THE EDINBURGH ANNUAL REGISTER, FOR 1808. VOL. FIRST---PART FIRST. EDINBURGH: Printed by James Ballantyne and To. FOR JOHN BALLANTYNE AND CO. EDINBURGH; LONGMAN, HURST, REES, AND ORME; CADELL AND DAVIES; ROBERT SCHOLEY, LONDON. 1810. ADVERTISEMENT. THE Proprietors of the EDINBURGH ANNUAL REGISTER having at length closed their babours for the year 1808, feel that an apology is due to the Public for the six months delay which has unavoidably occurred since the period of publication announced in their Prospectus. They are also aware of the duty of accounting for a deviation from their original plan, which has been the result of more mature reflection; and for certain desiderata, occasioned by circumstances over which they 'had no controul. With regard to the delay, various disappointments took place during the progress of these volumes, after the arrangements of the Proprietors had been so firmly fixed, as to preclude, in their belief, the possibility of their occurrence. Motives of delicacy prevent them from being more explicit; but they assure their readers, that the delay has less arisen from any error or miscalculation on their part, than from the unexpected necessity of looking round, at a late period, for contributions, which they had all reasonable grounds to believe they |