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aske of those that had beene at the Other's Table, Tell. truely, was there never a Flout or drie Blow given'? To which the Guest would answer, Such and such a Thing passed: The Lord would say, I thought he would marre a 55 good Dinner. Discretion of Speech is more then Eloquence; And to speak agreeably' to him, with whom we deale, is more then to speake in good Words or in good Order. A good continued Speech, without a good Speech of Interlocution, shews Slownesse; And a Good Reply or Second 60 Speech, without a good Setled Speech', sheweth Shallownesse and Weaknesse. As we see in Beasts that those that are Weakest in the Course are yet Nimblest in the Turne; As it is betwixt the Grey-hound and the Hare. To use too many Circumstances, ere one come to the Matter, is Weari- 65 some; To use none at all, is Blunt'.



PLANTATIONS are amongst Ancient, Primitive, and Heroicall Workes. When the World was young, it begate more Children; But now it is old, it begets fewer: For I may iustly account new Plantations to be the Children of former Kingdomes. I like a Plantation in a Pure Soile"; 5 that is, where People are not Displanted to the end to Plant in Others. For else, it is rather an Extirpation then a Plantation. Planting of Countries is like Planting of Woods; For you must make account to leese10 almost Twenty yeeres' Profit, and expect your Recompence in 10 the end. For the Principall Thing, that hath beene the

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Destruction of most Plantations, hath beene the Base and

Hastie drawing of Profit in the first Yeeres. It is true, Speedie Profit is not to be neglected, as farre as may stand 15 with the Good of the Plantation, but no further. It is a Shamefull and Unblessed Thing to take the Scumme of People and Wicked Condemned Men to be the People with whom you Plant: And not only so, but it spoileth the Plantation; For they will ever live like Rogues, and not fall 20 to worke, but be Lazie, and doe Mischiefe, and spend Victuals, and be quickly weary, and then Certifie' over to their Country to the Discredit of the Plantation. The People wherewith you Plant ought to be Gardners, Ploughmen, Labourers, Smiths, Carpenters, Ioyners, Fisher-men, 25 Fowlers, with some few Apothecaries, Surgeons, Cookes, and Bakers. In a Country of Plantation, first looke about, what kinde of Victuall the Countrie yeelds of it selfe to Hand; As Chestnuts, Wallnuts, Pine-Apples, Olives, Dates, Plummes, Cherries, Wilde-Hony, and the like; and make 30 use of them. Then consider what Victuall or Esculent3 Things there are, which grow speedily and within the yeere; As Parsnips, Carrets, Turnips, Onions, Radish, Artichokes of Hierusalem*, Maiz, and the like. For Wheat, Barly, and Oats, they aske too much Labour; But with Pease 35 and Beanes you may begin, Both because they aske lesse Labour, and because they serve for Meat' as well as for Bread. And of Rice likewise commeth a great Encrease, and it is a kinde of Meat'. Above all, there ought to be brought Store of Bisket, Oat-meale, Flower, Meale, and the 40 like, in the beginning, till Bread may be had. For Beasts or Birds, take chiefly such as are least Subiect to Diseases, and Multiply fastest; As Swine, Goats, Cockes, Hennes, Turkies, Geese, House-doves, and the like. The Victuall in Plantations ought to be expended almost as in a Be45 sieged Towne; That is, with certaine Allowance. And let the Maine Part of the Ground employed" to Gardens

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or Corne bee to' a Common Stocke; And to be Laid in2, and Stored up, and then Delivered out in Proportion ; Besides some Spots of Ground that any Particular Person will Manure for his owne Private. Consider likewise what 50 Commodities the Soile, where the Plantation is, doth naturally yeeld, that they may some way helpe to defray the Charge of the Plantation: So it be not, as was said, to the untimely Preiudice of the maine Businesse; As it hath fared with Tobacco in Virginia. Wood commonly 55 aboundeth but too much; And therefore, Timber is fit to be one. If there be Iron Ure, and Streames whereupon to set the Milles, Iron is a brave' Commoditie where Wood aboundeth. Making of Bay Salt, if the Climate be proper for it, would be put in Experience. Growing Silke' like- 60 wise, if any be, is a likely" Commoditie. Pitch and Tarre, where store of Firres and Pines are, will not faile. So Drugs, and Sweet Woods, where they are, cannot but yeeld great Profit: Soape Ashes1 likewise, and other Things, that may be thought of. But moile13 not too much under 65 Ground; For the Hope of Mines is very Uncertaine, and useth to make the Planters Lazie in other Things. For Government, let it be in the Hands of one, assisted with some Counsell: And let them have Commission to exercise Martial Lawes, with some limitation. And above all, let 70 Men make that Profit of being 15 in the Wildernesse, as they have God alwaies, and his Service, before their Eyes. Let not the Government of the Plantation depend upon too many Counsellours and Undertakers" in the Countrie that Planteth, but upon a temperate Number; And let 75 those be rather Noblemen and Gentlemen then Merchants; For they looke ever to the present Gaine. Let there be

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a profit of this kind from

16 that

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Freedomes from Custome1, till the Plantation be of Strength: And not only Freedome from Custome, but Freedome to 80 carrie their Commodities where they may make their Best of them, except there be some speciall Cause of Caution. Cramme not in People by sending too fast Company after Company; But rather hearken how they waste, and send Supplies proportionably; But so as3 the Number may live 85 well in the Plantation, and not by Surcharge* be in Penury. It hath beene a great Endangering to the Health of some Plantations that they have built along the Sea and Rivers, in Marish and unwholesome Grounds. Therefore, though you begin there, to avoid Carriage and other like Dis90 commodities, yet build still rather upwards from the Streames then along. It concerneth likewise the Health of the Plantation that they have good Store of Salt with them, that they may use it in their Victualls when it shall be necessary. If you Plant where Savages are, doe not 95 onely entertaine them with Trifles and Gingles, But use them iustly and gratiously, with sufficient Guard 10 neverthelesse And doe not winne their favour by helping them to invade their Enemies, but for their Defence it" is not amisse. And send oft of them 12 over to the Country that 100 Plants, that they may see a better Condition then their owne, and commend it when they returne. When the Plantation grows to Strength, then it is time to Plant with Women as well as with Men, That the Plantation may spread into Generations, and not be ever peeced13 from 105 without. It is the sinfullest Thing in the world to forsake or destitute1 a Plantation once in Forwardnesse: For besides the Dishonour, it is the Guiltinesse of Bloud of many Commiserable Persons 15.

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persons deserving compassion



I CANNOT call Riches better then the Baggage of Vertue. The Roman Word is better, Impedimenta. For as the Baggage is to an Army, so is Riches to Vertue. It cannot be spared, nor left behinde, but it hindreth the March; Yea, and the care of it, sometimes, loseth or dis- 5 turbeth the Victory. Of great Riches there is no Reall Use, except it be in the Distribution; The rest is but Conceit'. So saith Salomon; Where much is, there are Many to consume it; And what hath the Owner but the Sight of it with his Eyes? The Personall Fruition in any 10 Man cannot reach to feele Great Riches: There is a Custody of them; Or a Power of Dole and Donative of them; Or a Fame of them; But no Solid Use to the Owner. Doe you not see what fained Prices are set upon little Stones and Rarities? And what Works of Ostentation 15 are undertaken, because there might seeme to be some Use of great Riches? But then you will say, they may be of use to buy Men out of Dangers or Troubles. As Salomon saith; Riches are as a strong Hold, in the Imagination of the Rich Man. But this is excellently expressed, 20 that it is in Imagination, and not alwaies in Fact. For certainly Great Riches have sold more Men then they have bought out. Seeke not Proud Riches, but such as thou maist get iustly, Use soberly, Distribute cheerefully, and Leave contentedly. Yet have no Abstract nor Friarly 25 Contempt of them. But distinguish, as Cicero saith well of Rabirius Posthumus; In studio rei amplificandæ, apparebat non Avaritiæ Prædam, sed Instrumentum Bonitati

1 fancy

2 cannot derive the benefit of 3 There is the taking care of them

4 or the power of distributing them and making presents with them

5 or a reputation from having


6 fanciful

7 in order that

8 ostentatious wealth

9 entertain no contempt for them such as is felt by a hermit or a friar

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