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REV. DEAR SIR,-It occurs to me that the accuracy of the reply to the Sixth "Liturgical Question," in the current Number of the RECORD may be well questioned. In my opinion, it is not sufficient to kiss the unconsecrated table of the Altar. The Rubric assumes that the table is consecrated. An unconsecrated table is not an altare at all in the eyes of the rubricist. Hence, the kissing of the unconsecrated table cannot satisfy the rubric. The portable altar-stone is the only consecrated part, in the case put by C. C., and is, therefore, I submit, the part to be kissed by the officiating priest.


Our argument for the decision we gave was grounded on the fact that the word "Altare" occurring so often in Section IV. of the Ritus servandus in celebratione Missae, is applied not to the altar-stone itself, but to the altar table.

But our correspondent says "the rubrics assume the table to be consecrated.” How is this shown? If so, the rubrics cannot be observed at a non-consecrated altartable for many of the things prescribed are not intended for and cannot be performed on the mere consecrated altar-stone.

And yet the rubrics are obligatory even at such altars.


DEAR MR. EDITOR,-All Missionary priests who are readers of the ECCLESIASTICAL RECORD, have reason to feel thankful to C. J. M. for the very able papers he has contributed to its pages on "Conditional Absolution," and other subjects. Might I take the liberty, through you, Mr. Editor, of asking him to take up the subject of "Frequent Communion," under which would be included Holy Viaticum. An exposition of this important subject from the pen of C. J. M. would, I am convinced, be welcome to very many readers of the RECORD, and entitle him to an additional claim on the gratitude of his fellow-labourers in the sacred ministry.

Yours, &c.,

J. H., C. C.

C. J. M. has kindly consented to treat the subject mentioned. The Essay will appear in an early number of our enlarged RECORD.-ED. I. E. R.




The Education Question and Proportionate EndowmentsThe Queen's Colleges and Trinity College-The Intermediate Act-The National System-The Endowments' Commission-The Training Colleges-Condemnation of Acts of Violence.

"1. That the Catholic people of Ireland are entitled to share, in due proportion, in the public endowments for University education, without being obliged to make any sacrifice of their religious principles.

"2. That at present those endowments are almost entirely applied to the maintenance of a system of education which has been repeatedly condemned by the Catholic Bishops of Ireland and by the Supreme Head of the Catholic Church.

"3. That the continued exclusion of the Catholics of this country from their due share in the aforesaid endowments is not only a serious obstacle to the progress of education, but is a great and irritating grievance, calculated to keep alive a spirit of disaffection and discontent.

"4. That we renew our condemnation of the Queen's Colleges and of Trinity College, Dublin, and warn Catholic parents of the grave dangers to which they expose their children by sending them to Institutions conducted on a system repeatedly condemned by the Holy See as intrinsically dangerous to faith and morals.


5. That the small proportion of students in Arts of the Royal University who attend the lectures of the Queen's Colleges affords a clear proof that these Colleges, on which the endowments of the State have been so lavishly expended, have failed to bring home the advantages of Collegiate education to the great body of the academic youth of Ireland.

6. That we claim our due share also in the public endowments for Intermediate Education on such conditions as are consistent with Catholic principles.

"7. That with respect to the Educational Endowments (Ireland) Act, recently passed, we feel called upon to declare that the changes hurriedly made in the Bill, in

Committee of the House of Commons, have grievously disappointed the hopes that were raised when the Bill was introduced by the late Government, and will injuriously affect the interests of the Catholic body.

"8. That we feel bound to protest in the strongest of the Commission manner against the constitution appointed under this Act, in which Catholics are again placed in a minority, notwithstanding that their claims to a due representation on all Educational Boards was, immediately before the passing of the Act, pressed on the attention of the Government in a Resolution of the Bishops.

"9. That this unequal treatment of the Catholic body is the more striking and the more obviously indefensible, inasmuch as the boys of the Catholic schools have carried off more than 60 per cent. of the Prizes, Exhibitions and Medals awarded by the Intermediate Education Board during the last four years..

"10. That we call on the Government to reconsider the constitution of this Endowment Commission, so as to give to Catholics their due proportion of representation thereon; and we declare our opinion that if no action be taken to give effect to our claim, the Catholic Commissioners should at once resign.

"11. That without referring to other defects in the socalled National system of education, we protest against the manifest inequality with which the denominational Training Colleges are treated, as compared with the official Training College under the management of the National Board.

"12. That we hereby adopt and renew the following resolution passed by the Episcopal Education Committee in July last That on commissions or other public bodies appointed for Educational purposes) we claim, as a matter of justice, that the Catholic body should have a representation proportionate to their numbers; and that the Catholic representatives should be persons enjoying the confidence of the Catholic body.'

"13. That we rely on the Irish Parliamentary Party to assert by every constitutional means in their power, the rights of Irish Catholics in matters of education; to press forward their claims to a due share in all public endowments for educational purposes; and to oppose all Parliamentary grants by which the present unequal and unjust distribution of those endowments is maintained.

"14. That we regret and condemn the acts of violence and intimidation which have recently occurred in some parts of the country.


Though alive to the provocation given to the tenantfarmers of Ireland by the landlords, who in these times of agricultural and commercial depression refuse reasonable abatements, we warn our flock against those illegal and immoral excesses, which, if continued, could not fail to bring down the anger of God on those who are guilty of them, and disgrace in the eyes of the civilised world those districts of the country in which such outrages occur, and in some measure our country at large.

"We have read with much satisfaction the condemnation publicly and repeatedly pronounced by the leaders of the Irish Parliamentary Party, and other notable Irishmen, against these outrages, and we have no doubt that their view of the political consequences of such acts will be universally accepted by the people.

“WILLIAM J. WALSH, Archbishop of Dublin,

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When a priest is under an obligation to apply the Indulgence of the Privileged Altar, he does not fulfil his obligation except by the application of this particular Indulgence. It will not be sufficient to apply instead of it an ordinary Plenary Indulgence to the relief of the souls concerned.


Cum in Theologia Morali auctore Petro Scavini edit. 11, 1. 3, pag. 229 s 283: apud Ernestum Oliva Mediolani biblioth. edita 1859 sic scriptum reperiatur. "Ex responsione S. Cong. Indulgentiarum 11 Apr. 1840. Sacerdos debet celebrare in paramentis nigris, diebus non impeditis, ut lucretur Indulgentiam Altaris privilegiati." Hinc quaeritur 1 an niger color sensu exclusivo debeat intelligi, ita ut Indulgentiam Altaris privilegiati non consequatur qui v. g. ad ministrandam Eucharistiam per modum sacramenti cum paramentis violaceis Missam de Requiem celebret? 2. Utrum qui hac vel quacumque alia ratione Indulgentiam Altaris privilegiati non lucretur, possit satisfacere applicando aliam Indulgentiam plenarium defunctis, pro quibus ad altare privilegiatum celebrare debuerat? S. Cong. Indulgentiarum die 2 Maii 1852 respordit: Ad 1. Ut fruatur Altari privilegiato Sacerdos, diebus non impeditis celebrare debet Missam defunctorum et uti

paramentis nigris, vel ex rationabili causa violaceis. Ad 2. Negative.

Joseph Cancus Ribezzo humillime postulat ut S. Congregatio Indulgentiarum declarare dignetur: Utrum haec responsio quoad 2am partem sit apocrypha? et quatenus negative, utrum intelligenda sit etiam de Sacerdotibus, qui ad Altare privilegiatum celebrare debuerant et jam celebraverint, sed non cum paramentis nigris a rubrica non impeditis? et quatenus affirmative quomodo ipsa consiliari possit cum decreto ejusdem S. Congnis. Indulgentiarum 22 Februarii 1847 in quo ad quaesitum: Qui (sacerdos) diebus permissis non celebravit in paramentis nigri coloris in Altarı privilegiato ad acquirendam Indulgentiam Plenariam ad quid tenetur? responsum fuit: debet lucrari indulgentiam Plenariam pro iis defunctis quibus Missae fructum applicuit toties, quoties diebus non impeditis usus non est indumentis nigri coloris,

Sacra Congregatio Indulgentiis Sacrisque Reliquiis praeposita die 24 Julii 1884 proposito dubio respondit: Responsio est authentica. In decreto vero diei 22 Februarii 1847 tantummodo Sacerdotibus pro quibus postulabatur de ratione qua compensare debebant Indulgentiam Altaris Privilegiati ad quam applicandam obligarentur, et quam bona fide errantes, non erant lucrati, concessit S. Congregatio ut compensatio fieret per applicationem alterius Indulgentiae Plenariae toties quoties illam Altaris privilegiati non fuerant lucrati. Datum Romae ex Secretaria ejusdem S. Congregationis eadem die 24 Julii 1885.

J. B. Card. FRANZELIN, Praef.

Josephus M. Can. COSELLI, Substitutus.


Chaplains to Hospitals and similar institutions have not vi institutionis et jure proprio ordinary jurisdiction and parochial rights over the inmates. This belongs to the parish priest.

TUTELEN. Jurium Parochialium.

1o. An capellanus vi institutionis et jure proprio, possideat omnes facultates proprii pastoris, nempe sacramenta omnibus in domo degentibus ministrandi, et defunctorum intra limites domus morientium, sepulturae praesidendi, et eorum corpora ad coemeterium conducendi, seclusis auctoritate et juribus proprii pastoris parocciae, in cujus territorio inclusa est monialium domus."

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2. An vero proprius pastor paroeciae in qua extat oratorium, habeat in dicto oratorio, capellano tamen munito, et super omnes tam moniales quam puellas, aut pauperes, eamdem potestatem ac in sua parochiali ecclesia, quoad sacramenta ministranda, et mortuornm sepulturam praesidendam."

Prout proponitur, ad 1m NEGATIVE. Ad 2m AFFIRMATIVE.

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