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den Insurrection," ii 181; deplorable
condition of the people in 1848, ii 184;
Prince Albert on, ii 184; visit of the
queen to, ii 185; Mr. Sharman Craw-
ford moves for leave to bring in a land
bill, ii 290; political condition of, iv 247:
seditious proceedings of professional
agitators, iv 248; Fenian threats against
England, iv 248; proceedings of Irish
Americans, iv 248; views of British
statesmen on, iv 249; the Fenian or-
ganization, iv 250; Stephens and Ma-
honey, iv 250; suspension of Habeas
Corpus Act, iv 251; Fenian raid on
Canada, iv 251; Irish-American attempt
on Ireland, iv 251; capture of Colonel
Burke and others, iv 252; attack on
prison van at Manchester and murder
of Sergeant Brett, iv 253; execution of
Allen, Larkin, and O'Brien, iv 255;
outrage on Clerkenwell Prison, iv 255:
execution of Barrett, iv 256; outrages
in Ireland, iv 257; great procession in
memory of the Manchester murderers,
iv 257; the land question, iv 260; the
Ulster "Custom," iv 261; Mr. Maguire's
proposed inquiry into condition of Ire-
land, iv 262; Mr. Gladstone introduces
the Irish Land Bill, iv 276; its provi-
sions, iv it becomes law, iv 279; a
national education bill introduced, iv
289; continued outrages in, iv 324;


Mr. Gladstone's later measures, iv 325.
Irish Brigade raised, iv 76, 86; Mr. Pope
Hennessey conspicuous in its forma-
tion, iv 86.

Irving, Edward, i 110.
Isabella, Queen of Spain, ii 290.
Italy, fate of Ruffini, ii r; sympathy
with Mazzini, ii 1; condition in 1848,
ii 151; spread of secret societies, ii 152;
insurrectionary movements, ii 152;
Charles Albert takes the lead, ii 152;
Garibaldi declares war against Austria,
ii 152; enters Rome and a republic pro-
claimed, ii 152; Victor Emmanuel suc-
ceeds his father, ii 153; the French,
Austrian, and Neapolitan armies ad-
vance upon Rome, ii 153; gallant de-
fence of Garibaldi, ii 153; end of the
Roman Republic, ii 154; Austrian rule
unendurable, iii 306; policy of Cavour
and of Mazzini, iii 307; Mazzini and
Garibaldi, iii 307; the Emperor of the
French contemplates hostilities with
Austria, iii 308; Victor Emmanuel's
declaration, iii 308; feeling in England,
iii 308; the emperor's letter to the
queen, iii 309; unpopularity of the war
in France, 111 310; Prince Albert on the
emperor's position, iii 310; negotiations
with Lord Cowley, iii 310; the queen
on Napoleon's position, iii 311; M.
Thiers' opinion, iii 311; proposal for the
disarmament of the great powers, iii
311; Austria preparing for war, iii 312;
memorandum of the Sardinian govern-
ment, iii 312; Austria demands the dis-
armament of Sardinia, iii 313; Victor
Emmanuel's proclamation to his troops,
iii 313; the Austrian army ordered to
enter Sardinia, iii 313; the emperor
takes command of the French army,
iii 313; positions of the armies, iii 313:
battle of Montebello, iii 313; defeat of

the Austrians at Palestro, iii 314; defeat
of the Austrians at Magenta, ii 314; the
Emperor of France and King of Sar-
dinia enter Milan, iii 315; retreat of
the Austrians, iii 315; battle of Sol-
ferino, iii 315; meeting of the emperors
at Villafranca, iii 315: treaty signed,
iii 316; dissatisfaction of Sardinia and
resignation of Cavour, iii 322; com-
plaints of Sardinia against the conduct
of Austria, iv 66; tyrannous govern-
ment in Naples, iv 66; Garibaldi's con-
quest of Sicily and Naples (see Gari.
baldi, iv 69; Victor Emmanuel oc-
cupies the Papal territory, iv 78; chosen
king of the Two Sicilies, iv 80; Lord
John Russell's despatch on the action
of the Sardinian government, iv 81;
Ratazzi succeeds Cavour as minister,
iv 83; tries to repeat Cavour's policy,
iv 83; Garibaldi raises a force for an
attack on Rome, iv 83; he is opposed
by government troops at Aspromonte,
iv 84; seat of government removed to
Florence, iv 85; Venetia joined to Italy,
iv 85; another unsuccessful attack on
Rome, iv 86; discussion in the House of
Commons on the government policy,
iv 86.


Jamaica, proposal to suspend the con-
stitution of, i 158; serious riots in,
190; condition of the negro in, iv 191;
George Wm. Gordon and Paul Bogle,
iv 191; course pursued by Governor
Eyre, iv 192; execution of Gordon,
iv 193; severities practised on the in-
surgents, iv 193; public sympathy felt
for Gordon, iv 194; Carlyle defends
Eyre, iv 194; he is suspended, and a
commission of inquiry appointed,iv 195;
the prosecution against him fails, iv


Japan, opening up of trade with, iv 20.
Jerrold, Douglas, death of, iv 38.
Jews, admission of, to House of Com-
mons, iv 36.

Jingoes, origin of the name, iv 317.
Jones, Ernest, ii 145.


iii 221; appointed professor of history,
iv 202.

Knowledge, repeal of taxes on, ii 296.
Koh-i-noor diamond sent to England,

Kossuth, Louis, ii 142; learns the
English language, ii 142; becomes pro-
visional governor of Hungary, ii 156;
resigns the dictatorship and flees to
Turkey, ii 156; reaches England, ii 157;
his American tour, ii 275.


Lady Hewley's Charity, i 282.
Lady novelists, ii 301.

Lamoricière, General, commander of
Papal troops, iv 67.
Lancashire, distress in, iv 125; pro-
visions for relief, iv 126; Mr. Cobden
on the amount of distress, iv 126; poor-
law relief, iv 127; aid from America,
iv 127; Mrs. Gladstone's efforts, iv 129:
improvement of health and decrease of
mortality in distressed districts, iv 129;
occupation provided, iv 129.
Lansdowne, Lord, in cabinet without
office, ii 317.

Lawrence, Sir Henry, stationed in the
Punjaub, iii 247; his death, iii 251.
Lawrence, Sir John, stationed in the
Punjaub, iii 247; his able administra-
tion and tact, iii 269; rewards for his
services, iii 270.

Lawson, Sir Wilfrid, president of the
United Kingdom Alliance, iv 151.
Layard, Austin Henry, his career,
iii 139; his excavations near Nineveh,
ii 175; attacks the government on the
Crimean war, iii 139; attacks Palmer-
ston's government, iii 153.
Laymen in the church, Gladstone on
functions of, iv 12.

Leech, John, death of, iv 197.
Lehzen, Louise, governess to Princess
Victoria, i 215.

Leicester the Glass-blower, iv 239.
Leopold, chosen King of Belgium, i 91;
guardian and adviser of Princess Vic-
toria, i 217; promotes her marriage
with Prince Albert, i 292.

Jones, William, conceals himself in Leopold, illness of Prince, iv 292.
Buckingham Palace, i 315.

Jowett, Professor, iv 202, 204; opposi-
tion to, iv 206.
Judicature Bill passed, iv 289.


Kaffirs, war with, ii 275, 309.
Kars, defence of, iii 187.
Kenealy, Dr., is returned for Stoke-
upon-Trent, iv 294.

Kent, Duchess of, income granted to,
i 220; illness of, iv 49; the queen's de-
scription of her last hours, iv 49; her
death, iv 50.

Kent, Duke of, i 182.

Kimberley, Lord, lord privy-seal, iv 270.
Kingsley, Charles, efforts to improve
the condition of the labouring classes,
150; his opposition to the Manchester
school, ii 306; his Christian socialism,

Letheby, Dr., his sanitary inquiries,
iii 226; remedies suggested, iii 228.
Lewis, Sir G. C., chancellor of the ex-
chequer, iii 155; his antecedents, iii 163:
his budget, iii 163, 164.

Liberia, establishment of colony of, iv


Lincoln, Abraham, elected President of
the United States, iv 101; character
and career, iv 101; personal appear-
ance, iv 102; his reply to an address
from Manchester, iv 126; assassination
of, iv 143.

Lind, Jenny, her extraordinary success,
ii 208.

Liquor traffic, bill for regulation of, iv


Livingstone, David, early life and educa-
tion, iv 20; joins the London Mission-
ary Society and is sent to South
Africa, iv 21; his marriage, iv 21; his
great journey to Lake Ngami, iv 22;


receives the gold medal of the Royal
Geographical Society, iv 22; Sir Ro-
derick Murchison on his discoveries,
iv 22; recommends the growth of cotton
in Africa, iv 22; explorations on the
Zambesi, iv 22; leaves England for his
last journey, iv honours given to
him, iv 23.

Local Government Acts, iv 286.

Loch Katrine water supply for Glasgow,
inauguration of, iv 5.

Londonderry, Marquis of, his claim for
place, i 133.

London University, receives power to
grant degrees, i 135.

Lords, House of, rejection of bill for re-
peal of the paper-duty, iv 28; report of
committee of Commons on precedents
for such a course, iv 28; Mr. Bright
dissents from report, iv 28; Mr. Glad-
stone's opinion, iv 29; resolutions car-
ried in the Commons, iv 29.
Lorne, Marquis of, marriage with Prin-
cess Louise, iii 304.

Louis Philippe, King of France, i 90;
attempt on his life, ii 6; news reaches
the House of Commons of his flight
and abdication, ii 133; intrigues con-
cerning the Spanish marriage, ii 133.
Lowe, Mr., his amendment urging pro-
secution of the war, iii 169, 176, 178;
supports the bill for limited liability in
joint-stock companies, iii 303; his early
career, iii 303; advances in political
offices, iii 304; his character as an
educationist, iv 169; is charged with
mutilating school inspectors' reports,
iv 170; he resigns office, iv 170; his
speeches on reform bill of 1866, iv 215,
218; his attack on Mr. Disraeli, iv
234; chancellor of the exchequer, iv
270; his budget of 1869, iv 273; his
budget of 1871, iv 287; proposed tax on
lucifer matches, iv 287.
Lucknow, outbreak at, and vigorous
measures taken by Sir Henry Law-
rence, iii 250; entry of General Have-
lock into, iii 258.

Lyndhurst, Lord, his ancestors, i 113;
began his parliamentary career as a
Radical, i 113; lord chancellor in
various ministries, i 98, 113, 129, 318;
a law reformer, i 113; attorney-general,
i113; friendship between him and Can-
ning, i 113; his generosity and good-
humour, i 114; his bills to amend the law
concerning parliamentary oaths, and to
better the position of married women,
iii 12; his speech on the unfaithfulness
of Russia, iii 91; advocates additions
to the national defences, iii 305.
Lytton, Sir E. Bulwer, speech on the
conduct of the Crimean war, iii 144:
motion to censure the government,
iii 181; supports Disraeli's reform bill
of 1859, iii 291; Disraeli's description
of his oration, iii 291; secretary for the
colonies, iii 299; his success as a poli-
tician and defects as a speaker, iii 300;
his political creed and industry as a
writer, iii 300; created a baronet,iii 301;
his personal peculiarities, iii 301; his
romantic novels and dramas, iii 301;
his political progress and literary suc-
cess, iii 302; his unhappy marriage,


iii 302; anecdote of, by Mr. Ballantine,
iii 302; interested in criminal investiga-
tions, iii 302; Lord Rector of Glasgow
University, iii


Macaulay, Thomas Babington, enters
parliament, i 104; his high place as
a speaker, i 104; advocates reform,
i 105; a great talker, i 186; war secre-
i 289; opposes Peel's sliding-
scale, ii 23; his description of a stormy
scene in the House of Commons, ii 40;
on the sugar duties, ii 72; on the May-
nooth College Bill, ii 79; loses his seat
for Edinburgh, ii 80; paymaster of the
forces, ii 116; publication of his His-
tory of England, ii 163; is again re-
turned for Edinburgh, iii 10; speech
on the Militia Bill, iii 11; his death,
iv 39; his position as an author and
politician, iv 39; M Gladstone's re-
view of, iv 39.

M'Clintock, Captain, his expedition in
the Fox, iv 20.



labours on behalf of total abstinence,
i 256; iv 149; anecdotes of, i 256.
Maurice, Rev. Frederic Denison, on
the Manchester school, ii 306; dis-
missed for teaching certain views on
the subject of eternal punishment,
iii 43: appointed professor of moral
philosophy, iv 202.

Maynooth College Bill, introduced by
Sir Robert Peel, ii 78; speech by Mac-
aulay on, ii 79; supported by Gladstone
and opposed by Disraeli, ii 81; passing
of, ii 82.

Maynooth Grant, Mr. Aytoun's motion
on, iv 266; compensation for with-
drawal of, iv 271.

Mayo, assassination of Lord, iv 319.
Mazzini, Joseph, the father of Italian
freedom, ii 143; his early life, ii 143:
personal appearance, ii 144; joins the
Carbonari, ii 145; joins the insurrection
in Italy, ii 152; chosen president of the
republic in Rome, ii 152; his reception
in England, i 336; general sympathy
with, ii 1; Carlyle's praise of, ii 1; his
account of an hour of suffering, ii 1.
Meagher of the Sword, iii 7.
Mechi, Mr., experiments in agriculture,
iii 2,

Medical science, advances in, ii 178.

Mackenzie, Bishop, in Africa, iv 22.
Mackintosh, Sir James, his efforts to
ameliorate the criminal code, i 17.
Macnaghten, Sir William, murdered in Meerut, beginning of mutiny at, iii 248.
Cabul, ii 8.

Magazines, beginning of popular, i 112.
Magenta, battle of, iii 314.

Mahoney, Fenian head-centre, iv 251.
Mail-coaches, i 236.

Malmesbury, Lord, foreign secretary
in Lord Derby's ministries, ii 296;
iii 287.

Malt duty, motion to repeal, in 1835,

i 133.

Malthus on population, i 52.
Manchester, rapid growth of, i 275:
turn-out of mill-workers, i 278; meet-
ings prohibited and dispersed, i 279;
meeting of trades delegates and resolu-
tions adopted, including the People's
Charter, i 280; employers resolve to
keep the mills closed, i 280.
Manchester school of politics, rise of,
ii 139; opponents of the, ii 139, 305.
Manin, Daniel, revolutionist at Venice,

ii 144-

Manners, Lord John, commissioner of
Woods and Forests, ii 296.
Manning, Henry Edward, birth and
education, iv 17; joins the Roman Ca-
tholic Church, iv 18; made a cardinal,
iv 18.

Manteuffel, Prussian minister, iii 34.
Maronites. See Druses.

Marriage laws, unsatisfactory nature of
the old, i 177; interpretation of them
by Sir Matthew Hale, i 178; attempts
to amend, i 178, 179; a reform accom-
plished, i 179.

Married women, laws relating to, i 273;

iii 12.

Martaban, capture of, iii 197.
Martineau, Harriet, her influence in
Liberal politics, i 81; declines a pen-
sion, i 81; on the Chartists, i 280; on
the potato disease, ii 86.
Martini-Henry rifle, invention of, iii 326.
Mathew, Father, his early career, i 255:

Mehemet Ali, viceroy of Egypt, i 291;
British government decline to assist
him, i 292; his revolt against Turkey,
ii 2; is opposed by England and sup-
ported by France, ü 3; refuses the terms
of the western powers, ii 5; at last signs
a convention, ii 6.

Melbourne, Lord, characteristics of,
i 99; Sydney Smith's opinion of, i 99:
becomes prime minister, i 126; anec-
dotes of, i 127; his ministry dismissed,
i 128, but recalled, 145; resigns, but
shortly after forms another ministry,
i 158; weakness of ministry, i 212; ad-
viser of the young queen, i 214; refuses
the Garter, i 215; supposed undue in-
fluence of, over the queen, i 215; inac-
tivity of his ministry, i 305; Conserva-
tive attacks on, i 305; defeat of, and
dissolution of parliament, i 311; Earl
Russell on the situation, i 311; vote of
want of confidence in the ministry car-
ried, i 313; they resign, i 314; carica-
ture of, i 315; his character and domes-
tic life, i 315; strange conduct of his
wife, i 316; solitude and neglect of his
later life, i 317; his account of a states-
man's position, ii 44; his reception of
a deputation of radical working-men,
ii 45; his death, ii 44.
Metropolitan Underground Railway,

[blocks in formation]

Mexico, Juarez president of the repub-
lic, iv 155; disorder in the country, iv
155; action of Britain, France, and
Spain, iv 155; the United States refuse
to join the convention, iv 155; a Euro-
pean expedition sent out, iv 155; pro-
clamation by the allied powers, iv 156;
Mexican opposition to General Al-
monte, iv 156; Napoleon III.'s views
with regard to the Archduke Maxi-
milian, iv 156; M. Billault's statement
in the Corps Législatif, iv 156; confer-

ence between the Mexican and allied
commissioners, iv 155; withdrawal of
the English and Spanish governments,
iv 157: proclamation of the French
commissioners and defeat of the French
troops, iv 157; General Forey sent out
with reinforcements, iv 157; Puebla
surrendered and the French enter the
capital, iv 157; General Forey's pro-
clamation, iv 157; the crown accepted
by Maximilian, iv 158; opposition to
his reign, iv 158; he is captured and
executed, with his generals Miramon
and Mejia, iv 158; Juarez again presi-
dent, iv 159; fate of the ex-empress,
iv 159.

Miall, Edward, his views on oaths, iii 7;
is defeated, but afterwards elected for
Bradford, iv 268.

Militia Bill, introduced by Lord John
Russell, ii 291; opposed by Hume and
Cobden, ii 292; speech by Lord Pal-
merston, ii 293; defeat of
ii 296; bill of 1852, iii 9; speech by
Macaulay, iii 11.

Mill, James, a philosophic Radical, i 53;
his influence with the East India Com-
i 286.
Mill, John Stuart, his influence on In-
dian affairs, i 286; is rejected by West-
minster electors, iv 268; his political
views, iv 268.

Milner-Gibson, Thomas, advocates free
trade in food, ii 24; gains a seat for
Manchester, ii 26; opposes the sugar
duties, i 71; is defeated at Ashton-
under-Lyne, iv 268.

Mines, act regulating the working of
women and children in, i 331.
Mirror, first of the cheap magazines,
i 112.

Mitchel, John, ii 145; his return from
transportation, iv 293: is twice elected
for Tipperary, iv 293; his death, iv 294.
Model Lodging-houses, iii 217.
Moldavia. See Principalities.
Molesworth, Sir William, enters parlia-
ment of 1832, i 107; opposition to, i 108;
first commissioner of public works, ii
317; colonial secretary, iii 181.
Moltke, General von, iv 237.
Montebello, battle of, iii 313.
Moore, Thomas, death of, ii 301.
More, Hannah, influence of her writ-
ings, i 184; advocates the better educa-
tion of women, i 184.

Moxon, Mr., the publisher, trial of, i 285.
Müller, Franz, the railway murderer,
iv 188; his apprehension and execution,
iv 189; need of communication in rail-
way-carriages, iv 190.

Municipal Corporations, inquiry into
working of, i 165; growth and corrup-
tions of, i 165; report of commissioners,
i 166; bill introduced by Lord John
Russell to amend, i 167; supported by
Sir Robert Peel, i 168; passes House of
Commons but opposed in Lords, i 171;
after compromises between the houses
the bill finally passed, i 174; feeling in
the country on the disagreement be-
tween Lords and Commons, i 175;
satisfactory result of the act, i 176;
London exempt from the reform, i

Murchison, Sir Roderick, on Living-
stone's explorations, iv 22.
Music-halls, increase of, iv 7.


Nana Sahib, the chief of Bithoor, iii
252; asked to aid in the defence of
Cawnpore, i 252; his treachery, iii


Napier, Sir Charles, bombards St. Jean
d'Acre, ii 7; admiral of the Baltic fleet,
iii 70, 77; quarrel with Sir James;
Graham, iii 78; refuses the Grand
Cross of the Bath, iii 79; what he
achieved in the Baltic, iii 79.
Napier, Sir Charles James, conquers
Scinde, ii 13.

Napier, General Sir Robert, leads the
Abyssinian expedition, iv. 247.
Napiers, the family of, ii 12.
Naples, Mr. Gladstone's strong charges
against the government of, ii 259; hor-
rible condition of the prisons, ii 261;
examples of tyranny, ii 262; case of
Baron Carlo Poerio, ii 262; treatment
of the prisoners, ii 265; Poerio's charac-
ter, ii 266; political catechism taught
in the schools, ii 266; extracts from the
constitution, ii 268; comparison with
Charles I. of England and Ernest of
Hanover, ii 269; the subject before the
House of Commons, ii 270; Lord Pal-
merston sends copies of Mr. Glad-
stone's pamphlet to all the courts of
Europe, ii 270; replies to Mr. Glad-
stone's pamphlet, ii 271; Lord Palmer-
ston's treatment of them, ii 271.
Napoleon, removal of his body from
St. Helena, ii 4.

Napoleon, Louis, early career of, i 196;
attempts a rising at Strasburg, i 197;
retires to London, i 198; his literary
efforts, ii 4; prepares for an expedition,
ii 4; lands at Boulogne, ii 5; unsuc-
cessful attempt at revolt, ii 5; his im-
prisonment, i 5; escapes from Ham,
ii 138; settles in England, ii 138;
elected a representative to the Na-
tional Assembly, ii 228; elected presi-
dent, i 230; the coup d'état, ii 251;
Kinglake's and Victor Hugo's sum-
mary of him, ii 251; a communication
addressed to the National Assembly,
ii 252; his accomplices in the seizure of
power, ii 253; selection of ministers and
army officers, ii 253; arrangements to
print the proclamations, ii 253; Granier
de Cassagnac's account of the arrests,
ii 253; arrest and imprisonment of the
deputies, i 255; promotion and sup-
pression of insurrection, ii 255; great
loss of life, ii 256; proclamations to the
country and the army, ii 256; vote for
the extension of his term and his power,
ii 257; distrust of him in this country,
274: his progress through France as
president, ii 324; speech at Bordeaux,
ii 325; his reception in Paris, ii 326; is
proclaimed emperor, ii 327; speech to
the senate and legislative body, ii 327;
his marriage, iii 20; addresses a letter
to Emperor Nicholas, iii 21; desires to
go to the Crimea, iii 99; visits the queen



at Windsor, iii 101; letter to the queen
acknowledging the kindness of the re-
ception, iii 102; the queen's return visit
to Paris, iii 103; his difficult position,
iii 277; attempt on his life by Pianori,
iii 277; his schemes regarding the
Principalities and Austria, iii 278; his
visit to the queen at Osborne, iii 279:
attempt on his life by Felice Orsini, iii
280; indignation in France against
England, iii 281; despatch of Count
Walewski concerning, iii 281; ill feeling
of the French towards England, iii 282;
the matter amicably settled, iii 288;
policy of, iv 159: his proposal for a
congress of nations, iv 159; its recep-
tion by the powers, iv 159.
Napoleon, Prince, his marriage, iii 312;
Cobden's opinion of, iii 322.
Napoleonic prestige, the, ii 273.
Nasmyth, inventor of steam-hammer,
iv 19.

National Complete Suffrage Union
formed, i 281.

National Convention formed, i 281;
enormous petition to the House of
Commons, i 281; motion by Mr. Dun-
combe that the petitioners be heard at
the bar, i 281; rejected by house, i


National Debt, reduction of interest on,
ii 60; Mr. Gladstone's proposals on,
iv 213.

National Education, need of, iv 279; the
Elementary Education Act introduced,
iv 280; establishment of school-boards,
iv 284; the compulsory and conscience
clauses, iv 284; statistics of progress,
iv 284; objections to the Code, iv 285;
Mr. Gladstone's education bill for Ire-
land, iv 289.

Navigation laws, instituted, ii 186; suc-
cessive modifications of, ii 186; passing
of bill to abolish, ii 187.
Neild, Mr., leaves his fortune to the
queen, ii 319.

Neill, General, death of, iii 258; Lord
Canning's description of, iii 270.
Newcastle, Duke of, his early history,
i 334; secretary for the colonies, ii 317;
defends himself from charges of indo-
lence and indifference in the conduct
of the war, iii 147.

Newman, Dr. J. H., his account of rise
of Tractarian movement, i 110; trial
for libelling Achilli, iii 8.
Newspapers, abolition of stamp-duty,
iii 231; starting of the penny news-
paper, iii 231.

New Zealand, discovery of, ii 13; for-
mally annexed to England, îi 13; diffi-
culties with the natives, ii 14: Sir
George Grey's Polynesian Mythology,
ii 14: plan adopted for its colonization,
ii 190; incompetent governors, ii 191;
affairs put on a better footing by Gov-
ernor Grey, ii 191.

Nicholas, Emperor of Russia, visit to
this country in 1844, ii 130; iii 14; per-
sonal appearance and manner, ii 130;
attempts to get England to agree to
his plans concerning Turkey, iii 14:
his fondness for dramatic performances
and familiarity with actors, iii 16; love
of display, iii 16; industry in govern-


ing, iii 17; estimate of his character, iii |
17; anecdote related by Dr. Mandt, iii
18; domestic affection, iii 19; reply to
the Emperor of France's letter, iii 22;
effect of the news of the battle of the
Alma on, iii 103; his death, iii 155.
Nightingale, Florence, her birth and
education, iii 121; her work in the
Crimea, iii 122; testimonial fund sub-
scribed for, iii 122.

Nile, discoveries of Captains Speke and
Grant, and of Mr. Baker, iv 198; death
of Captain Speke, iv 199.


Owen, Robert, his social experiments,
i 25; presented to the queen, i 250.
Oxford School, the, iv 203.

Oxford Union Society, Mr. Gladstone's
connection with, i 44.

Oxford University, tendency of, towards
high Toryism, i 43.

Oxford University Commission, report
of, iii 12.


Nitro-glycerine, explosion of, at New- Pacifico, Don, ii 212.
castle, iv 256.

Norbury, Lord, assassination of, i 306.
Northcote, Sir Stafford, opposes the
budget of 1861, iv 119; private secre-
tary to Mr. Gladstone, iv 119, 123;
expectations of his success, iv 123; his
ancestry and career, iv 123.
North-west passage made by Captain
Maclure, iv 20.

Nottingham, riot at, i 85.


Oath in courts of justice, iii 1.
O'Connell, Daniel, supports the Catho-
lic Association, i 26; his mode of ap-
pealing to a jury, i 26; his declaration
of loyalty to the crown, i 31; is elected
and re-elected member for Clare, i 36;
speech on Irish disturbances, i 120; his
violent language on Earl Grey, i 124;
described by Haydon the painter, i
135; the repeal year, ii 123; his great
influence, ii 123; government interferes
and prohibits a meeting, ii 125; the
meeting prevented by O'Connell's ad-
vice, ii 125; his influence at an end, ii
126; is prosecuted and found guilty, ii
126; acquitted on appeal, ii 127; his
last speech in parliament, ii 128; his
death and funeral, 129.
O'Connor, Feargus, arrested, i 262; leader
in the National Convention, i 281; char-
acter of, ii 145; shows symptoms of in-
sanity, ii 278; winding up of his land
scheme, ii 278; scene in the House of
Commons, ii 279; committed to prison
for assault, ii 289; confined in a lunatic
asylum, ii 279.
Omar Pacha, iii 21.
Open-air meetings, attempt to suppress,
iii 6.

Orange conspiracy to prevent the acces-
sion of the Princess Victoria to the
throne, i 183.

Orangeism, attempt to assassinate the
queen attributed to, i 306.
Orator Hunt, a Radical reformer, i 3;
imprisonment of, i 5.

Organization among the masses, growth
of the tendency to, ii 30.
Orsini, Felice, iii 280.
Osborne, Bernal, his sallies of wit, iv 166;
his attack on Mr. Disraeli, iv 232.
Osborne House, ii 93.

Oudh, annexation of, iii 244.
Outram, Sir James, iii 257.

Overend, Gurney, & Co., failure of,

iv 235.

Owen, Professor, on the gorilla, iv 24.

Pakington, Sir John, colonial secretary,
ii 296; troubles about the transporta-
tion of criminals, ii 308; first lord of
the admiralty, iii 287.
Palestro, battle of, iii 314.

Palmer, William, case of, iii 234.
Palmerston, Viscount, his early career,
i 189; is war secretary and foreign
secretary, i 31, 69, 189: ii 116; his suc-
cess in the foreign office, i 190; advo-
cates free-trade in corn, ii 23; the Don
Pacifico business, ii 138; his character
and policy, ii 208; demands satisfac-
tion from Greece of the Don Pacifico
and other claims, ii 213; settlement of
claims, ii 214; complaints of his action
in the matter, ii 214; brilliant speech
by Palmerston in defence, ii 215;
speeches of Gladstone, Cockburn, and
Sir Robert Peel, ii 217; majority for
government, ii 221; he approves of the
coup d'état, i 258; remonstrances of

queen and government, ii 258; his
removal from the foreign office, ii 258;
his conduct in regard to Mr. Glad-
stone's pamphlet on the Neapolitan
government, ii 270; the subject of his
dismissal before the house, ii 281; Lord
John Russell's explanation, ii 281; Lord
Palmerston's explanation, ii 284; Mr.
Roebuck on, ii 285; speech by Mr.
Disraeli on, ii 285: Palmerston's deal-
ings with Sir Benjamin Hall, ii 286;
his horror of cruelty, ii 287; his later
account of the reason of his dismissal,
ii 287; is home secretary under Lord
Aberdeen, ii 317; eager to take decisive
measures with Russia, iii 24; his views
on the situation, iii 28; his success as
home secretary, iii 42; his view on a
national fast for the cholera epidemic,
42, and on burying dead bodies
under buildings, iii 44; his resignation,

45; it is withdrawn, iii 49; his speech
at a banquet to Sir Charles Napier, iii
70; attacked by Mr. Bright, iii 72; his
reply, iii 72; forms a ministry, iii 150:
precarious position of the ministry, iii
182; his government attacked and de-
feated, iii 202; appeal to the country,
iii 204; return of a large majority for
government, iii 205; introduces a Con-
spiracy to Murder Bill, iii 284; opposi-
tion to the bill, iii 285, and defeat of
the government, iii 287; resignation,
iii 287; again prime minister, iii 292;
he offers the presidentship of the Board
of Trade to Mr. Cobden, iii 292, 293;
on the national defences, iii 306; sup-
port given to his ministry by the Con-
servative party, iv 29; his letter to



King Leopold on the Dano-German
iv 167; his personal habits, iv 167;
his failing health and death, iv 181;
anecdote of, iv 181.

Pandies, origin of name, iii 247.
Panmure, Lord, war secretary, iii 151;
his antecedents and personal appear-
ance, iii 151.

Paper-duty, reduction of, i 189; agita-
tion for the repeal of, iv 26; the bill
passes the Commons, but is thrown
out by the Lords, iv 27; conflict be-
tween the houses, iv 28; appointment
of a select committee to inquire into
precedents, iv 28; its report, iv 28; re-
solutions passed in Commons concern-
ing, iv 29; a proposition for remission
of duty passed, iv 30.
Papineau, Louis Joseph, i 223.
Parliament houses burned, i 159.
Parliament, opening of session 1830, i
65; dissolution of, in 1834, i 130; the
new parliament of 1835 with a Liberal
majority, i 132; the opposition choose
the speaker, i 132; preparations for the
elections to the queen's first, i 218;
small Liberal majority returned, i 220;
opened by the queen, i 220; dissolution
of, in 1841, i 311; election in 1841, large
Conservative majority, i 313; meeting
of, i 329; opened by the queen, i 330;
opening of, in 1852, ii 277; discussion
on the kitchen arrangements, ii 277:
meeting of, in December, 1854, iii 138;
the government attacked for its con-
duct of the war, iii 139; Lord John
Russell replies, iii 140; dissolved in
1859, iii 291; Liberal majority in the
new parliament, iii 291; session of 1866
opened by the queen, iv 209.

General Election.
Parliamentary Oaths, bill introduced
by Lord Lyndhurst, iii 12.
Parliamentary Reform, early attempts
at, i 1; effect of French Revolution on,
i 2; proposed march of Manchester
workmen to petition for, i 2; organizing
societies to promote, i 3; efforts of
Lord John Russell, i 17, 70; of Mar-
quis of Blandford and Lord Althorp, i
38; of Lord Brougham, i 66; Earl Grey's
ministry successful, i 90; county fran-
chise bill lost, iv 173; Mr. Gladstone
on, iv 174;
referred to in royal speech

of 1866, iv 210; a bill introduced, iv 210,
213; Mr. Gladstone's speech, iv 214;
Mr. Lowe's opposition to the bill, iv
215; speeches by Mr. Bright and Sir
E. Bulwer Lytton, iv 216; demonstra-
tions throughout the country, iv 217;
speech of Mr. Gladstone at Liverpool,
217; Mr. Bright's letter, iv 217; Mr.
Lowe's speech against the bill, iv 218;
Mr. Gladstone's reply, iv 219; narrow
majority for government, iv 221; bill
for redistribution of seats, iv 221; de-
feat and resignation of the ministry, iv
222; angry demonstrations over the
country, iv 223; bill of 1867 introduced
by Mr. Disraeli, iv 226; its provisions,
iv 228; opposition of the Liberal party
to the bill, iv 229; Mr. Hodgkinson's
proposal, iv 231; redistribution of seats,
iv 231;
Bernal Osborne, Lowe, and
Lord Cranborne on Mr. Disraeli and

[blocks in formation]

Paul (Sir John Dean), Strahan, and
Bates, trial of, for fraudulent appro-
priation of trust money, iii 232.
Paxton, Sir Joseph, ii 234; his design
for the Crystal Palace, ii 234; it is
adopted, ii 237.

Peabody, George, his generous gift, iv
127; letter from the queen, iv 128; his
additional gifts, iv 128; his death, iv
128; object to which his gifts were
applied, iv 128.

Peard, Colonel, Garibaldi's English-
man, iv

Peel, Sir Robert, his early career, i 18;
is home secretary, i 30; character of,
i 68; opposes the disfranchisement of
close boroughs, i 78; is chancellor of
exchequer, i 98; issues Tamworth
Manifesto, i 130; his ministry defeated,
i 133; the Duke of Wellington on his
truthfulness, i 136; his speech on Irish
Church, i 143; he resigns office, i 145;
Conservative banquet to, i 200; his
speech on accession of Queen Victoria,
i 211; his election address for the
queen's first parliament, i 218; his
policy of opposition to government, i
231; forms a ministry, i 231; requires
the dismissal of some of the ladies of
the royal household, i 232; opposes the
reduction of sugar duties, i 309; his
speech on the corn-laws, i
310; carries
a vote against the ministry, i 311; his
speech on want of confidence vote, i
313; his proposals for modifying the
tax on grain, ii 19; his remarks on high
duties being unproductive, ii 35; on
the income-tax, ii 36; murder of his
secretary, ii 38; angry encounter be-
tween him and Cobden, ii 39; on free-
trade, ii 52; his opposition to his govern-
ment, ii 63; the personal attacks of Mr.
Disraeli on, ii 74: declines the Garter
offered by the queen, ii 92; resigns,
but again assumes office, ii 93, 94;
announces his change of views on
the corn-laws, ii 95: his budget, ii
96; arguments against protection and
defence against the charge of incon-
sistency, i 97; is enthusiastically
praised by Mr. Bright, ii 102; he pro-
poses to challenge Mr. Disraeli, ii 106;
his defeat on the Irish protection of
life and property bill, ii 108; announces
his intention to resign, ii 108; Disraeli's
estimate of, ii 109; anecdotes of, ii 113;
acts of patronage by, ii 114; his last
speech in the house, ii 138; his last
words on public business, ii 221; is
thrown from his horse, ii 221; his death,
ii 222; mourning for him over the
country, ii his funeral, ii 224;
Thomas Carlyle on, ii 224.
Peel, Sir Robert, made a lord of the
admiralty, iii 155.


Peel, Sir William, death of, iii 270;
Lord Canning's opinion of, iii 270.
Pegu, annexation of, iii 197.
Pelissier, General, commands the French
army in the Crimea, iii 135; his ante-
cedents, iii 136, 164.

Penny Magazine begun, 1832, i 112.
Periodical Literature, increase of, i 187.
Persia, war with, iii 197; suicide of
Major-general Stalker and Commo-
dore Ethersey, iii 205.
Peterloo Massacre, the, i 5.
Philosophical Radicalism, i 107, 311;
ii 13.

Phoenix Park assassinations, iv 326.
Photography, introduction of, i 271.
Pillory abolished, the, i 97.

Pitt, William, opposes parliamentary
reform, i 1.

Plimsoll, Mr., his efforts on behalf of
seamen, iv 312; scene in the house, iv
313; a government measure introduced,

iv 313-

Poet-laureate, appointment of, ii 206.
Poland, insurrection in, i 92; Russian
tyranny in, iv 153; debate on, in House
of Commons, iv 154: conduct of Prus-
sia, iv 154: great meeting at the Guild-
hall, iv 154; insurrection in, headed by
Langiewicz, iv 154; remonstrances of
England, France, and Austria, iv 154:
Gortschakoff's reply, iv 155; attitude
of Austria, iv 155.

Police force, organization of, i 53.
Political parties, change in views of, i
198, 252; ii 64.

Political Register, Cobbett's, i 100.
Polytechnic in London, iv 9.
Poor-law, the new, i 160; evils of the
old system, i 160, 164; passing of the
bill, i 161, 163; hardships under the
new, i 162, 163; decrease of poor-rate
under, i 163; proposal by Mr. Disraeli
to modify, ii 188; supported by Glad-|
stone and opposed by Peel, ii 189;
working of the poor-law, iv 241.
Poor-law Association, Carlyle on, ii 288.
Pope Pius IX., Mr. Gladstone on, ii
147; began his career as a reformer, ii
147; is driven from Rome, ii 147, 152.
Population, statistics of, iv 331.
Postal system, great need for a cheap,
i 234; Charles Knight's description of
the old, i 235; Mr. Palmer's improve-
ments, i 236; Rowland Hill advocates
a penny postage, i 239: proposal for an
inquiry into the plan opposed by gov-
ernment, i 240; the plan adopted, i
240; its enormous development, i 241.
Post-office, diminution of revenue from,
after the introduction of penny postage,
ii 36; complaints concerning opening |
of letters in the, ii 73.
Potato crop, failure of, ii 85.
Power-loom, inventor of the, i 275.
Press prosecutions for political offences,

i 40.

Prince Imperial, death of the, iv 321.
Princess Royal, betrothal of, iii 278;
dowry and pension of, iii 278; her
marriage, iii 280.

Principalities, disposal of the, iii 194.
Prize-fight between Tom Sayers and
Heenan, iv 5.

Progress, meaning of, i 334; railway


progress, i 335; of literature and art,


Property qualification, abolition of, iv


Prosperity of the country, ii 60; before
the Crimean war, iii 1; improvement
in the condition of the working-classes,
iii 2; signs of, in 1860, iv 1.
Protectionists, form an opposition to
Peel's government, ii 63: their dismay
at Sir Robert Peel's free-trade budget,
ii 98; led by Lord George Bentinck,
ii 99.

Prussia, death of King of, iv 41; war
with Austria, iv 236; acquires pre-
dominance in Germany, iv 238; war
with France, iv 285.

Public Schools, commission of inquiry
on, iv 169.

Public Worship Regulation Bill passed,
iv 301; its small effects, iv 302.
Punch, beginning of, ii 15; influence of
Hood's "Song of the Shirt," i 15.
Punjaub annexed to British India, iii


Pusey, Dr., joins Tractarian movement,
i 11; his opposition to Professor Jow-
ett, iv 206.
Puseyism, i 284.


Quakers, advocate freedom for the
negro, i 148.


Radnor, Lord, friend of Cobbett, i 102;
recommends Cobbett to the electors,
i 103.

Ragged School movement, iii 212.
Raglan, Lord, master-general of the
ordnance, ii 320; at the battle of the
Alma, iii 95; death of, iii 136, 167.
Railway accidents, iv 187; on the
Shrewsbury and Chester line in 1865,
iv 187; at Abergele in 1868, iv 188;
Col. Rich's report, iv 188.
Railway companies, embarrassments
of, iv 238.

Railways, development of, i 233, 272;
beginning of excursion trains, i 272:
the mania of 1845-50, ii 179; dispute
concerning the broad and narrow
gauges, i 181; great increase of, in
the years preceding the Crimean war,
iii ; increase of railways and public
works, iv 3: statistics of railways, iv


Rangoon, taking of, iii 197.
Ratazzi succeeds Cavour as minister,
iv 83; attempts to repeat Cavour's
policy, iv 83, 86.
Rebeccaites, the, ii 121; joined by the
Chartists, ii 122; grievances removed,

ii 122.

Recreation for the people, iii 217.
Redistribution of seats, bills for, iv 221,
229, 231.

Redpath frauds, the, iii 236.
Reform, agitation for parliamentary,
ii 302; iii 289: Mr. Bright's outlines of
a bill, iii 289; Mr. Disraeli introduces

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