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have said respecting the schoolmaster in the supposition of the child being a little boy. In a word, do everything, and have everything done at home that can be done, just as if your child should never go to an Institution, and remember constantly that you can do at home, or have done at home, all that is necessary for its salvation, and that you are bound before God to all this by your obligations as parents of the child He has given into your charge, and for whom, as well for your other children, our merciful Saviour has bled and died."

The Author addresses in the end some words of advice respecting children who have had the advantage of education and training in the Institution with a view to their perseverance, and closes as follows:

"It only remains that, as friends of the poor Deaf and Dumb, we look for the blessed hope and coming of the glory of the Great God, and Our Saviour Jesus Christ, when, as neither mourning, nor crying, nor sorrow shall be any more; so shall all bodily deficiencies have passed away, and we shall all meet unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the age of the fulness of Christ, when the ears of the Deaf shall be unstopped, and the tongue of the Dumb shall be free' (Isaias xxxv. 5, 6), to join in the glorious concert of thousands and thousands, saying with a loud voice, “The Lamb that was slain is worthy to receive power, and divinity, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory and benediction, for ever and ever. Amen."-Apoc. v. 12, 13.

We hope to return in an early issue upon our review of this most important Dissertation, involving, as it does, the spiritual welfare of thousands of our fellow-creatures, in order to present the case of the adult uneducated Deaf and Dumb.




Proper Mass for the occasion of Laying the Foundation Stone and of the Dedication of a New Church.

I. The proper Mass for the occasion of laying the foundation stone of a New Church is the Mass of the Saint selected as its future Patron, except on the more solemn feasts of the year. It is to be celebrated, whether sung or only read, as a solemn Votive Mass, excluding all commemorations. The bishop, or a priest, may celebrate on the occasion.

II. The Mass of the Patron, under the rite of a solemn Votive Mass, is also the suitable one for the occasion of the blessing of a New Church.

III. On the occasion of the Consecration of an altar or church, the proper Mass is that marked in the missal "for the day of the Dedication of a Church or Altar," except on the more solemn feasts of the year, when a commemoration of the Consecration is to be made in the Mass sub unica conclusione.


Pontificale Rom. habet sub fine tituli, De benedictione et imposi tione primarii lapidis pro Ecclesia aedificanda :-"His expletis (Episcopus), si velit, parat se ad celebrandam Missam in dieto loco, de Sancto in cujus nomine Ecclesia fundatur "-Quaeritur :—

1o. Adsuntne dies, in quibus talis Missa uti prohibita habenda est ?

2o. Haec Missa, sive canatur, sive legatur, quo ritu celebranda est, scilicet, ut votiva solemnis pro re gavi, exclusa omni commemoratione, an ut votiva privata ?

3o. Si Episcopus nolit tamen Missam celebrare, potestne illam alius sacerdos celebrare?

S.R.C. resp—

Quoad 1am, Affirmative, scilicet dies infra annum solemniores.
Quoad 2am, Affirmative ad primam partem; negative ad secundam.
Quoad 3am, Affirmative.
28 Febr. 1884.


Rituale Romanum titulo, Ritus benedicendi novam Ecclesiam, praecipit, ut peracta benedictione--" dicatur Missa de tempore vel de Sancto"-Quaeritur :

1°. De quo Sancto celebranda erit haec Missa, scilicet de Sancto occurrente, an de Sancto, in cujus honorem dedicatur Ecclesia?

2°. Quatenus negative ad primam partem, affirmative ad secundam, quo ritu celebranda est, ut in secundo quaesito dubii praecedentis?

S.R.C. resp. :

Quoad 1am, Negative ad primam partem, Affirmative ad secundam. Quoad 2m, ut in primo dubio ad 2am.


Peracta consecratione alicujus Ecclesiae, vel Altaris, in Pontificali Romano praescribitur ut dicatur Missa prout notatur in Missali" in ipsa die dedicationis Ecclesiae vel altaris".. Quaeritur :

1o. In hac Missa, sive agatur de consecratione Ecclesiae, sive altaris, debentne fieri illae commemorationes, quae ne in duplicibus

quidem primae classis omittuntur, uti de Dominica, de Feria privilegiata, etc.?

2o. Licetne celebrare talem Missam in utroque casu exposito, in omnibus anni diebus, nullo excepto?

3. Si aliqui dies excipiuntur, in Missa diei, debetne saltem fieri commemoratio Dedicatiozis ?

S.R.C. resp.:—

Quoad 1am, Negative.

Quoad 2am, Negative, juxta Rubricas et decreta.
Quoad 3m, Affirmative sub unica conclusione.


Proper Mass for a Special Want.

If a Bishop wish to celebrate a solemn Votive Mass on the occasion of some public and pressing want, for which, however, no special Mass, but only a Collect, is provided in the missal, as, for example, ad pluriam petendam, ad postulandam serenitatem, he should take the Mass pro quacunque necessitate, adding the special Collect sub unica conclusione.


1o. Occurrente aliqua grevi et urgente necessitate, pro qua nulla Missa specialis in Missali potatur, sed adest tantum collecta, ex. gr. ad petendam pluviam, ad postulandam serenitatem, etc., si in his rerum adjunctis Episcopus vellet Missam solemnem pro re gravi celebrare, quam missam dicere deberet?

2o. Quod si haec missa esset illa pro quacumque necessitate, et substituere collectam particularis necessitatis, quae urget; an retenta illa, addere et hanc sub unica conclusione?

S.R.C. resp. :—

Quoad 1am, in casu dicenda foret Missa pro quacumque necessitate.

Quod 2am. Negative ad primam partem; Affirmative, ad secundam.


Votive Masses of the B. Virgin and of the S. Heart of Jesus. The Mass of the Immaculate Conception, Gaudens gaudebo, is not included in the prohibition (12 Mart. 1678, in Mexican.), which forbids the celebration of the Proper Masses of the B. Virgin as Votive Masses.

The other Masses of the B. Virgin, such as those of Mount Carmel, the Rosary, Our Lady of Good Counsel, Help of Christians, the Purity, &c., cannot be said as Votive Masses.

The Mass of the S. Heart of Jesus, Miserebitur, can be said as a Votive.


Sacra Rituum Congregatio die 12 Martii 1678 in Mexicana ad VIII. decrevit; “"ut Missae propriae Festivitatem Beatae Mariae Virginis non possint celebrari uti votivae." Quaeritur :


1o. In hac prohibitione includiturne etiam Missa proxime concessa Immaculatae Conceptionis cujus introitus Gaudens gaudebo?

Ratio dubitandi ex eo oritur quod post Graduale praedictae Missae inveniuntur variationes in ipso Graduali faciendae, prout diversa sunt tempora anni, praemissis verbis, in Missis votivis.

2o. Missis sub variis titulis Beatae Mariae Virginis, ex. gr. Montis Carmeli, Smi. Rosarii, Boni Consilii, Auxilii Christianorum, Puritatis etc., comprehendunturne in regula Festivitatum ita ut nunquam dici possint uti votivae (exceptis diebus Octavae, si habeant)?

3o. Item Missa Sacratissimi Cordis Jesu, cujus introitus Miserebitur, potestne celebrari ut votiva?

S.R.C. resp. :—

Quoad 1am. Negative.

Quoad 2am. Affirmative.

Quoad 3am. Affirmative juxta decreta in Mechlin. . . diei 1 Septembris 1838 ad III et in cameracen diei 11 Septembris 1865 ad V.


Privileged Days for Requiem Masses.

I. The privilege of celebrating a Requiem Mass, even at the mere request of relatives or friends, the testator not having provided for it, on the privileged days (the 3rd, 7th, 30th and Anniversary), extends to double major feasts.

II. The Octave of Christmas, like the other privileged Octaves, excludes the Anniversary Mass de Requiem.

III. A Requiem Anniversary falling in one of the privileged Octaves is transferred, and when transferred, the Requiem Mass may be celebrated on a double minor, but not on a double major feast.

In reckoning the 3rd, 7th, or 30th day for a privileged Requiem Mass, the day of death, or of burial, may be counted or not, according to the custom of the particular Church.


S.R.C. decreto diei 22 Martii, 1862, in una Palmae in Balear (ad 2dam), decrevit quod "ad celebrandam Missam de Requiem in duplici non impedito diebus 3, 7, et 30 non requirit quod defunctus



sic ordinaverit in suo testamento, sed sufficit voluntas consanguineorum, amicorum, vel testamenti executorum" :

Quaeritur:-1o. Sub verbis Duplici non impedito, comprehenditurne etiam festum duplicis majoris?

2o. Quatenus affirmative, licetne hanc decisionem retinere etiam pro funeribus anniversariis ad petitionem Vivorum, non relictis a testatoribus?

S.R.C. resp:-

Quoad 1am. Affirmative; quoad 2am provisum in praecedenti.


Pluries S.R.C. decrevit, quod in Octavis privilegiatis celebrare non liceat Anniversaria pro defunctis.

Quaeritur praeter Octavas Epiphaniae, Paschatis, Resurrectionis, Pentecostes, Corporis Christi, debetne considerari uti privilegiata etiam Octava Nativitatis Dominicae ita ut haec quoque anniversarium funus excludat? Dubium oritur ex quo

scriptores rerum liturgicarum de hac re alii aliter sentiunt. S.R.C. resp. -Affirmative.


23rd Febr., 1884.

1o. Decreto S.C.R. diei 3 Decembris, 1701, in una Bergomen. Ad 3am. Statutum fuit ut Anniversaria pro defunctis, quae in Octavas privilegiatas incedunt, cum post praedictas Octavas transferri debeant, privilegium amittant, ut celebrari possint in duplici majori.

Quaeritur:-Quum haec anniversaria celebrari nequeant in duplici majori, poteruntne celebrari saltem in duplici minori?

2. Quatenus affirmative ad primam partem, valetne id etiam

pro iis anniversariis quae quum in Majorem Hebdomadam inciderint, post Octavam Paschatis celebranda sunt?

S.R.C. resp. —

[ocr errors]

Quoad iam. Affirmative. Quoad 2dam, provisum in praece23rd Febr., 1884.



In determinando die 3, 7. etc., quum hic dies computari possit vel a die mortis vel a die depositionis.

Quaeritur :-Dies mortis, vel depositionis, debetne includi an excludi? ex. gr.: Si depositio fiat primo die mensis, et quum velit determinari dies tertius a depositione, erit dies tertius an quartus ejus mensis.

S.R.C. resp.:- 66 consuetudinem.'

Utramque servari posse, juxta Ecclesiae 23rd Febr., 1884.


Books of Church Chant. Pustet's Private Right to his Editions. The Sacred Congregation asserts the private right and property which the celebrated publisher, Pustet, of Ratisbon, has in the editions of the books of Church chant published by him.

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