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Kingdoms and Estates (the True Greatness of)

Knowledge (the Praise of)

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Things (Vicissitudes of).

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Advocates, temptations of, 556.

Age, old, Aristotle's description of, 427; and youth, mental qualities

of, 431.

Althorp, Lord, anecdote of, 531.

Ambition, true end of, 109; not essentially evil, 388.

Anger, different modes of appeasing, 564; distinguished from hatred,

Ants, mistake concerning, 242.

Approbation, love of, 534; distinct from love of admiration, 535.
Aristotle, 54, 56, 100, 244, 289, 349, 396, 408, 427, 563.

Associations, definite object in, 296, 404, 517.

Atheism, causes of, 164; credulity of, 158; of Pagan nations, 160.

Bacon, moral character of, 410.

Bending the wand, 396.

Benevolence, example of our Lord the rule for, 131; ill-directed,
evils of, 129; nature of, mistaken, 131.

Birth, noble, aphorism of Warburton respecting, 137; how estimated,

Booker-his vocabulary of obsolete words in our Authorized Ver-
sion recommended, iii.

Books for children, 33, 120, 500; some, to be tasted, 511.

Bow, a backed, 273.

Brute-life, Turkish regard for, 132.

Cabinet-council, presidency of, 218.

Caution, defect of, in the cunning, 238.

Cavillers, difficulty of dealing with, xx., 463.

Celerity in decision and execution, importance of, illustrated, 220,

223, 258, 271, 274.

Celibacy of clergy, 88, 121.

Censure, equivalent to praise, 536.

Ceremonies, necessity of, 523; religious, multiplication of, 186.

Character, similarity of, in men of opposite parties, 519.

Children, books for, 33, 120, 500; employment of, as almoners, 402;
gratuitous disappointment of, 67; learning by rote, 491; choice
of a profession for, 83; precocious, 432.

Cingalese farmer, anecdote of, 498.

Clouds, fable of the, 122.

Colonies, ancient Greek, 367; penal, 358; provision for spiritual

wants of, 367.

Concession to intimidation, 155,

Condescension, spurious, 120.

Confidence, partial, evil of, 469.

Controversy, two kinds of, to be avoided, 47.

Conviction, openness to, 410.

Courage, false, 564.

Credit, undeserved, instances of, 545.

Cruelty, not inconsistent with natural benevolence, 133.

Cuckoo, the, fable of, 470.

Cunning not wisdom, 238; Churchill's description of, 240.

Curiosity, a pupil's, importance of exciting, 491.

Custom, power of, 403.

Deference, mistakes concerning, 59, 396, 489, 533.

Deformities, original, 438.

Differences, in doctrine and morals, whether designed, 33, 160; reli-

gious, not confined to speculative points, 34.

Difficulties in study, rule for, 493.

Dignity, moral, sense of, essential, 530.

Disciples, three applications of the term, 44.

Discipline and trial, 62.

Discussion, oral and written, compared, 455; cautions to be observed
in, 459.

Doubt, impatience of, 272; not inconsistent with a habit of faith,
339; of persons, 333; of things, 336; remedy for, 343.

Education, like the grafting of a tree, 407, 408; Irish, Board of, 505.
Eiron and Bomolchus, 349.

Embarrassment, pecuniary, of the rich, 304.

Errors, vulgar, secondary, 58.

Etymology, abuse of, 230, 503.

Evils, escaped, underrating of, 147.

Examples, bad, 298.

Expect, ambiguity of the word, 305.

Expenditure, showy, 305.

Experience, not to be measured by age, 259, 428; and common sense,

278, 428.

Eye, the evil, 96.

Faculties, decay of, 432.

Fallacy of composition in the spendthrift's case, 306.

Faults, observing of, 297.

Feigning, power of, 78.

Flattery, domestic, 532.

Followers of their own footsteps, 252, 267.

Forgiveness, christian, mistakes concerning, 58, 396, 565; of real in-
juries, not the hardest, 55.

Forest, American, 477.

Fortune favours fools, 415.

Friendship, indispensable, 289; continuance of, in the future state,

290; uses of, 296, 299.

Frivolous, proper application of the term, 393.
Future state, the preparedness for, illustrated, 17.

Gardening landscape-earliest writer on, 451.

Good-humour and good-nature, 132.

Graptomancy, 397.

Habit and custom, distinction between, 402; an opposite, formed by

the same thing, 407.

Helotism, 149.

History, study of, 397, 502, 509.

Horse-rashness, 267.

Ichneumon fly, 17.

Idols of the race, 398.

Ignorance of our ignorance, 479.

Ill-used man, an, 416.

Inconsistency, imputation of, 520.

Indifference of the judgment and the will, 7, 403, 497.

Infallibility, a craving for, a cause of atheism, 164; pretension to,

unconnected with persecution, 39.

Ingenuity perverted, instances of, 505.

Jesting, profane, 162, 173.

Johnson, a paradox of, 409.
Judgment, private, 28.

Kite, fable of the, 208.

Knowledge, misapplication of, 503; its true end, 580.

Language, changes in, 261; technical, 49, 493.

Latitudinarianism, intolerance of, 177.

Life, recklessness of, 16; domestic, necessary to public men, 121,

Longevity and early hours, 327.

Love, romantic, 103.

Manner, a conscious, 348.

Mathematics, study of, 495.

Mean, the golden, 110, 277.

Measures, order of, important, 223.
Minority, influence of, 216.

Mirror of a wise man, 276.
Monastic life, 294.

Monopoly, 246, 383.

Moral principle, trials of, advantageous, 67; value of, to knowledge
of mankind, 231, 333; effect of party-spirit upon, 519.

Motives of right actions, 536.

Moth-rashness, 267.

Mummies, preparers of the, 550.

Myths, supposed, 507.

Naturalization, 316.

Nobility, British, system of, 137.

Non-resistance, 317.

Nosology, mental, 231.

Novelty, love of, 251, 263; exaggeration of, 267.

Oath of abjuration, 506.

Oppression, effects of, on character, 64, 66.

Orators, two kinds of, 353.

Oratory, exercised on a man's self, 9, 296.

Over-governing, error of, 152, 422.

Over-rating of cautious characters, 125; of reserved characters, 76;

of the seen and known, 383.

Pagans, atheism of, 160; objects of their worship, 161.

Palimpsest, a human, 433.

Parable, what properly so called, 507.

Parochial visitors, 463.

Party-spirit, 44, 50, 404, 516; effect of, on the moral standard, 519.
Persecution, by what argument precluded, 39; not consisting in seve-
rity of penalty, 51.

Phenakism, 13.

Pilate's question, 4.

Pilgrim Fathers, intolerance of, 64.

Poems and tales, influence of, 33, 499.

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