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Mamma, 'tis Jesus loves my soul,
And makes the wounded sinner whole;
My nature is by sin defiled,
Yet Jesus loves a little child.

How kind is Jesus, oh! how good!
For my poor soul he shed his blood;
For children's sake he was reviled,
Yet Jesus loves a little child.

When I offend you by my tongue,
And say and do what's very wrong,
O pray, mamma, be reconciled,
For Jesus loves your little child.

He teaches me to shed a tear,
Whene'er I grieve a friend so dear;
But though I am so thoughtless, wild,
Yet Jesus loves your little child.

To me may Jesus now impart,
Although so young, a gracious heart;
Alas! I'm oft by sin defiled,
Yet Jesus loves the little child.



Very little things are we,
Oh how mild we all should be,
Never quarrel, never fight,
That would be a shocking sight.

Just like pretty little lambs,
Softly skipping by their dams,
We'll be gentle all the day,
Love to learn as well as play.

In the winter, when 'tis mild,
We may run, but not be wild;

But in summer, we must walk,
And improve the time by talk,
Then we shall go nice and cool
To our much-loved little school.


Some play is good to make us strong,
And school to make us wise,
But playing always-that is wrong,
And what we should despise.

There 's nothing worse than idleness,
For making children bad,
'Tis sure to lead them to distress,
And much that 's very sad.

Sometimes they learn to lie and cheat,
Sometimes to steal and swear ;
These are the lessons in the street,
For those who idle there.

But how much better 'tis to learn
To count, and spell, and read;
''Tis best to play and work in turn,
'Tis useful then indeed.


Jesus, Lord, we look to thee,
Meek and humble may we be,

Pride and anger put away,
Make us holy day by day.

Teach us for our friends to pray,
And our parents to obey;
Richest blessings from above,
Give them for their tender love.

May we find the sweets of pray'r,
Sweeter than our pastimes are ;
Love the Sabbath, and the place,
Where we learn to seek thy face.


Now, before I run to play,
I must not forget to pray
To Him who kept me through the night,
And woke me with the morning light.

Help me, Lord, to love thee more
Than I ever loved before ;
In my work and in my play,
Be thou with me through the day.


O that it were my chief delight,
To do the things I ought;
Then let me try with all my might,
To mind what I am taught.

Wherever I am bid to go,

I'll cheerfully obey,
Nor will I mind it much, although
I leave some pretty play.

When I am bid, I'll freely bring
Whatever I have got,

And never touch a pretty thing,
If mother tells me not.

When she permits me, I may tell
About my little toys;
But if she's busy or unwell,
I must not make a noise.

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