The Diary of a Désennuyée, Том 2

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Стр. 186 - Love, now an universal birth, From heart to heart is stealing, From earth to man, from man to earth: It is the hour of feeling. One moment now may give us more Than years of toiling reason: Our minds shall drink at every pore The spirit of the season.
Стр. 186 - IT is the first mild day of March : Each minute sweeter than before, The redbreast sings from the tall larch That stands beside our door. There is a blessing in the air, Which seems a sense of joy to yield To the bare trees, and mountains bare And grass in the green field.
Стр. 57 - England, containing letters of introduction from the Delavals and Lady Southam, which will be the means of procuring me agreeable society for the winter. Once more, then, I am on the threshold of a strange city ! To a poor weak woman, the approach to Paris is more exciting than even the approach to London ; for London is the city of business, — Paris of pleasure ; London the emporium of sense, — Paris of nonsense ; London a wood of thriving timber, — Paris a garden of ever-varying flowers....
Стр. 104 - In point of gaiety (for gaiety read dissipation) it affords nothing comparable with that of London. A few ministerial fetes every winter may perhaps exceed in brilliancy the balls given in our common routine of things ; but for one entertainment in Paris, at least thirty take place chez nous. Society is established with us on a...
Стр. 105 - London amusements are here wanting. In the month of May, I am told, the public gardens and the Bois de Boulogne become enchanting. But what is not charming in the month of May? Paris, perhaps, least of all places ; for at the commencement of the month every French family of note quits the metropolis for its...

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