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most frequent stature, belonging to them-namely, 178 centimeters. Among the Indian women of the full-blood tribes 16.8 per cent have a stature of 158 centimeters, while only 14.4 per cent of the half bloods have their most frequent stature-namely, 160 centimeters.

This tabulation brings out the peculiarity that the statures of the halfbloods are throughout higher than those of the full bloods; and that, at the same time, the most frequent statures are more frequent among the pure race than in the mixed race. This is expressed by the fact that the curves illustrating the distribution of statures among the half bloods are flatter than those illustrating the same feature among full bloods. This peculiarity may be noticed in all the curves of Fig. 2, with the exception of that of the men of the second group.

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Fig. 3. Growth of Indian and Half-blood Children.


The statures near the average of each group are most frequent, and as these values do not occur as often among the half bloods as among the full bloods, the values which are remote from the average are at the same time relatively more frequent. Thus it becomes apparent that the mixed race is less homogeneous than the Indian race.

Another important phenomenon is revealed by a comparison of the growth of Indians and half bloods (Fig. 3). When the average statures of children of both races are compared, it appears that during the early years of childhood the Indian is taller than the half blood, and that this relation is reversed later on. This is found in both the groups for tall tribes and for tribes of medium stature. It is to be regretted that this comparison can not be carried on for whites also. The social surroundings of the white child are, however, so entirely different from those of the Indian and of the half-blood children that no satisfactory conclusions can be drawn from a comparison. It is difficult to see why the laws of growth of the Indian and half blood should differ in this manner; why

the Indian child at the age of three years should be taller than the half-blood child, and then develop more slowly than the latter. This peculiarity is most striking in the growth of the tribes of medium stature, as in this case the difference in the statures of adults is so considerable. Unfortunately we do not know if the same difference prevails at the time of birth; but even if this were the case the difference in the rate of growth would remain mysterious. The various phenomena described here merely emphasize the fact that the effect of intermixture is a most complicated one, and that it acts upon physiological and anatomical qualities alike. We observe in the mixed race that the fertility and the laws of growth are affected, that the variability of the race is increased, and that the resultant stature of the mixed race exceeds that of both parents.



It is well known that whenever two races occupy the same geographical area a mixed population arises; in fact, such a large percentage of the world's population has come into existence by race crossing that the character of the product is as important for social welfare as it is interesting for the anthropologist and sociologist. The question gains added importance in the present era of colonial expansion from the increasing contact of the European with the dark-skinned populations of the tropics, with whom he has never hesitated to mingle his blood. The question, however, has been so generally approached from the side of philosophic doctrine, rather than from the side of objective study, that there is the greatest possible divergence between the conclusions of those who presume to speak with authority. The followers of Gobineau, in France, and Morton, in America, have maintained that racial intermixture has had and can have only disastrous consequences. At the other extreme are those who preached the gospel of amalgamation in the United States, during and after the Civil War, maintaining that intermixture between races so dissimilar as the whites and negroes would prove beneficial. It is the object of the writer to present some facts tending to prove that race blending, especially in the rare instances when it occurs under favorable circumstances, produces a type superior in fertility, vitality, and cultural worth to one or both of the parent stocks.

The superiority of the mixed people to the native stock in fertility and vitality is shown by their persistence, sometimes in the very locality in which the native race, in contact with foreigners, has declined or disappeared. When Tasmania was colonized the native population was roughly estimated at 7000. The policy of extermination pursued by the colonists had reduced the aborigines to 120 in 1832. These were removed to Flinder's Island, but although the locality is healthy they had declined in 1847 to 14 men, 22 women, and 10 children. These were removed in 1847 to Oyster Cove in the southern part of Tasmania, but they declined so rapidly that only three elderly women survived in 1869, the last of whom died in 1876. The rapid decline of the Maoris and Australians is well known. The native population of the Hawaiian Islands, estimated 'Papers on Inter-racial Problems, edited by G. Spiller, pages 108-112, 1911.

at 300,000 when Cook discovered the islands in 1778, had declined to 29,787 in 1900.

It was apparent, however, even in the time of Darwin, that a cross between the native stock and a civilized race gives rise to a progeny capable of existing and multiplying in spite of changed conditions. Between 1866 and 1872 the native Hawaiians decreased by 8081, while the half-breeds increased by 8472. Between 1890 and 1900 the Hawaiians of full blood decreased from 34,436 to 29,787, while those of mixed blood Increased from 6186 to 7848.

Quatrefages wrote that "the Polynesian Islanders disappear with a terrible rapidity, whilst their mixed races, and even pure-blooded Europeans, show a redoubled fertility." Although the American Indian tends to decline in the presence of European civilization, the products of the blending of Negroes, Spanish, and Portuguese with the Indian, form a large fraction of the population of the southern part of the Western Hemisphere. The Griquas of South Africa, descendants of Dutch and Hottentots, have prospered and multiplied, while the pure Hottentots have rapidly decreased. Even after making due allowance in all these cases for the increase due to the birth of half-breeds of the first generation, the superior fertility and vitality of the mixed population are evident.

Pitcairn Island was settled in 1790 by nine English mutineers, six Tahitian men, and fifteen Tahitian women. In 1808 only white men and eight or nine women and children were left. But the first half-breeds grew up, intermarried, and had numerous children. In 1855 the popula tion had increased to 200. After removing to Norfolk Island in 1856 they increased so rapidly that, although sixteen returned to Pitcairn in 1859, they numbered 300 in 1868; in 1905 the population of Norfolk Island was 1059, a majority of whom were descendants of the mutineers. The present population of Pitcairn Island is flourishing. Emily L. McCoy, a direct descendant of one of the mutineers, writes: "We have good constitutions, though so closely related, and we are as healthy and active from childhood to old age as people can well be." The remarkable increase of the half-breeds of Pitcairn and Norfolk Islands, more rapid than the increase of the population of England, is in striking contrast with the rapid decline of the Tasmanians, Maoris, and Australians.

Facts in favor of the view that mulattoes are not fertile are so eagerly sought that the large body of evidence, tending to prove the exact opposite, is ignored. An eminent authority in the United States argues that the decrease of intercourse between whites and negroes in the Southern states is causing a decrease in the number of mulattoes and a perceptible return to the pure African type. But the census shows that there has been a more rapid increase among mulattoes than among negroes of the pure type, during this very period of decreasing intercourse.

Although it is probable that the decrease of race crossing in the United States is often overestimated, there are conditions unfavorable to the perpetuation of the mulatto type. There is a tendency for the mixed population to disappear by marrying into the darker race, or by identifying themselves with the white. The strenuous attempt to bar negroes from participation in the privileges of democratic society leads many of the proscribed class, whose negro blood cannot be detected, to affiliate with the favored race by settling in localities where they are unknown. The rapid increase of mulattoes under these conditions is strong evidence that they are not inferior in fertility or virility to either of the parent stocks. The colored people in Jamaica persist as a fairly well-marked type, although their number is hardly one-fourth that of the blacks, while the white population is so small that no large number of mixed people can be added by race crossing. The mulatto class persists in Haiti, although they form only ten per cent of the population, and the number of whites is negligible. The mixed population of Santo Domingo increases rapidly, although the number born from crossing with any pure stock is very small.

Percentage of mulattoes in total negro population:

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It is extremely difficult for the mixed class to demonstrate their cultural worth because of the deplorable conditions under which the mixed populations come into existence. Most race crossing has occurred on the outskirts of civilization, and the half-breeds, despised by one race and despising the other, have been outcasts from society. The victims of prejudice and social ostracism are certain to display some bad qualities; yet, despite these untoward circumstances, there is a large body of evidence of the superior energy and mental vigor produced by the race crossing. The greater number of negroes who have achieved distinction in the United States have been men of mixed blood. Many of the purer type have manifested remarkable intellectual power, yet it is probably more than coincidence that Douglas, Washington, and DuBois, who have attained the height of group leadership, have been mulattoes; superior, moreover, to both the whites and blacks in their ancestry. The mulattoes of Haiti form a large percentage of the aristocracy, and are very prominent in commerce, in the professions, and in state affairs. The colored people of

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