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attention of all concerned. The only benefit which can poffibly arise from the accomplishment of it, either to him, or to thofe who are officially connected with him, is the pleasure and fatisfaction which they would undoubtedly derive from obferving any of their fellow Chriftians acting a part fo worthy of their character, and thus contributing their joint endeavours to promote the common caufe of truth and righteoufnefs, by "holding the faith in unity of


fpirit, and in the bond of peace." Every other advantage, which might be produced by the propofed union of the Epifcopal perfuafion in this country would be entirely on the fide of those who are thus invited to embrace the propofal; as by that means a fupply would be provided for thofe evident defects which they have hitherto unavoidably laboured under, confidered as Epifcopal congregations. To eftablifh a right to that character, connection with a bishop has ever been regarded as effentially neceflary: And whatever idea we affix to that connection, whether as implying fubordination and dependence in the paftor, or the acknowledgment of that fpiritual authority, by which the flock has been committed to his charge, it is obvious that fome benefit is intended to each of them, and both paftor and people will have their fhare in the advantages arifing from this wife and falutary appointment.

When an apoftle left this general command with the church, that "all things fhould be done decently and in order," it was neceffarily understood,



that a power of direction and fuperintendence, fhould be lodged fomewhere, for the purpose of ob. ferving how far this command was attended to, or enforcing the obedience due to it. And every perfon acquainted with Epifcopal principles, muft know that the fcriptural word for bishop has a direct reference to that overfight or infpection, which has ever been confidered as one peculiar part of the Epifcopal office, and has been found by experience to be wifely and happily ordained for maintaining order and regularity in the church. By the clergy in particular, we might fuppofe, this appointment would be gladly accepted, as holding out a very powerful encouragement to the faithful discharge of their duty, under all the difficulties that may attend it.— This was an argument made ufe of by a writer, to whom we have already referred, as diflinguished by the title of the judicious Hooker, whofe words I cannot help quoting, as peculiarly applicable to my prefent purpose, being the words of one, who was not a bishop himself, but had a just sense of the manifold advantages of Epifcopal fuperintendence. "As for "thofe in the clergy," fays he, "whofe place and calling is lower, were it not that their eyes are


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blinded, left they fhould fee the thing that of all "others is for their good moft effectual, they might "fomewhat confider the benefit they would enjoy

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by having fuch an authority over them, as are of "the fame profeffion, fociety and body with them; "fuch as have trodden the fame fteps before; fuch


"as know by their own experience, the manifold "intolerable contempts and indignities, which faith"ful paftors, intermingled with the multitude, are "conftrained every day to fuffer, in the exercise of "their fpiritual charge and function, unless their fuperiors, taking their caufe even to heart, be, by a kind of fympathy, dr.wn to relieve and aid "them, in their virtuous proceedings, no less ef"fectually than loving parents their dear chil "dren."*

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But the maintenance of ecclefiaftical order and difcipline ought to be no lefs regarded by the laity than by the clergy, fince it is of equal importance to both, and highly conducive to the fupport of that mutual harmony and good will, which ought ever to fubfift between them. When it is known to both, that in cafe of any complaint, from either fide, of improper or undutiful behaviour on the other, there lies an appeal to the exercife of that Epifcopal authority, which " was given for edifi"cation, and not for deftruction," every cause of jealoufy is thereby removed, and no room left for fufpicion either of partiality in favour of the paftor, or disrespect to the people entrusted to his care. Inftead of being torn afunder by diftruft, or hurt by divifion, they will be firmly united, and built up together, as a part of that fpiritual houfe, which refts on the foundation of the apoftles and prophets,

+ Hooker's Ecclefiaftical Polity, book 7th.


Jefus Chrift himself being the chief corner ftone;" from whom is derived that spiritual authority, which by the apostle's account of it, "fitly frames toge"ther the feveral parts of this holy building," and thereby tends to edify, and not deftroy, what God has has fo wonderfully raised for us men, and for our falvation.

It is thus, that the first founders of the Christian church, acting by the immediate direction of the great Mafter-builder, declared the nature and defign of that ecclefiaftical authority which they received from Chrift, when-" as the Father had "fent him, even fo fent he them," with power to fend others, and fo to hand down the fame delegated privilege to their fucceffors, with which they themselves had been invefted, for the purposes both of ordination and difcipline. Hence it is evident, that if Epifcopal ordination be neceffary to the continuing the apoftolic fucceffion, there is the fame ground to believe, that the acknowledgment of Epifcopal authority in the fupport of order and difcipline, is no less requifite to the prefervation of peace, unity and concord in every found and regular part of the Christian church. If means have been thus appointed for preferving thefe invaluable bleffings, the regard, which is due to fuch a falutary appointment, cannot furely be confidered as a matter of indifference; nor ought any opportunity to be neglected, whereby the benefits of it may be restored to those who have felt the want, or are not fo fenfible as

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they fhould be of the lofs fuftained by their being deprived, of that wife and pious expedient, fo happily contrived for promoting and carrying on, what is truly, Chriftian edification.

. For this purpofe however there is another appointment fanctioned by apoftolic authority, the benefits of which are immediately derived from Epifcopal jurifdiction; and that is the facred rite of Confirmation; the administration of which is declared by the Church of England to be, "after the exam. . "ple of the holy apostles ;" and therefore, in her opinion, ought to be duly attended to, in all parts of the catholic, and apoftolic church. It is one of the first things that we find recorded in the history of the apoftles, after the church was duly formed at Jerufalem, that while they refided there, as a collegiate body, confulting together, and adopting the beft means, for the propagation of the faith; having "heard that Samaria had received the word of "God," and that fome of the people of that place had been converted and baptized by Philip the deacon and evangelift, "they fent unto them Peter and

John, who, when they were come down, prayed "for them, that they might receive the Holy

Ghoft; (for as yet he was fallen upon none of "them, only they were baptized in the name of "the Lord Jefus)-then laid they their hands on them, and they received the Holy Ghost." From


+ As, viii. 14-18.

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