under the auspices of the Baptist State S. S. Board at the First Baptist church, Detroit, Feb. 21 and 22. It was a well attended and profitable meeting. A home mission meeting at Jackson, March 4, was also attended and addressed by the pastor. FOUND No. 7 Ann Street, north side of Court House, a complete AT MRS. E. A. HOYT'S NEW MILLINERY STORE, line of Fall Millinery and Hair Goods at Bottom Prices. All kinds of Hair Work done in the latest Fashions. Call and give her a trial order and be convinced that IT IS THE PLACE to get your MILLINERY and HAIR GOODS in the city. Remember the place, No. 7 Ann St., north of Court House. MRS. E. A. HOYT. Ann Arbor Savings Bank, D. F. SCHAIRER, FINE AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. 4 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. HUTZEL & CO., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Steam, Hot Water, Ventilation, Plumbing Water Supply, Drying, Drainage and Sanitary Work. Dealers in all kinds of Plumbers' and Steam Supplies. PHARMACY. Flavoring Extracts a specialty 12 SOUTH MAIN STREET. LOWEST PRICES! No. 25 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. INSURANCE. Stone Lime, Water Lime, Cement JAMES R. BACH, Calcined Plaster, Plastering Hair, Brick, and all kinds of Wood and Coal. 16 HURON STREET. OFFICE, No. 36 EAST HURON ST. REAL ESTATE. LUICK BROTHERS, MRS. L. N. FITCH, DEALER IN Human Hair Goods. 26 WASHINGTON STREET. MRS. A. OTTO, DEALER IN MILLINERY Of all kinds and Styles, CHEAPEST PLACE IN TOWN. Cheapest Place in the City. LEWIS, the PHOTOGRAPHER, can now be found at 72 South Main Call and Examine Work. THE HOME. The Foot-Print in the Snow. Heavy and white the cold snow lay, For pity may fall from a heart that's gay Closing the door, in a joyous glow, I chided the children for crowding me so- not the case. It does not, in any intention is to carry their things to But the fleeting sympathy came to naught your side in the house of God. In ion which is fatal. What the young before, My sweet little Mabel who sat on the floor. "Why, darling! How's this?" I cried in surprise; "Barefooted!" The little one lifted her eyes; "Oh, my feet!" she sobbed, "What has Picking Up. her unwarrantably, though she makes no sign of complaint. "My husband's progress through the house," One of the time-consuming cares said a matron recently, "is marked of every housekeeper may be de- by a litter of hats, coats, slippers, scribed under the general head of newspapers, pamphlets, books, boots, picking up. She picks up after her corkscrews, inkstands, reports, colhusband, after her girls, after the lars, handkerchiefs," etc. He is babies in the nursery. The latter forever saying, "Dear, do you restrew the nursery floor with their member where you put such and blocks, toys and picture books; such a thing of mine?" and wonderabout one baby in a hundred being ing why his wife has so inconvenient taught to put its little properties a habit of clearing things up. away when done with them, while It needs only a glance to show the other ninety-nine are diligently that if every body were of one instructed at an early age in the art mind about putting articles at once of being waited upon by their where they belong, picking up would elders. Girls come in from their be reduced to a minimum, and one pleasant excursions here and there, labor of the housewife greatly simflushed, dimpled, sweet as the rose plified.-Margaret E. Sangster, in that laughs in the hedge; but sweet "The Home-Maker." as they look, they are thoughtless THE cords of love are silken; and beyond belief in the matter of makhe who begins with setting before ing work for their mother. A parahimself the largeness of Christ's sol on the piano, a pair of gloves on the music rack, a hat on the gifts to him will not fail in using top of a cabinet, a wrap thrown these so as to increase them.carelessly on the back of an easy chair, and the young women drift WE are never more subject to an languidly into the dining room, quite attack from our spiritual enemies than when in the garden of ease. There is less danger for us when out in the conflict of life than when we set down to rest. But is this a good reason? It is oblivious that it will take mamma designed that the Sunday School be or the maid a good quarter of an to children a substitute for the hour to "tidy" the apartment which church? We well know that this is they have set awry. Doubtless their McLaren. How to Cook Husbands. A lady has written a recipe for cooking husbands so as to make them tender and good; it is as follows: Always looking out for some change any father or mother to see that their which will introduce him to a state of children always know the Sabbath's contentment and happiness which he lessons. Who are responsible, if parhas never known, he is dead while ents are not, for the religious instructhe lives. The man who enters the ion oftheir children? If parents will contest against life's emergencies not even take interest enough in their In buying your husband do not be with steady nerves and deliberate children's souls to study with them. guided by the silvery appearance, as thoughtfulness and confident expec a dozen Bible verses each week, how tation and manly courage is bound can they expect to render a satis to win, but the soul that forever factory account of their faithfulness A at God's bar? Westminister worries is almost sure to lose. good prayer for every Christian Teacher. would be," From all forms of worry and discontentment, good Lord, deliver us." Sympathy. FROM a Brooklin pulpit this beautiful sentiment was spoken. It is the duty of every Christian to make his religion beautiful and attractive to those who are without. If we behave so as to make our Christianity appear uncomely and disagreeable, we misrepresent the gospel. "The beauty of holiness," is one of its chief recommendations; and if our holiness fails to impart to us a beautiful spirit, an amiable disposition, and a winsome way, it is not Christian holiness. PAUL speaks of a woman's prayermeeting by the river side, which he attended and took an active part. Acts 16:13. Again he says, "Help those women which labored with me in buying mackerel, nor by the golden tint as if you wanted salmon. Be sure and select him yourself, as tastes differ. Do not go to market for him, as the best are always brought to your door. It is far better to have none unless you will patiently learn how to cook him. See that the linen in which you wrap him is nicely washed and mended, with the required number of buttons Those of us who have lost little and strings neatly sewed on. Tie children feel a prompting within us him in the kettle by a strong silk to speak a word of comfort to every cord called comfort, as the one parent who is passing through a called duty is apt to be weak. Make similar experience. We can not do a clear steady fire out of love, neat- good to others save at a cost to ourness and cheerfulness. Set him as selves, and our own afflictions are near this as seems to agree with him. the price we pay for our ability to If he sputters and frizzes, do not be sympathize. He who would be a anxious; some husbands do this until helper must first be a sufferer. He they are quite done. Add a little who would be a savior must somesugar in the form of what confect where or somehow have been upon ioners call kisses, but no vinegar or a cross; and we cannot have the pepper on any account. Stir him highest happiness of life in succor gently; watch the while, lest he lie ing others without tasting the cup too flat and close to the kettle, and which Jesus drank, and submitting in the gospel." become useless. You cannot fail to to the baptism wherewith he was seem to show that Paul not only alknow when he is done. If thus baptized. Every real Barnabas (son lowed Christian women to work, but treated, he will keep as long as you of consolation) must pass to his vo- to speak and to pray.-Christian want, unless you become careless cation through seasons of personal and set him in too cold a place. sorrow, and so again we see that it is true that "by these things men SOME one has said "it is not work live." The most comforting of but worry that wears men out." David's psalms were pressed out of Worry prevents sleep, impairs the him by suffering, and if Paul had appetite for wholesome food, ex- not had his thorn in the flesh we had hausts the nerves, oppresses the missed much of that tenderness brain, depresses the spirits, predis- which quivers in so many of his poses the system to disease, sours letters.-Rev. W. M. Taylor, D. D. the temper, renders its victim disa greeable to his companions and a ONE of the best things that could plague to himself and shortens life. be done to promote the efficiency of The man who worries constantly the Sabbath School would be to have does not live at all in the highest a great deal more home study of the sense. He exists, moves about, and lessons. This means more general sometimes blusters furiously, but interest in the matter among parents. never tastes the sweetness of life. It ought not to be a heavy task for Herald. These passages If thou lean upon the promises of God themselves, and not upon Jesus Christ in them, all will come to nothing. Whence is it that so throne of grace, and carry so little many souls bring a promise to the They lean upon the away from it? promises without leaning on Christ in the promise.-Yeate. Americans are in special favor in Corea, and the army is being reorganized on the American plan. THOSE Who would make sure work of their obedience must make quick work of it. TEMPERANCE. Cure for Alcoholism, her nights of care, and stands before of those who are children of foreign her strong and clean and tall at parentage is stated as fully ninety twenty-one, she can tell you what he per cent. The poverty, insanity, is worth from the crown of his head and crime, for which the property of I was one of those unfortunates to the soles of his feet; and when the the commonwealth is so heavily given to strong drink. It had re- legalized dram shop takes hold of taxed, owes its origin, to a large duced me to degradation. I vowed him, tears him down fibre by fibre, extent, to the injurious social drinkand strove long and hard, but I and puts oaths on the lips she used ing usages and to the liquor traffic. seldom held victory over drink long. to kiss, and crushes out his mother's The state could well afford, as a I hated drunkenness, but still I hopes, it is no wonder she makes matter of dollars and cents, to close drank. When I left it off I felt a outcry. If you want to know what all the drinking places and support horrid want of something I must home is worth go and ask a lov- instead of their pauperized victims, have or go distracted. I could nei- ing woman who has kept herself the saloon keepers, brewers and disther eat, work, nor sleep. I entered as pure as lilies for her marriage tillers, from the public treasury.— a reformatory and prayed for day, when, with great shine in her National Temperance Advocate. strength; still I must drink. I eyes, she puts herself over into the lived so for over twenty years; in hands of one man, for better or that time I never abstained over for worse, for richer or for poorer, "The liquor traffic never has been three months hand-running. At until life's end. And when the and never will be suppressed in any length I was sent to the house of dram shop with its fearful curse locality that permits manufacturers correction as a vagrant. If my crosses the threshold of the home and wholesalers to continue unmofamily had been provided for I they built together and takes down lested. The best of laws may be would have preferred to remain her strong tower of hope stone by passed, but, sooner or later, they there, out of liquor and temptation. stone, and degrades the father of will be evaded or defied, and the Explaining my affliction to a fellow- her children, it is no wonder she victory of to-day turned to defeat prisoner, a man of much education makes outcry.-Mrs. Lathrap. and experience, he advised me to make a vinegar of ground quassia, a half ounce steeped in a pint of vine gar, and to put about a small tea spoonful of it in a little water, and drink it down every time the liquor thirst came upon me violently. I found it satisfied the cravings, and suffused a feeling of stimulation and strength. When I was discharged I continued the cure, and persevered till the thirst was conquered. For two years I have not tasted liquor, and I have no desire for it. Have you a Boy to Spare. The saloon must have boys, or is THE N. Y. Mail and Express says: constantly and fiercely. to-morrow. It follows, therefore, that temperance men should everywhere strike at distilleries, breweries, and wholesale establishments most Let the in that business, that it is foolish to word go out that capital is not safe put more in, and wise to get out what can be saved. Harass it and oppress it in every possible way. It is a terrible monster feeding on men, women and children, and must be destroyed." TO LABOR for the conversion of a close. Can you furnish one? It a great factory, and unless it can get about 2,000,000 from each generation for raw material, some of its branches must stop work and its operatives be thrown on a cold world, and the public revenue will dwindle. Will you help? Which of your boys shall it be? Are you a father? Have you given your share to keep up the supply for this soul, and having seen the first-fruits great public institution that is help- of righteousness manifested, to leave ing to pay your taxes and kindly the convert to work out his or her electing public officials for you? If own salvation unaided is contrary not, some other family has had to to God's word. It is like leaving give more than its share.-Presby- the planted field uncultivated until harvest time. To every christian is MASSACHUSETTS, according to the given the command, "Feed my recent annual report of the state lambs." When converts absent board of lunacy and charity, has 230 themselves from social meetings of If you want to find out what a city and town almshouses, and the church they should be inquired boy is worth go and ask his mother. nearly 3,000 paupers residing in after, and warmly encouraged, and By the time she goes into the jaws these and the state institutions. Of the true reason for such absence of death to give him birth, and then the inmates of the reformatory estab- learned if possible.-Michigan Chrisputs into him her days of love and lishments of the state the proportion tian Herald. I give this for the consideration of the unfortunate, several of whom I know have recovered by the same means, which I no longer require to use. Connecticut Home. - THOSE that would make sure work of their obedience must make quick work of it. A Boy's Worth, terian. |