Office Hours: Activism and Change in the AcademyPsychology Press, 2004 - Всего страниц: 223 Universities are in trouble. They face some tough choices about how to survive in our uncompromising times. In a series of stinging analyses this book tackles these issues head on. It argues that it's not enough to blame market forces or the indifference of politicians: academics can often be their own worst enemies. Universities are increasingly profit-driven, and the faculty seems increasingly passive in the face of political and economic pressures. This book examines the current sorry state of higher education and offers 'alternative futures' for the academy, visions that involve academic organizations, public outreach through the internet, faculty unionization, and campus organizing. Office Hours is a roll-up-your-sleeves look at the avoidable disaster facing the modern university. 'Straightforward, unpretentious, immensely readable, and on matters of extreme urgency to a very wide potential readership.' --Bruce Robbins, Professor of English and Comparative Literature, Columbia University 'Office Hours is always pointed, often poetic and amusing, and never dull. Nelson and Watt accurately diagnose the serious malady that threatens American higher education, and then suggest the cure. Do read this book-it's a tonic.' --Jane Buck, President, American Association of University Professors 'Straightforward, unpretentious, immensely readable, and on matters of extreme urgency to a very wide potential readership' - Bruce Robbins, Professor of English and Comparative Literature, Columbia University 'Office Hours is always pointed, often poetic and amusing, and never dull. Nelson and Watt accurately diagnose the serious malady that threatens American higher education, and then suggest the cure. |
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Стр. 3
... requires a significant amount of dedicated leisure to function . In public higher education that dedicated leisure is imperiled at every level and in every location . In private higher education it is imperiled at many financially ...
... requires a significant amount of dedicated leisure to function . In public higher education that dedicated leisure is imperiled at every level and in every location . In private higher education it is imperiled at many financially ...
Стр. 37
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Cohorts The Diaspora of the Teachers | 15 |
Anonymity Celebrity and Professional Identity | 27 |
The Postdoc Paradox | 41 |
Disciplining Debt | 53 |
The Brave New World of Research Surveillance | 69 |
The Humanities and the Perils of Globalization | 81 |
Organizational Affiliation and Change | 97 |
Is It a University or Is It a Country Club? | 117 |
Collective Action Collective Bargaining Collective Agency | 139 |
The Economics of Textbook Reform | 165 |
Transforming Teaching and Reaching the Public on the Internet | 181 |
What Would an Ethical Graduate Program Be? | 189 |
Bibliography | 213 |
Authors Notes | 217 |
219 | |
Другие издания - Просмотреть все
Office Hours: Activism and Change in the Academy Cary Nelson,Stephen Watt Ограниченный просмотр - 2004 |
Office Hours: Activism and Change in the Academy Cary Nelson,Stephen Watt Ограниченный просмотр - 2005 |
Office Hours: Activism and Change in the Academy Cary Nelson,Stephen Watt Ограниченный просмотр - 2005 |
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AAUP AAUP's academic freedom activists administrators affiliation American poetry anthology assistant professors borrowed campus careers Carrier Dome Chancellor chapter classroom colleagues commitment Committee contingent labor corporate university corporatization country club critical cultural Damrosch debt decades degree Delegate Assembly disciplinary disciplines dissertation doctoral programs English essay ethical faculty member fees golf course graduate education graduate employees graduate programs graduate student employees higher education hired humanities Illinois increasingly Indiana Daily Student Indiana University institutions intellectual issues labor less literary literature living wage Meanwhile ment mission MLA's Myles Brand offer organizations part-time faculty percent poems poets political postdocs profes profession professional published reprint require responsibility salaries scholarly scholars schools semester Showalter social strike Syracuse teachers teaching tenure-track tenured faculty tions undergraduate union university's World Bank World Trade Organization writing
Популярные отрывки
Стр. 5 - Teachers are entitled to freedom in the classroom in discussing their subject, but they should be careful not to introduce into their teaching controversial matter which has no relation to their subject.