By M. David L. Dodge.. "To the law and to the testimony; if they speak not according TO WHICH IS ADDED, LESLIE'S SHORT METHOD WITH DEISTS. NEW-YORK: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR BY COLLINS AND PERKINS. ...... PREFACE. The Author of the following dialogues is sensible, that it is unnecessary to inform the intelligent reader, that he has never made composition his principal study; yet, in justice to himself, he thinks proper to state, that they were written in the few leisure moments which occurred, while he was busily engaged in extensive mercantile pursuits. The question will naturally be asked, why they were undertaken under such circumstances? To which he would reply, that they are the substance of several conversations, which he had with a particular friend, at whose request he was induced to cominit them to writing. As these interviews, under divine Providence, were the means of his friend's changing his sentiments, he is not without hope that these dialogues, with all their defects, may be instrumental to enlighten and lead the mind of some enquirer into a knowledge of the truth, who has not the advantage of examining the many learn JUN 26 1901 150429 |