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Brett-Dr.-his Divine right of Epifcopacy-quoted, 169.

Burn's Ecclefiaftical Law quoted-310.

Butler's Analogy, &c. quoted, 105.


Cain's facrifice-why rejected-36, 37.
Calvin-quoted on Timothy's ordination, 182.
quoted as favourable to Epifcopacy, 330.

Campbell-Dr.-his Lectures on ecclefiaftical History, 104.447.
for what purpose these lectures were publish-

ed, 451.

of it, 108.

the prefs, 135.

Lectures, 138.

land, 149, 166.

ment, 150.

covenant, 153.

his opinion of church government, 107.
and of the difficulty of afcertaining the form

his feverity againft prieftly pride, 134.
his lectures faid to be prepared by himself for

his Differtation on Miracles quoted, 136.
his account of the plan and purpose of his

his mifreprefentation of the Church of Eng-

his reference to the teft as a coarfe imple-

his opinion respecting the terms of the gospel

his account of Philip the deacon, 156.
his popular claim receives no countenance

from the converfion of Cornelius, 158.

his account of the office of evangelifts, 188.
his defcription of the apoftolic character,

189, 191, 193, 195, 196.


his account of the angels of the feven churches,

his opinion of the teftimony of the fathers, 210.

3 Y

Campbell-Dr.-his mifreprefentation of Clemens Romanus,
212, 216.

222. 227.

243. 248.

his objections to the epistles of Ignatius,

his defcription of parochial Epifcopacy, 240.

his account of church unity, 257. 259.
his Tranflation of the Gofpels quoted, 259.
his parochial Epifcopacy incompatible with

[blocks in formation]

his opinion refpecting the rife of Epifcopal
fuperiority, 306.

his diftinction between parochial and diocefan

Epifcopacy, 309.

354. 356.

his reflection on the Scotch Epifcopalians,

his opinion of ordination, as an appointment
to a particular charge, 356, 357. 360.

his attack on the orders of the Scotch Epif-

copal church, 365. 369.

he allows the nonjurors to have a fort of pref-

byterian ordination, 402.

felf, 409-413.

his abfurd reasoning on that subject, 403, 4c6.
his argumentum ad hominem retorted on him-

his character and difpofition, 448.

his account of Gibbon's Hiftory, &c. 452.
Chalcedon-general council-referred to by Dr. Campbell,



Chalcedon-general council-the purpose for which it was

held, 374-

Charifma or gift-in Timothy-what? 362.

Charity-truly Chriftian-defcribed, 445-

Cherubim-myftical figures, 33.

Christianity-to be embraced as reprefented in Scripture, 28.

the accomplishment of God's eternal purpose, 29.

Church-Effay on it by Jones-quoted, 8. 128. 470.
mistakes with regard to it, 7. 21. 140.

how reprefented in fcripture, 22. 24. 437-440.
particular persons fet apart for its fervice, 118.

its form of government fufficiently afcertained, 132."
unity of it, 455. 459.

Claim of right-fet up at the Revolution, 173, 352.
Clemens Romanus-his firft Epiftle to the Corinthians quoted,


his allufion to the Jewish, in defcribing the

Chriftian miniftry, 213.

Clement of Alexandria mifreprefented by Dr. Campbell, 238.
quoted in favour of Epifcopacy, 239.
Clerc― Mr. Le-quoted for and against Epifcopacy, 333, 334.
his argument againft it-dangerous to Chrif

tianity, 335, 337.

Clergy and laity-the diftinction oppofed by Dr. Campbell,

Collation of communion offices printed at London in 1792, 482.
College of bishops in Scotland- duly confecrated, 387, 389.
Colluthus-a prefbyter, cenfured for pretending to ordain, 274.
Communion office-Scotch, 481.

vindicated by Mr. Daubeny, 485.

Confirmation-an apoftolic ordinance, 502-504.

its importance duly enforced by the Church of

England, 505-508.

Effay on it by Mr. Jones, 505.

benefits to be derived from it, 510-512.



Congregation ufed instead of church, 169.

Congregational authority-fupported by Dr. Campbell, 142. not fupported by St. Paul, 147.

Cornelius-his converfion, 157.

Cumberland-Richard-quoted, 75.

Cyprian-mifreprefented by Dr. Campbell, 145. 260. 277. 278. defcribes admirably the unity of the Epifcopate, 261.

fupports the authority of bishops, 279-285.

his account of the Epifcopal college, 363.


Daubeny-Rev. Charles-his juft account of facrifice, 59.


Church quoted, 299.

his Guide to the Church quoted, 120 his Preliminary Difcourfe quoted,

the Appendix of his Guide to the

his Eight Difcourses quoted, 417. his opinion of fuch nonjurors as

Dodwell and Hickes, Leflie and Law, 419.

on office, 486.

his defence of the Scotch communi

Deacons-fet thirdly in the church, 126.
Diocefan Epifcopacy of Scotland, 395.
Difciples-feventy-how employed, 121.

Divine right-claimed by prefbyterians as well as Epifcopali

ans, 177.

Divifions among

Chriftians-hurtful to Christianity, 6. 491. Dodwell unfairly attacked by Dr. Campbell, 407, 414. 431. Dodwellians-an epithet ufed by Anderfon and Dr. Campbell, 415.


Economy of grace-not to be altered, 15.

Ellis-Dr.-his Knowledge of Divine Things, &c. recommend-

ed, 72.

England-Church of-mifrepresented by Dr. Campbell, 149. 166.

her ordination offices quoted, 379.

her conftitution well defended, 470.

her jurifdiction confined to the provinces

of Canterbury and York, 487.

Enquiry into the Confiitution, c. of the primitive Church, 241.
followed by Dr. Campbell, 243,

244. 254.

Enthufiafm-the folly and danger of it, 20.

Enthufiafis-boaft of the affurance of faith, 16.

Epifcopacy-origin of it not founded on names but things, 179.

years, 346.


primitive-how defcribed by Dr. Campbell, 305.

was never a new thing in the church, 320. 321.
the only form of church government for 1500

neceffary to ecclefiaftical unity, 468.

abolished by the parliament of Scotland in 1689,

Epifcopal-reformed church of Scotland mifreprefented by Dr.
Campbell, 173.

government of the church of Scotland agreeable to

the word of God, 175.

Epifcopal fuperiority-how accounted for by Dr. Campbell,
313. 317.

Epifcopal character-how expofed to perfecution, 341.
Epifcopal fucceffion-regularity of it, eafily proved, 324.
no reason to believe, that it has failed,

325. 328.

how carried on in England, 348.

how tranfmitted to Scotland, 349.

how continued in Scotland, 353.

Epifcopal churches of England and Scotland ought to be unit

ed, 471. 473.


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