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hollow, opening opposite the mouth of one of the trumpets, and communicating with a large case placed in an adjoining room, and containing the confederate.

Upon this principle also is constructed the oracular bust, which is thus made :-Place a bust on a pedestal in the corner of a room, and let there be two tin tubes, one going from the mouth and the other from the ear of the bust, through the pedestal and floor, to an under apartment; there may likewise be wires that go from the under jaw and the eyes of the bust, by which they may be easily moved. A person being placed in the under room, and at a given signal applying his ear to one of the tubes, will hear any question that is asked by another person above who speaks into the ear of the bust, and he may immediately reply; the sound will move through the tube, and seem to come from the mouth of the bust.

INVOICE; an account, in writing, of the particulars of merchandise, with their value, custom, charges, &c., transmitted by one merchant to another in a distant country.

INVOLUTION, in mathematics; the raising of a quantity from its root to any power assigned. Thus 2x2x2=8. Here 8, the third power of 2, is found | by involution. By continuing the process, we can obtain any power of 2, and so with other numbers.

somewhat analogous to that of chlorine. It is a non-conductor of electricity, and possesses in an eminent degree the electrical properties of oxygen and chlorine.

Iodine enters into fusion at 225° Fahr., and boils at 347°; but, when moisture is present, it sublimes rapidly at a temperature considerably below 212°, and gives rise to a dense vapour of the usual violet hue. It is scarcely at all soluble in water, but is readily taken up by alcohol and ether, to which it imparts a reddish-brown colour. It extinguishes vegetable colours, but with less energy than chlorine. It is not inflammable. Its range of affinity for other bodies is very extensive; the most important compounds it forms with these we shall describe after alluding to its natural state and preparation. It exists most abundantly in the various species of fucus, which form the greatest part of the sea-weeds of our coast; it also occurs in the sponge, and in the coverings of many molluscous animals, and has been found in a great number of mineral waters, as those of Salz in Piedmont, Saratoga in New York, &c., and more recently has been detected in some silver ores from Mexico, and in an ore of zinc from upper Silesia. But it is from the incinerated sea-weed, or kelp, that the iodine in large quantities is obtained.

As the soap-manufacturers are in the habit of obtaining their soda from kelp, iodine may be procured, very economically, from the residuums of their opera. tion, according to the process invented by Dr. Ure, which is as follows:-The brown iodic liquor of the

IODINE is the name of an undecompounded principle or element in chemistry. It had escaped the observation of chemists until 1812, when a manufacturer of saltpetre, at Paris, detected it in the ashes of sea-soap-boiler, or the solution of kelp from which all weeds, in the following manner. In evaporating the the crystallizable ingredients have been separated by ley from these ashes, to procure the carbonate of concentration, is heated to about 230° Fahr., poured soda which they contain, he noticed that the metallic into a large stone-ware, basin, and saturated with vessels with which he operated were powerfully cor- diluted sulphuric acid. When cold, the liquor is filroded, and that the corrosion was increased as the tered through woollen cloth; and to every 12 oz. liquor became more concentrated. Having at hand, | (apothecaries' measure) of it are added 1000 grains of one day, a bottle of sulphuric acid, he added some black oxide of manganese in powder. The mixture of it to a portion of water, and was surprised to see is put into a glass globe, or large matrass with a wide a rich violet vapour disengaged; this vapour was the neck, over which a glass globe is inverted, and heat iodine. He at once communicated the observation is applied, which causes the iodine to sublime coto M. Clément Desormes, who set about collect- piously, and to condense in the upper vessel. As ing some of the vapour, and, after examining its soon as the balloon becomes warm, another is subleading properties, announced it to the Royal Insti- stituted for it; and, when the second becomes heated, tute of France as a new body. Its real nature was the first is again applied. The iodine is withdrawn soon after unfolded through the accurate researches from the globes by a little warm water, which disof Gay-Lussac and Sir H. Davy. Its history proved solves it very sparingly; and it is purified by undersingularly interesting in modifying the then prevail- going a second sublimation. The test made use of ing theory of chemistry. Sir H. Davy had, a few for the detection of iodine in any solution, when it years previously, promulgated the new theory of is suspected to be present, is starch, with which chlorine, which was still received with suspicion iodine has the property of uniting, and of forming among chemists. The strong analogies, however, with it a compound, insoluble in cold water, which between this substance and chlorine, in their relations is recognized with certainty by its deep blue colour. to combustibles,-both bodies forming compounds The solution should be cool at the time of adding the by uniting with them, similar to acids containing starch; and, if the colour does not become apparent oxygen, or oxides,-were conceived to give great simply on the addition of the starch, a few drops of weight to the views of Sir H. Davy, and operated sulphuric acid should be cautiously added, when, if completely to overthrow the erroneous hypothesis of any iodine be present, the blue colour will make its oxygenation invented by Lavoisier. Its investiga-appearance. This test is so exceedingly delicate tion, therefore, may be said to form a new era in that a liquid, containing of its weight of iodine, chemistry. receives a blue tinge from a solution of starch. The physical properties of iodine are as follow:- Iodine has a powerful affinity for hydrogen, which It is a soft, friable, opaque solid, of a bluish-black it takes from animal and vegetable substances, in the colour, with a metallic lustre, usually in scales, but same manner as chlorine, and, uniting with it, forms sometimes in distinct crystals of the form of rhom-hydriodic acid. The following are the methods for boids or rhomboidal tables, referrible to an octaheJron, with a rhombic base as their primary form; its specific gravity is 4.046. It possesses an odour

obtaining this acid in the gaseous and in the liquid state:-Into a flask, to which a recurved tube is fitted, dipping under a jar of mercury, are introduced eight

parts of iodine and one of phosphorus, and to the | acid, which is also formed by simply immersing dry mixture a few drops of water are added; the water iodine in chlorine gas, deliquesces in the open air, and is immediately decomposed; the phosphorus, seizing dissolves very freely in water. Its solution is very its oxygen, forms phosphoric acid, while the hydro- sour to the taste; and it reddens vegetable blues, but gen combines with the iodine. As there is not wa-afterwards destroys them. It does not unite with alter present in sufficient quantity to dissolve the hy-kaline bases; in which respect it wants one of the chadriodic acid, it passes over in the gaseous state, and racteristics of an acid, and has hence been called by is collected over the mercury. In contact with air, Gay-Lussac a chloride of iodine. Iodine unites with it smokes, or fumes, like muriatic acid, and, like it, nitrogen, forming a dark powder, which is characreddens vegetable blues. It is distinguished, how-terized, like chloride of nitrogen, by its explosive proever, from that acid, by the superior affinity pos-perty. In order to form it, iodine is put into a sosessed by chlorine for hydrogen, in consequence of lution of ammonia; the alkali is decomposed; its which, if chlorine and hydriodic gases are mingled elements unite with different portions of iodine, and together, the yellow colour of the former disappears, thus cause the formation of hydriodic acid and iodide and the violet vapour of iodine makes its appearance, of nitrogen. Iodine forms, with sulphur, a feeble which proves the decomposition of the hydriodic acid compound, of a grayish-black colour. With phosby the chlorine. If the decomposition be complete, phorus, also, it combines with great rapidity at comthe vessel will be wholly occupied by muriatic acid mon temperatures, attended with the emergence of gas, heat. It manifests little disposition to combine with metallic oxides; but it has a strong attraction for the pure metals, producing compounds which are called iodurets, or iodides.

To obtain the hydriodic acid in a liquid state, we have only to conduct the gas through water, until it is fully charged with it; or it may be obtained by transmitting a current of sulphuretted hydrogen gas through water in which iodine, in fine powder, is suspended. The iodine, from a greater affinity for hydrogen than the sulphur possesses, decomposes the sulphuretted hydrogen; and hence sulphur is set free, and hydriodic acid produced. The solution of hydriodic acid is easily decomposed. Thus, on exposure for a few hours to the air, the oxygen of the atmosphere forms water with the hydrogen of the acid, and liberates the iodine. Nitric and sulphuric. acids likewise decompose it by yielding oxygen, the former being converted into nitrous and the latter into sulphurous acid. The free iodine becomes obvious on the application of the above-mentioned test. The compounds of hydriodic acid with the salifiable bases may be easily formed, either by direct combination, or by acting on the bases in water with iodine. Sulphurous and muriatic acids, as well as sulphuretted hydrogen, produce no change on the hydriodates, at the usual temperature of the air; but chlorine, nitric and concentrated sulphuric acid, instantly decompose them, and separate the iodine. The hydriodates of potash and soda are the most interesting of their number, because they are the chief sources of iodine in nature. The latter salt is probably the one which affords the iodine obtained from kelp; while it is believed that it is the hydriodate of potash which is most generally found in mineral springs.

Iodine forms acids by uniting with oxygen and with chlorine. When it is brought into contact with protoxide of chlorine, immediate action ensues; the chlorine of the protoxide unites with one portion of iodine, and its oxygen with another, forming two compounds, a volatile orange-coloured matter, the chloriodic acid, and a white solid substance, which is iodic acid. Iodic acid acts powerfully on inflammable substances. With charcoal, sulphur, sugar, and similar combustibles, it forms mixtures which detonate when heated. It enters into combination with metallic oxides, giving rise to salts called iodates. These compounds, like the chlorates, yield pure oxygen by heat, and deflagrate when thrown on burning charcoal. Iodic acid is decomposed by sulphurous, phosphorous, and hydriodic acids, and by sulphuretted hydrogen. Iodine, in each case, is set at liberty, and may be detected, as usual, by starch. Chloriodic

The iodides of lead, copper, bismuth, silver, and mercury, are insoluble in water, while the iodides of the very oxidizable metals are soluble in that liquid. If we mix a hydriodate with the metallic solutions, all the metals which do not decompose water will give precipitates, while those which decompose that liquid will give none. Iodine, besides being employed for philosophical illustration, is used in the arts, for pigments, dyes, and medicine. IOLITE. See MINERALOGY.

IONIAN ORDER. See ARCHITECTURE. IPECACUANHA, according to the latest authorities, is the product of two different plants, both natives of South America. The gray is the root of a species of richardia; the other that of the cephalis ipecacuanha. The two roots, however, do not differ in their medicinal properties, and they are much employed indiscriminately. Ipecacuanha was first brought to Europe towards the middle of the seventeenth century; but was not generally used till about the year 1686, when it was introduced under the patronage of Louis XIV. Its taste is bitter and acrid, covering the tongue with a kind of mucilage. It is one of the safest and mildest emetics with which we are ac quainted, and is administered as a powder, in the tincture, or infused in wine. It is also less injurious, if it does not operate as an emetic, than antimony, from its not disturbing the bowels as that does.

IRIDIUM; the name of a metal discovered in 1803, by Mr. Tennant, in the black residuum from the solution of the ore of platinum. Its name was bestowed in allusion to the rainbow (iris), in consequence of the changeable colour it presents while dissolving in muriatic acid. Its colour is white; it is brittle, and very difficult of fusion; specific gravity, 18.68. It is acted upon with difficulty even by the nitro-muriatic acid; but, when oxidized by digestion with it, it unites with other acids, and with the earths, particularly with alumine. It combines with sulphur, by heating a mixture of ammonia, muriate of iridium, and sulphur; the compound is a black powder, consisting of 100 iridium and 33.3 sulphur. Lead unites with this metal easily, but is separated by cupellation, leaving the iridium on the cupel, as a coarse black powder. Copper forms with it a very malleable alloy, which after cupellation, with the addition of lead, leaves a small proportion of the iridium, but much

less than in the preceding instance. Silver forms with | ney. The entire furnace is built in a very solid manit a perfectly malleable compound, the surface of ner, and strengthened by bands and cross bars of iron. which is merely tarnished by cupellation; yet the The bellows are usually cylindrical, and their pistons iridium appears to be diffused through it in fine pow-worked either by water or a steam-engine. The blastder only. Gold remains malleable, and little altered holes, which are situated in the upper part of the in colour, though alloyed with a considerable propor- crucible, are two in number, and frequently placed tion; nor is it separable by cupellation. Dr. Wollas-on opposite sides, but so angled that the currents of ton observed that, among the grains of crude pla-air do not impinge on each other. At the lower part tinum, there are some scarcely distinguishable from of the crucible are openings for the discharge of the the rest but by their insolubility in nitro-muriatic metal and scoria. These openings are kept stopped acid. They are harder, however, when tried by the by accumulations of clay and sand upon the exterior file, not in the least malleable, and of the specific gra- when the furnace is in operation. The process of vity of 19.5. These he concluded to be an ore con- reduction commences by first gradually heating up sisting entirely of iridium and osmium. the furnace, until it will bear to be filled entirely with fuel, after which, as the contents of the furnace begin to sink, alternate charges of ore mingled with flux, and of charcoal or coke, are added: the blast is let on, and the metal in the ore, parting with its oxygen, flows by degrees, and subsides to the bottom of the crucible, covered with a melted slag. The slag is occasionally allowed to flow off by re

IRON. This metal is extremely diffused. It exists in the mineral kingdom in large quantities, and under numerous forms; it is a constituent principle of vegetable matter, and is obtained from the ashes of almost every plant; it exists in the blood, and other animal products; it is even an atmospheric or meteoric production, those stony masses which at different times, and in different countries, have fallen from the at-moving the clay from some one of the apertures in mosphere, containing iron as their principal ingredient.

the crucible; and when the bottom of the furnace becomes filled with the metal, which it ordinarily does after a space of nine or twelve hours, the iron itself is discharged by one of these openings, into a fosse of sand mingled with clay. As soon as the iron has flowed out, the aperture is closed again; and thus the furnace is kept in incessant activity.

The ores from which iron is extracted are those in which it is mineralized by oxygen, of which there are many varieties, consisting of the oxide intermixed with argillaceous, calcareous, and silicious earths. It is principally from the argillaceous ore, or clay iron-stone, that iron is extracted in this The flux employed to assist the fusion of the ore, country. After raising, the ores are picked, to sepa- by vitrifying the earths associated in it with the oxide rate, as far as possible, the considerable pieces of of iron, is limestone of the best quality. The iron earthy or otherwise refractory matters, with which which has run out from the blast-furnace is in the they may be associated. They are next submitted condition of cast-iron, or iron with a considerable to a roasting, in large heaps, in the open air, to expel portion of carbonaceous matter intermingled with the sulphur and arsenic which they may contain, as its particles, and a small proportion of oxygen, from well as to render them more friable and easy of fur- which causes it has a coarse grain, and is brittle. In ther reduction to powder. The roasting is performed converting it into bar-iron, it undergoes one or the generally by bituminous coal. The result of the other of the following processes, according as charoperation is, that it becomes full of fissures, friable, coal or coke is employed. In the former case, a furand loses altogether its vitreous lustre. It is now nace is made use of resembling a smith's hearth, transferred to the crushing-mill, where it undergoes a with a sloping cavity sunk from ten to twelve inches further pulverization, after which it is transported to below the blast-pipe. This cavity is filled with charthe smelting furnace, to be converted into iron. Here coal and scoria, and on the side opposite to the blastit passes through two distinct operations-1. the re-pipe is laid a pig of cast-iron, well covered with hot duction of the oxide to the metallic state; 2. the fuel. The blast is then let in, and the pig of iron, separation of the earthy matters in the form of scoria. being placed in the very focus of the heat, soon These processes consist in exposing the ore, ordi- begins to melt, and, as it liquefies, runs down into the narily mixed with certain fluxes, to the action of car- cavity below. Here, being out of the direct influence bon at an elevated temperature, in furnaces urged by of the blast, it becomes solid, and is then taken out bellows, hence called blast-furnaces, or sometimes high- and replaced in its former position, the cavity being furnaces. These furnaces vary in height from twelve again filled with charcoal. It is thus fused a second to sixty feet, and have, externally, the shape of a four-time, and after that a third time, the whole of these sided pyramid, truncated at top, and terminating in a cylindrical chimney, whose internal diameter is from four to six feet. The interior body of these furnaces is usually in the circular form, except the laboratory at its bottom, where the liquid metal gathers. This, called sometimes the crucible or hearth, is a rightrectangular prism, oblong in the direction perpendicular to the blast orifices, or tuyeres of the bellows. The sides of the crucible are commonly made of a fine gritstone.

Above the crucible the boshes are placed, in the form of an inverted quadrangular pyramid, approaching to the prismastic shape; and above these stone boshes rises the conical body of the furnace, lined with fire-bricks, contracting as it ascends, like the narrow end of an egg, until it terminates in the chim

three processes being usually effected in between three and four hours. As soon as the iron is become solid, it is taken out and very slightly hammered, to free it from the adhering scoria. It is then returned to the furnace, and is placed in a corner, out of the way of the blast, and well covered with charcoal, where it remains till, by further gradual cooling, it becomes sufficiently compact to bear the tilt, or triphammer, whose weight varies from 600 to 1200 lbs., and which is moved by water. Here it is well beaten, till the scoria are forced out, and is then divided into several pieces, which, by a repetition of heating and hammering, are drawn into bars, and in this state it is ready for sale.

The stream of air employed in a blast-furnace is procured by various processes. The first and most

ancient is evidently that of a pair of bellows; but the friction of the leather is so great as to materially injure the working power. The apparatus represented beneath is in this respect a material improvement on the original arrangement.

A large beam is made to vibrate freely on the axis shown in the figure, and by its vibration the buckets are elevated and depressed. A flexible pipe moves with the buckets, and serves to carry the imprisoned and compressed air to the furnace. On elevating either of the buckets, the air is admitted by a valve opening inwards, which closes when it afterwards descends, and the air is thus forced along the pipe.

The piston blowing-machine is considerably employed, but requires a great deal more power than the one already described. It consists of a piston which nearly fits a case or cylinder, the latter being provided with pipes and valves above and beneath. The external appearance of the apparatus is shown in the figure. When the piston is raised it sucks air from a valve opening beneath, and, when it is depressed, air is drawn from above, and the blast proceeds from beneath.

A complete blast-machine put in operation by a band-wheel is shown at fig. 1, Plate I., IRON MANUFACTURE.

A contrivance of great importance has lately been adopted in some of the mining districts, which is exceedingly simple, but much more effective than any which had gone before it. A series of vanes are attached to an axis, which is made to revolve with great rapidity in a box. A pipe passes from the outside of the box to the furnace, and as the vanes revolve the air is carried by its centrifugal force into the furnace, a new portion continually entering by a hole at the axis. A similar arrangement has been applied to an artificial blast for a common fireplace.

The proportion of pig-iron or cast-iron from a

given quantity of ore is subject to considerable variation, from a difference in the metallic contents of different parcels of ore, and other circumstances; but the amount of bar-iron that a given weight of pig-iron is expected to yield is regulated very strictly. the workmen being expected to furnish four parts o the former for five of the latter, so that the loss does not exceed twenty per cent. The other process for the manufacture of bar-iron, and which is the one chiefly employed in this country, is executed in part in reverberatory furnaces, known by the name of puddling-furnaces. The operation commences with melting down the cast-iron in refinery furnaces, like the one above described. When the cast-iron is fully melted, a tap-hole is opened in the crucible, and the fine metal flows out, along with the slag, into a foss covered with water mixed with clay, which forms & coating, to prevent the metal from sticking to the ground. The finer metal forms a plate ten feet long by three feet broad, and from two inches to two and a half thick. A great quantity of cold water is sprinkled on it, in order to make it brittle, and also to oxidize it slightly. The loss of weight in the iron, by this operation, is from twelve to seventeen per cent. It is then broken to pieces, and laid on the hearth of a reverberatory furnace, in successive portions, being heaped up towards its sides in piles which rise nearly to the roof. The middle space is left open, to give room for puddling the metal as it flows down in successive streams. When the whole is reduced, by the heat of the furnace, to a pasty state, the temperature is lowered, and a little water is sometimes thrown on the melted mass. The workman stirs about the semi-liquid metal with his puddle, during which it swells up, emits a considerable quantity of oxide of carbon, which burns with a blue flame, so that the mass appears to be on fire. The metal, as it refines, becomes less fusible, or, in the language of the workmen, it begins to dry. The puddling is continued till the whole charge is reduced to the state of an incoherent sand; then the temperature is gradually increased, so as to impart a red-white heat, when the particles begin to agglutinate, and the charge works heavy. The refining is now finished, and nothing remains but to form the metal into balls, and condense it under the rolling cylinders. The ballingfurnace in which this melting takes place is shown in Plate II., fig. 3, IRON MANUFACTURE. The iron is now to be passed through hard rollers. A pair of the best kind is shown at fig. 5, and an end view of the same at fig. 6. When the lump of iron has passed five or six times through the grooved rollers, it assumes an elliptic figure, and is called a bloom. Loose fragments of the ball, with the slag, fall down about the cylinder. The metal thus roughed down is called mill bur-iron. It is subjected to a second operation, which consists in welding several pieces together, whence it derives the valuable properties of ductility, uniformity, and cohesion. After welding laterally four pieces together, the mass is run through between a series of cylinders, as at first, and becomes English bar-iron.

Iron, for laminating into sheets, is treated in the refinery furnace with a charcoal, instead of a coke fire. The object of all these operations, as respects the treatment of cast-iron, is to convert it into tough iron, and thus to get rid of the slag, the oxygen, and the carbon, it contains. The first of these is separated in part by the long-continued fusion.

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