The Life and Public Services of Hon. Abraham Lincoln: With a Portrait on Steel. To which is Added a Biographical Sketch of Hon. Hannibal HamlinDerby & Jackson, 1860 - Всего страниц: 354 |
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Abraham Lincoln affirmed argument believe called canvass Chicago citizens Coles county compromise Congress Convention course of ultimate decided Democratic District Douglas's Dred Scott decision election equal exclude slavery existence expressed fact favor federal territories friends give House Illinois improvements Indiana institution of slavery Judge Douglas Kentucky labor Lecompton constitution legislation Legislature Lincoln voted matter ment Mexico Missouri Missouri Compromise nation Nebraska bill negro never New-York nomination Ohio opinion opposed ordinance of 87 passed platform political popular sovereignty President principle proposition public mind purpose regard Republican party resolutions river Sangamon river Senate sentiment Seward slave slave-trade slavery question Speaker speech Springfield stand suppose Supreme Court tell Texas thing tion true Trumbull truth ultimate extinction understand Union United United States Senate Whig whole wrong
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Стр. 153 - We are now far into the fifth year since a policy was initiated with the avowed object and confident promise of putting an end to slavery agitation. Under the operation of that policy, that agitation has not only not ceased but has constantly augmented. In my opinion, it will not cease until a crisis shall have been reached and passed. "A house divided against itself cannot stand.
Стр. 122 - That the maintenance inviolate of the rights of the States, and especially the right of each State to order and control its own domestic institutions according to its own judgment exclusively...
Стр. 221 - I hold that notwithstanding all this there is no reason in the world why the negro is not entitled to all the natural rights enumerated in the Declaration of Independence, — the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I hold that he is as much entitled to these as the white man.
Стр. 190 - I do not expect the house to fall, but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing, or all the other. Either the opponents of slavery will arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in the course of ultimate extinction; or its advocates will push it forward till it shall become alike lawful in all the States, old as well as new, North as well as South.
Стр. 92 - I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so; and I have no inclination to do so.
Стр. 234 - This they said and this they meant. They did not mean to assert the obvious untruth, that all were then actually enjoying that equality, nor yet that they were about to confer it immediately upon them. In fact, they had no power to confer such a boon. They meant simply to declare the right, so that the enforcement of it might follow as fast as circumstances should permit.
Стр. 158 - James, for instance, — and when we see these timbers joined together, and see they exactly make the frame of a house or a mill, all the tenons and mortices exactly fitting, and all the lengths and proportions of the different pieces exactly adapted to their respective places, and not a piece too many or too few, not omitting even...
Стр. 221 - But in the right to eat the bread, without the leave of anybody else, which his own hand earns, he is my equal and the equal of Judge Douglas, and the equal of every living man.
Стр. 309 - King showed that, in his understanding, no line dividing local from federal authority, nor anything in the Constitution, was violated by Congress prohibiting slavery in federal territory; while Mr.
Стр. 315 - Government under which we live, understood this question just as well, and even better, than we do now," speak as they spoke, and act as they acted upon it. This is all Republicans ask— all Republicans desire— in relation to slavery. As those fathers marked it, so let it be again marked, as an evil not to be extended, but to be tolerated and protected only because of and so far as its actual presence among us makes that toleration and protection a necessity. Let all the guaranties those fathers...