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Now the winter is over,
And spring comes again;
To keep you here, robin,
Would be to you pain.
When out in the meadow,
I'll hear your sweet song ;
Then fly away, robin,
I'll see you ere long.

Get sticks, moss, and feathers,
And build you a nest,
And then the next winter,

With me you may rest.

But build up so lofty,
That no cruel boy

Can reach to your nest,

And the young birds destroy.


O dear mamma, young William said,
Put baby down-take me instead;
Upon the carpet let her be,
Put baby down, and take up me.

No, that, my dear, I cannot do,
You know I used to carry you,
But now you are grown strong and stout,
And you can run and play about.

When Fanny is as old as you,
No doubt but she will do so too;
And when she is a little stronger,
I mean to carry her no longer.


Julia did at the window stand;
Her mother, sitting by,

Saw her put out her little hand
And try to catch a fly.


Oh do not hurt that pretty thing,
Her tender mother said;

Crush not its leg, or feeble wing,
So small and finely made.

The fly can feel as well as you,
And sun and air enjoy;
So pray take care in all you do,
No insect to destroy.

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The sun has just finished his race,
The race of a long summer's day,
And wherever his journey has been,
Has done good every inch of the way.

Let this make me think of myself,

Whether I have improved every hour, And like the unwearied sun,

Done every good thing in my power.

And when a new morning 's begun,
I will try to begin with it too,
To be better than ever I was,
And all that I'm bid I will do.



I love to do as I am bid,

I love to please mamma,

I love to get my lesson too,
And spell to my papa.

When children want my pretty toys,
Or little picture book,
I dearly love to give them up,
And see how pleased they look.

I love to please the Saviour, too,
And mind the rule he 's given,
For then I think that I shall go
To live with him in heaven.


The beautiful sun has forsaken the earth,
And finished another new day,

The birds have done singing, the hens are asleep,
And the little boy 's tired of his play.

But before he lays down on his bed for the night,
He should thank his dear Father above,
For guarding his life, taking care of his health,
And for all the kind gifts of his love.

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