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from the cold. 'Last night,' said the mother

of a little boy seven years of age, 'when my Henry came home he lay up quite stiff and cold; he is often very tired, and will fall down and drop asleep with the food in his mouth.' In some parts of the fen districts the children are compelled to jump the dykes, an exertion causing frequent accidents, and one poor girl died from the effects of an effort beyond her strength."

"It is a common practice for the gang-master to carry a stick or a whip, but rather, it is said, to frighten the children with than for use; but the treatment depends entirely upon his disposition. There is no control or possibility of control, for the children know that remonstrance would be immediately followed by expulsion from the gang, and the parents, having a pecuniary interest in their labour, would but too certainly shut their ears to any complaints. Instances are not uncommon of severe and lasting injuries having been inflicted by brutal gang-masters, and gross outrages, such as kicking, knocking down, beating with hoes, spuds, or a leather strap, 'dyking,'| or pushing into the water, and 'gibbeting,' i.e. lifting a child off the ground and holding it there by the chin and the back of the neck, are said to be frequent."

The labour in the wet fields was dreadful, the worst being stone picking, at which exhausting toil children worked eight or nine hours a day; but turnip pulling was nearly as bad, and, indeed, the manner in which the work was often urged on by a brutal taskmaster had effects, which need not be repeated here, but were quite as serious as many of those recorded in the worst accounts of West India slavery.

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and shamelessness; and that the obscenity of their conversation and of their songs was such as needed to be heard to be believed. And this was little more than seventeen years ago.

It was not till July, 1867, that a bill, brought in by the Earl of Shaftesbury, forbade the employment of girls of less than 13 years old in agricultural labour for hire, or the employment of women under 18 in public gangs. Yet there existed schools supported by voluntary subscriptions, and having no connection with the government, and schools aided by the state and under the control of the committee of the privy-council of education. There were Dissenting schools, Church schools, national schools, infant schools; there was an education department, administering a sum of money annually granted by parliament "to promote the education of children belonging to the classes who support themselves by manual labour." The means employed were to aid voluntary local exertion, to establish or maintain schools for the elementary instruction of children, or for training teachers in normal schools. The schools were to be in connection with some recognized religious denomination, or to include besides secular instruction the daily reading of the Scriptures from the Authorized Version. Aid was given to establish schools, and to support such as were open to inspection by appointed inspectors, upon whose reports the grants were made. There were thus building grants and annual grants.

Whatever may have been the endeavour to make these provisions into a system of national education, it had signally failed, or rather it had never approached success. On all hands it was felt that a wide and inclusive measure must be brought in, and the act introduced by Mr. Forster was received with serious interest. It was, he explained, intended to secure by enactment efficient school provision in every district in England where it was wanted. The districts were to be the civil parishes. Any district supplying a sufficient amount of primary secular instruction would be let alone so long as it continued to do so. Schools entitled to government aid were to be efficient according to a fixed standard, and compulsory

demanded exclusively secular education.

inspection would be applied to every school | gated the wrath of those Nonconformists who without any denominational conditions, while the adoption of a conscience clause would be the condition of any grant, whether for building or any other purpose. The bill was calculated to establish a system of schools under the direction of school-boards throughout England and Wales, each board to have powers to frame bye-laws, and to compel the attendance of children in the district who were between five and twelve years

of age.

Some particulars of the work which had been accomplished when the Elementary Education Act had been for ten years in operation, may do more to illustrate the working of the scheme than any general remarks upon the predictions which attended its introduction. We find by statistical returns in the report of the committee of council on education for 1881 that in the year ended August 31, 1881, the inspectors visited 18,062 dayschools in England and Wales, to which annual grants were made, these furnishing accommodation for 4,389,633 scholars, or rather more than one-sixth of the population. There were on the registers the names of

The reference of the compulsory clause to the boards offended the extreme sticklers for absolute compulsion; the comproImise of a conscience clause for some time alienated hard-and-fast advocates of secular education only; while a third party objected | 4,045,362 children, of whom 1,268,250 were to the provision of funds by the mixed method of school fees, rates, and government grants for efficiency. Though free schools were to be provided in districts where the poverty of the inhabitants made gratuitous instruction necessary, there were some who advocated the provision of free education all round. We need not further discuss the questions which arose, many of which continued for some time after the vigorous exertions of the boards had multiplied schools with amazing rapidity. The first chairman of the London School Board was Lord Lawrence, whose powers of organization were well applied to this important work, and he was ably assisted by Sir Charles Reed, who, after the death of the famous Indian administrator, became chairman, and carried on the work with a vigour against which there were some remonstrances, though the answer was to be found in the statistics, published by the board, of the number of children still waiting to be received.

The government could not satisfy all the objections that were urged against the bill, and the Nonconformists afterwards showed their disaffection in a manner which contributed to the defeat of the government. Mr. Bright was absent from the house, suffering from a severe illness which for a time made it doubtful whether he would ever again be able to resume either ministerial or parliamentary duties, or he might have miti

under seven years of age, 2,573,081 between seven and thirteen, 157,584 between thirteen and fourteen, and 45,727 above fourteen. These figures show some improvement upon the returns quoted in the previous report, the accommodation having increased by 148,880 school places (or 3.51 per cent), and the scholars on the registers by 149,538 (3.84 per cent). The average attendance also had increased by 112,619 (409 per cent), and the number of children individually examined by 91,465 (4.8 per cent). The annual government grant to elementary dayschools rose in the year from £2,130,009 to £2,247,507, or from 15s. 5d. to 15s. 8d. per scholar in average attendance; while the grant for the current financial year was estimated at 16s. per head. The number of voluntary schools was 14,370, with accommodation for 3,195,365, and an average attendance of 2,007,184; while the number of board-schools was 3692, with accommodation for 1,194,268, and an average attendance of 856,351. The expenditure per scholar in average attendance was for the whole of England and Wales £1,14s. 113d. in voluntary, and £2, 18. 6d. in board schools. Of the latter the highest was London (£2, 15s. 10d.), and the lowest Hull (£1, 9s. 11d.-18. 94d. lower than the Roman Catholic, which are the lowest of the voluntary schools); whilst Bradford was £2, 6s. 6d., Liverpool £2, 38. 3 d., Manchester £1, 19s. Old., Birmingham £1,


18s. 1d., and Leeds and Sheffield both £1, 178. 5d.

At the same time it was averred by those who were likely to be well informed that the system of estimating the true value of the teaching did not in all instances work satisfactorily. The National Union of Elementary Teachers was protesting against the overpressure on scholars and teachers under the education code. It was stated that inspectors, school managers, and school-boards attached so much importance to the mere percentage of passes in the annual examinations, and made so little of the higher results of moral and intellectual training, or the quality of the passes, that teachers were compelled against their wish to adopt a cramming system, and to bring undue pressure upon dull and weak children in order to keep up the reputation of the schools and to maintain their professional position. The teachers implied that practically the code was based on the principle that all children can progress at the same rate, and that its provisions endangered the so-called "results" if such children were educated naturally. Special difficulties existed in girls' and infants' schools, where an inordinate amount of needlework was demanded from children of tender years in addition to the ordinary subjects of instruction. It was stated that the extra worry and labour caused by regulations in the code, might be greatly reduced by allowing the managers to withhold from examination, or to present again in the same standard, children not able by reason of dulness or bad attendance to advance at the average rate, such power not to extend beyond 10 per cent of those on the books for the last 22 weeks of the school year.

The final passing of the education bill concluded the session of 1870 so far as important ineasures were concerned. It may also be noted that an order in council directed that from the 31st of August appointments to the civil service of the state would be by competitive examination. The announcement of the intended release of the Fenian prisoners undergoing sentences for treason or treason-felony, on condition that they should not remain in


or return to the United Kingdom, was also an event which was regarded with considerable interest.

The Franco-German war- that terrible conflict which made Napoleon III. a prisoner and an exile, and gave occasion for the King of Prussia to accomplish North German unity under his own empire-has its own history. It need bear no prominent part here, for it has little directly to do with the social and political progress of England, except, indeed, that our having remained strictly neutral was some evidence of our advance in wisdom and in judgment. The greatest anxiety of the government was for Belgium, and it was much increased, while public suspicion was. excited, by the publication in the Times of an alleged draft treaty between Count Bismarck and M. Benedetti, when the latter was French minister at Berlin. This treaty was obviously intended to secure Belgium to France. The matter was serious, but Mr. Gladstone preserved a calm and moderate attitude, while waiting for explanations from the French and Prussian governments. Count Bismarck, it appeared, had published the document to show what kind of proposal had been made, and by that means to secure the alliance of England and Belgium. All that Mr. Gladstone did when France first denied and then admitted that the document was authentic, was to ask for two millions of money and an increase in the army by 20,000 men. His desire was to remain on friendly terms with the antagonists, that England might take the earliest occasion (should it arise), either alone or with others, to bear a message of peace. This was in accordance with the general feeling of the country, and a new treaty was signed between Russia, France, and England, engaging to maintain the independence of Belgium as provided in the treaty of 1839.

As the war between France and Prussia went on there appeared to be a peculiar change in public feeling here, and though after the siege of Paris, where the inhabitants had suffered dreadful privations, we were prompt in sending relief to the famished

people, something like adulation was heard in reference to German prowess. For a time German tactics, German promptitude, German organization were the foremost topics of conversation, and perhaps deservedly so, and then in relation to our own board-school teaching, the German method of education was everywhere lauded as something very near perfection, only a few people venturing to doubt whether it was as effectual as its admirers represented it to be.

The position of affairs in Europe, and some movement in public opinion on the subject of a comparison between England and other nations in the matter of military government, made the time seem favourable for bringing forward the proposed system of army reform, which had been prepared by Mr. Cardwell, the minister of war. To purchase a commission, and to follow that up by purchasing successive steps in the service, had been the rule, so that a commission represented actual property, just as a horse, a house, or the good-will of a business might. It was, in fact, a matter of bargain and sale, and the regulation price of a commission at the Horse Guards was often far exceeded by its actual selling value. It is scarcely surprising, therefore, that whenever abolition of purchase had been proposed, as it had been by Sir de Lacy Evans, and more recently by Mr. Trevelyan, a whole contingent of officers frantically declared that the service was going to the bad; and another contingent, believing purchasing a commission was the only way to keep the commodity in the hands best fitted to adorn it, determined to fight the bill to the last. It soon became evident that they were strong enough, aided by the opposition, to arrest the progress of the bill so that it might go over the session, and therefore the part of it relating to reorganization of the army was abandoned, and only the abolition of purchase clauses retained; with a strong hint to the clamorous opponents that as all premiums on the original price of commissions were illegal, the law might be put in force. The bill passed the Commons, but in the House of Lords a clever expedient was tried for the purpose of delaying and then shelving the whole matter. The Duke of Richmond moved an amendment

to the effect that the Lords could not consider the proposal till a more comprehensive scheme was brought before them. This plan of burking the bill was ingenious, but the intention was obvious, and Mr. Gladstone frustrated it by a plan which aroused much remonstrance among some of his own supporters, including Mr. Fawcett, a very thorough Liberal of the school of Mill, who was returned for Brighton in 1865, and was a noted man in the house, not only because of his great ability, but because several years previously an accident had deprived him of his sight, a calamity which made little difference in his pursuits, in his intellectual achievements, or even in his robust recreations. Mr. Gladstone checkmated the Lords by an expedient which, for a moment, at all events, looked unconstitutional, and for which nobody seemed able to find a precedent. The purchase system was originated by a royal warrant, making it a privilege, and therefore he had advised the queen to aid the reformation of the army by cancelling the warrant. Perhaps her majesty may not have been unwilling to do so, when she remembered some opinions of the Prince Consort on the subject. At all events it was done, and purchase was made illegal. The only effect of the Lords rejecting the bill now would be that they would vote against compensation to the holders of purchased commissions, for that was all of the bill that was left. They therefore passed a vote of censure on the ministry by a majority of eighty, and then passed the measure without more delay.

The University Tests Bill was also carried without any serious alteration, and the Ecclesiastical Titles Bill put an end to another intolerant demand which had remained ever since the "papal aggression." The Trades Union Act, while forbidding the violence exercised by workmen in the case of strikes, yet defined what was and what was not illegal interference, and did something to bring about a better understanding between employers and their "hands." The Local Government Acts extended to small towns and villages the advantages of managing their corporate business, which had previously been confined to cities


and boroughs with municipal institutions. We can scarcely part from the year 1871 without referring to the budget by which Mr. Lowe became for a time not only notorious, but what was worse, ridiculous. It is difficult to say why he should have been subject to ridicule, except that he made a mistake which ended in an almost absurd situation. There would, he said, be a deficit of £2,713,000, looking at the probable amount required for the abolition of purchase in the army. There was no surplus revenue, and he proposed to alter the probate duty, place a two per cent duty on all property liable as intestate, alter the legacy duty, and increase the succession duties. His argument was that they had never realized as much as had been expected by former ministers who imposed them. He then proposed to tax lucifer matches, by a halfpenny stamp on every box of 1800 matches, a penny stamp on a box of 100 wax lights or of fusees; this he calculated would raise £550,000. He would then make up the rest of the required amount by charging a percentage on incomes, in lieu of the 4d. in the pound.


of low fever. Other visitors had also been affected, and the Earl of Chesterfield had died. On his return to his own house at Sandringham the prince became very ill, and his condition soon appeared to be very dangerous. For some time before, there had been a good deal of loose talk among people supposed to be inimical to the royal family, or at least to royalty in general; people, that is to say, who professed belief in the French Republic and in democratic institutions. Directly the report of the prince's sickness was circulated, however, these conversations ceased, or were suppressed to a lower tone, and throughout the country the people waited with troubled hearts to learn the latest intelligence of his condition. On the 14th of December, the anniversary of the death of the prince-consort, the popular sentiment was wrought up to a great height, and sympathy for the queen found constant and deep expression. At churches and chapels belonging to all denominations prayers were offered for his recovery. Bulletins were issued daily; a number of reporters from the daily papers anxiously waited near Sandringham to obtain any item of intelligence with regard to the changes of the disorder, that they might telegraph it to London or the chief towns; so eager was the public to become acquainted with the particulars. The day which had appeared to bode calamity passed, the prince's condition had slightly improved.

The proposal to tax matches was met not only with a howl of derision but by a cry of indignation. A vast procession, or rather a confused but decent and orderly assembly, of poor girls, women, and boys who represented the match-sellers of the metropolis, went along the Strand and by the Embankment to the Houses of Parliament, and in a quietly demonstrative manner, with which the police could not easily interfere, assembled there in great numbers, and presented a monster petition. Their prayer was granted and the budget collapsed, another penny on the in-pathy which had been manifested by the whole come-tax making up the deficiency both of the abandoned legacy duties and of the condemned impost on matches.

In the last month of the year great anxiety was everywhere manifested because of the serious illness of the Prince of Wales. His royal highness had been visiting Lord Londesborough at his house near Scarborough, and it was supposed that some defect in the drainage or sanitary arrangements had caused an attack

Everywhere the most loyal sympathy was expressed for the queen and the princess. On the 19th of December the prince was slowly recovering, and the day after Christmas-day her majesty wrote a letter to her people expressing her deep sense of the touching sym

nation. In the last week of February the prince had recovered, and with the queen, the princess, and the rest of the royal family, publicly went to St. Paul's Cathedral to offer grateful thanks to God for the great mercy. On the 29th of February, for it was leap-year, her majesty again addressed a letter expressing sincere acknowledgments to her subjects, who had assembled in millions and filled all the great thoroughfares with an orderly, loyal, and sympathetic crowd.

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