The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Том 6

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John West and O.C. Greenleaf, 1813

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Стр. 316 - Sir, the Nabob having determined to inflict corporal punishment upon the prisoners under your guard, this is to desire that his officers, when they shall come, may have free access to the prisoners, and be permitted to do with them as they shall see proper.
Стр. 336 - I hope I shall not depart from the simplicity of official language, in saying, that the majesty of justice ought to be approached with solicitation, not descend to provoke or invite it, much less to debase itself by the suggestion of wrongs and the promise of redress, with the denunciation of punishment before trial, and even before accusation.
Стр. 569 - An act for establishing certain regulations for the better management of the affairs of the East India Company, as well in India as in Europe...
Стр. 162 - Orissa, and to report the same, as it shall appear to them, to the House...
Стр. 597 - Vizier, he be permitted, when time shall suit, to resume his lands, and pay him in money, through the Resident, the amount stipulated by treaty, after deducting the amount and charges of the troops he stands engaged to furnish by treaty ; which amount shall be passed to the account of the Company during the continuance of the present war.
Стр. 327 - I wish you had been present at the enlargement of the prisoners. The quivering lips, with the tears of joy stealing down the poor men's cheeks, was a scene truly affecting. LXVIII. " If the prayers of these poor men will avail, you will, at the LAST TEUMP ! be translated to the happiest regions in heaven.

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