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sparkle as a pageant, void of meaning and reality, and bewilder us among vain conjectures. Useful, it is true, they are to man, as points of exact and permanent reference; but he must have studied astronomy to little purpose, who can suppose man to be the only object of his Creator's care, or who does not see, in the vast and wonderful apparatus around us, provision for other races of animated beings. The planets, as we have seen, derive their light from the sun; but that cannot be the case with the stars. These, doubtless, then, are themselves suns, and may, perhaps, each in its sphere, be the presiding centre, round which other planets, or bodies of which we can form no conception, from any analogy offered by our own system, may be circulating."*



ON casting the eye across the heavens, it is arrested by a streak of faint light, which passes athwart the whole sky, in the direction, speaking loosely, of east and west. This streak is called the milky way, in allusion to a wellknown childish fancy of heathen mythology. When we regard the stars, with reference to this permanent band, we find that, in proportion as they recede from it on either side, they gradually become less and less numerous, till, towards the extreme north and south, there is an obvious deficiency in the comparative richness of the garniture with which the mighty dome is adorned. On applying the telescope to the diffused light of this remarkable part of the heavens, the astronomer is lost in admiration, to find, that this appearance is occasioned by an amazing multitude of stars, too minute to be detected by the naked eye, and too numerous to be accurately calcu

* Herschel's Astronomy, p. 380.

lated, "scattered by millions, like glittering dust, on the black ground of the general heavens." Sir William

Herschel informs us, that, on calculating a portion of the milky way, about ten degrees long, and two and a half broad, he found it to contain 258,000 stars,-a quantity so great, in so small a space, that the moon would eclipse 2000 of them at once! Now, all these are suns, probably at as great a distance from each other, as our sun is from Sirius, a distance so incomprehensible, when stated in miles, that the best way of forming some clear idea of it, is, to compare it with the velocity of some moving body with which we are acquainted. We know of nothing so swift as light, which moves at the rate of 12,000,000 miles in a minute; and yet, light would be at least three years in passing between the sun and Sirius. Let any one, then, comprehend, if he is able, the distances implied in the conception, that the minute and thickly studded sparks of the milky way, are suns, each so far separated from each other, that it would require three years for the light of the one to reach the other! And yet this astonishing view is not a mere gratuitous imagination, but a calm philosophical deduction from observed facts and obvious analogies.

But this stretch of the mental powers is little, compared with what is required for comprehending the conclusions we are led to form, from other celestial phenomena. In various parts of the heavens, and in all quarters, there are discovered either small groups of stars, or certain dusky spots, called nebulæ, which the power of the telescope has multiplied to thousands of greater or less distinctness and magnitude. Now, these nebulæ, when subjected to a very strong magnifying power, generally resolve themselves into vast assemblages of minute stars, "crowded together," as Sir John Herschel expresses it, "so as to occupy almost a definite outline,

*In the northern hemisphere, after making all allowances, those whose places are fixed, cannot be fewer than between one and two thousand; and you will have a good idea how plentifully they are distributed, by remarking, that this is at least equal to the whole number of stars which the naked eye perceives on any ordinary night."-Nichol's Architecture of the Heavens, p. 47.

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and to run up to a blaze of light in the centre, where their condensation is usually the greatest. "Many of them," adds this astronomer, "are of an exactly round figure, and convey the complete idea of a globular space, filled full of stars, insulated in the heavens, and constituting, in itself, a family or society apart from the rest, and subject only to its own internal laws. It would be a vain task to count the stars in one of these globular clusters. They are not to be reckoned by hundreds; and, on a rough calculation, grounded on the apparent intervals between them at the borders, (where they are seen not projected on each other,) and the angular diameter of the whole group, it would appear that many clusters of this description must contain at least 10,000 or 20,000 stars, compacted and wedged together in a round space, whose angular diameter does not exceed eight or ten minutes; that is to say, in an area not more than a tenth part of that covered by the moon.

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Are these numerous spangles, suns like our own, separated from each other by distances similar to those by which our solar star is separated from the other stars of the group to which he belongs? And are we, then, to believe that the system of stars to which our sun belongs, is nothing else than a nebula ? Immense as are the bod

ies which that system embraces, and extensive, beyond all human conception, as is the space which it occupies, must we conclude, that, if viewed from the distance of the other nebula of which we have been speaking, it would appear but as a little cloud, no bigger than a man's hand? Such is, in truth, the astonishing conclusion to which the study of celestial appearances seems almost inevitably to conduct us.

Now, if we are permitted, on such a subject, to argue from analogy, we may fancy to ourselves some such idea as this, that each nebula, or group of stars, bears the same reference to other groups, which our planetary system does to the globes of which it is composed; and that, while they may be impressed with a rotatory motion round each other, like our satellites round their primaries, there is some central point of unknown posi

tion, and immeasurable dimensions, round which the whole groups of the universe revolve, like our little worlds round their sun. There are not wanting reasons for such a supposition, extravagant as it may appear. The two great laws of gravitation and inertia, by which our own system is regulated and maintained, have been proved to exist with precisely the same powers, at least in some of the fixed stars. The probability, therefore, is; that these are universal qualities inherent in all material objects. This, being granted, seems to imply the necessity of a balanced rotatory motion in every system of worlds, for preserving the general equilibrium of the whole; because universal attraction must prevent any body from remaining absolutely stationary. Now, the same principle appears to apply to groups of systems which applies to systems themselves. Hence, we may infer a complication of movements of the most wonderful and extensive kind, combining not merely worlds with worlds, and systems with systems, but nebula with nebulæ, embracing the whole material creation, and extending to infinity. What a magnificent view does this afford of the works of the Eternal; and what a beautiful unity does it give to His operations! Could we but stretch our faculties to the conception, we might figure to ourselves the Almighty present, in some peculiar sense, in the centre of His works, and thence surveying the infinite machine which His hand has formed-groups upon groups, each containing tens of thousands of worlds, moving in constant succession before Him, without confusion, and without interference,-rolling in an ethereal fluid, which bears light and heat in the waves of its never-failing tide, and which communicates life, and intelligence, and joy, to organized existences over the whole,-reflecting, wherever they move, the perfections of an Eternal Mind, and experiencing, throughout all their members, and in all their revolutions, the blessings of a Father's smile.



SIR WILLIAM HERSCHEL, by the use of his powerful telescopes, has made other most interesting discoveries in the starry heavens, some of which it will be the object of this paper briefly to detail, as throwing light on the condition of the universe, and demonstrating that the same mighty hand, which "wheels the rolling spheres" in our own system, is equally employing its amazing powers in the most distant regions, and regulating the material world every where, so far as we are able to discern, by the same laws, under some remarkable varieties of application.

We have already noticed the wonderful discovery of the apparently general arrangement, whereby the innumerable suns, of which the universe is composed, are thrown into groups, each containing vast numbers of these splendid bodies, and comprehending systems of their own. Of these nebulæ, as they are called, our own seems to be of a singular figure, forming a stratum of which the thickness is small in comparison with its length and breadth, and which is divided into two branches, inclined at a small angle to each other, near the point in which our sun, with its planetary system, is situated. This figure seems, at least, to account for the appearances of the heavens, with their milky way, studded with innumerable stars, which branch off, in one place, in a remarkable manner, from the main body, and which, as we have observed, decrease rapidly in numbers, in proportion to their distance from that singular belt. The other nebulæ are of various forms, and even seem to differ from each other in their nature. Sir William Herschel divides them into six classes, of which the two first appear to be distinguished merely by their relative

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