The Dramatic Writings of Will. Shakespeare. With Introductory Prefaces to Each Play. Printed Complete from the Best Editions. ...R. Morison Junr., 1798 - Всего страниц: 420 |
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Стр. 8
... gentle Brutus : Were I a common laugher , or did ufe To ftale with ordinary oaths my love To every new protester ; if you know That I do fawn on men , and hug them hard , And after fcandal them ; or if you know That I profefs myself in ...
... gentle Brutus : Were I a common laugher , or did ufe To ftale with ordinary oaths my love To every new protester ; if you know That I do fawn on men , and hug them hard , And after fcandal them ; or if you know That I profefs myself in ...
Стр. 13
... gentle Cafca . and , Cafca . I can as well be hang'd , as tell the manner of it : it was mere foolery , or I did not mark it . I faw Mark Antony offer him a crown ; --yet ' twas not a crown neither , ' twas one of these coronets ; as I ...
... gentle Cafca . and , Cafca . I can as well be hang'd , as tell the manner of it : it was mere foolery , or I did not mark it . I faw Mark Antony offer him a crown ; --yet ' twas not a crown neither , ' twas one of these coronets ; as I ...
Стр. 27
... gentle friends , Let's kill him boldly , but not wrathfully ; Let's carve him as a dish fit for the gods , Not hew him as a carcafe fit for hounds : And let our hearts , as fubtle masters do , Stir up their servants to an act of rage ...
... gentle friends , Let's kill him boldly , but not wrathfully ; Let's carve him as a dish fit for the gods , Not hew him as a carcafe fit for hounds : And let our hearts , as fubtle masters do , Stir up their servants to an act of rage ...
Стр. 30
... gentle Portia . Por . I should not need , if you were gentle Brutus . Within the bond of marriage , tell me , Brutus , Is it excepted , I should know no fecrets That Is 30 Aa II . JULIUS CÆSAR . Fearing to ftrengthen that impatience, ...
... gentle Portia . Por . I should not need , if you were gentle Brutus . Within the bond of marriage , tell me , Brutus , Is it excepted , I should know no fecrets That Is 30 Aa II . JULIUS CÆSAR . Fearing to ftrengthen that impatience, ...
Стр. 48
... gentle with these butchers ! Thou art the ruins of the noblest man , That ever lived in the tide of times . Woe to the hand that shed this costly blood ! Over thy wounds now do I prophefy , - Which , like dumb mouths do ope their ruby ...
... gentle with these butchers ! Thou art the ruins of the noblest man , That ever lived in the tide of times . Woe to the hand that shed this costly blood ! Over thy wounds now do I prophefy , - Which , like dumb mouths do ope their ruby ...
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Ægypt afide anſwer beſt Biron blood Brutus Cæfar CÆSAR Cafca Caffius Cath cauſe Char Charmian Cleo Cleopatra Coft death defire Demetrius doth elfe ENOBARBUS Enter ANTONY Eros Exeunt Exit eyes faid fair fairy fear firſt fleep foldier fome fpeak friends fuch fweet fword gentle give gods grace hand hath hear heart Hermia honour houſe Iras King lady Lepidus look lord LUCILIUS Lyfander madam Mark Antony maſter Moft moon moſt Moth muſt myſelf never night noble Octavius pleaſe pleaſure Pleb Pompey praiſe pray preſent Puck purpoſe Pyramus queen Quin Re-enter reafon Rome ſay SCENE ſhall ſhe ſhew ſhould ſome ſpeak ſpirit ſport ſtand ſtay ſtill ſtrange ſtudy ſuch ſweet tell thee theſe thine thing thoſe thou art Titania Titinius tongue whoſe word