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A sinful creature I was born,
And ever since have stray'd ;
I must be wretched and forlorn,
Without thy mercy's aid.

But Christ can all my sins forgive,
And wash away their stain;
Can fit my soul with him to live,
And in his kingdom reign.

To him let little children come,
For he has said they may;
His bosom then shall be their home,
Their tears he'll wipe away.

For all, who early seek his face,
Shall surely taste his love;
Jesus shall guide them by his grace,
And dwell with them above.



And has my darling told a lie !
Did you forget that God was nigh?
Did you forget that he could see
And hear wherever you might be ?

God made your eyes, and can discern
Whichever way you think to turn;
He made your ears, and he can hear
When you think nobody is near.
In every place, by night and day,
He watches all you do and say.

You thought, because you were alone,
Your falsehood never would be known;
But liars always are found out,
Whatever ways they wind about.
Then always be afraid, my dear,
To tell a lie, for God is near.


The lilies how they grow,

They neither toil nor spin,

Yet kings with all their glittering show, Are not arrayed like them.

If God so clothe the grass,

That lives but for a day,

Oh how much more will he clothe us;
Then cast your fears away.

The birds that wing the air,

Do neither sow nor reap,

And neither house nor barn prepare,
Yet God provides them meat.

Our value far exceeds

The sparrow in his view;

If his kind hand supplies their needs,
Then he will feed us too.


I saw the glorious sun arise,
Far o'er yon mountain gray,
And as he rose upon the skies,
The darkness fled away;
And all around me was so bright,
I wish'd it would be always light.

At night when this bright sun was gone,
The gentle moon drew nigh,
And stars came twinkling one by one,
Upon the shady sky.

Who made the sun to shine so far,
The moon, and every twinkling star ?

"Twas God, my child, who made them all, By his almighty skill;

He holds them that they do not fall,
And bids them do his will;
That glorious God, who rules in love
On earth, and in the heavens above.

How very great that God must be,
Who rolls them through the air!
Too high, mamma, to notice me,
Or listen to my prayer!
I fear he will not condescend
To be a little infant's friend.

Oh yes, my love, for though he made
Those wonders in the sky,
You never need to be afraid

That he'll neglect your cry ;
For little as a child may be,
A praying child he loves to see.

Behold the daisy where you tread,
That useless little thing;

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