The Expediency, Prediction, and Accomplishment of the Christian Redemption: Illustrated, in Eight Sermons, Preached Before the University of Oxford, in the Year MDCCXCIV, at the Lecture Founded by the Late Rev. John BamptonJ. Cooke, 1794 - Всего страниц: 276 |
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The Expediency, Prediction, and Accomplishment of the Christian Redemption ... Thomas Wintle Недоступно для просмотра - 2018 |
The Expediency, Prediction, and Accomplishment of the Christian Redemption ... Thomas Wintle Недоступно для просмотра - 2016 |
The Expediency, Prediction, and Accomplishment of the Christian Redemption ... Thomas Wintle Недоступно для просмотра - 2019 |
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againſt alſo appear aſſiſt atonement Balaam becauſe beſt bleſſed cauſe Chriſt Chriſtian circumſtance conſequence courſe covenant death defire deliverance deſign Diſcourſe diſcover diſplayed divine earth eſpecially eſtabliſh eternal exerciſe expreſſion facrifice faith farther favour firſt fome foul fuch fuffer glory God's grace hath himſelf holy houſe Ifrael illuſtration inſtances inſtitution inſtruct intereſt intimated itſelf JEHOVAH Jerufalem Jeſus Jews John juſt King laſt leſs Lord manifeſted mankind meaſure Meffiah mercy mind Mofes moſt muſt nature neceſſary obſerves Old Testament ourſelves paſſage peace perſon Pfal Pfalm predictions preſent promiſed prophecy prophet propoſed purpoſes reaſon redemption religion reſpect righteouſneſs ſalvation ſame Saviour ſays ſcheme ſecond ſee ſeems ſenſe ſeveral ſhall ſhould ſome ſpeaks ſpirit ſpoken ſtate ſtill ſtrength ſtrong ſubject ſuch ſufficient ſuggeſted ſupport Temple Testament themſelves theſe things thoſe tion Tranſlation truth underſtandings univerſal unto uſe verſe verſions whoſe word
Популярные отрывки
Стр. xix - Sermons shall be preached upon either of the following subjects, — to confirm and establish the Christian Faith, and to confute all heretics and schismatics — upon the divine authority of the Holy Scriptures — upon the authority of the writings of the Primitive Fathers, as to the faith and practice of the Primitive Church — upon the Divinity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ — upon the Divinity of the Holy Ghost — upon the Articles of the Christian Faith, as comprehended in the Apostles
Стр. xix - Sermons shall be always printed, within two months after they are preached; and one copy shall be given to the Chancellor of the University, and one copy to the Head of every College, and one copy to the Mayor of the city of Oxford, and one...
Стр. 50 - Oh that my words were now written! oh that they were printed in a book! That they were graven with an iron pen and lead in the rock for ever!
Стр. xix - University, and one copy to the head of every College, and one copy to the Mayor of the City of Oxford, and one copy to be put into the Bodleian Library ; and the...
Стр. 183 - He saved others ; Himself He cannot save. If He be the King of Israel, let Him now come down from the cross, and we will believe Him. He trusted in God ; let Him deliver Him now, if He will have Him : for He said, I am the Son of God.
Стр. xviii - Heads of Colleges only, and by no others, in the room adjoining to the Printing-House, between the hours of ten in the morning and two in the afternoon, to preach eight Divinity Lecture Sermons, the year following, at St.
Стр. 21 - Now, behold, thou trustest upon the staff of this bruised reed, even upon Egypt, on which if a man lean, it will go into his hand, and pierce it: so is Pharaoh king of Egypt unto all that trust on him.
Стр. 24 - Cursed is every one which continueth not in all things that are •written in the book of the law, to do them.
Стр. vi - The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the...
Стр. 23 - God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened, Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. And changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things.