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Republican government, United

Governor of territory, appointment, 229;
qualifications, 229; duties, 230, 232;
veto, 232.

Grant, U. S., on negro soldiers, 366;
General Order, 366, 442.
Grants, colonial, 159, 162.
Great Seal, power of, 51.

Greeley, Horace, on Dred Scott decision,
352; American Conflict, 353, 442.
Green, J. R., cited, 7, 22, 29, 59, 101,
104, 134, 197, 443.

Guaranty, of immunities of citizens,
257; of republican form of govern-
ment, 258; of public debt, 214, 259,
375; of equal protection of the laws,


[blocks in formation]

federation, 219; Works, 219, 269, 443;
on the Constitution, 267, 268.
Hare, J. I. C., cited, 319, 443.
Harper's Magazine, 339, 414, 443.
Hart, A. B., cited, 224, 280, 338, 386,
412, 443.

CHARTER, 1-5; William of Malmes-
bury on, 5; Roger of Wendover on, 6.
Hinsdale, B. A., cited, 241, 443.
Hitchcock, Henry, cited, 173, 443.
Hoar, G. F., cited, 240, 408, 443.
Holst, H. E. von, cited, 198, 223, 329,
354, 443.

Hosmer, J. K. cited, 38, 77, 109, 135,

House of Representatives, apportion-
ment, 245, 374; election to, 245-247;
qualifications, 245, 374; number in,
246; powers of, 246, 247, 248, 253,
264. See also Congress.
Howard's Reports, 340.
Hurd, J. C., cited, 278, 443.
Hurd, R. C., cited, 118, 443.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


AMES II., arraigned, 123; abdicated,
124, 129.
Jameson, J. A., cited, 174, 221, 443.
Jameson, J. F., 280, 443.

Jefferson, Thomas, on Declaration of In-
dependence, 192; Works, 192, 220,
273, 326, 443; on the Confederation,
219; on the Constitution, 272; on the
Monroe Doctrine, 325.

Jews, regulation of debts due, 12, 13.
John, MAGNA CHARTA, 9-25; prom-
ises restorations, 20, 21; enforcement
of Magna Charta on, 22.

Johnston, Alexander, cited, 367, 443.
Journal of First Congress, 155, 444;
legislative, 214, 248; Journals of Con
gress, 164, 228, 444.

Judges, commission, 139, 256; salaries,
139, 256; removal, 139; independence,
171, 172, 185.

Judicial power of the United States,

how vested, 256. See also Courts.
Jurors, qualifications, 51-52, 126; pen-
alty for false verdict, 53; treatment,
54; return, 126.

Jury, trial by, for embezzling a record,
51; in civil cases, 51, 168, 262; ad-
vantages of, 53; abuse, 124; right of
colonies to, 156, 185; in criminal cases,
168, 262, 897; in territories, 233; in
United States courts, 257, 262.- See
also Jurors.
Justiciaries, 14.

KEITH, SIR WILLIAM, on colonial

rights, 160; Taxing the British
Colonists, 161, 444.

[blocks in formation]

LAND, seizure for debt, 12; of felons,
16.- See also Property.

Laws, paramount, 18, 19, 68, 69, 71, 82,
168, 234; faithful execution of, 256;
Constitution the supreme, 259; due
process, 262, 374; not violated by
Missouri Compromise, 349; equal
protection guaranteed, 374.
Lay tenement, 15.

Lecky, W. E. H., cited, 199, 444.
Legislative power, how vested, in Com-
monwealth, 85, 94; in the United
States, 245. See also Congress,
Northwest Territory, Parliament.
Legislative punishments, forbidden, 82,
251, 252.


Lincoln, Abraham, PROCLAMATION

OF EMANCIPATION, 358-364; Com-
plete Works, 358, 362, 444; on Eman-
cipation Proclamation, 366, 367.
Livermore, George, cited, 197, 444.
Loans, forced, forbidden, 67; exacted,

Lodge, H. C., cited, 202, 416, 444.
London, aids, 13; ancient liberties, 13;
gives up charter, 143.

Long, J. D., on duty to dependencies,
399; Address before the Home Market
Club, 401, 444.

Lord Protector, chief magistrate, 85;
assisted by council, 85; writs in his
name, 85; powers, 86, 92, 94; succes-
sion, 95; Oliver Cromwell first, 95;
to take oath, 97.
Lowell, J. R., cited, 380, 444.
Luffman, J., cited, 132.

[blocks in formation]

McCall, S. W., cited, 370, 444.

LAND, text, 312-316; contemporary
exposition, 316-318; critical comment,

McKinley, William, ANNUAL MES-
SAGES, 388-397; on war with Spain,
388-391, 398; on relation with Cuba,
390-394; on duty to dependencies,
391, 394-399; Speech at the Home
Market Club, 399, 444.

Mackintosh, Sir James, cited, 28, 444.
McLaughlin, A. C., cited, 284, 384,

McMaster, J. B., cited, 337, 444.

Madison, James, on Monroe Doctrine,
326; Works, 327, 444.
MAGNA CHARTA, text, 9-25; contem-
porary exposition, 25-26; critical
comment, 27-33; enforcement, 22;
confirmed, 43; pleadable, 43: para-
mount law, 43; read in churches, 43;
penalty for breaking, 43; in Petition
of Right, 68, 69; claimed by colonists,
144, 147, 159.

Maletote of wools, released, 44.
Malmesbury, William of, 5, 444.
Manors, in king's demesne, rent of, 15.
Marque and reprisal, control of letters,
207, 209, 213, 250, 252.
Marriage, freedom, 2, 3.

Marshall, John, cited, 152, 444; deliv-
ers McCulloch vs. Maryland decision,

[blocks in formation]

Medley, D. J., cited, 113, 445.
Merchants, security and freedom of
transit, 18.

Merriman, R. B., Life of Thomas Crom-
well, 36, 445.

Message, the president's, 255.

Military service, abroad, 45, 81; im-
pressment of colonists, 186.

Militia, of Commonwealth, 82; a safe-

guard, 168, 208, 261; control of, 250.
Minot, G. R., on Washington's Farewell
Address, 308.

Missouri Compromise, unconstitutional,

345; and rights of property, 345, 349.
Money, regulation and coinage, 211,

213, 250, 252; power to borrow, 212,
213, 250; counterfeiting, 250.

MONROE DOCTRINE, text, 321-323;
contemporary exposition, 323-328;
critical comment, 329-339.
Morality and government, 298-299.
Morse, J. T., cited, 330, 370, 445.
Morte d'Ancestor, trial upon writ of, 14.
Mulford, Elisha, cited, 221, 445.

[blocks in formation]

Nicolay, J. G., and Hay, J., cited, 368,

Niles, Hezekiah, on McCulloch


Maryland, 316; Niles' Weekly Reg-
ister, 317, 318, 445.
Nobility, titles forbidden, 207, 252.
236; contemporary exposition 237-
238; critical comment, 238-243.
Northwest Territory, property in, 228;
government, 229-233; future state-
hood, 233, 235, 236; compact with,
233; bill of rights, 233; part of the
Confederation, 234; control of public
domain, 235; free waterways, 235;
slavery, 236.

Novel disseisin, trial upon writ of, 14.
Nugent, Lord, cited, 72.

OATH, of Lord Protector, 97; pre-

scribed by Parliament, 127; coro-
nation, 1, 130; of territorial officers,
232; of president, 254; to support the
Constitution, 259.

Officers, obedience to the laws, 19, 71;
responsible to the people, 167; posi-
tions not hereditary, 167; rotation,
167; legislators not eligible, 248, 253;
foreign favors, 252; appointment, 255;
commission, 256; impeachable, 256;
oath, 259; religious test, 259; disa-
bilities from Civil War, 374.
Olney, Richard, cited, 310, 334; on the
Philippines, 401; Growth of our For-
eign Policy, 402.

Otis, James, on colonial rights, 159;
Rights of the British Colonies, 160,


[blocks in formation]

PAINE, THOMAS, on Washington's

Farewell Address, 307.

Palgrave, Sir James, cited, 27, 445.
Pardon, to murderers, 4; power of Lord
Protector, 86, 93; not pleadable to
impeachment, 140, 255; presidential
power, 255.

Parliament of England, germ of, 13;
summons to, 34, 87-92; qualification
of members, 35, 90, 91, 139; powers
of, 35, 36, 81-84, 86, 92, 94-96, 125-
126; limitations, 81-84, 92; elections
to, 36, 80, 84, 87-92, 124-125; STAT-
UTE, 8 HENRY VI. CAP. 12, 49-51;
to dissolve, 79, 84; number of mem-
bers of, 80, 87; apportionment, 80, 87;
quorum, 80, 91; term, 81, 84, 86; ex-

tra, 81, 91-92; sessions, 79, 81, 86, 92,
126; adjournment, 86, 92; resistance
in arms to, 84; HABEAS CORPUS ACT,
115-117, 431-439; BILL OF RIGHTS,
122-132; arraigns James II, 123–124;
the Convention, 124; freedom of
speech in, 126; claims certain rights,
126; confers the crown, 126, 129;
fixes the succession, 127, 129-130;
prescribes oath of allegiance and su-
premacy, 127; anti-Papist accession
138-140; foreigners excluded from,
139; and colonies, 144-146, 158-163,
185; colonial representation in, 156,
160-161; colonial opinion of, 158; col-
onies petition, 164; arraigned, 185.
See also General Council.
Patents, laws for, 250.

Paterson, James, cited, 119, 445.
Peace and war, power, 86, 92, 208, 209,
213, 250, 252.

People, rights of, 4, 128; source of
power, 167, 183; responsibility to,
167; force independence, 191; re-
served power, 263, 294.
Personal liberty, security of, 17, 18, 70,
125, 168, 261-262, 374, 397; violated,
68-69, 123, 185.- See also Bail, Civil
Rights, Fines, Habeas Corpus, Jury,
Punishments, Petition.

Petition, right of, 125, 261; colonists
claim, 157.

PETITION OF RIGHT, text, 67-71; con-
temporary exposition, 72; critical
comment, 72-77.

Petty serjeanty, tenure, 17.
Philippines, ceded, 392; Congress re-
sponsible for government, 394, 395;
duty of United States, 394, 398-401;
future development, 395; education,
397; civil rights, 397; effect on for-
eign policy of United States, 401.
Pierce, E. L., cited, 369, 445.
Piracy, laws against, 209, 250.
Pitt, William, on reconciling the col-
onies, 163; Speech in the House of
Lords, 163.

Pleas of the crown, minor officials not
to hold, 15.

Political partisanship, dangers, 296.
Political Science Quarterly, 411, 445.
Pollock and Maitland, cited, 7, 32, 445.
Porto Rico, military government, 392;
civil government, 396; local self-gov-
ernment, 396; education, 397; civil
rights, 397.

Post-office, control, 212, 250.
Pownall, Thomas, on colonial rights,
147; Administration of the Colonies,
148, 445.

Præcipe, writ, forbidden, 17.
Præmunire, penalty incurred, 117.
Precedent, fear of illegal, 71, 126.
Prerogative, royal, 72, 125, 144.
President, veto, 249; term, 253; elec-
tion, 253, 263; qualifications, 254; re-
muneration, 254; succession, 254; oath,
254; duties and powers, 255-256; im-
peachment, 247, 256; war powers,


Preston, H. W., Documents, 166.
Privy Council, illegal use, 68; duties,

139; restriction on membership, 139.
Prize courts, control of, 209, 250.
text, 358-364; contemporary exposi-
tion, 364-367; critical comment, 367-
372; constitutional basis, 363, 364;
results, 364; call for, 365; Lincoln on,
366, 367.

Property, disposition of personal, 4, 16;
seizure for debt, 12; protection of, 16,
83, 166, 234, 261-262, 374; in North-
west territory, 228; in slaves, 345;
rights and Missouri Compromise, 345,

[blocks in formation]

on Declaration
of Independence, 191; American
Revolution, 191, 445.
Randolph, C. F., cited, 403, 445.
Ransome, Cyril, cited, 8, 32, 39, 112,
136, 141, 445.


Reconstruction amendments, 373-375;
contemporary exposition, 375-380;
critical comment, 380-387.
Records, legal, amendment, 49-50;
felony to embezzle, 51; power of
Great Seal, 51; of states, faith and
credit to, 206, 257.

Reddaway, W. F., cited, 337, 445.

[blocks in formation]


Religion, state, 83. 96; freedom, 83, 96,
169, 233, 259, 261; restrictions, 83, 84,
86; morality, government, and, 298.
Report on the Dignity of a Peer, 34.
Representation, right of, 79, 168, 184,
185, 233. See also Taxation.
Representative. Parliament, 80.
Republican government, guaranteed,
236, 258; military establishments hos-
tile to, 292; separation of powers, 297;
foreign influence on, 302. See also
Government, United States.
Requisition, of criminals, 206, 257; on
states, 209, 212.


Revenue, control of, under Common-
wealth, 93, 94; raised by prerogative,
125; control of bills in Congress, 248.
See also Benevolences, Taxation.
Rhodes, J. F., cited, 356, 446.
Richardson, J. D., Compilation of Mes-
sages, 321, 388, 446.

Roger of Wendover, on Henry I., 6;
Flowers of History, 6, 26, 447; on
Magna Charta, 25.


Roman Catholics, not to bear arms, 125;
excluded from the crown, 130.-
also Church, Religion.

Ropes, J. C., 446.


[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Sectionalism, dangers to the Union, 293.
Senate, elections, 246, 247; equal state
representation, 246; term, 246; organ-
ization, 246, 247; qualifications, 246,
374; presiding officer, 247; powers,
247, 248, 254, 255, 264. See also

Separation of powers, 81, 167, 171, 172,
207, 248, 297.

Services, lawful, 14; military, abroad,
45; public, regulation, 167.
Sewall, J. M., on Washington's Farewell
Address, 306.

Slavery, reference struck from Declara-
tion of Independence, 192; in terri-
tories, 236, 345; representation, 245;
fugitive slaves, 258, 360-361; under
the Constitution, 350; compensated

emancipation, 359, 361; slaves in rebel
states emancipated, 359-364; abol-
ished, 373. - See also Negroes, Slave

Slave trade, regulation, 251.
Smith, E. P., cited, 279.

Socage, tenure, 17.

Sovereignty, state and national, 205,
215, 259, 315, 317.

Spain, war with United States, 388-
391; peace, 392, 398.
Sparks, Jared, cited, 309.
Speaker, House to choose, 246.
Spence, George, cited, 56, 446.


Stamp Act, subverts rights of colonies,
156; burdensome, 157; Franklin on,
158. See also Colonies.
Stamp-Act Congress, DECLARATION

Standing army, of Commonwealth, 93;
illegal, 125; dangers, 169, 292; and
civil power, 84, 169, 185; kept in col-
onies, 185; forbidden, 208, 252.
States, advised to form governments,
171-173; residual powers in, 205, 263;
equal vote in Confederation, 207; in
Senate, 246, 259; limitation of powers,
207-208, 252, 314-315,374-375; militia,
208, 250; requisitions on, 209, 212;
disputes between, settlement under
Confederation, 210; new, 235-236, 258;
national protection of, 258; suits
against, 263; no control over federal
powers, 315; sovereignty, 205, 259,
315, 317; citizenship, 343, 373.
text, 49-51; contemporary exposition,
51-54; critical comment, 54-65.
Statutes at Large, 49, 446.
Statutes of the Realm, 2, 9, 43, 67, 115,
122, 138, 446.

Statutum de Tallagio non concedendo,
claimed, 67.


Sureties, when liable, 12.

TALLAGE, and representation, 67.
Taney, R. B., delivers Dred Scott
decision, 340; criticised, 350-352.
Tarbell, Ida M., cited, 371, 446.
Taswell-Langmead, J. P., cited, 31, 38,
46, 60, 103, 119, 134, 446.

Taxation, and representation, 44, 67, 86,
156, 159, 160, 162, 168, 185, 245; di-
rect, apportioned, 245, 251; control of,
249; necessary, 239.- -See also Aids.
Taylor, Hannis, cited, 47, 63, 75, 103,
121, 135, 446.

Territory, control of, 258; slavery in,
345, 349; why acquired, 348; as prop-
erty, 349.
See also Northwest Terri-

contemporary exposition, 375-380;
critical comment, 380-387.

Thomas, B. F., call for emancipation,

Thorpe, F. N., cited, 179, 283, 446.
Thwaites, R. G., cited, 153, 446.
Tonnage duties, control, 252.
Transportation of prisoners, forbidden,
117; a grievance of colonies, 185.
Treason, no pardon for, 86; high, to fail
to summon Parliament, 90; rights
of those accused of felony or, 116;
against the United States, 257.
Treaties, control, 207, 209, 252, 255; su-
preme law, 259. See also Foreign


Trial, by peers, 15, 18, 68, 168, 234;

rights of accused, 262. - See also Jury.
Tucker, G. F., cited, 333, 447.
Tucker, Dr. Josiah, on taxing colonies,
161; Letter from a Merchant, 161, 447.

NITED STATES, style, 183, 186,

Stevens, C. E., cited, 65, 136, 225, 281, UN 205, 245; declared independent,


Story, Joseph, cited, 197, 220, 274, 318,


Stubbs, William, Select Charters, 1,
67; cited, 7, 29, 38, 46, 446.
Suffrage, qualifications, 89-90, 167; in
the United States, 375. See also

contemporary exposition, 35-37; criti-
cal comment, 37-41.

Sumner, W. G., cited, 319, 404, 446.
Supreme Court, jurisdiction, 256;
to interpret Constitution, 313-316,

186-187; government by delegated
powers, 205, 263, 313: sovereignty,
215, 259, 315, 317; admission of new
states, 258; guaranty to states, 258;
value of the Union, 290-292; preser-
vation, 293-304; foreign policy, 300-
305, 322-328, 401; preservation of,
object of Civil War, 358; citizen-
ship, 373; disqualification for office,
374 suffrage, 375; war with Spain,
388-391, 392, 398; attitude and duty
to Cuba, 389-394; and the colonies,
394-401; problems, 399.-See also
Confederation, Congress, Constitution.

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