The Manchester almanack1873 |
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Стр. 4
... Henry , John Snowdon , Esq . ( C. ) , Kirouchtree , Newton Stewart , N.B. Cross , Richard Assheton , Esq . ( C. ) , Eccle Riggs , Broughton - in- Furness . Turner , Charles , Esq . ( C. ) , Dingle Head , Liverpool . BOROUGHS . Ashton ...
... Henry , John Snowdon , Esq . ( C. ) , Kirouchtree , Newton Stewart , N.B. Cross , Richard Assheton , Esq . ( C. ) , Eccle Riggs , Broughton - in- Furness . Turner , Charles , Esq . ( C. ) , Dingle Head , Liverpool . BOROUGHS . Ashton ...
Стр. 5
... Henry Thompson , and on the following Monday he submitted to a second , under the influence of chloro- form . A third had been projected for Thursday , the 9th of January , and in the morning early the state of the Ex - Emperor , who ...
... Henry Thompson , and on the following Monday he submitted to a second , under the influence of chloro- form . A third had been projected for Thursday , the 9th of January , and in the morning early the state of the Ex - Emperor , who ...
Стр. 5
... Henry Patteson . 1 Joseph Lamb 3 Abel Heywood 4 Matthew Curtis Yrs to No. of Yrs to No. of Yrs . to Serve . Ward . Serve . Ward . Serve . 2 6 James Bake 5 11 Benjamin Nicholls 2 5 7 John Grave 2 12 William Booth 2 2 Matthew Brougham 2 8 ...
... Henry Patteson . 1 Joseph Lamb 3 Abel Heywood 4 Matthew Curtis Yrs to No. of Yrs to No. of Yrs . to Serve . Ward . Serve . Ward . Serve . 2 6 James Bake 5 11 Benjamin Nicholls 2 5 7 John Grave 2 12 William Booth 2 2 Matthew Brougham 2 8 ...
Стр. 6
... Henry Whalley . 5. CRESCENT WARD . Frederick William Dawson . Burgesses James Dearden . James Whittaker . 9.-ST. JOHN'S WARD . Burgesses..863 . Laurence Horrocks . Thomas Hartshorne Jenkins . William Lee . 1807 . John Lowcock . James ...
... Henry Whalley . 5. CRESCENT WARD . Frederick William Dawson . Burgesses James Dearden . James Whittaker . 9.-ST. JOHN'S WARD . Burgesses..863 . Laurence Horrocks . Thomas Hartshorne Jenkins . William Lee . 1807 . John Lowcock . James ...
Стр. 10
... Henry , Earl of Lancaster , grandfather of Henry IV . R. 6 34 7 29 s . 5 51 8 21 92 Sunday in Kent . R. 6 30 9 10 10 M Prince of Wales married , 1863 . S. 5 54 9 58 12 W II Tu The memorable eruption of Mount Etna began about sunset of ...
... Henry , Earl of Lancaster , grandfather of Henry IV . R. 6 34 7 29 s . 5 51 8 21 92 Sunday in Kent . R. 6 30 9 10 10 M Prince of Wales married , 1863 . S. 5 54 9 58 12 W II Tu The memorable eruption of Mount Etna began about sunset of ...
Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
31 Days Ashton-under-Lyne ASSASSINATION autumn BALMORAL CASTLE beans beautiful Book Packet born BUCKINGHAM BUCKINGHAM PALACE Burgesses cabbages CAMDEN PLACE cauliflower ceeding character Charles Chemists Chlorate of Potassa Citizens Crown died diseases early Easter Eclipse Emperor Epiphany ETON COLLEGE CHAPEL exceeding flowers French friends Full Moon GARDENING George Hall Hall's Chlorate Hall's Potassa Henry herbaceous James John Joseph Joseph Lamb King labour Last Quar last week letter lettuce London Lord Lord Mayo Louis Louis Napoleon Bonaparte Manchester mazagan medicine mind month MOON'S CHANGES morn Napoleon Napoleon III NOOW SOUTHS onions PALACE Paris patent Paul's peas Plant Post postage Prim Prince of Wales pruning Queen Victoria racter Richard RISES AND SETS Royal Residences Sandringham SANDRINGHAM HOUSE Scotland sea-kale Sir Edward Borough small salads spinach stamp SUN RISES Sunday after Trinity things Thomas thou tion trees truth turnips WARD William WILLIAM BOOTH
Популярные отрывки
Стр. 3 - LIKE to the falling of a star, Or as the flights of eagles are, Or like the fresh spring's gaudy hue, Or silver drops of morning dew, Or like a wind that chafes the flood, Or bubbles which on water stood : Even such is man, whose borrowed light Is straight called in and paid to-night.
Стр. 6 - The real price of every thing, what every thing really costs to the man who wants to acquire it, is the toil and trouble of acquiring it.
Стр. 7 - Look not mournfully into the Past. It comes not back again. Wisely improve the Present. It is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy Future, without fear, and with a manly heart.
Стр. 12 - Therefore be sure you look to that. And, in the next place, look to your health: and if you have it, praise God, and value it next to a good conscience; for health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of; a blessing that money cannot buy; and therefore value it, and be thankful for it.
Стр. 12 - Better to hunt in fields for health unbought Than fee the doctor for a nauseous draught. The wise for cure on exercise depend ; God never made his work for man to mend.
Стр. 4 - Much beautiful, and excellent, and fair Was seen beneath the sun ; but nought was seen More beautiful, or excellent, or fair, Than face of faithful friend, fairest when seen In darkest day ; and many sounds were sweet, Most ravishing, and pleasant to the ear ; But sweeter none than voice of faithful friend, Sweet always, sweetest, heard in loudest storm.
Стр. 8 - Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back. It loves everything near it, when it is a right kind of child — would...
Стр. 2 - There are fundamental truths that lie at the bottom, the basis upon which a great many others rest, and in which they have their consistency. These are teeming truths, rich in store, with which they furnish the mind, and, like the lights of heaven, are •not only beautiful and entertaining in themselves, but give light and evidence to other things, that without them could not be seen or known.
Стр. 7 - Certainly, it is heaven upon earth to have a man's mind move in charity, rest in providence, and turn upon the poles of truth.
Стр. 6 - Economy is a distributive virtue, and consists not in saving, but in selection. Parsimony requires no providence, no sagacity, no powers of combination, no comparison, no judgment.