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affirmed to me on oath that he had seen, read, and long studied the Hebrew Gospel of St. Luke, in which the first word of the Angel's Salutation was not Ave but Chavech! Like ignorance was shown by Keltridge in the Tower of London. He had been chosen by public authority to preach to the prisoners, both Jesuits and Seminarists, one of whom was the Irish Jesuit Fr. Christopher Holiwood. Not content with exhibiting his folly in the pulpit, he published through the press that 'The Septuagint, and the best of the Greek copies, had not gratia plena,' but кeXapitwμevη.'


"This discussion on the Greck of the Angelical Salutation of our Blessed Lady, reminds me that Mr. Rider often in his books bids us read texts in Greek. Gentle reader, he bids us do what he cannot do himself, to my particular knowledge and experience. Every halfpenny scholar knows things that he is ignorant of, and his ignorance and juggling deserveth at least to have his hood in School-lane pulled over his head. There is not a more naked linguist or unfit proctor of the Greek tongue than Rider. He, before Alderman James and the Constable of the Castle, gave a trial of his skill in Greek on the words of the Angelus. My study was much more in other matters than in Greek; yet before them I found Rider not only tripping in Greek, but mute in my presence ever after on that point.

"I admire this man's mistaking all points of learning- Divinity, Philosophy, Geography, Arithmetic, History, Sacred and Profane, Greek and Latin, English and French, and Orthography, etc.3

"By the time Rider and Balfe had uttered their absurdities and insults, the Lords of the Council were vacant, and, having dined, prepared themselves to give audience to suitors. Mr. Rider before others propounded his demand. He was called, as his own phrase is, to repetitions, and attainted with gross errors by Sir James Fullerton, and with great ignominy by Sir Richard Cook, for betraying in a manner their cause into such disproof as that it never after could be brought off or disengaged. All the Council conjointly rebuking his presumption, condemning his demeanor, reproaching his ignorance and his overmatching himself and his discrediting the cause, he thought first to stand in the defence of his writings; in a very great rage he burst into the cry of the old heretic Felix, 'That he would be burned himself and his books if anything were written by him erroneously. These were his very words;

This was Balfe, I think, and it happened at the time of Rider's dinner and discussion.

2. Britannomachia." 3" Catholic Confutation." 4 St. Aug. lib. 1, De Gestis cum Felice, cap. 12.

but there was no place there to bolster out his vanities. In the end, sharply rebuked for his arrogancy towards them, having hardly escaped from prison, reconciling himself to me for his late insolent demeanour, and requesting me to shut up all variances, he omitted till now to molest me further.

"When he was for such palpable impudence to be imprisoned, he became so abject as every one might stand with Mr. Rider afoot, and equal his haughtiness. At that time I thought convenient to sue for reparation for all defectiveness by him pleaded against me: but he in so miserable countenance came to meet me, imploring that I would not exasperate further the State against him, that I refrained. For what reparation was needed further, when by the highest in the land (to whom he had consecrated his Caveat, and by whom he said in his Rescript my answer was perused and censured) an authentical sentence, in open Council-chamber, was publicly given against him (I neither being present nor producing any disproof), that in the controversy between him and me, he was faulty, surmounted, and condemned? Thus, God in his Providence wrought, without my co-operation (that all the honor might to him solely be imputed), that he should be condemned by them, whom all men might condemn of folly not to have supported him, unless they had in their wisdoms judged him beyond all defence, and unable to be licenced toward trial, even themselves being umpires.

"After this public sentence given by the State on my side, he repaired to the College for some protection against the infamy incident to his condemnation. There was friendship to be tried there was brotherhood to assist: there was the saying of Wisdom exemplified: 'Let us circumvent the innocent, because he is unprofitable to us, and contrary to our works, and doth reproach against us the sins of the law, and diffameth against us the wickedness of our discipline.' Upon his solicitation, this sentence following was among them concluded:

"Being hereto for the seventh of November, 1602, earnestly entreated, and of late solemnly appealed unto, before the right wor. M. Mayor of this City of Dublin, and other wor. persons, by one Henry FitzSimon, Jesuit, prisoner in the Castle and John Rider, Dean of St. Patrick's: to become Judges and Umpires between them (they having promised to stand to any arbitrary reprehension and condemnation we should denounce) whether of them in their handling the controversy of Transubstantiation (as the same is publicly printed in Dublin, 1602), hath perverted, dissembled, denied the effect and substance of the Author's minds, concerning

the consent of antiquity in the same. We who were appealed unto, after due search and deliberation had, do hereby publicly declare and testify, that the said FitzSimon hath alleged no Council, Father, or Antiquity for 500 years after our Saviour's ascension, that proveth transubstantiation, whereas allegations are brought by the said Dean, in the same time, that evidently convince the contrary. From the College, this 15th day of May, 1604.

'Concordat cum Originali

'Per me, Ambrosium Ussher, Collegii Notarium.'
(To be continued.)



Sacra Congregatio Eminentissimorum ac Reverendissimorum Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalium a SANCTISSIMO DOMINO NOSTRO PIO PAPA IX. Sanctaque Sede Apostolica Indici librorum pravac doctrinae, eorumdemque proscriptioni, expurgationi, ac permissioni in universa christiana Republica pracpositorum et delegatorum, habita in Palatio apostolico vaticano die 23 Septembris 1872, damnavit et damnat, proscripsit proscribitque, vel alias damnata atque proscripta in Indicem Librorum prohibitorum referri mandavit et mandat quae sequuntur Opera.

Roberto Ardigò: La Psicologia, come scienza positiva. Mantova presso Viviano Guastalla editore, 1870.

Delle principali questioni politiche-religiose per Giacomo Cassani, Professore di Istituzioni canoniche nella R. Università di Bologna. Volume I. Dei Rapporti fra la Chiesa e lo stato. Bologna, Regia Tipografia 1872.

Il Rinnovamento cattolico: Periodico Bolognese. Bologna, Regia Tipografia.

De l'organisation du Gouvernement Républicain par Patrice Larroque. Paris 1870.

Die Macht der römischen Päpste über Fürsten, Länder, Völker und Individuen etc.—Latine vero-Potestas Romanorum Pontificum in Principes, Regna, populos, singulos homines juxta ipsorum doctrinas et actus ad rite extimandam eorum infallibilitatem, illustrata a Dre Ioh. Frid. Equite de Schulte

O. P. Professore Canonici et 'Germanica Juris in Universitate Pragensi. Pragae 1871, apud F. Tempsky Decr. S. O. Feria IV die 15 Martii 1871.

Haeresis Honorii et Decretum Vaticanum de Infallibilitate Pontificia Auct. Prof. Emilio Buckgaber. Decr. S. O. Feria IV die 26 Aprilis 1871. Auctor laudabiliter se subjecit et opus reprobavit.

San Giuseppe Patrono della Chiesa Universale, Autore Sig. D. Giuseppe Morena della Congregazione della Missione. Verona 1870. Tipografia Vescovile di S. Giuseppe. Decr. S. O. Fer. IV Die 7 Junii 1871. Auctor laudabiliter se subjecit et opus reprobavit.

Ist die Lehre von der Unfehlbarkeit des Römischen Papstes katholisch? Von Wenzel Joseph Reichel. Wein, 1771-Latine vero-Doctrina de Infallibilitate Romani Pontificis estne catholica? auctore Wenceslao Iosepho Reichel, Viennæ 1871. Decr. S. O. Feria V die 22 Junii 1871.

La Chiesa Cattolica Romana e la Chiesa Greco-Russa-Ortodossa ed in che differiscano fra loro. Firenze 1869. Tipografia Barbera Eod. Decr.

Die Stellung der Concilien, Päpste und Bischöfe, von historischen und kanonischen Standpunkte und die päpstliche Constitution von 18 Iulii 1870 mit Quellenbelegen-Latine vero-Jura Conciliorum, RR. Pontificum et Episcoporum ex historicis et canonicis fontibus expensa; atque pontificia Constitutio 18 Julii 1870 cum documentis probantibus. Auctore T. F. Equite de Schulte, ord. professore Canonici et germanici juris in Universitate Pragensi. Pragae 1871 apud F. Tempsky. Decr. S. Off. Feria IV. 20 Septembris 1871.

Das Unfehlbarkeit-Decret von 18 Juli 1870 auf seine Verbindlikeit geprüft. Latine vero-Decretum 18 Julii 1870 de infallibilitate atque ejusdem ecclesiastica vis obligandi in examen vocatur: Opusculum editum a Dre. J. F. Equite de Schulte etc.. Pragae 1872 apud F. Tempsky (auctor anonymus). Eod. Decr.

Denkschrift über das Verhältiniss des Staates zu den Sätzen der päpstlichen Constitution von 18 Julii 1870, gewidmet den Regierungen Deutschlands und Oesterreichs. Latine veroMemorandum de relatione status ad sententias Constitutionis Pontificiae 18 Julii 1870, dedicatum guberniis Germaniae et Austriae a Dre. J. F. Equite de Schulte etc. Pragae apud Frid. Tempsky 1871. Eod. Decr.

Die Unvereinbarkeit der neunen päpstlichen Glaubensdecrete mit der bayerischen Staatsverfassung. Latine veroNovorum decretorum fidei a R. Pontifice editorum inconciliabilis pugna adversus constitutionem Bavaricam demonstrata

a Dre. Josepho Berchtold extraord. professore Juris in Universitate Monachiensi. Monachii 1871. Eod. Decr.

Katholische Kirche ohne Papst. Latine vero-Ecclesia Catholica sine papa, auctore Thoma Braun Sac. Dioecesis Passaviensis. Monachii 1871. Eod. Decr.

Sendschreiben an einem deutschen Bischof des vaticanischen Conciles von Lord Acton. Latine vero-Epistola ad unum ex Episcopis Germanis Vaticani Concilii missa a Domino. Acton. Nordlingae 1870. Eod. Decr.

Zur Geschichte das vaticanischen Conciles von Lord Acton. Latine vero-Ad Historiam Concilii Vaticani, auctore Domino Acton. Monachii 1871. Eod. Decr.

Das vaticanische Concil mit Rüksicht auf Lord Acton Sendschreiben, und Bischof v. Ketteler's Antwort kritisch betrachtet. Latine vero-Concilium Vaticanum in relatione ad Epistolam Domini Acton et ad responsionem Episcopi de Ketteler critice consideratum a Dre. Eberhardo Zirngiebl. Monachii 1871. Eod. Decr.

Tagebuch während des vaticanischen Concils geführt von Dr. F. Friedrich Professor der Theologie etc. Latine vero— Diarium tempore Concilii Vaticani exaratum a Dre. T. Friedrich Prof. Theologiae etc. Nordlingae 1871. Eod. Decr.

Kleiner katholischer Katechismus von der Unfehlbarkeit: Ein Büchlein zur Unterweisung, von einem Vereine katholischer Geistlichen. Latine vero-Parvus Cathechismus Catholicus de infallibilitate: libellus ad instructionem conscriptus a societate Catholicorum Ecclesiasticorum. Coloniae et Lipsiae 1872. Decr. S. O. Feria IV. 31 Julii 1872.

Itaque nemo cujuscumque gradus et conditionis praedicta Opera damnata atque proscripta, quocumque loco, et quocumque idiomate, aut in posterum edere, aut edita legere vel retinere audeat, sed locorum Ordinariis, aut haereticae pravitatis Inquisitoribus ca tradere teneatur, sub poenis in Indice librorum vetitorum indictis.

Quibus SANCTISSIMO DOMINO NOSTRO PIO PAPÆ IX. per me infrascriptum S. I. C. a Secretis relatis; SANCTITAS SUA Decretum probavit, et promulgari praecepit. In quorum fidem, etc.

Datum Romae die 1. Octobris 1872.


Fr. Vincentius Maria Gatti

Ord. Praed. S. Ind. Congreg. a Secretis.

Loco Sigilli.

Die 10 Octobris 1872 ego infrascriptus magister Cursorum testor, supradictum Decretum affixum et publicatum fuisse in Philippus Ossani Mag. Curs.


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