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ability; and now that he is gone, I feel that I cannot better contribute to the fulfilment of his patriotic intention than by inviting the consideration of political students in this Dominion to the governmental institutions of the mother country, as described in these volumes, which claim to present fuller information upon that subject than is obtainable elsewhere.

For the same reason, I venture to hope that my work may be of service to public men in England, inasmuch as, whatever may be its defects or omissions, it is the first attempt that has been ever made to collect and embody, in a systematic form, the laws, usages, and traditions of parliamentary government.


February 1869.


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Committees of the Privy Council under the Stuart Kings

Unpopularity of Government by a Cabinet

Cromwell's method of Government

The Cabinet under Charles II.

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Sir W. Temple's plan for remodelling the Privy Council

The King's Council under James II.


Constitutional Government secured by the Revolution of 1688
Condition of the House of Commons at this period
Formation of the first Parliamentary Ministry

Notices of the presence of Ministers, and other placemen, in the
Tudor and Stuart Parliaments

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Attempts to exclude all placemen from the House of Commons,
before the Revolution

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Early resort to nomination boroughs' to secure seats for Ministers
Benefits derived from their use

Advantages resulting from the presence of Ministers in Parliament
And the exclusion therefrom of other officials

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II. The later history, and present organisation of the Cabinet

(1) Development of the rule requiring unanimity therein.

Coup d'état of the Whigs to thwart the designs of Bolingbroke 104

Divisions in the Cabinet after Queen Anne's death.
Ulimate establishment, in 1812, of the principal of unity, and
of joint ministerial responsibility.

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Administration of W. Pitt (Lord Chatham)

Departmental system of Government, from before the Revo-
lution until 1783.

Consequences to the Crown of the consolidation of powers in

the hands of a Prime Minister

Its result on the condition of the Cabinet

Actual position of the Prime Minister

May belong to either House of Parliament, and may hold any
ministerial office

(4) Present Organisation of the Cabinet

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