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the nature of the words used, style of sentence; long, short, balanced, periodic, interrogative, declarative, exclamative; introduction, argument, peroration; characteristic elements of delivery, quality of tone, form of voice, stress, quantity, movement, the pupil is not only the better prepared to read it, but also to reproduce some of the striking characteristics in original composi


The different selections of the readers afford abundant opportunity for expressive imitative reading, changing the oral expression with the several changes of thought in different selections, and in different paragraphs, or stanzas, in the same selection.


This suggests a general principle in reading which cannot be too

early, nor too persistently taught, an epitome of elocutionary instruction given by that prince of poets and wisest of men, Shakespeare "suit the action to the word; and the word to the action; with this special observance, that you o'erstep not the modesty of nature." While the distinction between act

ing, or dramatic recitation, and reading should be made, it is too frequently the case that the difference between the actor and the reader, is, that one speaks fiction as though it were truth, and the other reads truth as though it were fiction, or even more than that, meaningless aggregation of words. "He who in earnest studies o'er his part

Will find true nature cling about his heart."



DECEMBER 26, 27, AND 28, 1899.

I. Show in round numbers, how far the earth goes in its course around the sun in one day; in one hour; in one minute; in one second.

2. Prove that the earth rotates on its axis from west to east.

3. Give two principal causes for constant oceanic currents. Why do the Gulf stream and the Japan cur

rent flow to the northeast? Why the north polar currents to the southwest?

4. What is the direction of the trade winds? Why?

5. Name and locate the five longest rivers in the world.

6. The sun is said to be fast or slow at different times of the year. Why is this? In what month are we nearest the sun?

7. Explain the peculiar applicability of the terms Latitude and Longitude. Show the variation of degrees of latitude and longitude on the earth's surface.

8. Name the counties of Ohio in which coal is mined. Why is there no anthracite coal in Ohio? State the difference between the rocks of the New England States and those of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois.

9. Define ecliptic, equinox, solstice, and tropic.

Account for the apparent motion of the sun northward and southward.

10. Show how geography should correlate with history.

[blocks in formation]

Express with fractional expo



6. Solve for x: 2x2-94x+420 =0; 2(x-2) (x-3)=(x-4) (x-3) +10.

7. A certain number of sheep were bought for $468; but, after 8 of them had been reserved, the rest were sold at an advance of $1 a head, and $12 was gained on the lot. How many sheep were bought?

8. Prove that a(9a-4b)> 4b(2a 6), if b is not equal to a.

9. A, B, C and D found a sum of money. They agreed that A should receive $4 less than 3, B $2 more than, C $3 more than 1, and D the remainder, $25. How much did A, B and C receive?

10. Simplify: v-a2-v-4a2V--9a2

√ 48x2-72xy+27y2.

[blocks in formation]


1. Name three writers before Chaucer.

2. Give the character of Chaucer. How are his writings divided? Why?

3. Give a brief outline of Chaucer's masterpiece.

4. Give an outline of the contents of the Faerie Queen. Explain its influence upon English poetry.

5. Name five English authors of the Elizabethan age, describing the characteristics, and naming the masterpiece of each.

6. What are the most beautiful short poems of Milton?

7. What does Macaulay say to be Dryden's greatest work?

What was the Spectator, and what gave it its rank as one of the English classics?

8. Name the authors of: Deserted Village, Castle of Indolence, Lives of the Poets, Idyls of the King, The Cotter's Saturday Night, Childe Harold, Lochinvar, Hymn Before Sunrise in the Vale of Chamouni, and The Light of Asia.

9. Name two, each, of the most prominent American poets, historians and novelists, with their masterpieces.

10. Name four new books that are occupying the attention of the reading public today.


1. Give brief sketches of the lives

of the Admirals of the United States.

2. Draw a map showing the states that have been formed from the Northwest Territory.

3. What justification did the Dutch have for territorial claims within the present limits of the U. S. during the period of settlement of the country?

4. Name and give the date of the first engagement of each war in which the U. S. has been involved.

5. Give in detail the manner of electing a President of the U. S. For how many terms can the same person be elected to the Presidency?

6. What are the purposes of government as given in the enacting clause of the Constitution?

7. Make an outline of the principal events of Grant's administration.

8. Give a list of the acts of Congress which in any way affected slavery.

9. Briefly outline the lives of T. Andrew Johnson, William Sherman and Robert E. Lee.

10. In what events has New Orleans been prominent in the history of the U. S.?


I. What is inductive reasoning? Deductive? Give an example of each.

2. Give six rules of the syllogism.

3. State the great rule of inter


4. How and when generalize? When reason by analogy?

5. What are some of the most common fallacies in reasoning?

6. State the advantages to the teacher to be derived from a study of logic.


1. Name your county and draw map of same, inserting streams to show the drainage system.

Name all the geological periods represented in your county, from the soil downward, in order.

2. Describe some geological period.

In what direction do the strata of your State dip? How do you know?

3. The S. E. half of Ohio is hilly and the N. W. level. Why?

Account for the clay that covers the N. W. half of Ohio to the depth of over four hundred feet in places.

4. Speak of the evolution of animals, as shown by geology. When did the elephant live in Ohio?

5. Speak of the precious metals, giving names, localities, directions you take as you pass from mouth to the end of the mine, why in veins, etc.

Where is water evaporated? What proportion of rain reaches the sea?

6. Name the kinds of rocks brought down here by the glaciers from Canada. Any fossils in them? Why?

There is an ocean of water in the

sea, one in the air, and one in the earth. In what are they similar? In what dissimilar?

7. Name the most valuable mineral of S. E. Ohio; N. W. State how each is obtained, and give uses of each.

Name the animal sub-kingdoms, and a few of the divisions of each. 8. Define pre-glacial stream, slickensides, hardpan, fossil, Cincinnati, geanticline, peneplane, Piedmont plateau, Laurentide glacier.


1. Write out the analysis of some plant.

Draw and name the kinds of flower clusters.

2. Give common name, genus, and family name of five plants. Name parts of a plant, giving cffice of each.

3. Give common name of Salix, Quercus, Equisetum, Solidago, Iris, Polgyonum.

Name a perennial, a seed that does not raise its cotyledons out of ground when planted; one that does one that has dotted woodcells, and one that develops its terminal bud chiefly (tree).

4. Draw a cross-section of a tree, and point out and name the parts.

Draw and name the kinds of leaves as to margin.

5. Locate the original forests of the U. S., and give character of trees of each section.

Give the characteristics of desert plants. Advantages of same.

6. What would you say if your pupils ask you how to collect, press and mount plants?

Draw embryo showing parts and name each part.

7. Speak of nitrogen as concerned with plant life and soil. What part of a large tree is always dead?

8. Define elaborated sap, duct, cell, spathe, protoplasm.

Name your county, and five of its most harmful weeds and grasses.

9. What grass covers the roadsides and most of the fields of Ohio? It must have great advantages to crowd out all other plants; what are they? Is it of any account? If so, what? Have you seen more of it and know less about it than any other plant in your county?

10. Speak of the flora of Ohio in any particular that you may choose.


I. Heat. a-What is the temperature of the body? b-What parts of the body largely generate the heat? c-How is the heat distributed through the body? dDoes heat furnish power to the workingman, the same as to the working steam-boiler? e-When a man is laboring does it take more . heat to run his heart or to do his work?

2. The Cell. a- -What is the difference between man and one of the cells of his body? b-Which

has the longest life? c-Which may live after the other is dead? d-How is food carried to each? e-How is the dead disposed of in each case?

3. Food. a Name the five kinds of food. b-How long does it take food to traverse the intestine? What advantage in the slow movement? c-Give use of fat as food. d-Give name and use of minerals used as food. e-What is the most perfect food?

4. Digestion. a-Describe and explain the process of bread-making. b-Give cause of sour stomach. c-Name a quadruped that swallows its food whole while eating; an animal that swallows stonesto grind its food. d-One that does nothing else but eat and digest; one that can digest bone. e-One whose food is most easily digested-so instead of using up all its energy to digest its food it has more force left with which to do work and stand fatigue and exposure than any other animal of its size.

5. a What purifies the air? b-Purer in the morning or evening, and why? c-Locate the organs of sight, heat, hunger and weight. d-Name the contents of the orbit of the eye. e-What is meant by the vegetative function of the brain?

6. a-How do plants and animals differ? b-Describe the working of the lymphatic system.

7. Define dialysis, emulsion, ox

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