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of any interesting object, except a fine monument of black and white marble, placed over the restorer's family vault.

The church, converted to Protestant purposes, received further improvements through the family exertions of Bishop Smyth. He died in 1725, and was interred in St. Munchin's Church. A gallery was erected, at the west end, in 1752. The rebuilding of this church was commenced by the Board of First Fruits, before A.D. 1827.

The site of St. Munchin's Church at the northern extremity of Limerick, is extremely agreeable; the church-yard is 630 feet in circumference, overhangs the river Shannon, and having the old town wall for its northern boundary. A pleasant elevated terrace walk extends along it, from which a view of Thomond Bridge, the river, and the county Clare may be obtained. The parish of St. Munchin contained 2,250 acres of cultivated land, and upwards of 300 of mountain heath and bog, in A.D. 1827. Part of the parish was then situated in the King's Island, the remainder in the city's north liberties, and in the adjoining barony of Bunratty, county Clare. St. Munchin's was one of the Prebends, in the gift of the bishop. It was an entire rectory, partly within the city, and partly within the county of the city, being united to the rectory of Kill Conygoyn, and to the rectory and vicarage of Killonchan.1 In the year 1744, the Catholics of Limerick built a chapel near Thomond Bridge, on the north strand. This plain building was dedicated to St. Munchin.2 According to present arrangements, the parish of St. Munchin forms a cure of souls apart from the Cathedral lately built, and in a style of great architectural beauty.

The festival of the patron, St. Munchin, is celebrated as a double of the first class, in Limerick city and diocese. However, De Burgo's "Officia Propria Sanctorum Hiberniae" contains no proper office of this saint, nor indeed does any other ritualistic collection. The Office and Mass for his festival are taken from those common to a bishop and a confessor, as found in the Roman Breviary and Missal.

In the anonymous catalogue of Irish Saints, published by O'Sullivan Beare, this Saint is set down as Munchinus, at the Ist day of January. Nor can we doubt but he is commemo

1 This whole benefice was valued in the King's books at £2 13s. 4d. There is a glebe house and garden in the parish of St. Munchin. See Fitzgerald's and McGregor's "History, Topography, and Antiquities of the County and City of Limerick," pp. 4, 556 to 558, and Addenda.

See Ferrar's "History of Limerick," part iv., chap. i., page 196.

3 See Harris' "Ware, vol. i., Bishops of Limerick," p. 503, where a similar state

ment is to be found.

* See "Historiae Catholicae Iberniae Compendium," tomus I., lib. iv., cap. xi., p. 49.

rated in Henry FitzSimon's list, under the name Monuchinus, although the day of his feast is not entered.1 However, the prevailing practice at Limerick celebrates the Patron Saint's festival on the 2nd day of January. This appears, likewise, to have been the usage from time immemorial.

Another feast has been assigned to a St. Mainchin, conjecturally supposed by O'Clery to have been identical with this holy bishop of Limerick. It was held on the 29th of November.2

It is only in the Church of Christ true merit is recognised and worthily honoured. The world may disregard holy men, as our Blessed Saviour was once discredited and rejected by his chosen people. In a wordly sense, the saints never enjoyed ease or comfort; and this truth must be admitted by all Christians in whatever degree or rank they live and move. Yet, the pious servants of God find it a great happiness to lay securely the foundation of a spiritual life in discharging the highly responsible duties entrusted to them during life. Beyond that goal, the good bishops and pastors of the Church point out a true inheritance to their flocks, as Moses from Mount Neho did the promised land to the children of Israel. Like that great leader and prophet too, they may rest in unknown graves, but their memories shall live in the recollection of a grateful people, even though the traditions of their age and personal characteristics may have perished in those places, once sanctified by their living presence.



Quod olim Sanctissimi Ecclesiae Patres ac praesertim magnus Constantinopolitanus Antistes Ioannes Chrysostomus praestiterunt contra iniquos vituperatores vitae regularis et monasticae; id vos, Reverendissimi ac Illustrissimi Praesules, eorum successores, eorumque vestigiis inhaerentes, summo consensu et apostolica sollicitudine ac libertate modo praestitistis: et qua editis in lucem pastoralibus litteris, qua oblatis ad gubernii Ministros supplicibus libellis, causae nostrae defensionem, quantum in vobis erat, suscepistis. Atrox enim ac maxime luctuosum a pluribus annis excitatum est bellum in Ecclesiam Christi eoque infensissimi hostes contendere videmus, ut, per 1 See "Historiae Catholicae Iberniae Compendium," tom. i., lib: i., cap. xii., P. 56. 2 See Drs. Todd's and Reeve's edition of the Martyrology of Donegal, pp. 350, 351. See likewise, notices regarding him at the same date. 3 See Deuteronomy, xxxiv.

summam vim deleto civili Sedis Apostolicae sacro principatu, divinam ipsam Romani Pontificis auctoritatem, atque adeo Ecclesiae universae constitutionem, si fieri unquam posset, omni arte ac conatu impetant et labefactent. Ad hoc autem facilius, uti putant, consequendum, omnes Religiosos Ordines, qui suis viventes legibus et Sanctae Sedi subiecti pro viribus in vinea Domini laborant ad divinae gloriae et fidei christianae propagationem et ad animarum pietatem et salutem procurandam, e medio tollere statuerunt; eosque propositis iniquis legibus, e propriis domiciliis exturbare, rebus bonisque omnibus expoliare, et in sanctioris vitae proposito multimodis vexare vel penitus impedire praesumunt.

Gravissima utique haec sunt mala, quae partim nobis inflicta, partim infligenda videmus. Sed in primis nos erigit et recreat, quod in tanta calumniarum colluvie, nihil quod rationem vitae nostrae, nihil quod ministeriorum exercitationem dedeceat, a persecutoribus rite probatum sit: deinde, quod SS. D. N. Pius PP. IX, quod Ecclesiarum Praesules et Antistites operam nostram, labores, ministeria accepta habeant, et conditionem hanc nostram tanta aegritudine deplorent, ut eam non mediocri damno sibi, et gregibus suis, et universae Ecclesiae futuram arbitrentur.

Haec profecto, quae singularis beneficii loco a vestra benevolentia suscipimus, Veneratissimi Praesules, haud mediocriter leniunt animum nostrum; nec satis verbis a perire possumus, quanto grati devotique animi affectu erga vos feramur. In vos itaque, Patres vigilantissimi, convertimus oculos; in vestram fidem ac patrocinium tuto confidimus; et Deum assiduis oramus precibus, ut quorum sapientia ducimur et voce commonemur, eorum etiam incitamento et exemplo ad fortiter pro Dei gloria et animarum salute decertandum, et ad graviora etiam mala pro iustitia et fide ferenda, sustentemur.

Interim dum maxima cordis effusione divinam bonitatem invocamus, ut eximiam in nos benevolentiam vestram, Antistites Reverendissimi, abunde remuneret; humiliter petimus, ut quos palam coram hominibus defendere non dubitastis, sanctis quoque precibus apud Deum in tribulatione nostra adiuvetis, qui debita grati animi et profundae venerationis significatione subscribimus

Romae 5 Junii 1873.

P. D. Albertus Passeri, Vic. Gen. Canonic. Lateranensium. P. D. Franciscus M. Cirino, Vic. Gen. Cleric. Regul. Teatinorum.

P.D.Bernardinus Sandrini, Praep.Gen.Cleric. Regul.a Somasca. P. Petrus Beckx, Praep. Gen. Societatis Iesu.

P. Iosephus M. Novaro, Vic. Gen. Cleric. Regul. Minorum." P. Camillus Guardi, Vic. Gen. Cleric. Regul. Infirmis Ministrantium.

P. Quiricus Quirici, Rector Gen. Congr. Matris Dei.
P. Iosephus Calasanctius Casanovas, Praep.Gen. Schol. Piarum.
P. Dominicus a Mariae Nomine, Praep. Gen. Passionistarum.
P. Nicolaus Mauron, Sup. Gen. Congr. SSmi Redemptoris.
P. D. Andreas Torrielli, Vic. Gen. Doctrinariorum.

P. D. Ioannes De Franciscis, Praep.Gen. Piorum Operariorum. P. Enricus Rizzoli, Director Gen. Congr. Pretiosissimi Sanguinis.

P. D. Emmanuel Speranza, Sup. Gen. Congr. SS. CC.
P. Iosephus Faa di Bruno, Rector Gen. Piae Societatis

Fr. Crispinus, (pro) Vic. Gen. Scholar. Christianarum.

P. D. Angelus Pescetelli, Abbas Gen. Cassinensium

D. Gregorius Benassai, Abbas Gen. Monac. Camaldulensium. D. Onuphrius Lepri, (pro) D. Maiore Eremitarum a Monte Corona.

D. Stanislaus Battistoni, (pro) Gen. Vallumbrosan.

D. Theobaldus Ab. Cesari, Sup. Gen. Cisterciensium.
D. Fr. Regis, Ab. (pro) Abb. Gen. Trappistarum.

D. Placidus M. Schiffino, Abb. Vic. Gen. Olivetanorum.
D. Vincentius Corneli, Abb. Gen. Silvestrinorum.

P. D. Bruno Vercelli, (pro) Priore Gen. Certosinorum.
P. D. Alexander Balgy, (pro) Abb. Gen. Mechitarist. Vienn.
P. Fr. Iosephus M.^ Sanvito, Vic. Gen. Praedicatorum.

P. Fr. Bernardinus a Porto Gruaro, Min. Gen. Franciscanorum.
P. Fr. Antonius M.^ Adragna, Vic. Gen. Min. Conventualium.
P. Fr. Egidius a Cortona, Gen. Cappucinorum.

P. Fr. Franciscus Salemi, Vic. Gen. Tertii Ord. S. Francisci.
P. Ioannes Bellomini, Gen. Augustinianorum.

Fr. Aloisius a S. Iosepho, (pro) Vic. Gen. Augustin. Discalceat.
P. Angelus Savini, Vic. Gen. Carmelitarum Antiq. Observ.
P. Lucas a S. Ioanne a Cruce, Gen. Carmelitarum Discalceat.
P. Ioannes Angelus Mondani, Gen. Servorum Mariae.
P. Clemens Consolani, Vic. Gen. Minimorum.

P. Iosephus M. Rodriguez, Vic. Gen. Mercedarior.

P. Antonius Martin, Vic. Gen. Trinitarior

P. Benedictus a Virgine, Gen. Trinitar. Discalceat.

P. Carmelus Paterniani, Gener. Ierolaminor.

P. Ioannes M. Alfieri, Gen. FF. (vulgo) Fate bene Fratelli. P. Victorius Menghini, Gen. Ord. Poenitentiae.



Irish Ecclesiastical Record Advertiser.

Convent Boarding School for Young Ladies,


THIS CONVENT SCHOOL is conducted by Les Dames de l'Instruction Chrétienne, under the patronage of His Grace the ARCHBISHOP OF MALINES.

The object which the Ladies of this Institution put before themselves, is to train young Catholic Ladies thoroughly in their religion, and at the same time, to instruct them in those branches of knowledge which will fit them for the duties which they will be called upon to discharge in after life.

To carry out this two-fold object successfully, the Religious make it a point to provide their pupils with everything needful for health and comfort; and in particular, with good medical attendance, a well supplied table, and a fine garden for exercise. The Teaching comprises:

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The pupils are always under the care of some of the Nuns.

Every means are employed which are proper to stimulate the zeal and promote the advancement of the Pupils, such as frequent compositions, public exercises in Music and Literature, monthly and quarterly rewards and proclamations of merit, along with the annual distribution of prizes.

Three times a year, in March, June, and December (and oftener if required), reports are sent to parents or guardians concerning the health, conduct, application, and progress of their children or wards. Holidays are given for four weeks in the Autumn, during which, however, pupils are free to remain. They are never allowed to leave the Convent except with parents or guardians, or by their written order.

Terms, frs. 800 (£32) payable quarterly in advance. The balance will be refunded if Pupils be ever compelled by sickness to leave before the end of the term. Drawing and Painting are the only extras.

The next Scholastic Year begins on the 1st October.

UNIFORM.-The Pupils must have:-A Black French Merino Dress; a White Dress; a Summer Dress, the stuff of which is to be found in the Convent; they must bring also:-A Silver Cup, a Table-knife, a Ring for Napkin, all marked with a given number; Three Pairs of Sheets, Six Toilette Towels, and Six Table Napkins.

When Parents so wish, the Convent provides the Uniform, and whatever else is required.
Reference is kindly permitted to be made to

The Very Rev. E. JAMES CLARE, S.J.,

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Now Ready, in 4 vols., crown 8vo, cloth, neat; price £1 4s.





Guide to the Spiritual Life.


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