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He issues a Charter promising Observance of the Laws of
Confused Alternation of Anarchy and Tyranny during his

Revolt of Baldwin, Earl of Exeter, and Irruption of David

of Scotland in favour of Maud

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1139. Maud comes to England, assisted by Robert of Gloucester 136

1141. Maud defeats Stephen near Lincoln; Stephen sent in
Irons to Bristol; Maud offends the Citizens of London
by refusing Redress of Grievances, and is obliged to fly to
Oxford; her Army defeated and Robert made Prisoner,
but exchanged for Stephen

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1142-1147. Incessant Warfare between the two Claimants; Maud at
length returns to Normandy, which her father has
wrested from Stephen; Death of Robert
Henry Fitz-Empress comes to England; his Marriage
with Eleanor, Duchess of Aquitaine
Treaty of Winchester, securing the Crown to Stephen for
Life, and the Succession to Henry
(25th of October) Death of Stephen

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He does Homage to Louis VII. for Normandy and other
Continental Dominions

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Henry asserts a Claim to the Earldom of Toulouse
Pope Alexander III. brings about a Peace between the
English and French Kings

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Becket made Archbishop of Canterbury
England now takes a Share in the Struggle against Papal
Usurpations which had agitated Christendom for a Cen-
tury; Sketch of its Origin and Progress; Dispute con-
cerning Right of Investiture
Violent Character of similar Disputes in Italy during the.
Reign of the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa

Romantic Story related of the Mother of Becket

Extraordinary Transition of Becket from the Manners of

a Courtier to those of a Devotee, on his Elevation to

the Primacy

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The King attempts to render the Clergy amenable to the
Secular Tribunals; the Clergy oppose

(January) Council of Clarendon, where the Bishops

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Becket, by Authority of the Pope, excommunicates the
Bishop of London, and lays the Province of Canter-
bury under an Interdict: he afterwards returns to
England upon the Terms of a general Oblivion of the
Becket, however, refuses to remove the whole of the Ec-
clesiastical Censures, or to do Homage for his Ba-

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A Knight Errant rather than a King; Sketch of the
System of Society which gave Birth to the Crusades
The whole System of Manners, which distinguishes the
modern Civilisation from the classical and from the
Oriental, has received a Tinge from Chivalry

Furious antipathy of the Age against the Jews; cruel

Massacre of many on the Day of Richard's Coro-


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(September) Truce for three Years between the Chris-
tians and Mahometans; Rights of Pilgrimage con-
ceded; Saladin's Toleration and Urbanity

(9th of October) Richard sails from the Holy Land

(21st of December) He is detained and imprisoned by the

Duke of Austria in the Castle of Thierstein

Leopold is obliged to surrender him to Henry VI., who

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Progress of Mind during the Thirteenth Century: Zeal
and rapid Growth of the Dominican and Franciscan
Orders; Scholastic Philosophy; Cultivation of the Ver.
nacular Tongues; Religious Chivalry; Festive Chi-
Claims of Arthur, Son of John's elder Brother Geoffrey
(22d of May) John lands in England, and on the next Day
is crowned at Westminster

Philip, King of France, shelters and succours Arthur

(1st of August) John takes Arthur prisoner

Mysterious Disappearance of Arthur; horrid Murder of

that Prince, said to have been committed by John's own


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Philip, as Lord Paramount of John's French Dominions,
cites him to answer for the Crime, and, on his non-
appearance, declares those Provinces forfeited

John ineffectually attempts to recover them

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(15th of June) Conference at Runnymede; Magna

Charta; London held as a Security for its Perform-
ance, and Twenty-five Barons appointed as Guardians of
the Realm; Provisions and lasting Influence of the
(22d of August) The Pope absolves John from his Oath,
and War recommences; John calls in German merce-
naries, and the Barons offer the English Crown to Louis,
eldest son of the French King

(18th of October) Death of John

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Louis, with some of the Barons who invited him, keeps
the Field, notwithstanding John's Death


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1229, 1230.







A Parliament of this Year begins the Movement of one of
the Main-springs of the English Constitution, by grant-
ing a Subsidy upon condition of a Confirmation of the

Henry recognised as having attained Years of Discretion
Unsuccessful Attempt of Henry at French Conquest
Hubert de Burgh degraded from his Office, and succeeded
by Peter, Bishop of Winchester

Henry marries Eleanor of Provence; Discontent at the
introduction of her foreign Relations to Court Prefer-
ment; Parliamentary Power over Supplies made avail-
able even thus early for obtaining the Dismissal of the
obnoxious Ministers

Another unsuccessful French War

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After several Attempts by Henry to escape from their

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