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Art thou my Father ? I'll depend
Upon the care of such a friend ;
And only wish to do and be
Whatever seemeth good to thee.

Art thou my Father ? Then at last, When all my days on earth are past, Send down and take me in thy love, To be thy better child above.


Now, my dear, the cheerful sun
Shines upon the world again;
And the little drops of dew
Glitter on the grassy plain.

Soft and quiet was your rest,

Pain and sickness kept away, And the peaceful hours roll'd on To another smiling day.

God protected you, my child,
Nothing could your life destroy,
For the eye that never sleeps,
Kindly watched my slumb'ring boy.

Go, and on your bended knee,
Pour the humble, filial prayer ;
Lift your little heart in praise,
Thank him for his guardian care.


My love, you have met with a trial to-day,
Which I hop'd to have seen you oppose;
But, alas! in a moment your temper gave way,
And the pride of your heart soon arose.

I saw the temptation, and trembled for fear
Your good resolutions should fall;

And soon by your eye and your color, my dear,
I found you had broken them all.

Oh, why did you suffer this troublesome sin
To rise in your bosom again ?

And when you perceived it already within,
Oh why did you let it remain ?

As soon as temptation is put in your way,
And passion is ready to start,

'Tis then you must try to subdue it, and pray For courage to bid it depart.


Lord, I have pass'd another day,
And come to thank thee for thy care;

Forgive my faults in work and play,

And listen to my evening prayer.

Thy favor gives me daily bread,

And friends who all my wants supply;

And safely now I rest my head,

Preserved and guarded by thine eye.

Look down in pity, and forgive
Whatever I have done amiss ;
And help me, every day I live,

To serve thee better than in this.
Now while I sleep, be pleased to take
A helpless child beneath thy care ;
And condescend, for Jesus' sake,
To listen to my evening prayer.


No diamond bright, or ruby rare,
To grace thy neck, adorn thy hair,
My dearest child I give;
These are the toys that please awhile,
But like the rainbow's transient smile,
Their beauty cannot live.

This sacred treasure far more dear,
Than diamond, pearl, or ruby clear,
This living gift divine,

A father's love presents to thee;
Oh may it to thy spirit be

What it has been to mine.

A solace, hope, unerring guide,
Companion, constant at thy side,

To check the wrong desire;
A faithful monitor to warn,
Its purity thy soul adorn,
Its promises inspire.


Remember, love, who gave thee this,
When other days shall come ;
When she who had thy earliest kiss,
Sleeps in her narrow home.
Remember, 'twas a mother gave
The gift to one she'd die to save.

That mother sought a pledge of love,
The holiest, for her son ;

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