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for that effect) Bishop Falconar, Bishop Rait, and Bishop Alexander. He was appointed bishop of Aberdeen, and

died in October, 1767.

JUNE 24, 1762. Mr. ROBERT FOREES, prefbyter in Leith, was confecrated at Forfar by Bifhop Falconar, Primus, Bishop Alexander, and Bishop Gerard. He was appointed bishop of Rofs and Caithness, and died in 1776.

SEPTEMBER 21, 1768. Mr. ROBERT KILGOUR, prefbyter in Peterhead, was confecrated at Cupar in Fife by Bishop Falconar, Primus, Bishop Rait, and Bishop Alexander. He was appointed bithop of Aberdeen, fucceeded Bishop Falconar as Primus, in 1784, and died March 22, 1790.

AUGUST 24, 1774. Mr. CHARLES ROSE, prefbyter at Down, was confecrated at Forfar, by Bifhop Falconar, Primus, Bishop Rait, and Bifhop Forbes. He was first appointed bishop of Dunblane, afterwards of Dunkeld, and died in Apri, 1791.

JUNE 27, 1776. Mr ARTHUR PETRIE, prefbyter at Micklefolla in Fyvie, was confecrated at Dundee, by Bifhop Falconar, Primus, Bishop Rait, Bifhop Kilgour, and Bishop Rofe. He was first appointed co-adjutor to Bishop Falconar, whom he afterwards fucceeded as bifhop of Moray, and died April 19. 1787.

SEPTEMBER 25, 1782. Mr. JOHN SKINNER, prefbyter in Aberdeen, was confecrated in the chapel at Luthermuir, by Bishop Kilgour, Primus, Bishop Rofe and


Bishop Petrie. He was appointed co-adjutor to Bishop Kilgour, on whose refignation, he fucceeded to the charge of the diocese of Aberdeen in October 1786, and was elected Primus in December 1788.

MARCH 7, 1787. Mr. ANDREW MACFARLANE, prefbyter in Invernefs, was confecrated at Peterhead, by Bishop Kilgour, Primus, Bishop Petrie, and Bishop Skinner. He was appointed co-adjutor to Bishop Petrie, whom he fucceeded foon after, as bishop of Rofs and Moray.

SEPTEMBER 26, 1787. Dr. WILLIAM ABERNETHY DRUMMOND, one of the prefbyters of Edinburgh, and Mr. JOHN STRACHAN, prefbyter in Dundee, were confecrated at Peterhead, by Bishop Kilgour, Primus, Bishop Skinner, and Bishop Macfarlane. Bishop Abernethy Drummond was first appointed bishop of Brechin, afterwards of Edinburgh, which having also refigned, he is now bishop of Glasgow. Bishop Strachan fucceeded him as bishop of Brechin.

SEPTEMBER 20. 1792. Mr. JONATHAN WATSON, prefbyter at Laurence-kirk, was confecrated at Stonehaven, by Bishop Skinner, Primus, Bifhop Macfarlane, Bishop Abernethy Drummond, and Bishop Strachan. He was appointed bishop of Dunkeld, that diocese being vacant by the death of Bishop Rofe.

JUNE 24, 1796. Mr. ALEXANDER JOLLY, presbyter at Fraserburgh, was confecrated at Dundee, by Bifhop Abernethy Drummond, Bifhop Macfarlane, and Bishop Strachan. He was appointed co-adjutor to Bishop Mac


farlane, on whofe refignation, he fucceeded foon after to the charge of the diocefe of Moray.†

Though the districts, into which the Scotch bishops have divided their church, are not exactly according to the limits of the diocefes under the legal establishment of Epifcopacy, yet they ftill retain the names, by which they were of old diftinguished, with the exception of Fife, instead of St. Andrews. Every diocesan bishop has his distinct charge, and without affuming any other local jurisdiction than what was acknowledged in the primitive church for the first three centuries, may as properly be denominated bishop of the place or charge affigned to him, as St. James has always been called bishop of Jerufalem, Ignatius, bishop of Antioch, or Cyprian, bishop of Carthage. On this footing the Epifcopal college in Scotland consists at present of the following members :—

Mr. JOHN SKINNER, bishop of Aberdeen, and Primus.
Mr. ANDREW MACFARLANE, bishop of Ross.
Dr. ABERNETHY DRUMMOND, bifhop of Glasgow.

Mr. JOHN STRACHAN, bishop of Brechin.

Mr. JONATHAN WATSON, bishop of Dunkeld.

Mr. ALEXANDER JOLLY, bishop of Moray.

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A few more presbyters have been consecrated bishops in Scotland, fince the Revolution; but as they had no hand in carrying on the Epifcopal fucceffion, it was thought unnecessary, in making out this lift, to mention their confecrations.


No. II.

THE Letters of Confecration granted to Bishop Sage in 1705, and referred to in page 390 of this work, are thus expreffed:

"Apud Edinburgum, die vicefimo quinto menfis Janu"arii, anno ab incarnato Domino, et Servatore noftro, "millefimo, feptingentefimo quinto.

NOS-Joannes, providentia divina, Archiepifcopus Glafcuenfis, Alexander, miferatione divina, Epifcopus Edinburgenfis, et Robertus, miferatione divina, Epifcopus Dunblanenfis, in timore Domini ponderantes plerofque fratrum noftrorum cariffimorum, et in collegio Epifcopali collegarum (hoc nupere elapfo, et ecclefiæ noftræ luctuofo curriculo) in Domino obdormiiffe, nofque perpaucos qui divina mifericordia fuperftites fumus, multiplicibus curis, morbis, atque ingravefcente fenio tantum non confectos effe: Quapropter ex eo quod Deo fupremo, Servatori noftro, facrofanctæ ejus ecclefiæ, et pofteris debemus, in animum induximus, officium, caracterem, et facultatem Epifcopalem, aliis probis, fidelibus, ad docendum et regendum idoneis hominibus committere; inter quos quum nobis ex propria fcientia conftet, reverendum noftrum fratrem Joannem Sage, artium magiftrum, et presbyterum Glafcuenfum tanto muneri, aptum et idoneum effe; nos

igitur divini numinis præfidio freti, fecundum gratiam nobis conceffam, die, menfe, anno fuprafcriptis, in facrario Domus archiepifcopi Glafcuenfis, fupradictum Joannem Sage, ordinavimus, confecravimus, et in noftrum Epifcopale collegium co-optavimus. In cujus rei teftimonium,

Sigilla Joannis Archiepifcopi Glafcuenfis, et Alexandri Epifcopi Edinburgenfis, (fedis Sancti Andreæ nunc vacantis vicarii) huic inftrumento (chirographis noftris prius munito) appendi mandavimus.

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Loc. Sigil. Epifcop. Edinb.) (Loc. Sigil. Archiepis. Glas.)

In fome of the fubfequent deeds or inftruments of confecration, we find a still more direct reference to the prefervation of the Epifcopal fucceffion. They are expressed in the following terms

NOS—&c.—Afflictiffimæ hujus, cui nos Deus præpofuit, ecclefiæ Scoticanæ concordiæ, paci, unitati atque ordini qua licet et quantum in tantis et talibus anguftiis poffumus confulentes, dilectiffimo in Chrifto fratri ——— — prefbytero, et pastore de , quem hodie in collegium noftrum Epifcopale confecrando co-optavimus, ejufdem ecclefiæ Scoticanæ portionem, quæ in provincia ceu ditione Deo militat, fpecialem commendamus, ejufque curæ Epifcopali, ufque quo clementior Deus ecclefiæ fuæ,' fui Chrifti fponfæ in hoc terrarum angulo-heu quantum laboranti benignius profpexerit: Hoc etiam unum ardentiffimis adjicientes votis, ut in Domino confifus, nullifque perfecutionum procellis territus, prædictus frater, ne

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