The various kinds of berry His praises they are singing, Then let our hearts and voices MY MOTHER. Who fed me from her gentle breast, And on my cheek sweet kisses pressed ? My mother. When sleep forsook my open eye, My mother. Who sat and watched my infant head, My mother. When pain and sickness made me cry, My mother. Who dressed my doll in clothes so gay, And minded all I had to say? My mother. Who ran to help me when I fell, My mother. Who taught my infant lips to pray, My mother. And can I ever cease to be Affectionate and kind to thee, My mother. Ah! no, the thought I cannot bear, My mother. When thou art feeble, old, and gray, My mother. And when I see thee hang thy head, 'Twill be my turn to watch thy bed, And tears of sweet affection shed, My mother. For God, who lives above the skies, MY FATHER. My mother. Who took me from my mother's arms, Showed me the world, and nature's charms ? Who made me feel and understand The wonders of the sea and land, My father. And mark, through all, the Maker's hand? My father. Who climbed with me the mountain height, And watched my look of dread delight, While rose the glorious orb of light? My father. Who, from each flower and verdant stalk, Not on a poor worm would he tread, My father. Who taught at once my heart and head ? My father. Who taught my early mind to know My father. Soon, and before the mercy-seat, My father. |